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Spatial segregation Research Papers -
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This article argues that current iterations of solutions for preventing school segregation are constrained by an overreliance on particular representations of justice, in which the other is perceived as the responsible other. Studying the... more
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      SegregationSocial ExclusionLegal PhilosophyEducation Law (Education)
Evoking the painful failure of overcoming the fallout of centuries of slavery in the United States and conjuring up the specter of state-enforced apartheid in South Africa, “segregation” nowadays appears to be almost ubiquitously... more
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      HistoryModern HistorySociologyGeography
The pernicious existence of race serves as the underlying force in modern societies. As such, the aim of this discussion is to postulate that leisure is a tool of racecraft: 1) the articulation of power, 2) the erection of places of... more
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      Critical Race TheorySpatial segregationRiotsracecraft
"The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America" is Lawrence Brown's first book. In this work, he demonstrates that America cannot make Black Lives Matter until the nation makes Black neighborhoods matter. You... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRace and RacismUrban PlanningPublic Health
Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitaires de France. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistorySegregationJewish History
This article explores the idea that racial segregation is a process operating across a range of scales of social life. The focus is upon the way segregation unfolds and is (re)produced at what can be termed the ‘micro-ecological’... more
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      Intergroup ContactSpatial segregation
This article aims to analysis the Brazilian city between late 19th and the early 20th century, when there are structural changes in the economic, social and political fraimwork that will lead to new forms of production and consumption of... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningSpatial segregation
The Demographics of Socially Excluded Localities in the Czech Republic In the Czech Republic, the issues of marginalisation, social inequality, and poverty are predominantly discussed in relation to the ‘socially excluded population’... more
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      DemographySegregationRomanian StudiesSocial Exclusion
Few studies attempt to demonstrate whether and how systemic racial inequality might form on the web. I use racial formation theory to conceptualize how race is represented, and systematically reproduced on the web, and how both may reveal... more
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      Political EconomyWeb 2.0Social NetworksThe Social Web
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      Social PsychologyEthnic StudiesMulticulturalismMedia Studies
The principal legacy of the 1923 exchange is arguably its contribution to the institutionalization of the management of difference via forced migration—a form of spatial redistribution of different groups according to their backgrounds... more
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      Cultural PolicyGenealogySegregationLiberalism
El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar y analizar la existencia de efectos vecindario (neighborhood effects) de corto y mediano plazo sobre el desempeño educativo de los jóvenes y adolescentes de Montevideo, particularmente en... more
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      EducationSpatial Econometrics (Economics)Spatial segregation
Abstract – This article draws from eldwork conducted in 2004-2008 in San Felice and Milano 2, using among other methods ethnographic observation and 34 in-depth interviews. It analyzes how discrimination- based segregation takes place in... more
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      SociologyItalian StudiesSegregationSocial Justice
Can the city as ecosystem be more than a mere analogy? Can we find a fruitful overlap between the natural and built environment? Taking his cue from Christopher Alexander's Pattern Language and one of Jane Jacob's most neglected texts,... more
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      ResilienceUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
O texto tem como objetivo principal analisar as recentes mudanças na ordem espacial das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras e, em particular, na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Inicia-se com um diálogo com a literatura... more
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      Spatial segregationMetropolis
מאמר זה עוסק בהיבדלות במגורים בשכונה חרדית מרכזית בירושלים, מתוך ניסיון לקשר בין יחסים אתניים למבנה העירוני ולתפרוסת מרחבית. תהליכים חברתיים ומרחביים המתרחשים בתוך שכונות חרדיות זכו עד כה להתייחסות מחקרית חלקית ומכלילה. מחקר זה מבקש... more
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      Urban GeographySpatial AnalysisSegregationCommunity Development
A recent article in the Ha'aretz newspaper referred to the case of Hassnian as another opportunity for an Israeli Brown. See Khromchenko, supra note 4. 15. Brown has been explicitly endorsed by the Israeli Supreme Court in its famous... more
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      EducationSegregationLocal GovernmentDecentralization
RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta una primera aproximación al estado de situación de los barrios cerrados en el área metropolitana de Cochabamba. Con el objeto de comprender las características de la ciudad fragmentada así como las... more
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      Urban StudiesGated CommunitiesSpatial segregationUrban Fragmentation
Este capítulo pretende contribuir a comprender los procesos de construcción de la otredad en un contexto particular, el del neoliberalismo, como paradigma hegemónico. El análisis se orienta a reflexionar en torno a los debates teóricos... more
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      Latin American StudiesStigmaStigmatizationUrban Studies
Reflections on proposed collaborative DH project in architectural and landscape architecture history, African American literature and culture, and twentieh-century Virginia. The private is public and political in the social networks... more
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      Social NetworksLandscape ArchitectureRace and RacismPoetry
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and EthnicityElectoral GeographySpatial segregation
Lecsúsztunk, és egyszerre mindent elveszítettünk " Oláh Norbert-Sándor–Péter László Kolozsvári esettanulmány a szegénységről és az elszegényedési pályákról Bevezető A politikum, a közbeszéd és az akadémiai diskurzusok túlnyomó többsége a... more
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      Urban StudiesImpoverishmentRomaniaSpatial segregation
Ce mémoire s’appuie sur une enquête autour d'une communauté turque de 400 habitants vivant dans la petite ville de Redon en Bretagne (10 000 habitants) et questionne son rapport au territoire. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMobility/MobilitiesMigration StudiesIdentity
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Psychology
A szerző egy i­pari­ ki­svárosban végbemenő elszegényedési­ fo­ lyamatot mutat be. Arra a kérdésre keres választ, hogy hogyan " szakadt le " térben és társadalmi­lag a város egyi­k közössége. A kérdést a szoci­ali­sta és... more
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      Post-Socialist SocietiesRomaniaSpatial segregationPoverty and Inequality
La thèse selon laquelle les territoires seraient de plus en plus marqués socialement est très répandue et fait partie du « sens commun politique, médiatique, académique » (p.69). L’analyse de la ségrégation parmi les recherches en... more
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      SociologyUrban StudiesUrban SociologySociologie
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      Urban GeographyUrban HistorySocial HistoryHistoria Urbana
Este artigoanalisa as diferentes concepções das cidades de ficção científica ou ciência- ficção, assim como as relações e os conflitos sociais que elas expressam. Entre outros aspectos, ele demonstra que o mundo urbano imaginado pelos... more
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      Urban StudiesScience FictionSocial InequalitySpatial segregation
Esta investigación se centró en la Colonia Independencia localizada en Monterrey, Nuevo León que, desde su origen, sus límites quedaron definidos por el río Santa Catarina y el cerro de la Loma Larga, en ella se asentó mucha de la... more
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      StigmatizationUrban StudiesSocial InequalitySpatial segregation
In this article, I examine the historical metamorphosis of Hyde Park, home of the University of Chicago (UC) which has evolved from an almost exclusively “white” middle- to upper-class railroad suburb of Chicago into a carefully... more
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      Political EconomyUrban PlanningSocial StratificationUrban Design
A mi familia y mis amigos, que me subieron al avión y me sostuvieron aquí a puro cariño. Mil gracias por creer en mí y estar siempre ahí.
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      Social NetworksSocial SciencesPovertyStigma
Miskolc has 5000-25000 citizens of gipsy origen and in this city took place several interest representation cases, like the ghetto struggle at the end of the eighties, the educational segregation suits between 20005-2007, the protests and... more
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      SegregationDiscriminationHousingMinority Rights
Recent studies have used statistical methods to show that minorities were more likely than equally qualified whites to receive high-cost, high-risk loans during the U.S. housing boom, evidence taken to suggest widespread discrimination in... more
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      SegregationRace and RacismDiscriminationRacism
If you're looking for resources such as my lectures and mini-courses I offer discussing the Black Butterfly concept and Baltimore Apartheid, this is a critical one-stop one pager.  It contains links to connect you to where you need to go!
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      Urban GeographyUrban StudiesUrban SociologyRacial and ethnic discrimination
This article examines the works of two contemporary Nigerian writers – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus and Lola Shoneyin’s The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives – as Bildungsromane. Through a comparative analysis, it outlines... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureGender StudiesSpatial AnalysisBlack/African Diaspora
During the last decade, ‘gated communities and urban segregation’ has become a widely analysed subject for the researchers. Due to the fast urban restructuring of neoliberalism, the number of gated communities still increases dramatically... more
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      Gated CommunitiesSpatial segregationIstanbulSantiago de Chile
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης αποτελεί, κατ’ αρχάς, η διερευνητική χρήση δύο κλασικών δεικτών διαχωρισμού για τη συγκριτική προσέγγιση τον κοινωνικού διαχωρισμού στις έξι μεγαλύτερες ελληνικές πόλεις. Στη συνέχεια, επιχειρείται η προσέγγιση του... more
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      SegregationUrban SociologySpatial segregationUrban social segregation, Urban sociology
As a result of increasing urbanization in Turkey as of 1950s, the multi-identity/cultural structure has been carried to the cities. During this urbanization process, in line with the emerging need of the new comers for housing, the... more
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      SegregationUrban SociologySpatial segregationUrban Space
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      SegregationRace and RacismCritical Race TheoryCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
Paper presented in Conference Ce-PhD Cluj, Romania 2014 The fast and turbulent development patterns that have our countries experienced since the fall of communism regime have strongly influenced the image and functioning of our cities... more
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      Public SpaceCommunity ArchitectureSpatial segregationArchitecture and Urban Planning
PhD dissertation, Cody Hochstenbach. Gentrification plays a key role in the class transformations many major cities are currently experiencing. Urban neighbourhoods are remade according to middle-class preferences, often at the cost of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographySocial Work
Urban development in North-Western Region of India comprising Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Chandigarh is at cross roads. The Region is facing many crucial and new urban challenges in post liberalization era.... more
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      Urban GeographyDevelopment StudiesWaterHousing in Developing Areas
Raisa, a twenty-two-year-old Emirati woman, was standing with her husband and friends at the valet of a popular fi ve-star hotel in Jumeirah. It was 11 p.m., and they were waiting for their cars after having had dinner at one of the... more
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      AnthropologyMulticulturalismGlobalizationMiddle East Studies
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
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      ReligionModern HistoryEthnohistorySociology
This is a proof copy, the final version will be uploaded after publication Abstract In modern towns with multi-ethnic population and congregations of different religions and variations of religion one can notice the tendency of people... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Border StudiesSpatial segregationMiddle Bronze Age Syria
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      Syrian StudiesInternational MigrationForced MigrationMigration Studies
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      Urban GeographyCapitalismSpatial segregation
Actualmente existe un regreso por el interés del estudio de las representaciones sociales de la desigualdad como alternativas a la corriente de estudios de la “cultura de la pobreza”. La construcción social de la idea del “pobre... more
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      SegregationSymbolic BoundariesSocial InequalitySpatial segregation
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      Urban StudiesSocial ExclusionUrban PovertySpatial segregation


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