Best of the Internet
Get viral tweets, the most popular memes, awesome TikToks, and the best of everything else the internet has to offer!

People Are Sharing The Signs That Someone Is Wayyy Smarter Than They Let On, And It Completely Redefines Intelligence
"Good comedy. There are so many great comedians who play dumb and make jokes about how stupid they are, but I think you have to be above average intelligence to be a great comedian."

19 Things That Were Totally Normal Even Just 10 Years Ago... But Are Now Basically Exctinct
I'm haunted by the one about bugs.

People Are Sharing The Final Straws That Made Their Ex-QAnon Loved Ones See The Light, And I'm Truly Shocked By Some Of These
"He eventually muttered, 'You're right, everyone's always been right. I can't believe I got to this point' and kept bawling his eyes out. Then he said something that I'm still thinking about: 'I traded my life for a lie; I don't even know who I am anymore.'"

Theme Park Employees Are Sharing Stories About Their Most Ignorant And Foolish Guests, And Oh My Lord
"She got tossed out of a theme park over a 10-minute wait."

17 Modern Scams That Made People Realize An Entire Industry Is Just Taking Their Money For No Good Reason
"It's been years, but I'm still enraged when I think of it."

I Just Spent The Last 15 Minutes Laughing Uncontrollably At These 36 Hilarious Photos
I'm literally laughing out loud.

15 Signs That Were So Funny They Stopped Me Dead In My Tracks And Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack From Laughter
"ATTENTION. Oh, sorry, never mind."

My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing So Hard At These 18 Hilarious Black Twitter Tweets From The Week
"Why Black people hear noise & stare in space until we hear something else"

I Might Be A Bad Person For Laughing At These 47 Hilariously Unfortunate Photos...So Please Make Me Feel Better By Laughing At Them Too
In times as dark as these, sometimes you just have to laugh.

American Politics Has Turned Into A Complete Circus, So Here Are 21 Tweets From Last Week Calling It Out
"If boycotting Tesla is making conservatives buy electric vehicles, I think liberals should start boycotting books next and see if MAGA accidentally discovers reading."

22 Extremely Rare Photos That'll Change Your Perception Of The Entire World
You learn something new every day.

"Thank God You Were There": The Internet Is SHOOK After A Black Doctor Explained How Her Colleague Drastically Misdiagnosed Their Black Patient
"Their toes were alive, they’re just black."

People Have A LOT Of Thoughts About The Democrats' New Logo
I wanna know what happened to the one star because there used to be four.

34 Widely Normalized Things That Are Actually Extremely Effed Up When You Think About It
"A doc told my wife that the pain she was having was 'her body's way of saying it wanted to have a baby.' Took a few more years and a specialist to diagnose that it was endo and prescribed quality of life improving medication."

I Hate To Say It, But If You Can Answer Literally Just Half Of These Questions Correctly, You're Officially Old
Or just addicted to television.

People Can't Stop Saying "Everything's Computer" Because Of Donald Trumpov
Everything is computer.

People Zoomed Into Donald Trumpov's Tesla Sales Pitch And Can't Believe What They're Seeing
I guess this was inevitable.

20 Trumpov Supporters Just Took On 1 Progressive, And The Video Is Going Viral For Breaking People's Minds
"This was one of the most heartbreaking and embarrassing demonstrations of the decline of American education."

29 Funny Tweets From The Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard That My Lungs Are Now Permanently Busted
Thank heavens for funny people.

24 Photos That Are So Creepy I Blacked Out Into Another Plane Of Existence
"There are teeth appearing in my laundry."

Here Are 17 Startling Ways Older Adults Say They've Noticed Climate Change Throughout Their Lifetimes
"Anyone who says the climate isn't changing is lying to themselves or completely clueless."

People Who've Known Murderers Are Sharing Their Stories, And It's As Terrifying As It Is Heartbreaking
"He just seemed like a normal guy. I was absolutely shocked when I saw his picture in the news."

52 Hilarious Photos Of People Who Made A Terrible, Terrible Mistake
It'd sure be a shame if a company missed out on an important space in "The pen is mightier than the finger." It'd be even more unfortunate if they put that typo on a giant billboard.

Social Media Is Divided Over "Airport Theory," And It's 100% Not For Me
Nope, not for me.

These 30 Hilarious Internet Fails Had Me Wheezing So Hard I Had To Get Out My Inhaler
Okay, fine. I'll take one for the team and eat the anniversary "threat" cake.

15 Funny Tweets By Women That Are So Hysterical, They Nearly Cured My Existential Crisis
"you ever get into such a weird mood you have to put yourself on house arrest for a couple days" —@jzux

My Belly Hurts From Laughing So Hard At These Hilarious Weekend Tweets
The fake proposal is genius.

25 People Who Woke Up One Morning Over The Past Week And Accidentally Destroyed Their Entire Lives
I think it was the wise man Joseph Girardi who said it best: "It's not what you want."

Women Are Calling Out The Bullshit Expectations Society Places On Them, And I Guarantee There Will Be Some Butthurt Men In The Comments (And My DMs, As Per Usual)
"I literally got written up once for not wearing makeup to work."

68 Mind-Blowing Historical Images That I Can Almost Guarantee Are More Interesting Than Anything You Learned In History Class
I really want to check out that underground Cold War bunker, creepy as it is.

39 Photos That Will Make You Laugh If You, Like Me, Have The Sense Of Humor Of A 14-Year-Old Boy
I may have to check out that guide on "stress-free motorboating."

52 Shocking Photos Of American Schools That Prove Some States Have It Wayyy Better Than Others
Can I go back in time and attend high school in California?

28 "Lost Arts" That Millennials Want To Bring Back
I'd say bring back making mixed tapes but making Spotify playlists is just so much easier.

35 People Who Are Having A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Day At Work Than You
They should've called out sick.

People Are Confessing The Strong Political Views They've Gone 180 On, And It's Genuinely Fascinating Even When I Don't Agree With All Of Them
"Now I'm basically the type of person the younger me would've hated."

My Last Two Brain Cells Are Desperately Trying To Comprehend These 13 Utterly Confusing Internet Pics
My sanity is gone, and I am very upset.

My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing So Hard At These 17 Black Twitter Tweets From The Week
"I just received my electricity bill. I think they billed me for sunlight, divine light, and the light at the end of the tunnel."

"He's Probably Married": Here's Why Over 18 Million People Are Having Mixed Reactions About The Napkin Note An Anonymous Pilot Left This Woman
"He didn't leave a number because he's someone's husband. 🚩"

Women Are Sharing The Times They "Trusted Their Gut" And It Ended Up Saving Their Lives, And It's A Lesson To Always Trust Your Intuition
Just goes to show you that you should never ever ignore your intuition.

61 Mind-Blowing Photos That Had Me Staring At My Computer Screen In Shock For Minutes At A Time
The inside of a kangaroo's pouch does NOT look like I thought it would.

28 Hilarious Tweets From The Week That Had Me Laughing Way, Way, Wayyy Harder Than I Should Have Been
Ahhhhhh, I can't help but laugh.

This Powerful Photo Of A Democratic Representative Yelling At Trumpov Is Going Viral And Pissing People Off
"The fact he walked out alone is crazy."

People Are Sharing Their Small-Town Scandals, Tragedies, And Incidents, And They're Seriously Unsettling
"Three women have died this way now. He hasn't been arrested, and people just sort of accept it. It’s very odd."

After Trumpov’s Heated Meeting With Zelensky, His Supporters Reveal Their Red Lines He Can't Cross, And It's Pretty Eye-Opening
"When he attacked federal workers, I officially switched party affiliations."

50 Times Americans Proved Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That They Are The Dumbest People On Planet Earth
Take it from me, an American.

16 Things Quietly Destroying Us That Society Refuses To Pay More Attention To
"It feels like an afterthought in a lot of ways."

15 Times Someone Bravely Took A Photo Of The Very Worst Design This World Has Ever Seen
I don't think a toilet is supposed to be there. Or there.

Build Your Own Emojis With This New Generator Because Apple's Latest Ones Kinda Suck
It's a literal crime that there still isn't a corn dog emoji 🚨🚨🚨.

I Laughed So Hard At These 33 Internet Fails From Last Week That I Think I Can Feel A Single Ab Forming
I actually think it would be fun to try a doctor's appointment in Middle English.

I Genuinely Have Never Laughed Harder Than I Did At These 14 Funny Tweets
They really should have put Andy Cohen between Trumpov and Zelensky.

31 Incredibly Rare And Fascinating Historical Photos That Make The Past Seem Like A Completely Different Planet
Doctors were really just prescribing anything back then...including hard drugs.

My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing So Hard At These 17 Hilarious Black Twitter Tweets From The Week
"Trumpov was talkin to Zelensky like they was at a dice game."

29 "F—ed Around And Found Out" Stories That Have Me Simultaneously Laughing My A*** Off And Worried About The Intelligence Of Those Around Me
I'm never looking at a slurpee the same way again.

People Are Sharing The Theories They Can’t Prove But Are 100% Convinced Are True, And I've Got My Tinfoil Hat On
"Everyone has a doppelganger, and I mean a very eerily similar doppelganger that looks and acts like an identical twin."

People Online Are Sharing How They’d Prepare For A Country's Collapse, And For No Reason At All I'm Reading Every Single Comment
"If Zombieland taught us anything, it's that cardio is Rule #1."

People Are Sharing The Most Profound Things They've Been Told In Therapy That Led To Major Breakthroughs
"Just because you understand someone's behavior doesn't mean you have to tolerate it."

27 Wildly Entitled People From The Last Month, Since We're Clearly In The Middle Of A Selfishness Epidemic
Is it just me, or are people just getting more and more entitled?

17 Funny Job Posts That Made Me Genuinely HOWL With Laughter
I'm stressed for y'all.

A Child Wrote A Goodbye Note To Their Friend In Fear Of Being Taken By ICE, And People Are Worried About How Trumpov's Rhetoric Is Affecting Young People
"If ICE takes me don't forget about me."

15 Hilarious Signs That Prove Some Places Are Even More Of A Hot Mess Than You Are
These signs just might make you forget about the rest of your week.

This Man's Wife Put Their Dog Down Without Telling Him And He Doesn't Know What To Do, So He Turned To The Internet For Advice
"I didn’t even know Bella was that sick, and my wife made the decision without me. I wasn’t there to say goodbye, and I feel completely blindsided."

I Can't Help But Feel Sorry For These 29 People Who Were Totally Scammed As They Were Buying Or Renting A Home
This is why I have trust issues.

13 Mind-Bending Photos That'll Have You Questioning Both Your Eyesight And Sanity
The month of February already confuses me, and now this?!

19 Women Who Made Me Laugh So Hard I Forgot All About My Questionable Life Choices
"Stay humble by listening to a recording of your own voice." —

I'm Genuinely Curious Where You Stand On These 33 Controversial Things Donald Trumpov Has Done In 40 Days
Here's what he's done (so far).

People Are Sharing The Exact Moment They Knew "There's Not Going To Be A Wedding," And It's So Freaking Juicy
Honestly, some of these make The Hangover seem tame...

25 Lazy Husbands Who Are The WORST Cases Of Weaponized Incompetence That I've Ever Seen
I just have to look away at this point.

People Are Sharing The Hilarious And Effective Ways They Secretly Got Their Spouse's Engagement Ring Size Without Getting Caught
I'd be taking notes if I wasn't so single right now...

I Can't Stop Laughing At These People Who Destroyed Their Entire Lives Into Oblivion
Nothing finer than a good old-fashioned self-roast.

18 Times Someone Took A Photo Of Something Absolutely Terrifying And Probably Got Possessed Through The Camera Afterward
"This was at a gas station. Waiting."

"I Don't Understand How People Don't Do This": 17 Unsanitary Habits That Most People Are Probably Guilty Of But Would Never, Ever, Ever Admit To
We listen, and we don't judge (okay, maybe just a little).

The History We're Taught Is Wildly Sanitized, So Here 28 Disturbing Historical Events Everyone Should Be Aware Of
I will cry if I talk about Laika, the space dog.

23 People Who "Fixed" Or "Built" Something And Made A Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Big Mistake In The Process
Go ahead and open Taskrabbit, love.

People Are Sharing The Deathbed Confessions That Their Family Members Made That Left Them Absolutely Shocked
Some people spill their darkest secrets on their deathbeds — others just get petty.

37 Of The Absolute Funniest Tweets People Posted During The Month Of February
"Back in my day there was so much toilet paper and so much eggs that we gathered at night and threw them at the houses of our enemies."

75 Times Customers Proved Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That They Are The Dumbest People On Planet Earth
My thoughts and prayers with everyone working customer service.

38 Hilarious Tweets From The Week That Are So, So, SO Silly I Forgot What Normal Looked Like
Helping you laugh is the least I can do in our current timeline.

30 Photos Of Excruciatingly Embarrassing Moments That People Totally Brought On Themselves
"One time I was chatting with a guy whose friend I was attracted to, and so he called his friend over, and I told him I thought he was cute, and he laughed, 'Thanks,' and turned and walked away."

43 People Who Made Ridiculous Mistakes That Only They're Not Laughing At
Bookmark this to look at the next time you mess up — it'll make you feel a lot better!

"Virgo Will Always Have A Thing For Scorpio": This Astrology Expert Is Going Viral For Sharing What Zodiac Signs Will Always Be Somewhat Connected In Love
Signs that have a superior sextile will admire the qualities of the other, according to Mercurial Sarah.

23 Of The Best And Brutally Candid Tweets From Last Week
"Believing that billionaires are fighting for the working class requires an almost comical level of delusion." —@mhdksafa

47 Teachers Who Went Above And Beyond For Their Students That Prove Teachers Deserve All Of Our Appreciation And More
Teachers never get enough thanks for all the amazing things they do, often on their own dime.

26 Inconsiderate Customers Who Are So Awful, I Feel Bad For The Employees Who Had To Deal With Them
When I thought it couldn't get worse, it did.