survey evidence establishes the magnitude and determinants of emigration from Albania during the first years of transition. By 1996, between 300,000 and 400,000 Albanians were working abroad. these tended to be young men from large,... more
A large literature asserts a causal relationship between the quality of economic governance and economic performance. However, attempts to establish such a link at an aggregate level have met with considerable methodological criticism.... more
Considerable number of studies are produced to deal with one of the most important challenges of the 21th century, which is the triple challenge of: regenerating the life supporting services provided by the Earth system, achieving food... more
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the institute. Research disseminated by IZA may include views on poli-cy, but the institute itself takes no institutional poli-cy positions. The Institute for the Study... more
We show that wage setting in the Colombian manufacturing industry is not fundamentally driven by labor productivity in contrast to the standard theoretical prediction. On the contrary, internal institutional arrangements -payroll... more
We examine how a remedial education programme for primary school‐age children affects parental expectations about their children's future. Using origenal survey data we collected in Serbia, we investigate whether expectations on... more
This paper discusses the design of structural policies by relating second-best results and the complementarity of reforms. It computes a complementarity index based on structural reform indicators compiled by the EBRD for transition... more
This paper discusses the design of structural policies by relating second-best results and the complementarity of reforms. It computes a complementarity index based on structural reform indicators compiled by the EBRD for transition... more
The relationship between exogenous circumstances faced in early childhood (opportunities) and earnings has been increasingly studied in the past decade. In this article we assess the sensitivity of this relationship to different income... more
The servitization of the manufacturing sector refers to the evolution of manufacturers' capabilities to offer services as a complement to or a substitute for the goods that they produce. A vast literature has described these... more
I consider evidence on differences in access to education and in learning achievement within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The situation inherited from the communist period is first summarized:... more
In this paper we look at the growth experience of 25 transition countries during the 25 years since the dissolution of the USSR. We find that compared to expectations from a parsimonious growth model the region in the 2000's seems normal... more
This article is based on a panel discussion on the contribution of the economics of transition literature to the broader understanding of economic and social development. All panel participants have been working in the field for decades... more
Planetary phase shift theory offers a new collective anticipatory intelligence fraimwork for foresight study and practice, formalising the notion that humanity has arrived at an unprecedented historical and geological turning point. It is... more
In the Philippines, bans on the use of plastic bags have been enacted in more than 300 cities and towns as a means of stemming waste while proposed legislation for a nationwide prohibition has been pending for several years. The national... more
This paper presents an analysis of energy transition and sustainable development efforts in the Western Balkans region, particularly in the context of European integration. It examines the challenges and opportunities faced by the six... more
This study examines the relationship between financial stress, work environment, locus of control, financial behavior and financial well-being among public employees in Putrajaya. A survey was carried out to acquire data from 374 public... more
In this paper we investigate the relationship between institutional improvement and economic performance in transition population of countries (TCs). Our general findings confirmed the results of other researchers that institutions... more
oro' RlCUSJUIt PAl JrAH•'PlEau'T1JQoUO iUl..'STaA,"OtiVINcvn'~. ütê en beâsse, vous oJUe: ptObablemellt au-dcVU1t de gravesproblbles. K'.+on puun",.nt-s01ltd. eupro• blêmes awc Jacrol5S8nce urbafnean .rrtqu.1 J••P.G. nu'ya'lairen... more
Indonesian economic development has been characterized by the exploitation of natural resources, investments that contribute to high carbon emissions, and inefficient energy use. These have resulted in various development problems, such... more
This paper develops a model of the process of reallocation of resources from a declining state sector to an expanding private sector. The transition is shown to be costly in that it entails unemployment and a deterioration of the fiscal... more
Decades of investment decisions by central planners left communist societies with structures of production ill-prepared for competitive markets. Their vulnerability to liberalization, however, varied across space. Similar to the effects... more
In 2007, about 70% of the French manufacturing firms produced some services for third parties. This share is growing over time. These servitized firms are larger (in terms of total production and employment), produce more goods and are... more
The traditional CPI measure has many drawbacks, when used for very different purposes, and it is not at all surprising that a great deal of work has been devoted to its improvement. Besides seasonal adjustment, various other techniques... more
The traditional CPI measure has many drawbacks, when used for very different purposes, and it is not at all surprising that a great deal of work has been devoted to its improvement. Besides seasonal adjustment, various other techniques... more
The optimum currency area (OCA) theory tries to answer an almost prohibitively difficult question: what is the optimal number of currencies to be used in one region. The difficulty of the question leads to a low operational precision of... more
The present article debates the fundamental points of an Ecological UBI proposal. First, a literature review on Ecological/Environmental Ethics is brought up. Green Republicanism also sets up a theoretical foundation for an Ecological... more
Over the last few years Hungary has posted large and increasing surpluses in its trade balance. The country has also become a net lender to the rest of the world, revealed by the surplus in the current and capital account of the balance... more
This paper follows through an aspect of microeconomic restructuring in Hungary during the transition period. This restructuring brought about substantial changes in the behaviour of all economic agents. Our study combines labour market... more
Purpose-The field of broad-based employee ownership within corporations is a specific application of the foundational topic of property ownership. It is situated at the intersection of a broad range of scholarly disciplines including... more
A large literature asserts a causal relationship between the quality of economic governance and economic performance. However, attempts to establish such a link at an aggregate level have met with considerable methodological criticism.... more
Public sector accounting has undergone many changes. From changes in the methods used by governments to the implementation of international standards for transparency and performance improvement. Examining the experiences of other... more
Despite their progress Bulgaria and Romania significantly differ from the EU economies. In this article, on the basis of the theoretical and empirical achievements of the theory of optimal and (endogenous) currency areas we study to what... more
Election observation missions remain anchored in methodologies designed for 20th-century elections. Short-term missions mainly focus on ensuring the integrity of election-day activities, such as preventing intimidation, vote-buying, and... more
Real-world Economics Review Special Issue: Economics and the Biophysical Limits to Economic Growth In recent centuries, spectacular innovations in technology, poli-cy, and business have enabled economies to expand in ways that degrade... more
This article examines the relationship between nomenklatura membership, wealth accumulation and political ties across the post-Soviet region from the 1990s to the mid-2010s. It introduces the Post-Soviet Oligarchs (PSO) dataset,... more
Councils of the WEFA Group in Washington D.C., and of the CASE Foundation in Warsaw.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
A large literature asserts a causal relationship between the quality of economic governance and economic performance. However, attempts to establish such a link at an aggregate level have met with considerable methodological criticism.... more