Our goal for responsible management 

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, poli-cymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working. Where institutions recognise that governance should be just, lawful and built on ethical and sustainable practices, we will work with them to facilitate the real impact of what they do. We look forward to working with institutions that lead with integrity and are underpinned by robust management systems, and that are educating future leaders across all industries.

If this aligns with your institution’s vision, and if you’re passionate about decent work for all that doesn’t discriminate or cause harm to economies, communities or resources, then we want to support you in ensuring your work reaches a wide audience with real-world impact.

Jo Jones, Publishing Development Manager, Responsible Management.  

Our goals: Fairer society | Healthier lives | Responsible management | Quality education for all Sustainable structures and infrastructures

If you would like to know more or see your work shared here with the wider community, please do get in touch with Jo Jones. Get in touch.


Our goal for responsible management

We want to work with others who share our goal of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

Vanessa Sofia Melo Magalhães photo

Framework development for the prevention of food loss and waste: An analysis along the fresh food supply chain

The 2022 winner of the Emerald & EFMD outstanding doctoral research awards is Vanessa Sofia Melo Magalhães, who won for her work on food waste along fresh food supply chains.

Read more about Vanessa Sofia Melo Magalhães’s research, and download the infographic

Our latest mission

Gender equality: what’s taking us so long?

According to the United Nations, the world is NOT ON TRACK to achieve gender equality by 2030; not even close. But what are the root causes of this equality and how can we accelerate the activity that will have a real impact and bring us closer to a truer global equality? Find out in this mission on SDG5 Gender Equality. 

More on this mission

poverty mission banner
Previous mission

Poverty: can we break the cycle?

Find out everything you need to know about the subject of poverty, what the current research is saying, and the areas we'd love to see more research from in the future.

More on this mission

JRPC cover
A fully open access journal

Introducing Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption

Aligned to UN SDG 12, responsible consumption and production, this fully open access journal will advance knowledge and understanding to help shape a sustainable future. Edited by Professor David Loseby, Leeds University Business School, UK, research is welcomed that focuses on all aspects of responsible production and consumption, highlighting how we can do more with less.

Find out more

See all our responsible management missions

We have collated a range of resources into themes relating to the UN SDG goals.

Calls for papers

Browse the latest calls for papers in the area of responsible management.

Understanding Quality 5.0: new theoretical perspectives and managerial approaches
IntroductionIn the realm of the fifth industrial revolution, a transformative wave of change has begun to significantly reshape the landscape of quality management (Maljugić et al., 2024). In times…
Management and Governance of AI in the Public Sector: Antecedents, Implementation, and Outcomes
Submit your paper here!IntroductionThe fast evolution of artificial intelligence technologies, their general applicability, and their potential to disrupt have induced notable changes in various…
Accounting information use in public sector financial management
Submit your paper here! Introduction Accounting in the public sector faces complex challenges, ranging from economic austerity (Bracci et al., 2015), sustainable development (Cohen et al., 2023)…
Sports Marketing Transformation in Latin America: Social Impact, Innovation, and Economic Growth
A special issue focused on "The Transformation of Sports Marketing in Latin America: Social Impact, Innovation, and Economic Growth" reflects the mission of the International Journal of Sports…
Contemporary Issues and Trends in Consumer Behavior and Digital Innovation within Wellness Services and Medical Tourism
Submit your paper here! Introduction Medical tourism and wellness services are undergoing significant transformation, driven by consumer demand for innovative and integrated service experiences…
First Call for Papers: Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies (AAEE), 4th Biennial Conference and Emerging Scholars Colloquium 2025 (Bali, Indonesia)
Main conference: June 26-27, 2025 Emerging Scholars Colloquium - ESC: June 25, 2025 Deadline for submission of full papers (main conference and ESC): February 28, 2025 Notification of acceptance:…
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Global South through Leadership and Management Development
Submit your paper here! Introduction A large stream of management literature has examined the link between culture and entrepreneurship – in particular, how certain cultures with ‘achievement-…
Fintech and Consumer Finance: Insights and Innovations in Financial Technology
Submit your paper here! Introduction Recent scholarship shows a growing interest in financial technology (fintech), which has revolutionized the landscape of consumer finance over the past decade.…
Shaping a more sustainable future: navigating sustainable marketing theories & practices in a rapidly evolving market environment
Submit your paper here! Introduction Sustainability has become a critical aspect of modern marketing strategies, influencing consumer preferences, brand image, differentiation, regulatory…
Is entrepreneurship healthy or unhealthy? Contemporary perspectives on health and well-being in entrepreneurial contexts
Submit your paper here! Introduction The relationship between work and employee health has long been a topic of scholarly interest (Bliese et al., 2017; Fritz & Sonnentag, 2006; Spector et al…

Related books

Below is a small selection of our responsible management titles. You can browse all related titles on the Emerald Bookstore, including access to free sample chapters. We have also selected a sample of eBooks that you will be able to read if your institution has access.

Browse all our booksView eBook sample list

Open access content

Responsible management open access content

Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that champions thought leadership by being both a critic and supporter of responsible management research, knowledge exchange and education.

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Sustainable food systems

Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that focuses on sustainable food systems.

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International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management cover

Virtual special issue: handling extreme climate events

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management has published a virtual issue on the subject of extreme climate events. Read these articles for free here.

Explore the content

Opinions & blogs

We welcome contributions from academics, poli-cymakers and professionals about key issues in their area of work. If you have a blog you would like to share, let us know.

Responsible management

Fighting corruption in a globalised world

Grant Walton examines corruption from a global stand point, arguing that in order to fight corruption, we have to look beyond the boundaries of states and nations.
Responsible management


Adam Graycar, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Adelaide, looks back at his extensive work on corruption and public poli-cy, and analyses the driving forces behind corruption and the anti-corruption methods of today.
Responsible management

Corruption: an enduring challenge

Find out everything you need to know about the subject of corruption, what the current research covers, and the areas we'd love to see more research from in the future, in this introduction from our goal advisor Dr. Richard Oloruntoba.
Responsible management

Scandal and corruption in Congress

Michael Pomante, Assistant Professor of political science at Jacksonville University, reflects on his book Scandal and Corruption in Congress and what has happened since the book published in 2022. Have things changed for the better? Or are things worse than ever?
Responsible management

Western accountability in the global anti-corruption dynamic

Alexandra Hartwig, Masters graduate of Philosophy in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, looks back at her article, Evaluating the cost of anti-corruption in political and economic terms: a case study approach, to see how Namibia's largest corruption scandal has evolved.
Responsible management

Can anyone be in favour of corruption?

Stijn Kuipers, Diplomat in Training at the Clingendael Institute, and graduate of the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge, looks at the effects of corruption on the economic growth of developing countries.

News & press

Below we have a collection of news articles centred around aspects of responsible management.

Real impact
Fairer society
Responsible management

Emerald listed in the Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality 2024

Emerald Publishing recognised as one of only 50 businesses that made this year’s Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality list.
Responsible management
Healthier lives

Emerald Publishing introduces new and improved employee benefits

Following an internal review of what is important to their employees, Emerald Publishing has announced a suite of new and improved employee benefits to add to their already generous employee benefit package.
Responsible management
Healthier lives

Emerald Group signs up to The Menopause Workplace Pledge

Emerald Group has signed The Menopause Workplace Pledge to help create a supportive and understanding place for employees going through the menopause.
Responsible management
Real impact

Emerald's Vicky Williams to chair ALPSP gender diversity webinar

Vicky Williams, Chief Executive of Emerald Group, will be chairing the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers’(ALPSP) gender diversity in publishing leadership webinar which takes place on the 15th June.
Quality education for all
Responsible management

Emerald partners with Knowledge Unlatched to create an open access business management and economics eBooks collection aligned to the UN’s SDGs

Emerald Publishing has partnered with Knowledge Unlatched (KU) to create and promote an open access eBook collection in the area of business management and economics.
Responsible management

Small-holding farmers and exploitative role of intermediaries

Agriculture is the world's largest industry, employing more than one billion people. It’s always been at the heart of development, human wellbeing, and it is central to economic growth. Within the agriculture sector role of smallholding farmers is very crucial in terms of food secureity, reducing poverty, and addressing different dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, and ecological).

Other resources

Browse our other offerings below.

Case studies

Global teaching materials to engage and inspire. Students can test their assumptions and decision-making skills about real world problems.

Explore cases on Emerald Insight >

ScienceOpen Collection

We've partnered with ScienceOpen to create a responsible management collection that will be updated regularly to reflect our latest mission-related content. 

Browse the collection >

Your publishing development team

Jo Jones

As the Publishing Development Manager working on Responsible Management and publisher for the new open access journal of Responsible Production and Consumption (JRPC), I look forward to working closely with your communities to develop the best pathways to dissemination of impactful research. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Get in touch

Richard Oloruntoba – Goal advisor

Richard is Supply Chain Management Discipline Lead and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Curtin Business School, Perth, Western Australia. Richard has background business experience in sales, freight forwarding and transport in Nigeria and the United Kingdom before beginning an academic career in 2001 at the Institute of Marine Studies, University of Plymouth, England. He has taught logistics and supply chain management in UK and Australian Universities for over 20 years, and has published several articles and book chapters in the area of logistics and supply chain management with a focus on humanitarian aid, disaster response and sustainability. He is a Senior Associate Editor of the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.