This October marked the 14th anniversary since CDC/ATSDR established the National ALS Registry to collect patient data, and work to benefit the ALS community and ALS research in the US. Research that we have supported has made great strides this past decade.
View firsthand how communities, tribal nations, volunteers, and partners have collaborated with ATSDR
Evaluations to find out if people are being exposed to hazardous substances
A unique compilation of toxicological information on a given hazardous substance
For Everyone
Understand how exposure to PFAS can impact your health
Learn how exposure to asbestos can lead to health effects
Learn about the Geospatial Research, Analysis, and Services Program
Other ATSDR Topics
Provides resources for rapid epidemiologic assessment during acute environmental emergencies
Available to assist during emergencies involving hazardous substances in the environment
Increases partners' ability to evaluate and respond to environmental public health issues
Learn more about the health concerns due to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water
Collects, manages, and analyzes data about persons with ALS
ATSDR works to include health considerations in brownfield redevelopment and land reuse.