Honoring UConn’s Fallen

UConn alumni gifted the University with the Roll of Honor and the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial as an homage to the fallen alumni who served our country. The memorial and the roll are an effort to let friends and family know that their loved ones will not be forgotten.

Submit a Name



Willis Hawley 1898


Billings T. Avery, Jr.

George W. Bourn, Jr.

Harry L. Clinton

Charles A. Johnson

Fred G. Lyon ’16

Arthur B. Stephenson

Richard A. Storrs


Walter J. Adamy ’46

Paul Agranovitch ’44

Harry E. Andrews ’46

Henry G. Bartley ’44

Harold L. Baumstein ’44

Ellis A. Beck ’44

Frank E. Benson ’43

Paul K. Bidwell ’30

Bradford P. Blake ’43

Leslie Blakeslee ’42

Dwight Boardman ’46

Philip Y. Bokoff ’43

Anthony P. Bonaiuto ’45

William J. Booth ’41

Francis Brighenti ’46

Parmly C. Brown ’40

G. Pierce Brundage ’43

Roger P. Brundage ’41

Howard M. Buchanan

Irving Burness

Howard Johnson Burr ’45

Spencer G. Campbell ’44

Arthur E. Chatfield, Jr. ’39

Eugene V. Chernoff ’42

James G. Christie ’44

John W. Clark ’46

Harry G. Clinton

Everett W. Cooper ’44

Minor Cranston ’44

Maurice F. Daly ’23

Charles J. DeMaria ’45

Leo F. DeMartino ’44

Sidney A. Edwards, Jr. ’42

Charles S. Emerson ’45

James A. Ferguson ’39

Leon E. Forsyth ’42

Harold Freckleton ’36

Vincent P. Gambino ’45

Herbert Gilman ’42

Otto Goldstein ’40

Edward W. Goodnow ’40

Herman Gorky ’43

Edward J. Gourd ’43

William H. Greasley, Jr. ’39

Ralph L. Greco ’38

Kenneth P. Gregg ’45

John Gulieta ’46

Michael Habern ’43

William C. Hall ’34

Robert W. H. Hamilton ’42

Gordon S. Hart ’42

Leon H. Height, Jr. ’43

Henry M. Heldmann ’44

Roderick W. Hetzel ’33

Edward Hittleman ’41

Hugh Hogan ’44

William M. Hollis ’45

Robert W. Hyde ’43

Victor I. Kalander ’41

Myron Katz ’46

Francis J. Kelley ’46

David M. Knell ’45

Walter P. Lathrop ’40

Robert W. Lattimer ’46

Sigurd Lovdal ’37

John S. Lukoski ’39

Roswell J. MacMaster ’41

Daniel J. Mahaney ’45

Alonzo S. Marcil ’43

Joseph Matloff ’46

Clifford G. McCarthy ’38

Harold W. McIntosh, Jr. ’46

Edward J. McMullen ’46

John F. Melack ’32

Kenneth J. Mix ’44

Alan R. Morehouse ’37


John C. Moriarty ’43

Stanley B. Morrill ’38

Ralph S. North ’45

Raymond Nurczyk ’44

Burton T. Oberg ’45

Roger W. Olmsted ’43

Douglas R. Osborn ’45

Leonard W. Parker ’38

Matthew L. Perry ’46

Michael E. Peters ’46

Anthony C. Piekarz ’43

Charles T. Relyea, Jr. ’44

John B. Regan ’45

Donald T. Robison ’33

Charles A. Rosenblatt ’40

Joseph Schwartz ’45

Paul Shapiro ’46

Austin P. Spencer ’40

James Standish ’34

Murray L. Steinman ’42

Thomas H. Sutliffe ’37

John C. Taylor ’39

Robert T. Thayer ’40

Vasco Tiziani ’43

Robert D. Triggs ’45

James V. Viola ’45

Irving R. Werner ’38

Roy A. West ’43

Godfrey C. Westcott ’33

John E. Winzler ’42

Kenneth C. Wolston ’44

John F. Zimmerman ’37

Richard Zorn ’44

George Zwicker ’45


Paul Drotch ’57

Edward Jeruss ’49


John W. Alling ’50

James A. Civillo ’46

Patrick A. DeVivo ’51

John M. Dunne ’42

George A. Martain ’50

Milton E. Nichols ’51

Robert Rich ’53, ’54

Peter B. Richardson ’51

Luzon W. Richter, Jr. ’53

Paul Shapiro ’52

Richard W. Spencer ’51

Paul M. Stavnitsky ’51

Clarence M. Stone ’47

Bernard S. Stromgren ’50

Robert W. Wegner ’50

David C. Wilson ’46

John C. Zweygartt ’49


Richard H. Chapin

Brian J. Cronin ’61

Roger M. DeLuca ’61

Robert G. Dodson ’66

Robert K. Dwyer ’65

Joseph D. Francolini ’64

Joseph P. Holland ’64

Irwin S. Lerner ’64

James W. Levens ’54

Robert L. Lewis ’58

Normand Manning ’65

John V. Morascini

Peter G. Moriarty ’63

Michael J. Noonan, Jr. ’59

Pierce I. Robertson ’58

Robert Rohinsky ’59

Philipp R. Vollhardt ’69

Glenn W. Whitcher ’61


Cindy Beaudoin ’95


Richard S. Eaton, Jr.

Jason Hamill ’98

Keith Heidtman

Jordan C. Pierson ’07


John A. Chapman ’87


Kyle Milliken ’01

UConn’s Military History

In 1893, a dozen years after its founding, the Storrs Agricultural School became Connecticut’s land-grant college and the school took on the training of military cadets.

In 1898, following the declaration of war against Spain, four members of the graduating senior class headed from campus to camp. Among the four was Willis Nichols Hawley. On November 19, 1898, Hawley died of typhoid fever. He was the first graduate of the college to succumb to the hazards of war.

Following World War I, the Reserved Officer Training Corps, ROTC, was established on campus. During that war, nearly 500 students were trained in what was known as the Storrs Army Training Corps. Seven of them would fall in the “war to end all wars.”

The outbreak of World War II had the campus again on a military footing—by mid-1942, the Army Specialized Training, created through a petition to the U.S. Department of War, was the largest program of its kind in New England.

Through Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq, University of Connecticut alumni have served their nation.

Submit A Name

The Memorial Committee has sought help in gathering names from all wars and conflicts in which the United States has been engaged since the founding of the University as Storrs Agricultural School in 1881. As additional names are submitted and verified, the Roll of Honor on display at the Alumni Center will be updated annually.

The Memorial Committee’s goals are to be inclusive and respect the memory of the fallen and their descendants, while maintaining the integrity and purpose of the Roll of Honor.

How to Submit a Name

If you have information about a UConn alum who died while in the U.S. armed services, please send us the information for consideration using the form below. Please make sure to include as much information as possible. Additional questions can be directed to University Archivist, Betsy Pittman.

Roll of Honor

  • Roll of Honor Nominee Information

  • Include as much information as possible. Helpful details include years of service, where stationed, circumstances and date of death, etc.
  • Include as much information as possible. Helpful details include years of enrollment, year of graduation, campus which they attended, etc.