Theatre for Social Change
Recent papers in Theatre for Social Change
This paper compares therapeutic clowning and drama therapy, starting with a brief survey of the development of medical clowning as a profession, a definition of the field, and a claim to its ancient link with drama therapy. It then... more
The application of theatre media for social change and development is a common activity in the developing societies of Asia and Africa since the last century. Compared to traditional classic theatre, community theatres are different... more
In this work of thesis is examined in deepness the tecnique ot Invisible Theatre. Theatrical tecnique conceived by Augusto Boal at the beginning of the '70s in South America as part of the complex methodology of Theatre of the Oppressed.... more
This short film introduces the production, Romance, Relationships, and Rights, a devised theatre production created by and with self-advocates that confronted misconceptions about adults with intellectual disabilities and challenged... more
Several attempts have been made by female playwrights in the past two decades to upturn the system of patriarchy in Africa especially in Nigeria. The reason adduced for such efforts is to give women equal opportunity with their male... more
WATCH BOOK TALK HERE: Theatre, Politics and Global Crisis: Staging 21st Century Tragedies. Theatre, Politics and Global Crisis examines ways in which the political, ecological and social... more
In November 2017, Ratko Mladic, a wartime leader and a commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, was sentenced by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal to life imprisonment for the genocide and crimes against humanity committed... more
Greek immigrants performing Shadow Theatre ("Karaghiozis")
This paper proposes an overview of the contemporary trends in the creation of dramatic text and performance. Starting from ingrained, traditional practices, which are more often than not centred on the director, it then focuses on a more... more
Collective Creation in Contemporary Performance examines collective and devised theatre practices internationally--with emphasis on Russia, Europe, and North America--from the late 20th century, into the present. Building upon the... more
Автор размышляет о потенциале и стратегиях применения антропологической оптики (а именно — концепции «насыщенного описания» Клиффорда Гирца) для анализа театрального проекта «Квартира» в Санкт-Петербурге. Проект сочетает иммерсивную и... more
The paper reviews Intersexions as an arts-in-health initiative. Throughout the paper, I return to the idea that Intersexions was effective in igniting critical reflexivity and social change in its viewers.
Romance, Relationships and Rights confronts misconceptions about adults with intellectual disabilities. Audiences are challenged to think differently about how we value, respect, and support self-advocates' rights to romance and intimate... more
The paper focuses on a method developed by the Russian actress and teacher Nadezhda Skarskaya and her husband — the famous actor and director Pavel Gaideburov. Skarskaya and Gaideburov became well known as co-founders of a theatre at the... more
Arti performative e sfide sociali a cura di | organised by R������ C���������� in collaborazione con | in collaboration with F������ C����� • A��� R��� lunedì 11 giugno 2018 • ore 15.00 | monday, june 11, 2018 • 3pm R������ C����������... more
draw on Indigenous practices in their musing on the act of " midwifing " stories through the re-worlding process of recovery, mourning, dreaming, commitment, and action. I M a G e s B y s H e r r y B I e , J I l l C a r t e r , a N d r I... more
Παρουσιάστηκε στο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο του Institute for Live Arts Research "Communi(cat)ion of Crisis", τον Ιούνιο του 2011.
Rehearsing for life captures the process of production and performance of theatrical activities aiming at bringing about social change in both development and political intervention in Nepal. Starting from Aarohan Theatre Group, a... more
Against the backdrop of segregation, limited resources, and violent crime that defines Chicago’s failed gestures toward racial equality, the multidisciplinary Truth N Trauma (TNT) youth engagement program sought to reduce violence by... more
""Shamsul Islam, popularly known as Islambhai, is a renowned Street Theatre personality. He is one of the founders of Nishant Natya Manch a street theatre group, which was established way back in 1971. Nishant is known for its quick... more
The article Urban Community Theater, from fear to action is a chronicle of the play Relatos de Feminicidio (Femicide Stories) that took place at Xalapa city of Mexico on the day of the dead, November 2nd of 2015. The performance was... more
This article presents a social theatre intervention that took place in 2019 within a multinational and inclusive community in the Esquilino quarter, Rome. This intervention was based on combined artisticethnographic research, aiming at... more
This paper compares therapeutic clowning and drama therapy, starting with a brief survey of the development of medical clowning as a profession, a definition of the field, and a claim to its ancient link with drama therapy. It then... more
In the global corporate world, dramatic techniques adapted from theatre for social change repertories provide tools for workplace empowerment. In corporate India, theatre training teaches employees to conform to implicit workplace codes... more
It is an exhaustive interview of two practitioners of Street Theatre from India who have performed extensively in India, neighbouring countries and other parts of the world.. They were interviewed by renowned Hindi author, Ramesh Upadhyay.
How to explain to the world what it means to be sent away from home as a child worker and becoming victim of exploitation and violence? How break free from the kamlari system of oppression and speak out? This paper explores how kachahari... more
As a human act, theatre reflects the crisis, rises and falls in a society. It works like a mirror to observe, explore and express human being in isolation and within society. Theatre has the power to affect masses with its strength... more
This review of the permanent exhibition of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva focuses on its representations of extreme forms of violence as well as humanitarian struggles against these. The article pays close... more
Various types of theatre, and other forms of performance, have been associated with notions of 'radicality' and postulated as instruments of social change. In this paper I critically discuss these claims, examining how they have been... more
Сборник «Социальный театр в России» включает описание проектов, представленных на I Форуме-фестивале «Особый взгляд», интервью с участниками и создателями этих проектов. Разумеется, мы отдаём себе отчёт в том, что материалы этой брошюры... more
How to explain to the world what it means to be sent away from home as a child worker and becoming victim of exploitation and violence? How break free from the kamlari system of oppression and speak out? This paper explores how kachahari... more
..."In such a liquid society, where cruelty, circumstances and demands are so powerfully violent, is it possible for one to mould themselves, or are they, inevitably, moulded by their environment? “Plasticine” is a deeply humane play,... more
This paper was given as part of the "TV Performances" panel at the 2015 Popular/American Culture Association National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Augusto Boal wrote that, “Theatre is the most perfect artistic form of... more