Washing Produce With Dr. Bronner’s

Both the Castile Soap and Sal Suds are great options for washing produce: effective cleansers with mild plant-based surfactants and exceedingly clean rinsing.

Moving-Out Kits for Dorms, Apartments & Homes

Whether it’s off to college, like my son, or a first apartment or house, here’s my list of essentials for personal care and stuff care. Spoiler: You need less than you think!

22 Ways to Go Organic on a Budget

Organic has many benefits, but sometimes the sticker shock can be a deterrent, so here are ways to go organic, while maintaining your food budget.

19 Tips for Eating More Plants

The influx of gorgeous plant-based menus, the increase in availability of diverse veggies and fruits, as well as seasonings has elevated plant-based eating and made it a delight. 19 tips for eating more plants

Cooking With Magic All-One Chocolate

Meet All-One Chef Kimmie D’Amico. Her Balsamic Chocolate Glaze and Chocolate Chunk Cookie recipes are as boundary pushing as the chocolate itself and so much fun to make but even better to eat!

Chocolate So Good It’s Magic!

My first taste of Dr. Bronner’s Magic All-One Chocolate was so full of flavor and complexity, it was utterly transportive. A perfect balance of rich, nutty, pure cocoa flavor that fills the senses.

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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