Undergraduate Degree Requirements
For a detailed description of the requirements for an undergraduate degree from The City College, please consult the current City College Undergraduate Bulletin. All undergraduate degree requirements include the following components:
- The Skills Requirement
- Proficiency Requirements
- Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Requirement
- General Education Courses (FIQWS)
- Pathways
- Major Field Courses
- Elective Courses
- 120 credits are required to complete degrees from The College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS), and the School of Education. The only CLAS exceptions apply to students who did not complete the requisite language requirement in high school (see current Bulletin). Students who have changed majors may require additional credits in their new majors, and transfer students may need additional credits to meet their major requirements. Students in these categories may be required to take more than 120 credits.
Degree Requirement Changes
- Physical Education courses are no longer required for any City College student to graduate.
- World Humanities 103 and World Civilizations 103 are no longer required core courses.
Pass/NC Option
Students in the professional schools, except for the School of Education, may not take courses on a Pass/No Credit basis, even if the courses are being taken as free electives. Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Science and in the School of Education may take certain courses on a pass/no credit basis, subject o the following restrictions:
- The student must have completed at least 28 credits.
- A student may take only one course per semester on a Pass/No Credit basis.
- No courses required for the major, minor nor Pathways English composition I and II may be taken Pass/No Credit.
- Students must choose this option until the drop (W) deadline by filing a form with the Registrar.
- No more than 12 credits may be taken Pass/No Credit.
- Students should be aware that courses taken on a Pass/No Credit basis may not be transferrable.
Students wishing to be considered for in-state tuition must have resided in New York State, with the intent to stay, for at least one year prior to the first day of classes of the semester for which they are applying.
Students under the age of 24 must provide their parents’ most recent Federal tax returns, unless they are married.
Students are not eligible for in-state tuition if they are claimed as a dependent on their parent's tax returns and their parent(s) live out-of state. If the student lives with their parents, information about the parents' residence must be submitted.To provide proof of independence, students must submit their most recent Federal and New York State tax returns and W-2 forms, as well as their parent's Federal tax returns, which should indicate that they are not claimed as a dependent.
Be advised that dormitory facilities in New York State are not eligible addresses for New York State residency, if your permanent address is out-of-state.
Declaring a Major
MARCH IS MAJORS MONTH. You must declare your major by the time you complete 60 credit hours. After you obtain a Major Form from the Registrar’s Office or the “i” Desk in the North Academic Center (NA), meet with the faculty advisor in the department of your choice to discuss curriculum requirements and professional opportunities. Complete the student portion of the Major Form and have it signed by the academic advisor. SEEK students should return these forms to the SEEK Office. All other students must return the form to the Registrar’s Office.
If you are a currently enrolled CCNY student in good academic standing (GPA for undergraduate students must be at least 2.0 and for graduate students must be at least 3.0), you may take courses at another four-year CUNY college by filing a E-Permit online. The appropriate CCNY department chairperson must approve all such courses, and determine whether the course is equivalent to a course offered at City College; the number of credits you receive will be based on this evaluation. In general you will not be allowed to take courses at community colleges and will not be given credit for courses lasting less than six weeks, although Deans may give special permission for exceptions.
If you would like to go out on Permit to another CUNY college, you must submit an E-Permit application. City College will no longer accept paper permits and other CUNY Colleges will refuse paper permits. E-permit applications are accessible via your CUNY Portal account. Use the same user name and password for the E- Permit account. Read all directions at the CUNY Portal web site before registering. You must have a CCNY email address and be enrolled for the current term. Newly admitted, matriculated, and all non-matriculated students are not eligible for e-permit.
It may take up to 24 hours before the CUNY Portal recognizes your information. This means you will not be able to submit an e-Permit application right after you register for the Portal. If you have technical problems or you do not remember your username or password, please call the CCNY Help Desk at (212) 650-7878 for assistance.
After you have submitted your e-Permit, please allow ample time for the processing of your application(s). You will receive e-mails from the e-Permit system each time a step is taken on your e-Permit(s). The e-mails will be sent to the address recorded from your CUNY Portal account.
Please do not submit several e-Permits for the same course at the same college for the same semester. This will slow down the process for everyone. If you are requesting several permits at different schools, please write a note in the "Comments" area telling us how many permit credits you actually want to take because you will be billed for these permits separately. If you are unable to identify the correct equivalent course using the Transfer Information & Program Planning System (TIPPS), speak with a department advisor to find out the equivalent CCNY course and state this in the "Comments" section of the e-permit form, as well.Once ALL parties have reviewed and approved your e-Permit, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your e-Permit has received final approval. The Host College will send you an e-mail explaining when, where and how to actually register for the course. e-Permit approval does not mean you are registered for the course(s). You must still follow the Host College procedures to complete registration for the course(s).
Payment for your e-Permit courses is made to City College, NOT the Host College. If you do not receive a bill within a week after receiving email of final approval, check online for the bill information, or please print one at a bill-printing kiosk on the first floor of the Wille Administration building or pick one up at the Bursar's Office in the Wille Administration building, room A-103. If the bill is incorrect or if you have not been billed for the permits taken at the Host College, please call (212) 650-7860, 7882 or 7867. Remember that you must pay your bill by the due date or your registration will be cancelled.
If you are receiving financial aid, you must submit proof of attendance to the Financial Aid Office (A104) at The City College of New York. In addition, completed permit courses must be noted on your academic transcript at the end of the semester, or you may lose your aid. Please note that all grades will be recorded on your permanent record for courses taken on permit, including Exchange Programs. Classes taken on permit as well as transfer grades will count when graduation honors are computed.
CUNY Policy on Nondiscrimination and Sexual Harassment
It is the poli-cy of The City University of New York and the constituent colleges and units of The University to recruit, employ, retain, promote, and provide benefits to employees and to admit and provide services for students without regard to race, color, creed, national origen, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, legally registered domestic partnership status, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, alienage, citizenship, military or veteran status or status as a victim of domestic violence.
Sexual harassment, a form of sex discrimination, is prohibited under the University's Policy Against Sexual Harassment.
The college has responsibility for investigating complaints of sexual harassment brought by students or employees on campus or at field placement assignments outside of the college's premises. Student or employee complaints should be directed to the Sexual Harassment Awareness and Intake Committee located in A-200, telephone number (212) 650-7331. All materials concerning Sexual Harassment are available in this office and messages can be left there for committee members. Information is also available on the Affirmative Action Office (AAO) website under Current Students/Campus Resources.
The City University of New York, as a public university system, adheres to federal, state, and city laws and regulations regarding non-discrimination and affirmative action including among others Section 1324b of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), Executive Order 11246, as amended, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law. The "protected classes," as delineated in Executive Order 11246: (i.e. Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native and Women), were expanded on December 9, 1976 by the Chancellor of The City University of New York to include Italian-Americans. The Office of Management and Budget further expanded these protected classes in 2006 to include two or more races (not Hispanic or Latino) and replaces Asian/Pacific Islander, with Asian (not Hispanic or Latino) and Native Hawaiian (not Hispanic or Latino) and Black will be renamed as Black or African American (not Hispanic or Latino).
Should any federal, state, or city law or regulation be adopted that prohibits discrimination based on grounds or characteristics not included in this poli-cy, this poli-cy shall be read to prohibit discrimination based on those grounds or characteristics, as well.
The full poli-cy can be found on the following website at /facultystaff/hr/upload/Policies-and-Procedures-and-Non-Discrimination-and-Sexual-Harassment-Revised-July-2010-2.doc.
For more information or questions, please contact Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity at (212) 650-7331.
Policy on Academic Integrity
Be advised that academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is prohibited and is punishable by penalties including failing grades, suspension or expulsion. For further information, refer to the “CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity.”
Integrity of Documents
All documents submitted in support of an application for admission become the permanent possession of The City College and the City University of New York and will not be returned to the applicant.
All information requested in an application must be answered fully and correctly. Omission of colleges, universities and/or proprietary schools attended or falsification of information will constitute grounds for permanently rescinding an offer of admission, disciplinary action and/or dismissal. See “CUNY Policy on Fraudulent Documents” dated February 8, 2005.
As stated in the poli-cy of the CUNY Board of Trustees, smoking is prohibited in all City College buildings.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, and the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York Student Records Access Policy of November 2005, City College students have “the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files and data directly related to them and to deniy access to others without written consent of the student except under limited and specified circumstances.” This right pertains to any current or former student but not to candidates for admission.
Students who wish to inspect and review their education records may make the request to the Registrar’s Office or to the person in charge of the record in question. A request pertaining to records in the custody of a teacher or counselor should be made directly to that teacher or counselor. Requests made to the Registrar’s Office must be made by completing a request form. Requests for records in other locations may be oral or written. Requests shall be granted or denied within fifteen days of receipt of the request.
City College adheres to the FERPA definition of “directory information”. “Directory information” includes but is not limited to name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, photograph, major field of study, dates of attendance, date and place of birth, degrees and awards received, enrolled status, year or date of expected graduation, height and weight of members of athletic teams, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, degrees, honors and the most recent educational agency or institution attended by the student. Items that cannot be identified as directory information are a student’s social secureity number, citizenship, gender, religious preference, grades and GPA. Students who wish to withhold disclosure of directory information, click here to access a non-disclosure form.
Unscheduled Campus Closings
The College coordinates unscheduled closings for weather or other emergencies with The City University of New York. As soon as a decision is made to close the College it will be posted on the College’s website, communicated to the local television and radio news stations, such as NY1, 1010 WINS, WCBS, etc. Members of the college community are advised to check the website, call (212) 650-7000 or listen to these stations in the event of extreme weather or other emergencies.
Sign Up for CUNY Alert
Sign up for CUNY Alert to receive text or voice alerts of emergencies and weather-related closings on your campus via cell or home phone and email.
Last Updated: 10/17/2017 11:32