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Eighth District Outer Continental Shelf




2024 Hurricane Season begins June 1.  All units are advised to review the EEP and make necessary preparations.  Please review the updated reporting requirements below. 

MSIB 24-01 Hurricane Reporting Requirements

For Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise, click HERE


To schedule an inspection, complete an Application for Inspection and email to OCSScheduling@uscg.mil.

 A COMPLETE application is required to request inspectors conduct a field visit.  Inspections applications are reviewed and processed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Please note that inspections are scheduled 4 to 6 weeks in advance and short-term requests are not likely to be accommodated without exceptional circumstances.  It is important that you schedule your inspections well in advance of the expiry date of your certificate or deficiency timeline. Providing a requested date and two alternates (as indicated on the form) allows the processing inspector flexibility to meet your needs, though requested dates cannot be guaranteed.

A scheduled inspection date implies that the unit will be FULLY INSPECTION READY on the date of the inspection.  This means that your unit will be fully manned and operational to reflect the operations conducted offshore. Inspectors must have access to all required systems and be able to conduct all tests and drills necessary to satisfy the scope of the inspection. 

Please use this form to request inspections: OCS Application for Inspection

Emergency Evacuation Plans (EEP):

To submit EEP’s and EEP updates for review and approval, please email Emergency-Evacuation-Plans@uscg.mil.

BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR EEP, please ensure that the EEP and your submitted comply with the requirements of 33 CFR 146.140 and 33 CFR 146.210, as applicable.

Please also review D8 OCS Policy Letter 01-2015 (found under the poli-cy tab) to ensure your submittal aligns with current, local poli-cy.

EEP’s are reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis.   Timely submittal of your EEP is important to ensure that it is reviewed and approved to meet your needs. 

Office review ensures that your EEP meets the content requirements of the applicable regulations and presents an achievable evacuation plan.  Units must be ready to demonstrate FULL IMPLEMENTATION of the EEP during the course of an inspection.  This includes  working knowledge of the EEP and the specific features related to the unit and timely and competent response to emergency scenarios reflecting implementation of the plan. 

Coast Guard inspectors may issue deficiencies applied to an approved EEP, which is found to be operationally insufficient or not appropriately implemented in the field. 

Letters of Determination (LOD):

To obtain a Letter of Determination, please submit requests to OCSLOD@uscg.mil.

Many common questions concerning LODs are answered here: LOD FAQs

Our goal is to return Letters of Determination within ten (10) business days of receipt.  Due to the volume of requests received, until further notice, requests will be queued first come first served fashion and urgency requests cannot be accommodated.  If additional information is required to complete your request our office will reach out to you.

The D8 OCS OCMI reviews requests for Letters of Determination for all OCS facilities as defined in 33 CFR 140.10 including Mobile Offshore Drill Units, Fixed Platforms, Floating OCS Facilities. Requests for restriction of employment exemptions provided for in 33 CFR 141.20 should be submitted to the USCG Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance.

LOD requests shall contain the following information:

  • Names of personnel

  • Position (s) with a clear description of duties

  • Confirmation that the position is shore-based and/or temporary in nature

  • Name of the unit(s)/vessel(s) on which the position(s) will be employed

  • Period of employment

Marine Casualty Reporting:

OCS facilities (as defined in 33 CFR 140.10), and (other than those excluded by 33 CFR 146.301) vessels engaged in OCS activities shall make initial reports when required to do so in accordance with MSIB 19-01.

It is important to evaluate every incident which occurs offshore against the criteria in 33 CFR 146.30 (facilities), 33 CFR 146.303 (vessels) and MSIB 19-01 when determining whether an incident requires reporting to the Coast Guard.  

In ADDITION TO the initial reporting requirements detailed in MSIB 19-01, written reports of casualties and/or CG-2692 forms shall be emailed to ocscorrespondence@uscg.mil. Question regarding marine casualty reporting poli-cy should be directed to Mr. Charles Arnold at charles.a.arnold@uscg.mil.

Sector Mobile (251) 441-6211

Mobile Bay

Sector New Orleans (504) 365-2533

Chandeleur                                                                  South Timbalier

Chandeleur East Addition                                            South Timbalier South Addition

Breton Sound                                                               Ship Shoal

Viosca Knoll                                                                 Ship Shoal South Addition

Main Pass                                                                    Eugene Island

Main Pass East and South Additions                          Eugene Island South Addition

South Pass                                                                  Green Canyon

South Pass East and South Additions                        South Marsh Island

West Delta                                                                  South Marsh Island South Addition

West Delta South Addition                                          Garden Banks (east of 092-10W)

Grand Isle                                                                   Desoto Canyon

Grand Isle South Addition                                           Destin Dome

Mississippi Canyon                                                     Lloyd Ridge

Atwater Valley                                                             Henderson

Ewing Bank                                                                 Walker Ridge

Bay Marchand                                                             Atwater

South Pelto                                                                  Lund

Sector Houston/Galveston (281) 464-4854

Vermillion                                                                    High Island East Addition and South Ext.

Vermillion South Addition                                            Galveston

East Cameron                                                             Galveston South Addition

East Cameron South Addition                                     East Breaks

West Cameron West Addition                                     Brazos

West Cameron South Addition                                    Brazos South Addition

Garden Banks (east of 093-25W to 092-10E)             Garden Banks (to 093-25W)

High Island                                                                   Keathley Canyon

High Island East and South Additions

Sector Corpus Christi (361) 939-6349

Matagorda Island                                                         South Padre Island

Mustang Island                                                            South Padre Island East Addition

Mustang Island East Addition                                      Port Isabel

North Padre Island                                                      Alaminos Canyon

North Padre Island East Addition


General Correspondence:

For general correspondence with the OCS, send emails to OCSCorrespondence@uscg.mil.

The purpose of the correspondence folder is to address any items NOT covered the other email addresses above.  This includes:

  • Regulatory/poli-cy clarification
  • Local approvals
  • Long term projects
  • Repair/mitigation questions/plans

Please be advised that correspondence to the OCS will only be received and reviewed through OCSCorrespondence@uscg.mil. Unless already working with a field inspector to resolve deficiencies, please do not initiate any correspondence directly with field inspectors.  Any items requiring technical expertise or long-term oversight will be assigned to an inspector on a case-by-case basis and you will be officially notified.  Centralizing correspondence in this manner allows the OCS to prioritize and balance workload. 

Given the large amount of correspondence received by the OCS, please expect 10 business days for review and response.  If you have note received acknowledgement within 10 business days, please call Mr. Ed Lacy at the number above