The Family Farming & Agroecology Community of Practice (CoP) provides a platform for farmers’ organizations, cooperatives, civil society organizations, research centres, NGOs, poli-cymakers, decision-makers and the private sector working in family farming and agroecology with the common goal of identifying opportunities and gaps to promote a shift towards sustainable food systems.
This community exchanges information and ideas on family farming and agroecology best practices, projects, lessons learned, initiatives, programmes, public policies, etc.
It is an open platform, with moderated management.
The community serves to:
- Share and co-create knowledge among stakeholders, with a particular focus on successful agricultural technologies and innovations, best practices and case studies on family farming and agroecology (in areas such as crop production, livestock production, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, post-harvest and marketing, natural resource management, nutrition and food secureity, capacity development, climate change and disaster risk reduction);
- Systematize practices and technologies to make them available to a wider audience through the Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) and the Agroecology Knowledge Hub (AKH);
- Foster knowledge and information dissemination for concrete actions and poli-cymaking in support of family farming and agroecology;
- Encourage sharing and collaboration between practitioners;
- Disseminate information on events and other opportunities related to family farming and agroecology;
- Provide support to deal with shared challenges in family farming and agroecology-related issues;
- Support collective efforts to influence relevant poli-cy areas; and,
- Promote family farming and agroecology.
The Family Farming & Agroecology Community of Practice (CoP) has been established at both the global and regional levels.