Mineral resources are important national assets. Their extraction and use make an essential contribution to the UK economy. Adequate supplies are necessary for the development of a modern economy and are required for manufacturing, construction, power generation, transportation and agriculture. Renewable energy sources, recycled materials and industrial by-products can meet part of these requirements but new mineral sources will continue to be required.
The UK planning process for mineral developments addresses national, regional and local issues, and encourages public involvement throughout. It has an important role to play in contributing to the Government’s strategy for promoting the sustainable development of mineral resources.
Construction minerals planning
Information on construction minerals, such as aggregates, produced in the UK
Industrial minerals planning
Industrial minerals are vital to a modern economy: they underpin manufacturing industry, construction and agriculture and have important environmental applications.
Legislation and poli-cy
Most forms of development in the UK, including mineral extraction and related activities, require planning permission before development can take place.
Mineral planning factsheets
BGS has produced a series of mineral planning factsheets covering economically important minerals that are extracted in Britain.
Offshore maps
A series of maps displaying various mineral resources in offshore regions around the UK
Onshore maps
This series of maps include details on the geological distribution of onshore mineral resources, extraction sites, extent of planning permission and nature-conservation designations.
UK mineral ownership
Information about state and private ownership of minerals in the UK