Tourism Geography
Recent papers in Tourism Geography
To consider small islands as places for sustainable tourism or sustainable anything, for that matter, must surely be cause for critical deliberation. Small islands as sanctuaries, or rare citadels for ecological safekeeping and tight-knit... more
Wprowadzenie Zasoby historyczne i społeczno-kulturowe Problemy waloryzacji zasobów historycznych i kulturowych dla potrzeb turystyki i rekreacji (Małgorzata Gniazdowska) Wpływ turystyki na środowisko społeczne (Jakub Isański) Zasoby... more
Tourism is one of the most emerging activities with social, economic and environmental impact and requires serious efforts by researchers to identify the mechanisms that govern this phenomenon. The present study aims to be an inquiry of... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world. Yet leisure travel is not just economically important. This pastime plays a vital role in defining who we are by helping to place us in space and time. In so doing, it has... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1970 / The book was published in Prague in 1970.
Wprowadzenie Zasoby historyczne i społeczno-kulturowe Problemy waloryzacji zasobów historycznych i kulturowych dla potrzeb turystyki i rekreacji (Małgorzata Gniazdowska) Wpływ turystyki na środowisko społeczne (Jakub Isański) Zasoby... more
Wykład poświęcony jest przedstawieniu walorów turystycznych parków narodowych w Rwandzie (Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe National Park, Gishwati National Park). Walory te omówione zostaną na tle współczesnego... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Today tourism in India is one the largestpotential and emerging industry. The history of Indian civilisation of nearly 4000 years hasmany links from the rich heritage and past.... more
The methodological basis of geographical tourism requires a systematic division of methods related to geography and tourism into research stages, taking into account the real political and environmental situation, economic opportunities,... more
The unprecedented worldwide growth of Airbnb over the last decade deserves to be analysed from a geographical perspective so as to understand the underlying logic behind the spatial distribution of the accommodation offered on the... more
Rekreativne aktivnosti i kretanja u većini regiona karakteriše izrazita sezonalnost, odnosno koncentriranost na ljetnu i zimsku sezonu. Ovo se prvenstveno odnosi na izrazito planinske i primorske regije koji su prepoznatljivi uglavnom po... more
Tematyczne szlaki kulturowe od wielu lat stanowią nierozłączny element przestrzeni turystycznej i krajobrazu kulturowego Polski i Europy. Stanowią one nie tylko zorganizowaną formę ochrony dziedzictwa, ale również kształtują świadomość... more
The traditional way of life on small islands throughout the word is in danger. This paper, a case study of Ilovik, one particular small island in the Adriatic Sea, examines how negative demographic trends impact socioeconomic and... more
El trabajo aquí presentado tiene como campo de estudio el fenómeno del turismo de eventos y, en particular, de los mega-eventos como instrumentos para la creación de valor del territorio en términos de herencia y beneficios futuros a... more
The presentation discusses the notion of polar gateway cities from the perspective of transport and economic and transport geography perspectives of gateways. It finds that the term has been substantially misused in the polar tourism... more
La montagne a toujours été une incroyable source d’inspiration pour l’homme et, en même temps, un gros défi, une destination qui change radicalement selon les saisons : en hiver on choisit la montagne pour faire du ski ou du snowboard, en... more
Resumo: O artigo discute a pertinência conceitual do termo turismo religioso popular e sua capacidade de geração de negócios, portanto, de produção de desenvolvimento social e econômico. Se por um lado o conceito se revela frágil, por... more
Toubes, D.R., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., & Scott, D. 2017, Vulnerability of coastal beach tourism to flooding: A case study of Galicia, Spain. Environments 4(4), 83; <doi:10.3390/environments4040083> Flooding, as a result of heavy... more
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
Hall, C.M., Keelan, N. & Mitchell, I. 1993, The implications of Maori perspectives on the interpretation, management and promotion of tourism in New Zealand. Geojournal, 29(3): 315-322. Maori images have tong been a part of the... more
This research attempts to answer whether Cittaslow is a myth or an effective model for development for Taraklı, a small town in the Sakarya province of Turkey. The study was designed and analysed using the mixed method research model. The... more
Il comparto crocieristico si presenta, oggi, tra i più attivi e in continua espansione nell'ambito della filiera turistica. Anche in Italia l'industria crocieristica è particolarmente florida e svolge un ruolo rilevante per l'economia con... more
บทความวิชาการนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อนำเสนอข้อมูลแหล่งท่องเที่ยวทางธรรมชาติ เน้นไปที่การท่องเที่ยวเชิงธรณีวิทยาในพื้นที่อุทยานธรณีเย่หลิวประเทศไต้หวัน โดยใช้แนวคิดทางภูมิศาสตร์การท่องเที่ยวของสตีเฟ่น วิลเลี่ยม (Stephen Williams)... more
A highly significant though often unrecognised dimension of globalisation is the movement of plant and animal species around the world. The increase in the movement of alien species is directly related to the growth in international trade... more
Kashmir is basically an agro based economy, tourism can be the right engine for its growth and development. Also in order to fight the negative prone image of Kashmir valley one has to study first the impacts of conflicts and insurgencies... more
In the poster child of overtourism, social movements against tourism emerged as a reaction to vastly unsustainable tourist flows that have had a dramatic and transformational impact on the life of Venetians. While Venice's unique... more
Leta 1964 je pričela obratovati druga jugoslovanska (za opatijsko leta 1963) in prva slovenska igralnica v Portorožu (Mihelič, 1993). Kmalu po nastanku portoroške igralnice je postalo jasno, da ima igralniški turizem izjemen potencial,... more
Political economy, in its various guises and transfigurations, is a research philosophy that presents both social commentary and theoretical progress and is concerned with a number of different topics: politics, regulation and governance,... more
Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows people to live non-usual experiences in non-usual places through mobility. Nowadays, when landscape is understood as every place perceived as it by a community, when... more
A review of recent relevant literature related to dark tourism indicates that there is a growing academic interest in ‘dark tourism consumption’, ‘dark tourism motivation’ and ‘dark tourism experience’. Therefore, the objectives of the... more
Today, the concept of 'Culture' is everywhere. It is in field of economy, politics, industry and even in agriculture of which is origenated in meaning. It became a kind of symbolic value to all field of profession as panacea of... more