Stress (Psychology)
Recent papers in Stress (Psychology)
Sažetak Proces starenja sa sobom nosi niz promjena, a sve veća pozornost pridodaje se aspektima koji utječu na unutarnju ravnotežu pojedinca. Okolinski čimbenici, kvaliteta života, socijalna podrška i stupanj zadovoljstva životom imaju... more
Este libro ofrecer una herramienta práctica para que los orientadores y tutores de educación media superior y superior puedan gestionar adecuadamente el estrés académico de sus alumnos. Se hace especial hincapié en la gestión del tiempo,... more
The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived level of stress based on demographic factors (gender, age, and teaching experience) and also to determine the contributing factors of stress among teachers who are currently teaching... more
Conferencia dirigida a compartir algunos resultados del proyecto doctoral "Caracterización del síndrome de sobreentrenamiento en estudiantes de música de nivel licenciatura" . Coloca al síndrome de sobreentrenamiento como una forma de... more
This article is an overview of a study conducted at the Nova University Biofeedback Lab, resulting not only in a new approach to stress reduction, but also an innovative method to "exercise" our right brain hemispheres promoting its... more
El presente artículo es producto de una revisión sistemática que tuvo como objetivo determinar y contrastar los elementos metodológicos y hallazgos principales de las investigaciones relativas al estudio conjunto de la salud, estrés y... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Did you know the most dominant apes and monkeys are usually the kindest? They share the most food, groom others more often, break up fights, are slow to anger, and breathe in a relaxed manner. Those on the bottom of the social hierarchy... more
Programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis is a genetically programmed cellular process. Though in the plant, a true caspase system is lacking, still PCD can occur throughout the life cycle at any cell type, tissue, and organ part in... more
Seit mehr als dreissig Jahren zeigt eine wachsende Zahl von wissenschaftlichen Studien auf immer zuverlässigere Art, dass wir Stress wirksam begegnen können mit Achtsamkeit. Die Wirkung der Achtsamkeit beruht auch darauf, dass sie uns... more
How can we have a balanced lifestyle and alleviate stress in our work-driven society? Examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from professionals working in health and social care,... more
Objectives: Sport and exercise psychology has recently expanded into how it can be utilized to enable social missions like activism. No research, however, has examined activist identities among disabled, elite athletes. This article is... more
This study investigated changes in adolescents' mood and everyday hassles across school-terms and vacation periods. 146 (52.7% female) community-dwelling adolescents aged 16.2 ± 1.0 years (M±SD) completed self-report measures on... more
This study tested the hypothesis that human behavioral responses to psycho-social stress are sexually dimorphic and conform to the 'flight-or-fight' response for males and 'tend-and-befriend' for females. One hundred and twenty young... more
The study examines relationship between job tention and employees job satisfaction among selected academic staff of Nasarawa State University, Keffi. The study adopted cross section survey design to sample seventy five (75) the... more
Comment: This chapter develops portions of an invited symposium presentation I gave at ISTSS in November 2004 . In particular, we conduct a "10 year follow up" of a surprisingly scathing keynote address that developmental psychopathology... more
Workplace bullying is one of the most common work-related psychological problems. Bullying costs seem higher for organizations composed of health-care workers who perform direct-contact patients-complex tasks. Only a few studies have been... more
Background: Research highlighted that Stressful Life Events have high incidence among infertile patients and significant impact on physical and medical parameters related to reproductive functions, but their potential role among factors... more
Vast literature holds testimony to the fact that stress has now pervaded the academic world. the A paradigm shift in the role of teacher has made the job of teaching stressful. Objectives:This research paper is an effort to bring to... more
Objective: This descriptive-correlational study analyzed the relationship between family communication and perceived stress during the Covid-19 pandemic in Colombia. Methods: The participants were 800 Colombians, between 18 and 91 years... more
Capítulo 6 de la obra: Evaluación Psicológica en el campo de la Salud (M.M. Casullo, comp. Buenos Aires: Paidos)
Predator-Prey dynamics, and their trophic impacts, have functioned as a focal point in both community and population biology for five decades. The work-group focusing on these dynamics has however largely changed the focus of their work... more
Alopecia areata is considered to be an autoimmune disease characterized by thumbing T cell response against auto-antigen of hair follicle, IL17A play a vital role in autoimmune disease, serum IL17A levels have not been studied well... more
This chapter offers theoretical perspectives and practical considerations on factors that influence our health. It provides a review of various accounts of everyday stress, subjective well-being and affectivity. The chapter examines... more
El tema de la resiliencia, entendida como la capacidad de tener un desarrollo sano en ambientes socioeconómicos adversos o insanos, ha ido adquiriendo gran relevancia en los últimos años en áreas de la investigación en psicología... more
In addition to the physical and emotional challenges faced by law enforcement professionals, the job confronts officers with numerous moral risks. The moral risks include moral distress, moral injury, ethical exhaustion, compassion... more
In two studies, this thesis depicts the relationship between minority group status in the United States, perceived discrimination, and coping with stress. Past literature on coping and its types – problem-focused versus emotion-focused –... more
Stres Yönetimi / Kişilik ve Stres
The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones-it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. The changes in social communication are of... more
Kitabın amacı müzikal uyarıların Koi balıklarında (Cyprinus carpio) büyüme performansı, yem kullanımı, davranış ve stres üzerine etkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışma kontrollü koşullarda gerçekleşen iki ayrı denemeden oluşmaktadır. Birinci... more
Емоційне вигорання (інші назви – професійне вигорання, синдром емоційного вигорання) є серйозною проблемою психічного здоров'я лікарів, медсестер та інших медичних працівників у всьому світі. Позитивна динаміка, що спостерігається між... more
The aim of this study was to determine the difference of aggression and stress among the selected Handball and Basketball players. Also the study aimed to find the relationship between the stress and aggression among Handball and... more
Lockdown efforts introduced as response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted various facets of life including the educational sector. This study focuses on teachers’ mental health during this period. Research... more
Exposure to discrimination or unfair treatment has emerged as an important risk factor for illness and disease that disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minorities. Discriminatory experiences may operate like other stressors in... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Life satisfaction has been referred to as a person's cognitive judgment of life as a whole. It is defined as “a cognitive, judgmental process which depends upon a comparison of one’s circumstances with what is thought to be an appropriate... more
В обзоре рассматриваются психофизиологические аспекты эмоционального выгорания. В классической многофакторной теории выгорания Кристины Маслач были рассмотрены её компоненты. Также обращено внимание на критический момент в появлении... more
Stress is experienced by everyone from all walks of life especially for those with an untrained mind, stress carries a heavier toll on the individual's body and mind. Mindfulness has been introduced by many experts and teachers as a way... more
Freudian discourses assert the nature of one's dreams to be revealing of that which remains unresolved or that which has not been properly addressed. These discourses also designate dreams as avenues of growth-that is, when analyzed and... more