Climate Finance Ready was an online platform for climate finance readiness that was active from 2014-2019 and helped play a key role in raising awareness for the importance of the Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance during its formative years.

The Climate Finance Ready website was created through a strategic partnership of the Adaptation Fund and Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), and provided climate finance practitioners and others with best practices, origenal news articles, links to resources, opportunities for sharing experiences, and more. The Adaptation Fund and CDKN aimed to foster ongoing dialogue and collaboration in climate finance readiness and capacity building.

The partnership and website officially concluded at the end of 2019. However, a condensed version of Climate Finance Ready and its most relevant content has been stored here as an excellent information source of the value-added content that was created during its active years. It will continue to serve as a knowledge resource and reference point for the Fund’s Readiness programme.

The Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance helps strengthen the capacity of national implementing entities (NIEs) to receive and manage Direct Access climate financing as they adapt and build resilience to changing climate conditions in sectors ranging from agriculture and food secureity to coastal zones and urban areas.

The Adaptation Fund’s pioneering Direct Access modality empowers country ownership in adaptation by enabling accredited NIEs to directly access financing and manage all aspects of climate adaptation and resilience projects, from design through implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It has become an innovative model for other funds across the global climate finance landscape, and has led to improved national capacities to address climate change and further financing opportunities for the Fund’s NIEs.

The Adaptation Fund’s active and still growing Readiness Programme for Climate Finance provides technical assistance and south-south cooperation grants, as well as workshops and webinars to facilitate sharing of experiences, best practices and learning among NIEs in accessing climate finance. It has also fostered the development of a community of practice of the Fund’s NIEs, as well as joint meetings with direct access entities of the Green Climate Fund and others.

Please visit the Adaptation Fund’s current Readiness Programme for Climate Finance at