TV genres
Recent papers in TV genres
The present paper is based on a case study and investigates the relationships between the religious beliefs of a group of international students (age 18-24) and their taste for supernatural as a TV genre. Starting from the assumption... more
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar de que forma a imagem da mulher é utilizada no papel de assistentes de palco, também nas funções de dançarinas ou bailarinas, nos programas de auditório da TV brasileira, buscando traçar um... more
This chapter (Chapter 3 from the monograph SPORT AND FILM (Routledge, 2013) examines the history and distinctive characteristics of the the sports film genre.
Girls (HBO, 2012-17) é uma série de dramédia estadunidense que desde seu lançamento suscitou muitos debates de diferentes vieses. Ao longo de suas temporadas é perceptível uma mudança de um viés predominantemente cômico para um aumento de... more
Interviews and talk shows are two journalist genres based on a conversation between a journalist and invited guests. The dialogue, common to both formats, make it, at times, difficult to categorize the broadcasts as one or the other... more
Publicado en revista Mediálogos 01, pp. 22-45. Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Montevideo. 2011. ISNN 1688-8456
This is the full programme for the K-Drama & TV Symposium that I organised with sponsorship from the International Institute of Korean Studies, University of Central Lancashire. 5th June 2019.
В статье анализируются структурно-композиционные схемы общественно-политических ток-шоу, выходивших в эфир федеральных каналах российского телевидения в 2000-20lб гr. Структурно-композиционная схема определяется через приоритетный жанр, к... more
This research addresses the potential of political comedy and satire as television genres in the construction of democracy and civic culture in Colombia. Through a set of elite interviews with representative individuals in the media,... more
La relativa juventud de la investigación académica sobre televisión ha favorecido la asunción, a la hora de enfrentarse a sus propios retos, de las teorías establecidas en el estudio de artes y medios de comunicación de nacimiento más... more
How typical are your three main texts of their genre? (Media A2 Level Paper)
TV Industry Texts: ITV’s ‘Coronation Street’, Channel 4’s ‘The Undateables’, and ABC’s ‘Breaking Bad’
TV Industry Texts: ITV’s ‘Coronation Street’, Channel 4’s ‘The Undateables’, and ABC’s ‘Breaking Bad’
This introduction sketches the book's six chapters in Bourdieu-type terms of texts, producers, and institutions: memory and working through (Cuéntame), the classic serial (Fortunata and La Regenta), Francoist film and TV (NoDo, Crónicas... more
An autistic youth, a North Korea refugee, a vampire, a girl’s high school dropout who fights like a gangster, and a discredited professional: Why are South Korean hospital TV dramas so focused on the figure of the outsider and the Other?... more
In this paper, I analyse how expertise is discursively negotiated in TV documentary programmes. While previous research has explored the relationship between the ‘lay’ and the ‘expert’ dimensions in various public participation... more
La presencia masiva de la TV está obligando a estudiar histórica y teóricoempíricamente la relación de entretención o aburrimiento que entablan los televidentes con los mensajes televisivos, tema poco estudiado especialmente en relación... more
Reality TV is a genre of television programming which started in the 1990s but goes back to hidden camera shows, documentaries, and theory concepts under realism. Among the characteristics of this television genre, are the presence of... more
L’écrivaine Marguerite Abouet et le dessinateur Clément Oubrerie ont conçu un roman graphique afro-européen en six volumes : Aya de Yopougon, publié en français entre 2005 et 2010. Cet article se propose de montrer comment Aya de Yopougon... more
Artículo publicado en la revista colombiana Interacción Junio 2010 pp. 30-37 CEDAL -Bogotá
El propósito de este artículo consiste en analizar la evolución de convenciones estétiCas, asi como el significado ideológico de los géneros de la televisión peruana y su relación con lós discursos históricamente situados en torno a clase,... more
Geographies of the ersatz: Authenticity, Adaptation, and the European city in HBO’s Game of Thrones In Screening European Heritage, Rob Stone writes on the interaction between tourists and the filming locations of the popular... more
Este texto efectuará una revisión limitada a algunos cambios ocurridos en la temática de Educación para la Comunicación, la cual tuvo un importante auge en los años 80 en América Latina. Recordemos que el medio en donde se trabajó con... more
Se recopilan, cuantifican, clasifican y caracterizan las 545 series y miniseries de ficción de producción española, emitidas por los canales de televisión lineal, digital y las plataformas de vídeo bajo demanda, en el período 2000-2020.... more
This article examines discourses on identity and bodily plasticity in the forensic crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–). It argues that CSI engages with the same cultural debates as makeover reality TV, but in ways that... more
Abstract. Iwona Kasperska, reseña de Marcin Florian Gawrycki: "Podglądając Innego. Polscy trawelebryci w Ameryce Łacińskiej" [review of Marcin Florian Gawrycki: "Podglądając Innego. Polscy trawelebryci w Ameryce Łacińskiej"], Studia... more