This week sees the Inaugural International COSPAR Planetary Protection Week, which is being led by The Open University’s AstrobiologyOU group. This week intends to highlight the importance of considering the impact of human activity on other planetary bodies as we expand the range of extraterrestrial environments we explore. We’ve put together some of our free, related astrobiology and space articles, courses and other resources.
What is Planetary Protection?
As we explore the Solar System, it is important that we do not accidentally contaminate untouched and unspoilt extraterrestrial environments in any way. This is especially true when searching for evidence of life. This article explores the concept of ‘Planetary Protection’ and why it is critical for the future of space exploration.
Planetary Protection of Mars
Mars continues to be at the forefront of international space exploration programmes, but as plans to bring samples back from the red planet and perhaps even send humans there edge closer, how can we ensure we do not contaminate the very environment we’re interested in understanding more about?
Planetary Protection of Icy Worlds
As our understanding of life and its potential beyond Earth improves, attention is moving towards smaller bodies, including moons and dwarf planets in the outer regions of our Solar System. But how can we strike a balance between exploring these new worlds and ensuring they remain unspoilt?
Supporting sustainable and responsible space exploration
Silvio Sinibaldi explores some of the current challenges and opportunities in planetary protection.
Planetary Protection: Space Governance and the Search for Life
What is planetary protection? This article explores the policies and legislative action of forwards and backwards contamination.
Space: to boldly, but cautiously, go.
Space exploration is full of possibilities, especially when searching for signs of life. But the reality is complex. What lies behind the many decisions that have to be taken to design and run a space exploration mission?
This article is part of the Astrobiology Collection on OpenLearn. This collection of free articles, interactives, videos and courses provides insights into research that investigates the possibilities of life beyond the Earth and the ethical and governance implications of this.
Try a FREE course on astrobiology
The search for water on Mars
The possibility of water on Mars has captured human imagination for over a century. In this free course, The Search for Water on Mars, find out more about how scientists have found evidence for water in the red planet’s past and present, and what this might mean for the possibility of life beyond Earth.
Icy bodies: Europa and elsewhere
The new discipline of astrobiology that is, the science of searching for extraterrestrial life, is not only rapidly growing, but has also captured the public imagination. This free course, Icy bodies: Europa and elsewhere, examines the emergence of icy satellites of distant planets as potential sites of extraterrestrial life, looks at the ...
Galaxies, stars and planets
This free course, Galaxies, stars and planets, is a general introduction, including scale of the universe from the very large to the very small; orbits and gravity; the Solar System; the Sun and other stars; galaxies and the composition of astronomical objects.
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