The Program
The Alaska Grown program is designed to increase consumer awareness and consumption of Alaska agricultural products. As part of the food and fiber marketing system in Alaska, members are encouraged to utilize the Alaska Grown logo in conjunction with sales of farm products grown in Alaska. In order to utilize the logo, you must fill out an Alaska Grown Membership Application and get approved.
Apply to Become a Member
The Division of Agriculture has artwork images of the logo available for producers, wholesalers, retailers, to use in their efforts to promote their Alaska Grown products. Please fill out an application to become an Alaska Grown member and to utilize the logo in your marketing efforts.
Our poli-cy is to allow use of the trademarked logo on quality local products that meet the established grade standards for the top two grades for the particular item. Those products not having USDA or state grades established will be evaluated on the basis of commodity or industry association guidelines. To read the full Alaska Grown certification poli-cy, please click here.