biblical Jerusalem
Recent papers in biblical Jerusalem
This is a translation into Hebrew of my article in that name published in English in Levant 48 (2016), pp. 135-151. The Hebrew article was published in Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies; New Studies on Jerusalem (eds. E.... more
Segments of massive walls identified as city walls dated to the Middle Bronze Age (MB II) period were uncovered on the eastern slope of the City of David by Kenyon, and later by Shiloh. A massive fortifications complex was uncovered near... more
Byzantine remains are to date the best preserved ones. These ancient remains were partially destroyed by Jordanian military activity prior to 1967. In addition to these two periods the finds (mainly potsherds and coins) attest to some... more
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Presentation d'une ferme en terrasses de l'Age du Fer, situee a Er-Ras et d'une structure organisee autour d'un pressoir a vin, egalement de l'Age du Fer, a Beit Safafa, dans la vallee de Rephaim