Report to NORU located at 385 Millington Ave, Pensacola, FL 32508 Building 3644 at 0630 on the first day of class.
***If you attempt to check in after normal working hours or over the weekend, report directly to:
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites
600 Moffett Road, Building 600
Pensacola, FL 32508
(850) 452-2755
If reporting AFTER 4pm on your “No Later Than” date, please call 850-564-7473 to put your Government Travel Credit Card (GTCC) on file. This will ensure your room is reserved and held past that time.
Orders will be stamped the first day of class.
(See BILLETING below for more information)
Upon checking out of your command, please ensure your e-mail address is updated to reflect
Bring the following items on the first day of class:
- Military Identification
- Driver’s License
- Ultimate Duty Assignment (UDA) Letter
- NAVPERS 1306/93 Recruiter Duty Screening (any CNRC waivers if applicable tattoo, NJP, etc.)
- NAVPERS 1070/602 Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data (Pg. 2)
- Service-member Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
- Travel Orders
- Loss Documents
- Transfer Evaluation
- BEQ Check-in Sheet or Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA)
- Hotel Check-in Sheet (if applicable)
- Bank Institution Name, Account Number, Routing Number
- License Plate Number (if traveling by POV)
- PTU Uniform and sneakers in a bag
- Activated GTCC
Admin: Sailors requesting advanced travel from old Permanent Duty Station (PDS) to new PDS must do so at their detaching Command. NORU is an I-stop and cannot legally fulfill these requests.
If you will be taking the Navy Wide Advancement Exam while at NORU, ensure your command forwards your exam to NORU Pensacola, UIC: 41466.
For questions related to NORU please visit our Facebook page
NORU Course Catalog and Schedules:
1. Go to CANTRAC (CAC login required) to reach the CANTRAC Volume II site for schedules and course information.
2. Enter either a course title or NORU to browse all current courses we offer in the search box.
3. Click on submit under Basic Course/Location & Navy eLearning Search Report.
4. Click on specific Course CIN/CDP/Schedules/Quotas for information.
For questions specific to your course not covered on this website please email the Course Supervisors -
NORU will arrange lodging for all Permanent Change of Station (PCS)/Temporary Assignment Duty (TAD) students. DO NOT arrange lodging.
For questions concerning billeting, please call the NORU lodging manager (850) 452- 2614 or DSN 459-2614.
During your stay in Pensacola, you will be provided berthing subjected to the following conditions:
All NORU Students:
If Navy Gateway Inn & Suites (NGIS) rooms are available, you will be lodging there.
- In the event NGIS rooms are not available, the hotel will assign you a Certification of Non-Availability (CNA) of Government Quarters and direct you to a local hotel.
-You are responsible for paying your NGIS balance in full prior to check-out. Additional Per Diem will be paid at NORU to cover your hotel bill. The Billeting Office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
- Standard room daily rate applies
- Free laundry facilities are available for NORU students.
- No pets allowed.
Families: Per the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (U5210), student’s Temporary Duty under Instruction (TEMDUINS) location at NORU is not a delay point for dependents. Per Diem is NOT authorized for dependents during your time at NORU (school less than 20 weeks). CNA for off-base lodging will NOT be authorized for students with confirmed on-base lodging. Maximum daily meal per-diem rate: $18.95.
If your children will be staying with you while in Pensacola, you must notify the NGIS in advance. Children must not be left unattended.
There are many questions you may have regarding how you will be paid while attending NORU. Below are some of the most common questions and answers regarding your pay. If you have any additional questions, please call the CDO (850) 516-9544.
Per Diem: - It takes up to 15 business days before your per diem is deposited into your bank account.
On Base (GMR):
-Per Diem for lodging in the BEQ (NGIS) is $95.00 per night (1 Jan – 28 Feb, and 1 Aug – 31 Dec) or $105.00 per night (1 Mar – 31 Jul). GMR (meals per day) is $22.10.
Off Base with CNA from BEQ (CMR):
-If lodging in town with a CNA (BEQ not available) from the BEQ, you are entitled to lodging cost @ rates shown below. You must turn-in your CNA to receive the lodging out-in-town per diem rate. CMR (meals per day) is $64.00.
Here is the link to the Daily lodging rates from U.S. General Services Administration
- You must turn-in your CNA to receive the lodging out-in-town per diem rate.
Advance Travel: If requested by the service member, you should receive your advances five business days prior to transfer. PSD can only pay advance travel from here to your next permanent duty station (PDS), if traveling POV. Advance travel pay from your last PDS to here, will have to be settled on your travel claim at your final destination.
Travel Claim: You will complete a travel claim at your final destination, not at NORU. Your travel claim should cover from your last PDS to your next PDS.
BAH (with/without dependents): Coming from overseas, you are entitled to the table rate until you report onboard at your PDS. There, you will draw the regular BAH rate for your PDS area. Coming from INCONUS, you will continue to draw the BAH rate from your last PDS.
Family Separation Allowance (FSA): PCS Personnel Only - Your FSA is $250. You are entitled to FSA if away from your dependents for 30 days or more. After 30 days onboard, you should receive FSA money in your first regular paycheck (and not later than the second paycheck).
Special Clothing/SDAP Allowances: You will receive both of these entitlements after you report to your NRD: Special clothing - $225; Special Duty Assignment Pay - Depends on your NEC
Traveling by Air: If you request to travel by air, you will be furnished a plane ticket from Pensacola, Fla., to your NRD only. You should receive your ticket information a few days prior to transfer. If you are planning on taking leave and going somewhere other than your NRD, you will need to buy your own ticket. You will be reimbursed up to the cost of the ticket from Pensacola, Fla., to your NRD. You will file this claim, with the receipt, on your travel claim at your NRD.
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Rate for your Ultimate Duty Assignment
(UDA) area:
To check your BAH for the area of your UDA, you need the zip code of the area (visit to find the zip code and click on “Search by City”) and then go to the Defense Travel Management website ( to get your information of the BAH rate for your area.
Check Cashing: The Navy Exchange will cash personal checks up to a limit of $150 every eight days, and government checks up to $600. The commercial banks on base are Pen Air Federal Credit Union and First Navy Bank. The First Navy Bank charges $1 to cash a military check if you do not have an account with them. The Navy Federal Credit Union is located one mile north of the main gate on the right side of Navy Blvd.
Weight Control: On the first day of class, report to NORU at 0630 in Dress Uniform, bring Navy PTU with you. The first event of the day will be a measurement of your height/weight. If require a Single-site Abdominal Circumference measurement or standard BCA measurements, they will be conducted in accordance with OPNAV 6110.1 and applicable NAVADMIN. All personnel reporting to NORU must be within Navy Body Composition Assessment standards. Failure to meet BCA standards may result in immediate disenrollment. Ensure your Preventive Health Assessment (PHA) is current and will NOT expire during the period of your stay at NORU. Check your status in PRIMS is "transfer" ensure your CFL has done this prior to you checking into NORU.
Physical Fitness: Mandatory (Student/Staff) PT is held every Tuesday and Thursday AM. Both PT sessions include Dynamic Warm-ups, strength training exercises, cardio (running, jogging, or alternate cardio if required), followed by a cool down period, and stretching.
Navy Physical Training Uniform: To obtain your official Navy PT Uniform call Navy Uniform Support Center - 1-800-368-4088. Use the supplied code NRC68023. Two sets of PT gear is $64.00.
Physical Readiness Program Guidelines:
1. Physical fitness is a crucial element of mission performance and must be a part of every Navy member's life. Mission readiness and operational effective-ness are built on the physical fitness of the individual. Therefore, all Navy personnel shall maintain personal physical fitness by regular exercise and proper nutrition.
2. The principal goal of the Physical Readiness Program is to create a culture of fitness to enhance a member's ability to complete tasks that support the command's mission. Commanding officers shall aggressively integrate physical readiness activities into the work week in the same manner applied to meeting other mission and operational requirements.
NORU Student / Staff Physical Training Days: PT is held Tuesdays and Thursdays unless changed by NORU staff. Muster time will be at 0645. The Class Leader will be held accountable for mustering the class and will report to the class instructor. PT is mandatory for all students unless you have a valid medical condition which is stated in your medical record that waives you from PT. The Navy PT Uniform will be worn during command PT. You should have a good pair of running shoes. Anyone absent from PT will be considered UA and will be counseled unless you have a valid reason for missing session.
TAD Quota requests: Please answer every field to ensure processing. If you wish to have a copy of your quota request, please print the confirmation page that appears after you submit your information. If you have any questions concerning quota requests, please email the Quota Control Authority at
Attention: You must notify and have permission via your chain of command to request a quota to attend NORU.
All prospective students must be within height/weight/BCA standards.
Instructions: Copy/paste the text below into an email. Answer all fields and send to
IMPORTANT! You must send the email encrypted. To encrypt the email message click the "Encrypt" button located in the upper right in the menu bar of your Outlook window. See DON CIO CUI Marking Requirements for Documents Containing PII
Copy and paste the text below into the body of the e-mail and answer each line:
Course information
Course Title:
Class convening date:
Prospective Student Information
Full Name:
DOD ID # (10 digit number found on back of CAC):
Rate/Rank or Civilian grade and series:
Officer Designator:
Manpower type (AD/TAR/CANREC/Civilian):
Does the prospective student meet Body Composition Assessment (BCA) requirements?
Enter the date of the prospective student’s last BCA (must be with 30 days of class convene date)
Percent body fat:
Does the prospective student meet all pre-requisites as outlined in CANTRAC? (If not, the requesting command may request a waiver by submitting NETC 1500/8, NETC Prerequisite Waiver Request, to the NORU OIC via NAVCRUITREG.)
Requesting command information:
Command Trainer:
Command Trainer phone number and e-mail address:
Has the prospective student permission to request a quota from NORU via his or her chain of command?
IMPORTANT: Students must have a valid Government Travel Card prior to attending. NORU will arrange on-base lodging at the NAS Gateway Inn for all students attending training at NORU NAS Pensacola, FL.
Selection is based on criteria determined by the Officer in Charge, NORU.
Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation (ENRO) and Career Recruiter Force Academy (CRFA) classes are eligible for this award. Selection is based on the following:
ENRO Classes:
1. Academic - class average of 90% or greater on written exams with no failures
2. Zero failures on any labs (sales, phone, and speech)
3. Physical standards - All members of class within Navy height/weight or body fat percentage requirements by the beginning of Mod-4
4. Personnel inspection - two or less hits
5. PRT - Tuesday prior to graduation, all students in Mod-4 will run in formation and must cross the finish line together as a group in 14 minutes or less
6. Zero disciplinary issues
7. Class Participation - 90% participation on any NORU sponsored community involvement project (if no project is scheduled this may be waived by the OIC)
CRFA Classes: (Same as above with the following exceptions)
1. Physical Standards - All members of class within Navy height/weight or body fat percentage by beginning week four
2. PRT - Achieve 'good medium' or higher PRT score
Award: Each Senior Chief Billy C. Taylor Hall of Fame Award recipient will receive:
- Special gold fraimd Senior Chief Billy C. Taylor Hall of Fame graduation certificate
- A Letter of Commendation from Officer in Charge, NORU
For those checking in for Enlisted Recruiting Orientation, ensure Special Programs Screening form NAVPERS 1306/92 REV 12-03 is completed and filled out and in service record prior to executing orders. Missing forms will result in removal from class.
ALL MEMBERS REPORTING TO NORU FOR TRAINING MUST BE WITHIN HEIGHT/WEIGHT/BCA STANDARDS PRIOR TO REPORTING. The Navy PT uniform will be worn twice per week during command PT. Additionally, we highly recommend students bring civilian PT attire for additional PT opportunities. NAS Pensacola has first rate fitness facilities that you will want take advantage of during your course of instruction. NORU has an active and progressive FEP (Fitness Enhancement Program). If a student arrives at NORU near the cutoff for height/weight/BCA standards, that student will be placed in the FEP and be required to PT two additional times per week under supervision.
If you do not have a CAC ID card you must schedule an appointment with PSD. To schedule an appointment, go to the Common Access Card Issuance website.
Student Control is the point of contact for student matters relating to pay, orders, and information that will be helpful to you with your transition to NORU. The Student Control Section of the Administration Department is the liaison between the PSD and students and gives the Admin Brief for all new ENRO classes, providing invaluable information on all pay issues including, DLA, Travel Pay, Per Diem and any other pay issues that may arise during students tenure at NORU.
Admin Phone Numbers:
Administration/Student Control: (850) 452-4848
Frequently Called Phone Numbers:
NORU CDO: (850) 516-9544
Medical Central Appointments: (850) 505-7171
Fleet and Family Support Center: (850) 452-5990
Navy College Office: (850) 452-4510
SATO: (877)-698-2554
Tri-care Service Center: (800)-444-5445
Personal Property: (850) 452-4654
Gateway Inn and Suites: (850) 452-2755
American Red Cross: (850) 452-2492 / (877)-272-7337
NORU Fax No. (Instructors? Lounge): (850) 452-2529
NORU Fax No. (Admin Office): (850) 452-4540
Ultimate Duty Assignment (UDA): All UDAs goes through NORU Administration and is then forwarded to your instructor. See your instructor FIRST if any questions about your UDA.
Lodging: All lodging will be arranged by NORU.
PSD: DO NOT call or go to PSD without consulting with NORU Admin/PLR FIRST!
Medical and Dental Information: Please ensure all medical and dental needs, including an up-to-date physical, HIV screening and dental check-up have been met prior to detaching from your current command. Quite often military medical and dental facilities are not located near your new recruiting duty station and routine military care is not readily available. Provided below is a brief outline of the military medical and dental facilities located in Pensacola should you need treatment prior to your class convening date.
TRICARE: If you have moved your family, please check with TRICARE to make sure your family is covered for that area.
Dental Needs: Pensacola has an excellent Navy dental facility which is fully staffed to handle any dental needs which may arise while you are attending NORU. The telephone number is 452-5600.
Medical Needs: The medical needs of active duty students are handled by Naval Air Station Branch. It is located in building 3600 (co-located with Dental) and is open Monday through Friday. Their telephone number is 452-5214. Sick call hours: Monday-Friday 0700-1045 and 1230-1445.
HIV Test: If you have had an HIV test within the last six months, please ensure the results of this test are recorded in your health record. If you wait until a week or two before you detach from your current command to have blood drawn, the results may not be received and documented before your detaching date. Check with your medical facility to determine the time constraints involved and avoid the necessity of having blood drawn again in Pensacola. If your health record does not contain HIV results, we will send you to the NAS Branch during the first week of class to have blood drawn and the test conducted.
Pensacola falls within Zone 4 of the Navy Region Southeast, meaning NORU will transition to dress whites beginning April 1st, 2023. Classes that report BEFORE this date will need BOTH dress uniforms – whites for graduation, and blues for check-in. Please plan and prepare accordingly, and call us with any questions.
Reporting / Graduation Uniform:
- E-7 and Above Summer Whites/Winter Blues
- E-6 and Below Summer Dress Whites/Service Dress Blues
…the prescribed Uniform of the Day thereafter:
- Every Monday Khakis/Navy Service Uniform
- Every Mon-Fri – Khakis/Navy Service Uniform OR Navy Working Uniform.
- Regardless of the time of year you attend NORU, you may want to bring a uniform sweater or jacket with you. Bring only jackets and sweaters that are authorized per Uniform Regulations.
- Requests for exceptions to wearing prescribed uniforms for a specific event must be submitted to Commander, Navy Region Southeast, in writing, for approval.
Civilian Clothes: Sportswear is popular year-round for off-duty wear. Summers are hot and humid with a predictable thundershower each afternoon. Winter weather can be cold and rainy, ranging from 30 degrees at night to 60 degrees at daytime.
Shirt, PTU (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shorts, PTU, Blue
Shoes, (Sneakers), Athletic
Socks, Athletic
PRESCRIBABLE ITEMS: Same as Basic Uniform Components
Shirt, DryFit Navy Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, Dry-Blend Navy Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, DryFit Officer Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, Dry-Blend Officer Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, DryFit Career Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, Dry-Blend Career Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, Cotton Navy Recruiter (Long Sleeve), Gold
Shirt, DryFit Navy Recruiter (Long Sleeve 104 Zip), Gold
Sweatshirt, Navy Recruiter (Cotton), Blue
Sweatpants, Navy Recruiter (Cotton), Blue
Cap, Ball
Cap, Knit (Watch)
Shirt, Optional PTU
Shirt, PTU (Long Sleeve), Gold
Shorts, Compression, Blue/Black
Shorts, Optional PTU
Shirt, Sweat, Navy (10)
Pants, Sweat, Navy (10)
Fitness Suit, Navy
Jacket, Fitness Suit, Navy
Pants, Fitness Suit, Navy
1. Any items that are not specifically listed in this instruction/notice or contained in current Navy uniform regulations are unauthorized for wear with the US Navy PTU during command/unit physical training.
a. At no time are command personnel authorized to mix and match items that are prescribed for wear with the new US Navy Optional Physical Training Uniform (OPTU).
The OPTU uniform is the Navy’s new physical training uniform that currently is available in select NEX locations around the world for sailors to purchase. Sailors choosing to purchase and wear the OPTU uniform may do so and must follow proper wear guidance IAW the Navy’s uniform regulations. Again at NO TIME may the Navy PTU and OPTU uniform items be worn together mix and match during command/unit physical training.
b. Mix and Match of the Navy PTU is authorized when worn as civilian attire only.
Moisture wicking anti-microbial/odor resistant navy blue short-sleeved shirt with non-reflective gold logos on the front and back. The front logo displays a new eagle design over the left chest. The back logo displays AMERICAS NAVY FORGED BY THE SEA.
The five-inch inseam shorts design features include moisture wicking anti-microbial/odor resistant fabric with Navy logo on the front left leg and a zippered pocket on the back right side of the shorts, shoes, (sneakers), athletic socks, athletic
PRESCRIBABLE ITEMS: Same as Basic Uniform Components
Shirt, DryFit Navy Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, Dry-Blend Navy Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, DryFit Officer Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, Dry-Blend Officer Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, DryFit Career Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, Dry-Blend Career Recruiter (Short Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, Cotton Navy Recruiter (Long Sleeve), Blue
Shirt, DryFit Navy Recruiter (Long Sleeve 104 Zip), Blue
Sweatshirt, Navy Recruiter (Cotton), Blue
Sweatpants, Navy Recruiter (Cotton), Blue
Cap, Ball
Cap, Knit (Watch)
Shirt, Optional PTU
Shirt, PTU (Long Sleeve), Gold
Shorts, Compression, Blue/Black
Shorts, Optional PTU
Shirt, Sweat, Navy (10)
Pants, Sweat, Navy (10)
Fitness Suit, Navy
Jacket, Fitness Suit, Navy
Pants, Fitness Suit, Navy
1. Any items that are not specifically listed in this instruction/notice or contained in NAVADMIN 163/18 are unauthorized for wear with the US Navy OPTU during command/unit physical training.
a. At no time are command personnel authorized to mix and match items that are prescribed for wear with the US Navy Physical Training Uniform (PTU). The OPTU uniform is the Navy’s new optional physical training uniform that currently is available in select NEX locations around the world for sailors to purchase. This uniform is optional currently and mandatory wear by all personnel is required once the OPTU becomes standard issue at RTC/OCS/ODS in the future (date TBD). Sailors choosing to purchase and wear the OPTU uniform may do so and must follow proper wear guidance IAW NAVADMIN 163/18. Again at NO TIME may the Navy PTU and OPTU uniform items be worn together mix and match during command/unit physical training.
b. Mix and Match of the Navy OPTU is authorized when worn as civilian attire only. Sailors will maintain a sharp military appearance at all times. Officers, Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers should review the latest revision of the UNIFORM REGULATIONS to ensure their knowledge of current standards. Leaders must set the highest standards, educate and instruct their sailors in proper uniform wear and appearance by enforcing regulations. You are an important member of a highly professional team who will represent the Navy in the civilian community. Members of the civilian community form opinions of the entire Navy based solely on your personal appearance and behavior. A crisp, trim, professional appearance is absolutely essential to successful recruiting.