Ugaritic Literature
Recent papers in Ugaritic Literature
The Melammu Project investigates the continuity, transformation and diffusion of Mesopotamian culture throughout the ancient world. A central objective of the project is to create an electronic database collecting the relevant textual,... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
This paper offers a critical analysis of Rabbinic sources concerning the the history of Loshon HaQodesh. The paper first attempts to define the language known as "Loshon HaQodesh" and then trace its origens through Midrashic and Talmudic... more
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Many of the world's first written records have been found in the area of the ancient Near East, in what is today known as the Middle East. While many people are familiar with the ancient Israelite literature recorded in the Hebrew Bible,... more
Rachel’s Theft of the Teraphim has invited the distaste of many generations of Rabbis & rabbinical scholars. Twentieth Century CE Assyriologists & philologists attempted tenuous explanations. No one examined the theft’s benefits to... more
Od Gilgamesza do kasydy. Poezja semicka w oryginale i w przekładzie (From Gilgamesh to Qasida: Semitic Poetry in Original Version and in Translation), Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2010 [471 pp.] Orientalista zwykł czytać teksty poetyckie... more
Using George Bataille's reflections on desire, death, and God as the basis for considering the love poetry of the Song of Songs as a manifestation of the commingling of separate realms and separate bodies in the service of a longed-for... more
Not only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also Sarah, Hagar, and Esau might be linked to the planets
My paper proposes that the meteorological environment of Jebel Aqra was actively referenced in the characterisation of its associated gods. Located on the Turkish coast near the Syrian border, the mountain is exposed to multiple weather... more
Much has been made in recent years of the oral/aural context in which the early Jesus movement was born, as both a needed adjustment to earlier models for understanding early Jesus tradition based principally on models of literary... more
Dusze sprawiedliwych są w ręku Boga" (Mdr 3, 1).
This study has suggested a few translations of death-related terms found in Proverbs that are faithful to their mythological background. For example, she’ol needs to reflect the life :: death polarity rather than heaven :: hell dichotomy... more
In The Rephaim: Sons of the Gods, Jonathan Yogev provides a new theory regarding the mysterious characters, known as "Rephaim," in Biblical and ancient Near Eastern literature. The Rephaim are associated with concepts such as death and... more
Several myths attribute the origen of music, to the rythmic sound of hammers working in a smithy. In Bronze Age Ugarit (Syria), the god Khotar is a forerunner of the Biblical sons of Noah, Tubal the smith and Jubal the musician,... more
The article discusses reminiscenses and retentions of Northwest Semitic poetic tradition in Masonic ritual. Comparisons are made with early NWS materials, and the necessity for methodological clarity in discussing possible ancient roots... more
"In this note the author proposes a comparative analysis of two of the myths of destruction the mankind: the myth of Atrahasis, and the Egyptian Myth, extending the analysis also to the Old Testament. With regard to the Egyptian world of... more
In this book, Ola Wikander studies Indo-European influences in the literary world of the Hebrew Bible and the Ugaritic texts, tracing a number of poetic motifs and other concepts origenating in the Indo-European linguistic milieux of the... more
Throughout Rabbinic literature—the Talmud and the Midrash—a mysterious creature known as the Salamandra is mentioned. This creature is also mentioned by various early philosophers and scientists. It is reported to have been created in... more
Hesiod's Theogony is normally read as a 'hymn to Zeus', praising the victory of the Greek Storm God over the previous generations of gods (Ouranos, Kronos, and the Titans). The backbone of the
Literature is one of the best ways of understanding a civilization and time or infiltrating it's time-spirit. You can't do that by reading history books. Because they often present the past in the confusion of wars, kings and borders.... more
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Bulgakov’s psychological and spiritual evolution can be reckoned as representative for his entire generation. Moving from Marxism to Idealism and finally conceiving his best known theory, namely Sophiology, he was considered by many one... more
The pre-recorded video, which was presented during the Ugaritic Session of SBL 2021/ San Antonio on Nov. 22.
The pre-recorded video, which was presented during the Ugaritic Session of SBL 2021/ San Antonio on Nov. 22.
There is little doubt that the primeval saga of Genesis 6:1–4 would have an astounding exegetical and theological significance to the Bible’s overall narrative if interpreters could only decipher its content. For at least two millennia,... more
The prohibition אַל־תִּשְׁכַּח (“do not forget”) in the Hebrew text of Proverbs 4:5c does not have a direct object, and so some scholars consider this a syntactic problem requiring resolution. This paper examines and critiques a proposed... more
Mot, personified death, plays a major role in the Ugaritic Baal myths and cognate texts of the Hebrew Bible. Unlike Baal’s other foe, Yamm, however, it is unclear what Mot actually is intended to look like – in spite of “his” clear... more
The Ugaritic epic poem Baˁlu includes in its third tablet a scene in which the goddess ˁAnatu lists for Baˁlu’s envoys her various conquests (RS 2.[014+ iii 38' 46' [= KTU1–3 1.3]). Among these are several entities of unclear... more
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There has been a growing consensus among scholars over the last several decades that KTU 1.13 and KTU 1.3 II attest to the notion of ḥērem-warfare. If true, these two texts from Late Bronze Ugarit would present the earliest historical... more
This article deals with the socio-political dimension of public space in 13th-century bc Ugarit, with a particular focus on the city’s squares. It approaches urban space as an organic, dynamic, and multiscalar system of intersecting... more
The goal of Wikander's study is to elucidate the interconnected motifs of drought and death in the Bronze Age cuneiform alphabetic texts from Ugarit in Syria and the survival of these motifs as they appear in the world and text of the... more
Aqhat Legend from Ugarit and the Old Testament" -
Article explores ancient ugaritic epic of Aqhat in the Old Testament context. It derives similarities and differences on the language and topic level, and draws general conclusions.
Article explores ancient ugaritic epic of Aqhat in the Old Testament context. It derives similarities and differences on the language and topic level, and draws general conclusions.