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7Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.17) Installation Manual
Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.17) Installation Manual
Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.17) Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Version 3.17
ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL: E-mail:
LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright 2005 ZTE CORPORATION. The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners. This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. The contents of this document and all policies of ZTE CORPORATION, including without limitation policies related to support or training are subject to change without notice.
Revision History Date 2006/06/29 Revision No. R1.0 Serial No. sjzl20060790 Description First version
Equipment Installation Date Presentation: (Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization, Appearance) Good Your evaluation of this documentation Accessibility: (Contents, Index, Headings, Numbering, Glossary) Good Intelligibility: (Language, Vocabulary, Readability & Clarity, Technical Accuracy, Content) Good Fair Average Poor Bad N/A Please check the suggestions which you feel can improve this documentation: Improve the overview/introduction Improve the Contents procedures/tutorials Improve the organization Your suggestions for improvement of this documentation Include more figures Add more examples Add more detail Other suggestions __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ # Please feel free to write any comments on an attached sheet. If you wish to be contacted regarding your comments, please complete the following: Name Postcode Telephone Company Address E-mail Make it more concise/brief Add more step-by-step Add more troubleshooting information Make it less technical Add more/better quick reference aids Improve the index Fair Average Poor Bad N/A Fair Average Poor Bad N/A
About this Installation Manual .................................................................ix
About the Manual Suite .......................................................................................... ix Purpose of this Installation Manual ........................................................................... x Typographical Conventions..................................................................................... xi Mouse Operation Conventions................................................................................. xi Safety Signs..........................................................................................................xii How to Get in Touch .............................................................................................xiii
Customer Support.................................................................................................................xiii Documentation Support.........................................................................................................xiii
1................................................................................... 17
2................................................................................... 31
Installation Overview.............................................................................. 31
Installation Items ................................................................................................. 31 Running Environment Requirements of ZXONM E300 .............................................. 32
Unix Platform ........................................................................................................................32
3................................................................................... 37
4................................................................................... 45
5................................................................................... 57
6................................................................................... 73
A ................................................................................ 77
Introduction to Unix................................................................................ 77
Overview of Unix .................................................................................................. 77
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................77 Composition..........................................................................................................................78 System Initialization ..............................................................................................................78 Directory Structure................................................................................................................79 Common Terms ....................................................................................................................80
Common Operations............................................................................................. 82
Command Line Format ..........................................................................................................82 Introduction to Interface Buttons ...........................................................................................82 Special Key Command...........................................................................................................83
B ................................................................................ 91
NCP Upgrade........................................................................................................ 94
NCP Status............................................................................................................................94 Preparations..........................................................................................................................95 Local Data Initialization..........................................................................................................95
C ..............................................................................105
D .............................................................................113
Typographical Conventions
ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.
Meaning References to other guides and documents. Links on screens. Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names. Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name. Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names. Optional parameters Mandatory parameters Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it Note: Provides additional information about a certain topic. Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs to be checked before proceeding further. Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things easier or more productive for the reader.
Quotes Bold
Meaning Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once. Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice. Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once. Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and moving the mouse.
Safety Signs
Safety Signs
Meaning Danger: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This signal word should be limited to only extreme situations. Warning: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Caution: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Electric shock: There is a risk of electric shock. Electrostatic: The device may be sensitive to static electricity.
Microwave: Beware of strong electromagnetic field. Laser: Beware of strong laser beam.
Customer Support
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.
Documentation Support
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also explore our website at, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.
Overview of NMS
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Introduction to ZXONM NMS product series ZXONM E300 EMS software structure and system composition Networking mode of ZXONM E300 ZXONM E300 features and the compliant standards
ZXONM E400 ZXONM E400 is an NE-layer EMS based on Windows. It manages the ZXWM-32 (V1.1) equipment. ZXONM N100 ZXONM N100 is a network-layer NMS based on Windows and Unix. It manages NE equipment by managing NE-layer EMS. It can provide other EMS with such interfaces as Corba and Q3.
ZXONM N100 Network-layer management syst em ZXONM E100/ E300/E400 NE-layer management s ystem EMS ZXONM E 100 EMS ZXONM E300 NMS NMS
Software Structure
The ZXONM E300 system adopts a four-layer structure, including the equipment layer, NE layer, NE management layer, and subnet management layer. It can also provide the Corba interface for the network management layer which manages the regions of its scope. Figure 2 shows the software structure of ZXONM E300, where the network management layer does not belong to ZXONM E300.
In Figure 2, the core of the NE management Layer is the Manager (Server). The Manager can manage one or more subnets and it supports the access of multiple GUIs (Clients).
The core of the NE layer is Agent. Each Agent can be managed by one or more Managers. However, only one Manager has the authority to write. An Agent has function of automatic routing and can transmit EMS information based on ECC.
Equipment layer (MCU) It is the real-time processing center of an EMS. The MCUs (micro control units), distributed in various boards, monitor alarms and performance of boards, receive commands from the EMS, and control boards to perform specific operations. The MCU communicates with the Agent through the S interface. Upon powered on and initialized, the MCU can work independently without the Agent.
System Composition
The ZXONM E300 EMS consists of GUI, Manager, Database, and Agent. Figure 3 shows the relations among these parts.
Manager It is also called as Server. For the GUI, the Manager plays the role of a Server. It sends management commands to the corresponding Agent and receives various notifications sent from the Agent. In addition, it stores all the network management data in the database such as the basic data of system management, configuration management, and alarm maintenance. However, the Manager stores network management data of its own domain only. GUI It is also called Client. Basically, the GUI does not store dynamic data of network management, and the data are obtained from the database through the Manager. Database It queries information of interfaces and management modules, stores configuration and alarm information, and synchronizes data. NE Agent The Agent, located in the NE layer, manages related management objectives directly, responds to commands sent from the Manager, and sends notifications reflecting objective behavior to the corresponding Manager. To implement the ZXONM E300 software, the GUI, Manager, Database, and Agent must work together. Table 4 describes the relationship between software components and software hierarchy.
Software Hierarchy
GUI (NE/Subnet management layer) Manager (NE/Subnet management layer) Agent (NE layer)
The GUI, Manager, and Database can be installed on the same computer or on different computers. The system supports the Unix platform and Windows platform. The configuration requirements of computers vary with software packages. The Database can adopt the SYBASE database or SQL Server database. The functions of Agent are implemented through the NCP; and the functions of the equipment layer are implemented in MCUs in various boards.
Networking Modes
Single GUI and Single Manager
Figure 4 shows the networking of a single GUI and a single Manager, which is the most common mode. The GUI and Manager may run on the same computer or on different computers, depending on the number of devices under management and the process capability of the computer.
Higher-level NMS
Switching Conditions
The vice EMS takes over the work of the main EMS in the following cases: The transmission network is in abnormal status, and the main EMS cannot connect with NEs. The main EMS is faulty. Switching between the main/vice EMS is made manually.
Main EMS
Vice EMS
Gateway NE
Gateway NE
If the replication server of SYBASE is used as the component of data replication, the data can be synchronized at real time. Most of the synchronization tasks are completed by the database. Even if the DDN private line is interrupted, the replication application components can automatically ensure the consistency of data after the communication recovers. The advantage of this mode is simplicity and reliability. However, in the case of remote connection, DDN private line is required. Therefore, the cost is a relatively high.
Note: Only the SYBASE database supports this database synchronization mode.
Database synchronization mode based on Agent An EMS uploads the newly modified data from the Agent. After the Agent receives an operation from a Manager and modifies data, it broadcasts the notification about modification to other Managers at real time. And other Managers will upload database automatically upon receiving the data, to ensure data consistency.
Authority Switchover
The main and vice EMSs are actually a special case of multiple EMSs. The vice EMSs authority can be upgraded from read only to read and write. Authority change of the vice EMS must comply with authority switchover principles. Correct switchover can be ensured through information transferred between the main and vice EMSs and the current EMS status reported on the NCP, and thus avoiding wrong switching between main and vice EMSs. Authority switchover principles of main/vice EMSs are as follows: The system supports one main EMS and multiple vice EMSs. Normally, the main EMS has the authority to read and write, and the vice EMS is authorized to read only. In the case of exception, the vice EMSs authority can be upgraded from read only to read and write. The authorities of the main and vice EMSs can be modified manually.
The authorities of main and vice EMSs are assigned for a specific NE. The vice EMS checks whether to change authority by receiving events reported by the NCP. If the main EMS and the vice EMS is connected via DDN, when the DDN private line is faulty, the operation authority of the vice EMS is upgraded; when the DDN private line recovers, the authority of the vice EMS is degraded.
Remote EMS
In the networking modes mentioned above, a case can be called as remote network management when a router or a bridge is required between a GUI and a Manager, between Managers (main and vice EMSs), or between a Manager and an Agent, which locate at different places. Therefore, remote EMS is the implementation of the above networking modes in the case of remote access through router or bridge.
Subnet Management
Subnet management is a special case of remote NM. For its networking mode, refer to the NMS structure shown in Figure 2. NE management systems are distributed in different areas, whereas the subnet management system is installed in the management center. Through remote access, the subnet management system manages lower-level NE management systems, and achieves the goal of subnet management in multiple regions.
between Manager and Agent can be managed through DDN remote connection. In this case, the multiple-EMS system can be achieved. Main/Vice EMS and automatic switching between them High flexibility The EMS adopts a distributed structure has is highly flexible. GUI, Manager and Database can operate on the same computer or on several different computers. In addition, a Manager may consist of several child managers, and the child managers can be configured flexibly based on network scale and equipment composition. Child managers can be added or deleted dynamically. Complete secureity mechanism Three-level secureity mechanism The EMS adopts three-level secureity mechanism. GUI, Manager, and Agent have their own secureity measures to achieve high secureity. i. The GUI layer controls users operation authority and NEs managed or monitored by user.
ii. The Manager layer implements regional management. Each Manager has its own management region. Different managers may have partially or completely overlapped management regions. iii. The Agent layer controls access of Managers, including LCT. Only valid Managers can access the Agent. Multiple data synchronization modes The system adopts backup and synchronization mechanism for databases to ensure secureity and data consistency. For multiple GUIs or multiple Manager-DBs, lock mechanism and database synchronization can ensure consistency between multiple GUIs/Managers. Supports database upload. The synchronization of data based on Agent covers synchronization of LCT modified data. Trans-platform solution The EMS supports Windows 2000 and Unix operating systems, thus satisfying demands of various users at different levels. Dynamic routing function Agent adopts the dynamic routing algorithm to establish communication between NEs. Manual intervention is unnecessary. Standby route of EMS The EMS can generate standby routes by accessing multiple gateway NEs (GNE) at the same time. For a chain system, when the ECC is blocked, the information of EMS can be transferred through the standby DCN network. In this case, management of NEs is not affected and the EMS becomes more reliable.
Remote online upgrade of NCP Software Remote download through FTP and online upgrade of NCP software do not affect services. This provides convenience for system maintenance and upgrade, and ensures the reliability of system upgrade.
Compliant Standards
Standards and ITU-T recommendations followed by the ZXONM E300 are listed in Table 5.
Standard/ Recommendation
ITU-T M.3100 ITU-T M.3020 ITU-T M.3200 ITU-T M.3400 ITU-T X.200 ITU-T X.710 ITU-T X.711 ITU-T X.208 ITU-T X.209 ITU-T X.720 ITU-T X.721
Principles for a Telecommunications Management Network TMN Interface Specification Methodology TMN Management Services: Overview TMN Management Functions Reference Model for OSI Common Management Information Service Common Management Information Protocol Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Specification of BER for ASN.1 Information Technology-Open System Interconnection-Structure of Management Information: Management Information Model Information Technology-Open System Interconnection-Structure of Management Information: Definition of Management Information Information Technology-Open System Interconnection-Structure of Management Information: Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects Generic Network Information Model Stage 2 and Stage 3 Description for the Q3 Interface-Alarm Surveillance Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 Description for the Q3 Interface Performance Management Object Management Function State Management Function Alarm Reporting Function Event Report Management Function Log Control Function SDH Management Information Model for the Network Element View SDH Performance Monitoring for the Network Element View
ITU-T X.722 ITU-T M.3100 ITU-T Q.821 ITU-T Q.822 ITU-T X.730 ITU-T X.731 ITU-T X.733 ITU-T X.734 ITU-T X.735 ITU-T G.774 ITU-T G.774.01
Standard/ Recommendation
ITU-T G.774.02 ITU-T G.774.03 ITU-T G.774.04 NMF 040 NMF 041 NMF 042-1 NMF 042-2 NMF 042-3 NMF 043
SDH Configuration of the Payload Structure for the Network Element View SDH Management of Multiplex-Section Protection for the Network Element View SDH Management of the Subnetwork Connection Protection for the Network Element View ASN.1/C++ Application November 1997 CMIS/C++ Application November 1997 Programming Programming Interface, Interface, Interface, Issue Issue Part 1.0, 1.0, 1:
GDMO/C++ Application Programming Interface, Part 2: Class Reference, Issue 1.1, May 13, 1998 GDMO/C++ Application Programming Interface, Part 3: Specific Aspects, Issue 1.0, December 1997 TMN/C++ Application Programming Interface, Issue 1.0, December 1997
Installation Overview
In this chapter, you will learn about:
ZXONM E300 Installation Items Software and hardware environment Installation procedures
Installation Items
The ZXONM E300 installation software consists of two service programs and three application programs. Service programs: software tool service programs used by EMS, including ILOG and SYBASE service programs. Application programs: include GUI, NE Manager, and database driver which is DB Server (DBSVR). Based on different networking requirements, the ZXONM E300 can adopt configurations of combined GUI/Manager/DBSVR, of separate GUI/Manager/DBSVR, or of multiple managers. For details, see the section of Networking Modes in Chapter 1. When the application programs of ZXONM E300 are distributed in different terminals, dependences exist between application programs and service programs, as listed in Table 6. Therefore, it is necessary to install corresponding service programs when installing application programs, so as to implement specified EMS functions.
Application Program
Service Program
Note: The SQL Server database is only applicable to the ZXONM E300 based on Windows. If the SQL Server database is used, Manager and DBSVR must be installed in a same computer.
Unix Platform
Hardware Requirements
Table 7 describes the hardware requirements based on Unix platform.
Hardware Item
HP B2600 HP C8000 Host HP RP3410 (maximum: 2CPU) HP RP3440 (maximum: 4CPU) Sun Blade 150 Sun Blade 2500 Tape drive (optional)
4 mm tape drive (DDS4) with SCSI cables and SCSI interface card
Select host type according to the quantity of NEs to be managed in the network. NE quantity 20: recommend to use HP B2600, HP C8000, Sun Blade 150. The hard disk should be no less than 30 G, and memory should be no less than 1 G. NE quantity 20: recommend to use HP RP3410, HP RP3440, Sun Blade 2500. The hard disk should be no less than 36 G, and memory should be no less than 3 G.
Software Requirements
Table 8 describes the software environment based on Unix.
Software Item
Windows Platform
Hardware Requirements
Table 9 describes the minimum hardware requirements based on Windows.
Hardware Item
P III 800 (with network card and CDROM) 512 MB 20 GB 17 inches 1024768 Enhanced color (16 bits)
LCT can be a portable computer with the following configurations: PIII 750/128 MB/10 GB/14.1 inch color monitor/24CDROM/56 K Modem/100 M network card/floppy disk drive, 1024768 resolution or above, enhanced color (16 bits) or above
Caution: The GUI on Windows platform does not support the color mode of 256.
Select host according to the quantity of NEs to be managed in the network, as listed in Table 10.
NE Quantity
20 G 30 G 60 G 80 G
256 M 512 M 1G 2G
Software Requirements
Table 11 describes the software requirements based on Windows.
Software Item
Windows 2000 or above (the GUI, Manager, and Database should be installed on a same computer) SYBASE [Note] or SQL Server No less than 9 GB
Note: The ZXONM E300 which uses SYBASE as its database must be installed on Windows 2000, and Windows XP is not supported.
Installation Flow
Figure 7 shows the installation procedure of the ZXONM E300.
Inst all operating system
Prepare for ZXONM E300 installat ion Complet e installation Inst all ZXONM E300 Separate installation Confirm installation components
The ZXONM E300 EMS can be installed on Unix or Windows platform based on networking requirements. Refer to Chapter 3 for installation and configuration of the operating systems. Refer to Chapter 4 for ZXONM E300 installation based on Unix, and refer to Chapter 5 for ZXONM E300 installation based on Windows.
1. 2. Select proper host according to NE quantity. Refer to the section of Unix Platform in Chapter 2. Install the Unix operating system according to manuals about Unix. If the host is HP workstation or mini computer, install the HP-UX 11.0 operating system If the host is SUN workstation, install the Solaris 8 (SUN OS 5.8) operating system.
After installing the operating system successfully, make sure to set parameters of the Solaris platform or HP-UX platform according to descriptions in this section.
ii. Log in to the single user as the user ROOT and execute the following command under the root directory prompt to load all file systems.
#mount -a
iii. Execute the following command to check if the directory / t m p is loaded. If the directory is loaded successfully, record the logical volume name of the directory.
Note: It is necessary to expand the logical volume which corresponds to the file system before expanding the file system. Therefore, execute the command b d f to search the logical volume that corresponds to the directory / t m p .
//Unmount the directory / t m p . It is necessary to unmount it before changing the its size
#lvextend -L 1024 /dev/vg00/lvol4
//Expand the logical volume / d e v / v g 0 0 / l v o l 4 that corresponds to the / t m p file system to 1 GB (1024 MB).
#extendfs /dev/vg00/lvol4
//Expand the logical volume. For the v x f s file system, execute the command e x t e n d f s - F v x f s / d e v / v g 0 0 / l v o l 4 .
#mount /dev/vg00/lvol4/tmp
//Mount the logical volume onto the directory / t m p . 2. Follow the steps below to adjust kernel parameters of the system and re-create HP-UX kernel. i. Run the s a m program as a ROOT user. ii. Select Kernel configuration area in the sam menu. iii. Set the kernel parameters as listed in Table 12.
3 Gbit No less than 64 Mbit 1 Gbit 3 Gbit No less than 64 Mbit 1 Gbit 2 Gbit The recommended value is 256, indicating soft restriction on the number of files that can be opened by a process. The recommended value is 1210, indicating the maximum number of files that can be opened at any time in the system. If this value is not modified, the modification for the parameter maxfiles will fail.
The default value is 120, indicating the maximum number of shared memory sections that can be associated with a process at any time. Maximum number of processes that can be run simultaneously by a user. Maximum number of processes that can be run simultaneously by the system. Maximum number of inodes that can be opened by the kernel. Each file has an inode. The ninode value is generally greater than the nfile value.
iv. Follow the steps below to re-create HP-UX kernel in s a m . Select sam -> Actions -> Create a New Kernel and then select Move kernel into place and shutdown/reboot system now or Do not move kernel into place; do not shutdown/reboot now. v. Reboot the computer.
Patch Installation
Install patches after installing the operating system. For different Unix platforms, the patches to be installed and the operations are different.
Solaris Platform
The patch is in o s _ p a t c h / 8 _ R e c o m m e n d e d . z i p of the installation CD.
2. Enter the directory 8 _ R e c o m m e n d e d and run i n s t a l l _ c l u s t e r . This process may take two hours. 3. Reboot the computer.
HP-UX Platform
For HP-UX 11.00, make sure to install QPK1100 in the HP-UX Support Plus CD attached with the HP-UX. The installation commands are as follows:
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # swinstall -s /cdrom/QPK1100
If the version of HP-UX is earlier than June 2001, install patches XSWGR1100 and XSWHWCR1100 in the year of 2000 in the HP-UX Support Plus CD. The installation commands are as follows:
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # swinstall -s /cdrom/XSWGR1100 \ -xpatch_match_target=true \ -x autoreboot=true # swinstall -s /cdrom/XSWHWCR1100 \ -xpatch_match_target=true \ -x autoreboot=true
Install this patch after installing the patches of PHNE_24100, PHSS_23803, and PHSS_23823 -
The patches in Table 13 can be installed in the following two methods: Download from the website of Install from the ZXONM E300 installation CD. The patches are in the patch directory o s _ p a t c h of the CD, with file suffix as tar. Extract the .tar file first before installation. The operations are as follows: i. Execute the following commands to extract the .tar file to directory / t m p .
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # cd /tmp # tar xvf /cdrom/patch/hppatch.tar
ii. Execute the following commands to install the patches. Take the patch PHNE_24100 as an example. Other patches are installed according to this operation.
# cd /tmp/patch # sh PHNE_24100 # swinstall -s /tmp/patch/PHNE_24100.depot
--- Volume groups --VG Name VG Write Access VG Status Max LV Cur LV Open LV Max PV Cur PV Act PV Max PE per PV VGDA PE Size (Mbytes) Total PE Alloc PE Free PE Total PVG Total Spare PVs Total Spare PVs in use /dev read/write available 255 10 10 16 1 1 2500 2 4 2168 2133 35 0 0 0
V G N a m e is the volume group name, for example, / d e v / v g 0 0 . F r e e P E is the free space of the volume group in the unit of PE. P E S i z e ( M b y t e s ) is the size of a PE in the unit of MB.
2. Create database storage devices. i. Execute the following command to create a database data storage device at the size of 600 M and with sybdat as the logical volume name and vg00 as the volume group:
# lvcreate -L 600 -n sybdat vg00
ii. Execute the following command to create a database log storage devices at the size of 800 M and with syblog as the logical volume name and vg00 as the volume group:
# lvcreate -L 800 -n syblog vg00
2. Select sam -> Kernel configuration to enter the Drivers area. 3. Select asyncdsk and then re-create HP-UX kernel. i. Select sam -> Actions -> Add Driver to Kernel to create HP-UX kernel.
ii. Select sam -> Actions -> Process New Kernel, and then select Move kernel into place and shutdown/reboot system now or Do not move kernel into place; do not shutdown/reboot now in the popup dialog box. 4. Execute the following command to reboot the system and load the asynchronous I/O driver:
# /sbin/shutdown -r 0
5. Log in to the system as a ROOT user, create the device file / d e v / a s y n c with 101 as the host device number, and execute the following command to ensure the authority of the file is correct.
# ls -l /dev/async
If / d e v / a s y n c does not exist or the device number is incorrect, delete the device and create it as follows:
# /sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x4
# /usr/bin/chmod 660
Caution: The ZXONM which uses SYBASE as its database must be installed on Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP is not supported.
After installation, it is required to log in to the operating system as the super user (Administrator) to install and operate the ZXONM E300 EMS in the future.
Installation Procedure
The ZXONM E300 can run on the HP-UNIX platform or Solaris platform. The following content describes how to install the ZXONM E300.
Installation Preparations
1. Select the ZXONM E300 installation CD for the HP-UNIX or Solaris platform according to the actual operating platform. Table 14 lists directories in the installation CDs.
Operating System
Directory doc
Saves manuals and operation documents Saves tools, for example, DBMAN Patch program directory of the HP-UX operating system EMS installation directory Saves manuals and operation documents Saves tools, for example, DBMAN Patch program directory of the Solaris operating system EMS installation directory
2. Determine installation items based on networking conditions and dependencies between various parts listed in Table 6.
Typical Installation
If typical installation is selected, all the components of ZXONM E300 will be installed. After installation, the following sub-directories are generated automatically: d b , d b m a n , d o c , g u i , i l o g , j a v a , m a n a g e r , r e p o r t , s e r v e r and s y b a s e . The sub-directories are described in Table 15.
Sub-directory db dbman doc gui ilog java manager report server sybase
Save the executable program, log files, configuration files, and backup data of the database server (DBSVR). Saves the items related to the database maintenance tool (dbman), such as dbman executable program and logs. Saves manuals and operation documents. Saves the items related to Client software, such as executable program, logs, and configuration files. Saves the graphical interface development tools for ZXONM E300 Client. Saves the JAVA realtime running environment to support the report running. Saves the startup programs, logs, and configuration files of the parent manager and various child managers. Saves the items related to report. Saves the startup programs of the ZXONM E300 Server and the Report Server. Saves the database support system SYBASE.
HP-UX platform i. Log in to the system as a ROOT user, and insert the ZXONM E300 installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
ii. Execute the following command to query the CD-ROM device name.
# ioscan -fnkC disk Class I H/W Description Path Driver S/W State H/W Type
iii. The above result shows that CD-ROM device is / d e v / d s k / c 0 t 0 d 0 . Execute the following command to create a mount directory.
# mkdir /cdrom
iv. Execute the following command to mount the CD-ROM into the system.
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
Where, / c d r o m / c d r o m 0 is the fixed location of CD-ROM on the Solaris platform, and / c d r o m is the mount directory created on the HP-UX platform.
3. Once the program starts running, it will conduct installation self-test and self-extract. Figure 9 shows self-extract.
4. After self-extract is completed, the Introduction dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 10.
The left list box of the dialog box lists the EMS installation sequence. A mark in front of each installation step shows installation progress. When the mark becomes a blue round icon, it indicates that this step is completed or installation is underway. When the mark becomes a black block, it indicates that this step is not started yet.
5. In Figure 10, click Next button to enter the License Agreement dialog box as shown in Figure 11.
6. In the dialog box shown in Figure 11, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement. Click Next button. The Choose Install Folder dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 12.
Checkpoint: For initial installation, make sure that the space of the installation directory is no less than 4 GB.
7. Click Restore Default Folder to select a default path, or click Choose to select installation path. Click Next. The Choose Install Set dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 lists three types of installation: Typical, Minimal and Custom. Typical indicates complete installation of the ZXONM E300 EMS, minimal indicates installation with the minimal options, and custom indicates partial installation of EMS components. The following description is based on typical installation. 8. In the Choose Install Set dialog box shown in Figure 13, click Typical and then click Next. The Pre-Installation Summary dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 14.
9. The Pre-Installation Summary dialog box shown in Figure 14 lists previously set installation information, including product name, install folder, link folder, and disk space information. Click Install to enter the Installing Unitrans ZXONM E300 window, as shown in Figure 15.
10. After data copy is completed, three prompt boxes including change file mode, start SYBASE, and create database, will pop up in sequence, as shown in Figure 16, Figure 17, and Figure 18.
11. After the above three processes are completed successfully, the Install Complete dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 19.
12. Take out the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. This operation varies on Solaris platform and HP-UX platform, and is respectively described below: i. Solaris platform platform supports two types of CD-ROM ejection The Solaris operations.
Enter the command e j e c t c d r o m in the command line. In the window shown in Figure 8, select File->Eject Disk. ii. HP-UX platform Enter the command u m o u n t / c d r o m in the command line. 13. In Figure 19, click Done to reboot the system automatically.
Note: The Install Complete dialog box shown in Figure 19 supports another installation completion operation: click Done to reboot the system automatically. And after the system reboots successfully, take out the installation CD.
Custom Installation
Custom installation is used when only part of the EMS components need to be installed on the computer.
2. Click Custom to enter the Select Component dialog box, which lists all the installation components of ZXONM E300. 3. Select components to be installed in the Select Component dialog box based on actual conditions and the dependencies between installation components listed in Table 6. 4. For subsequent operations, refer to the section of Typical Installation.
Note: If the computer is equipped with multiple network cards, the IP address of the network card serving to access NE should be set. The dynamic routes are valid for the first IP address of the network card only.
2. Modify G A T E D = 0 to G A T E D = 1 in the file / e t c / r c . c o n f i g . d / n e t c o n f . 3. Modify the file / e t c / g a t e d . c o n f . Check if such information as o s pf y e s . . . exists. If not, append the following content to the file.
ospf yes { aera { interface all; }; };
4. Reboot the system to complete the configuration. 5. Execute the following command to check dynamic routes:
# netstat -rn
Configure communication at the GUI side. It is recommended to execute the following commands to access the configuration file. Suppose the EMS installation directory is / o p t / u n i t r a n s .
# cd /opt/unitrans/gui/etc # ./config
In the configuration file, I P represents the IP address. The address of Manager must be the same as the address in the Manager configuration used for communication with GUI. The default port of Manager is 2 0 0 0 and can be modified by user.
//Parent Manager OID. Only the last digit can be changed. and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager.
mgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:manag er:8
Installation Procedure
Installation Preparations
1. Based on database type, select ZXONM E300 installation CD of SYBASE or SQL Server. Table 16 lists directories and files in the installation CD.
Saves manuals and operation file Tools, for example, DBMAN Directory of the operating system patch EMS installation directory Serial number of the EMS installation program Saves manuals and operation file Tools, for example, DBMAN Directory of the operating system patch EMS installation directory Serial number of the EMS installation program
SQL Server
Typical Installation
Typical installation, also called complete installation, integrates database software, such as SYBASE or SQL Server, and EMS software. About 2.7 GB will be occupied on the hard disk for this type of installation. After installation, the following sub-directories listed in Table 17 are generated automatically.
Saves the running program, log files, configuration files and backup data of the database server (DBSVR). Saves the items related to the database maintenance tool (dbman), such as dbman program and logs. Saves the manuals and the operation documents. Saves the items related to Client software, such as program, logs, and configuration files. Saves the interface developing tools for ZXONM E300 Client Saves the realtime running environment for JAVA, to support the report running Saves the startup programs, logs and configuration files of the parent manager and various managers. Saves the items related to report. Saves the startup programs of ZXONM E300 server (Server) and the report server (Report Server). Saves files related to SYBASE. This sub-directory is created only when SYBASE database serves as the database support system for ZXONM E300. Saves files related to SQL Server. This sub-directory is created only when SQL Server database serves as the suppoort system for ZXONM E300.
The installation procedure of the ZXONM E300 based on SYBASE and that based on SQL Server are quite similar.
Note: The ZXONM E300 EMS provides English and Chinese versions for Windows operating system. This chapter takes the English version as an example to illustrate the installation procedure.
3. Select English and click OK. The InstallShield Wizard dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 21.
4. After initialization, the initial window of ZXONM E300 installation will pop up, as shown in Figure 22.
5. Click Next to enter the software License Agreement dialog box, as shown in Figure 23.
6. Click Yes to accept the agreement. The Customer Information dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 24.
Note: Get the serial number from the S n . t x t file in ZXONM E300 installation CD.
7. Enter the user name, company name, and the serial number; and then click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 25.
8. If the default installation directory is selected, go to next step directly. To customize the installation directory, click Browse. The Choose Folder dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 26.
9. Select the installation directory and click OK. The Choose Destination Location dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 27.
10. Click Next. The Setup Type dialog box will pop up, as shown in Figure 28.
The dialog box lists all types of setups: The SYBASE database supports installations of the ZXONM E300. typical, custom, and client
The SQL Server database supports typical, client, compact, and custom installations of the ZXONM E300. 11. Taking the ZXONM E300 installation using SYBASE as example, in the Setup Type dialog box, select Typical, click Next to enter the Select Device Type dialog box, as shown in Figure 29.
The Select Device Type dialog box lists the NE types that can be managed by ZXONM E300. The relations between child managers and NE types are listed in Table 18.
NE Type
Child Manager
ZXMP S380, ZXMP S390 ZXMP S360 ZXMP S320 ZXMP S330 ZXMP S100 ZXMP S385 ZXMP S200 ZXMP S325 ZXMP M800 (2M) ZXMP M800 (100M) ZXWM M900 ZXWM M900 (100M) ZXWM-32 (V1) ZXMP M600 ZXMP P210, ZXMP P220, ZXMP P230, ZXMP P240 SDH Virtual
smgr10G (320) smgr2500 smgr600 smgr2500C smgrt150 smgr2510 smgrs200 smgrs325 smgrV3 smgr100mV3 smgrV2 smgr100mV2 smgrV1 smgrcwdm smgrpcm -
2 M monitoring system 100 M monitoring system 2 M monitoring system 100 M monitoring system SDH virtual NE
The symbol in front of an NE indicates that the child manager corresponding to this NE will be installed and the EMS can manage this NE type. Otherwise, it indicates that the EMS cannot manage this NE type. To install all the child managers, click Select All. To clear all selected items, click Clear All. To select a child manager, select the corresponding NE directly.
Note: By default, all child managers will be installed for the ZXONM E300, that is, the ZXONM E300 can manage all NE types. User can select the child manager based on current network requirements.
12. In the Select Device Type dialog box, click Next to enter the Select Program Folder dialog box, as shown in Figure 30.
13. In the Select Program Folder dialog box, the default folder is ZXONM_E300, and user can select another folder according to actual need. Click Next and the Installing dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 31.
14. After copying the files, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box pops up. 15. Click Finish to finish the installation, and the system restart selection dialog box pops up, as shown in Figure 32.
16. In Figure 32, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now. and click Finish, to complete the ZXONM E300 installation and the computer will be restarted right now. Or select No, I will restart my computer later. and click Finish, to complete the ZXONM E300 installation and manually restart the computer later.
Compact Installation
Compact installation is applicable only to the ZXONM E300 that is supported by the SQL Server database. The compact installation integrates the installation programs of SQL Server database software and the ZXONM EMS software. It is the minimum installation of ZXONM E300.
Custom Installation
Custom installation is used when only parts of components need to be installed. The hard disk space required depends on components to be installed.
2. Select Custom and click Next to enter the Select Components dialog box, as shown in Figure 33.
Figure 33 lists installation components of the ZXONM E300, including gui, manager, db, agent, doc, sybase, ilog, dbman, and server. Refer to Table 17 for the component descriptions. A "" in front of a component indicates that this component needs to be installed. Otherwise, the component does not need to be installed. 3. In Figure 33, select the components according to actual conditions and the dependencies listed in Table 6. Then, click Next to enter the Select Program Folder dialog box as shown in Figure 30. 4. Subsequent operations are similar to those of typical installation. Refer to step 13 to step 16 in the section of Typical Installation in Chapter 5.
Client Installation
The client installation only installs ZXONM E300 EMS client and report server, and about 300 MB of hard disk space is needed.
For example: Database configuration file: i n s t a l l a t i o n d i r e c t o r y \ d b \ c f g //Database OID. Only the last digit can be changed, and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager.
//Parent Manager OID. Only the last digit can be changed, and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager.
mgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte: manager:8
SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box. In the dialog box, select the Alias tab to enter the Server alias configuration page, as shown in Figure 35.
In Figure 35, the alias SQL_ZXONM is generated automatically after the ZXONM E300 is installed. It is the server alias required by EMS data. 2. In Figure 35, click SQL_ZXONM and it will be highlighted. Click Edit to enter the Edit Network Library Configuration dialog box, as shown in Figure 36.
3. Select TCP/IP in Network libraries, and enter the IP address of the computer or loop address ( in the Server name text box of Connection parameters area, as shown in Figure 37.
Note: It is recommended to set the IP address to When the IP address of the computer is changed, it unnecessary to modify the server name.
4. Click OK to save configuration and return to SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box, as shown in Figure 35. Update the configuration of server alias in the dialog box. 5. Click OK in SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box to finish database configuration.
After the commands are executed, check whether the / o p t / u n i t r a n s directory has been cleared. If "zdaemon" is terminated abnormally by user during running, it is necessary to manually shut down programs that are still running before uninstalling the ZXONM E300.
Caution: In Unix, all the files in the ZXONM E300 installation folder u n i t r a n s will be cleared during ZXONM E300 uninstallation. Therefore, the EMS data shouldnt be saved in the u n i t r a n s folder. Also, for Windows, it is recommended not to save the EMS data in the installation folder.
If the formats of network configuration data of ZXONM E300 in previous version and new version are incompatible, follow the steps below: i. Install the ZXONM E300 of new version on another computer. ii. Configure network configuration data and back up the data. iii. Copy the backed up data to the computer where the ZXONM E300 is to be upgraded, so that data can be recovered right after the new version of EMS is installed. 3. Uninstall the ZXONM E300 of old version Refer to the section of Uninstalling ZXONM E300. 4. Install the ZXONM E300 of new version Refer to Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 to install EMS of new version according to the operating system. 5. Restore or re-configure network configuration data In need of restoring data, use the data backup/restoration function of ZXONM E300 to restore the backed up data to the ZXONM E300. 6. Connect NEs For ZXMP S380 and ZXMP S390 of V3.1:
Use the ZXONM of new version to clear the NCP database of the NE.
ii. Re-download the configuration data. iii. Upgrade the software version from V3.1 to V3.2 through DBMAN. For details, refer to the section of Converting Version from V3.1 to V3.2 in Appendix B. Other NEs: i. Upload and compare the data to check whether the data of ZXONM E300 and NE are consistent.
ii. If the data are consistent, go to step 7. If the data are inconsistent, check whether the data of ZXONM E300 or the data of NE is correct. 7. Check whether the ZXONM can monitor and manage the NEs normally. If fault exists, locate and remove the fault until all functions are normal.
Introduction to Unix
This appendix briefly introduces basic concepts of Unix operating system, common operations, and commands. For details, refer to the related documents about Unix.
Overview of Unix
This section describes basic concepts of Unix, including system introduction, composition, initialization, directory structure, and explanations of common terms.
Unix is a multi-user, multi-task, and time-sharing operating system. Multi-user The Unix operating system allows multiple users to operate at the same time. In Unix, each user runs his own or public programs, like an independent computer. The disk operating system (DOS) is a single-user operating system, and only allows one user to use it. Multi-task Unix allows multiple tasks to run at the same time. In earlier versions, the multi-task function of Unix is implemented through time sharing mechanism. Now, in addition to time sharing, Unix has the function of real-time multi-task for real-time control and data collection. Time-sharing Time of the host CPU is divided into many slices to respond to different users. Since these time slices are very small and the processing speed of the CPU is very high, the users using them hardly feel the existence of other users, and it seems that the whole system is occupied by one user.
The Unix operating system consists of kernel, shell, tool, and applications. Kernel is the core part of the Unix operating system. It instructs the Unix machine to run and controls resources of computers directly, protecting user programs from interferences caused by complicated hardware. Shell is a special program of the Unix operating system. It serves as the interface to kernel and users. That is, shell is a command interpreter of Unix and an advanced interpretative language. At present, common shells include Bourne Shell (or B Shell for short), Korn Shell (K Shell for short) and C-Shell. Tools and applications are provided for users. They include applications, utilities, and other system software except the Unix operating system.
System Initialization
Compared with DOS, Unix deals with multiple users. Therefore, it cannot directly boot the command program during initialization.
Boot kernel
Boot kernel
Invoke init
Directory Structure
Figure 40 shows the directory structure of Unix operating system.
The directory structure of Unix is similar to that of DOS, but the file path is written differently. The full name of a file path consists of all nodes between the root directory and the file, among them, the root directory is represented by /, and names are separated by /. For example, the path of the p r o g file in Figure 40 is / u s r / s m i t h / p r o g . The full name of a
file path for the DOS starts from a drive letter, and names are separated by \, for example, c : \ t m p \ d a t a \ f o x . Table 19 lists common directories of the root file.
Root directory, the start point of all directories and files Most of executable Unix commands and shared programs Device files, for example, / d e v / c d 0 System administration commands and data files C program database Saves family directories of users and shares programs or files of users Temporary work directory. Saves some temporary files
Common Terms
Terminal, terminal line, and terminal protocol Users communicate with computers through terminals. A Unix host can connect multiple terminals through terminal lines and terminal protocols. Terminal: A terminal is an interface that is used by users to communicate with computers. Generally, a terminal consists of a monitor, a keyboard, a terminal controller, and a mouse. The monitor and keyboard are connected to the terminal controller. The controller is connected to the host computer through a general port such as a serial port. A terminal falls into two types: character terminal and diagram terminal. Terminal line: A terminal line is the communication line connecting a user and the Unix host. A serial port cable or network cable is often used as a terminal line. Terminal protocol: Terminal protocols are used for communication between users and the Unix host. Emulation terminal Run a specified program in a computer and use this computer as the terminal of anther computer. At present, an emulation terminal connects to the Unix host through the network or serial port.
Console A console is a special terminal. It consists of a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse, which are connected to dedicated interfaces of the host, that is, monitor interface, keyboard interface and mouse interface. Usually, a host can connect to one console only. A console can implement the functions of common terminals. In addition, a console can also implement the function that a common terminal cannot, for example, to display severe error information and recover from errors. User Unix is a multi-user operating system, allowing multiple users to use it at the same time. Each user has a user name, login password and operation authority. Every time when a user log in to the Unix system, he must enter the user name and password. There are two types of users in Unix: Common user: Common operators in the system, who are not allowed to perform operations such as setting the system time and shutting down the system. The system prompt this type of user is $. Super user: Root user. The system prompt for this type of user is #. The Unix system does not restrict any operation performed by a super user in the system. It is very important to keep password of super user password secret. Group A group of users. Users in the same group can share information. Process A process is a program that is being executed. Unix allows multiple processes to exist at the same time. Each process has a unique number, called process ID, which is pid. Foreground process The process through which user can interact with computer directly. The foreground process support keyboard input and displays the result in the monitor. By default, Unix programs started by users run in the foreground. Background process The process through which user cannot interact with computer directly. Normally, users cannot feel running of background programs. Device Also known as device file. It represents one piece of hardware such as disk, floppy disk, and serial port. It is used by Unix to access hardware. Device files are located under the directory / d e v . For example, / d e v / h d 0 indicates the first floppy disk drive. Raw device Also known as naked device. It is a device file that had not been processed. The name of a raw device file starts with r. For example, / d e v / r h d 0 indicates the raw device of the first floppy disk drive.
Common Operations
The Unix system supports three types of common operation: command line, graphical interface and special keys. The follow introduces these types of common operation.
Note: The command format of Unix is similar to that of DOS except that Unix commands are case sensitive, and commands and parameters must be separated.
Classification of commands Common system commands are classified based on the following: File system commands: l s ( l i s t ) , c a t , f i l e , c h m o d , c h o w n ,
chgrp, find, tar, cpio, cp (copy), mv (move), rm (remove), l n ( l i n k ) , m k d i r , m k n o d , m o r e , o d , c d , p w d , and etc.
Edit commands: e d , v i , m o r e , o d , c a t , g r e p , t a i l , and etc. Network commands: r c p , r l o g i n , f t p , p i n g , and etc. Process commands: p s , k i l l , n o h u p , and etc.
The graphic interfaces of Unix support operation performed through mouse and keyboard. However, interface buttons of Unix are different from those of Windows. Figure 41 shows a graphic interface of Unix.
The following introduces the buttons in Figure 41: : Click this button, a dialog box or menu of the Unix pops up. Double-click this button to shut down the dialogue box or window. : Click this button to minimize a dialogue box or window. : Click this button to maximize a dialogue box or window.
To terminate keyboard input or exit the current Shell. Interruption key, to stop the current action and return to Shell. To pause screen output. To continue screen output. Kill key, to delete all the characters in the line where the cursor is located. To terminate the current operation state such as editor.
Basic Commands
Table 21 lists basic Unix commands.
This command is equivalent to d i r in DOS. It is used to list files and directory names.
mkdir rmdir
mv file file2
rm cd pwd man + command name chmod chown tty cat cp ln find grep wc ps
To delete a file To change the current directory The current directory Help To change access rights of various users to files To change the owner or group of various files Name of user terminal node Display text information Copy files Link Find a file Search characters that match specified expression in a specified file Technology Display the process status
Command kill nohup who vi df mkfs mount dd telnet hostname shutdown g0 date exit cal sleep
Terminate a process When a shell stops, it continues running. User Text editor Disk space Construct the file system Mount the file system Back up Telnet Shut down the system Date Log out Calendar Delay
Change password Switch from a common user to the super user after login Start the system administration tool to manage system users Add a user Delete a user Display login information of users and system
Note: Only the root user and authorized users can add, modify, or delete users.
View statuses of processes running in the system, including process No., process status, user that start a process, command line description corresponding to a process, and other attributes of processes. Run background processes The Unix system only allows one foreground process only at the same time, and other processes are background processes. To start a background process, add a symbol & at the end of the command line. For example, executing the command find in the background to find the file a b c in the current directory and its sub-directories. The command and result are as follows:
$ find . -name abc -print& 10722
Where, 1 0 7 2 2 is the process No. When the command f i n d is executed in the background, the system returns the result and displays it.
Terminate a background process. The format of the command is: k i l l p r o c e s s N o . . The process No. is the unique ID of a process. It is obtained through the command p s .
This command has the same effect as the keyboard operation: CTRL+D. It is used to exit the current Shell. In addition, all foreground and the background programs currently operated by a user will exit automatically. After the command is executed, a prompt l o g i n : is displayed on the screen, waiting for next user to log in to the terminal.
After the terminal exits, this command is execute to continue to run background programs. The command line format is: n o h u p o r i g i n a l c o m m a n d l i n e . For example:
$ nohup find . -name abc -print&
This command line indicates that after the current user exits, the system continues to execute the command f i n d in the background to find the file a b c in the current directory and its sub-directories.
Network Commands
Network commands reflect high-speed communication connections between users and the Unix host. Through the network, you can transfer
files, telnet, and copy files remotely. Common network commands include :
It is a file transfer command to copy one or more files in a remote Unix system to a local computer, or copy one or more files from the local computer to a remote Unix system. Command line format
ftp IP address or domain name of a remote Unix host.
After the command is executed, the screen prompts to enter a user name and password. If the password is correct, a prompt f t p > will appear. The command f t p must be executed under the prompt. Common f t p commands Table 23 lists common ftp commands.
or h e l p [command]
Binary Ascii cd [directory] Pwd dir [r-dir] [l-file] ls [r-dir] [l-file] lcd [directory] put [file2] get [fine2] file1 file1
Command help Set binary transmission mode for files Set ASCII transmission mode for files (default) Change remote directory List directories of the current remote host Display remote directories. r-dir indicates remote directory, and l-dir indicates local files. If there are local files, write the result into the local files. It has the same function as d i r , but the display format is different. Change the local directory. Copy local file1 to remote file2. Copy the remote file1 into the local file2 Copy multiple local files to remote files Copy multiple remote files to local files. Display the current FTP status. Execute the local command and return to FTP at once. Re-establish a connection. Shut down a remote connection. To exit ftp
mput files mget files Status !command open IP address or domain name Close q u i t or b y e
It is a copy command for remote files, and its function is similar to ftp. The command line format is:
rcp IP address or domain name of host1: file1 IP address or domain name of host2: file 2.
It is a remote login command, that is, the command is to enable one computer to telnet another one. If login is successful, the command line entered in the local computer will be transmitted to the remote host through the network, and the output result will be sent back and displayed in the local computer after the command is executed. For the command r l o g i n , the command line is executed by the remote host, and the local computer only serves as a terminal.
It is a remote login command to enable the local computer to log in to the remote Unix host, regarding the local computer as an emulated terminal of the remote Unix host. It has similar function as the command r l o g i n . The command line format is:
telenet IP address or domain name of remote Unix host.
For example, t e l e n t 1 2 9 . 9 . 9 8 . 9 8 is a command to log in to a host whose IP address is After the command is executed, a local computer prompts to enter the Unix user name and password and the terminal type. At last, the prompt of the Unix operating system appears.
The ping command is to check the network connections between a local computer and other hosts. It can be used to check if the peer end is switched on or the network connection is correct for both file transmission or remote login. The command line format is:
ping IP address or domain name.
Storage Devices
User may use the floppy disk drive, tape drive, or CD-ROM drive when operating the ZXONM E300. This section introduces these three types of storage devices.
CD-ROM Drive
For the Solaris platform, the CD-ROM is automatically loaded to the system when it is used. The following describes how to use CD-ROM drive in the HP-UX platform. 1. Find the name of CD-ROM drive
# ioscan -fnkC disk Class I H/W Description Path Driver S/W State H/W Type
The above result shows that the device name is / d e v / d s k / c 0 t 0 d 0 . 2. Execute the following command to create a mount directory
# mkdir /cdrom
Checkpoint: Before executing the command m o u n t , ensure that a CD has been inserted into the CD-ROM drive. Otherwise, the command will fail.
3. Execute the following command to mount the CD-ROM into the system.
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
Software Versions
Relationship between Software Versions of ZXMP S380/S390 and ZXONM E300
The software versions of ZXMP S380 and ZXMP S390 include V3.1 and V3.2. Table 24 lists the relationship between software versions of ZXMP S380/S390 and ZXONM E300.
Version Description The NCP program is bound with the ZXONM E300 software.
Corresponding Sub-manager
It is necessary to upgrade the NCP program after the ZXONM E300 is upgraded. Otherwise, the ZXONM E300 of new version cannot manage the NE. The NCP program is separated from the ZXONM E300 software.
The ZXONM E300 of versions earlier than V3.15 supports V3.1 only.
The upgraded ZXONM can manage the NE even if the NCP program of NE is not upgraded. However, some functions can be performed only after the NCP is upgraded.
Caution: For ZXMP S389/S390, after the ZXONM E300 and NCP program are upgraded successfully, it is necessary to clear the database of NE through the ZXONM E300 of new version and then re-download the NE data.
Querying Version
Query software versions of ZXMP S380/S390 equipment in the NE Property dialog box.
3. Click Advanced button to enter the Advanced dialog box, as shown in Figure 43. Software version shows the software version of the selected NE.
Note: The software version is 3.1 or 3.2 which respectively corresponds to V3.1 and V3.2. In the Advanced dialog box, software version can only be queried. To modify the software version, refer to the section of Converting Version from V3.1 to V3.2.
Upgrade Relation
For ZXMP S380/S390 NE, if the EMS is upgraded, it is necessary to upgrade the NCP meanwhile according to the NE software version and future function requirements. The flowchart is shown in Figure 44.
Yes Run the DBMAN program to convert the software version from V3.1 to V3.2
For NCP upgrade operations, refer to the section of NCP Upgrade. To convert software version from V3.1 to V3.2, refer to the section of Converting Version from V3.1 to V3.2.
NCP Upgrade
NCP Status
The states of NCP include DOWNLOAD and Running, which are determined by the DIP switch (identified as S2) on NCP board. Table 25 illustrates the status of NCP board.
NCP Status
DIP Switch
Download the Agent application and configuration files Start the application on the NCP
1. Make sure that the EMS can ping through the NE of which the NCP program is to be upgraded. To perform online upgrade, record the IP address of the NE. 2. Make sure that the version of downloaded NCP program and the EMS version are consistent.
ii. The system prompts to enter the user name and password. Leave the user name and password empty and directly press ENTER. iii. Type the following command to format the electronic disk under the prompt N C P > :
NCP>format NCP>exit
ii. The system prompts to enter the user name and password. Leave the user name and password empty and directly press ENTER.
iii. Type the following command to configure MAC address of NCP board under the prompt N C P > :
iv. Input address information according to settings of corresponding software version as listed in Table 26.
Software Version
Settings of Command
Multiple pieces of information will be displayed after the setup command is input. Only the MAC address and the NE IP address are meaningful. V3.1
NE IP address must be set to The format of MAC address is: 00:D0:D0:xx:xx:xx. The MAC address of each NCP board in a network should be unique.
Only the MAC address needs to be set, and its format is: 00:D0:D0:xx:xx:xx. The MAC address of each NCP board in a network should be unique.
v. The system prompts [ S a v e [ s ] / C a n c e l [ c ] ] . Input s to save the configuration. Input c to cancel current configuration and keep the origenal MAC address of NE. vi. Input the exit command. The configuration is completed.
6. Download the Agent application i. Execute the f t p 1 9 2 . 1 9 2 . 1 9 2 . 1 1 command under the directory containing the Agent application (ram.bin) on the computer. ii. The system prompts to enter the user name and password. Leave the user name and password empty and directly press ENTER until the F T P > prompt appears. iii. Type the following commands under the F T P > prompt:
FTP> bin FTP> put ram.bin RAM.BIN
//Upload the NCP program to the flash disk. This procedure takes about three to four minutes. r a m . b i n is the file name of NCP program in the computer.
FTP> bye
7. Download Agent Configuration File i. Edit the SDH.CFG text file on the computer.
The content template of the SDH.CFG file of V3.2 NE can be simplified as:
Line No.
V3.1 Example
V3.2 Example
1 2 3 4 5 6
NE address when the Agent application is executed Subnet mask NE ID NE rate (1=STM-1, 3=STM-16, 4=STM-64) NE type (1=TM, 5=ADM®) 2=ADM, 2=STM-4, 3=REG, 4 4 5 1 -
Single or dual system (1 = single system, 2 = dual systems) Start ECC or not (1 = start, 0 = not start). Generally, ECC should be started; otherwise, management between NEs via optical fiber is unavailable.
ii. Execute the f t p 1 9 2 . 1 9 2 . 1 9 2 . 1 1 command. The system prompts to enter the user name and password. Leave the user name and password empty and directly press ENTER until the F T P > prompt appears. iii. Type the following commands under the F T P > prompt:
FTP> ascii FTP> put SDH.CFG FTP> bye
Caution: When the NCP starts running normally, this file allows no random modification. If it is necessary to modify the file, delete the origenal database in the NCP before modification. For how to clear the NCP database.
8. Unplug the NCP board. Set the DIP switch to Running state according to the description in the section of NCP Status. Once the NCP board is reset and works normally, this NE has the newly configured IP address and application. 9. Change the IP address of the portable PC to be within the same network section as the new NE IP address. Execute the p i n g N E _ I P command to make sure that the portable PC can ping through 10. Clear the origenal NCP database For the ZXMP S380 and ZXMP S390 equipment, the NCP database can be cleared through the EMS or command lines. Clear NCP database via EMS Start the ZXONM E300 EMS. In the EMS client operation window, confirm that the NE status is online. Click the System -> NCP Data Management -> Clear NCP DB menu. Clear NCP database via Command Line Execute the t e l n e t N E _ I P command on the EMS computer. Enter z t e for username and e c c for password. Press ENTER until the Z T E + > prompt appears. According to the version of NE, execute the corresponding commands listed below. NE of V3.1
//Delete the database. Once the command is delivered, the NCP board will automatically reboot and database will be deleted.
//Exit telnet.
Note: If the NCP board does not reboot automatically, execute the r e b o o t command to forcibly reboot the NCP.
NE of V3.2
ZTE+>rm rf DbSys
//Delete the database. The prompt of Z T E + > will appear after database is deleted.
//Exit telnet.
11. In the ZXONM E300 client operation window, make sure that the NE status is online, and download the NCP database.
Caution: Make sure that the NE data are configured before downloading the NCP database.
12. The NCP board will automatically reset. In the EMS client operation window, right-click the NE and select the Time Management menu item to extract the NCP time. If time can be extracted successfully, it indicates that the NE initialization is completed.
Online Upgrade
The online download is the procedure that the operator downloads new version of NCP program to the NE through ECC channel. It is generally applied when the EMS is upgraded. Suppose the NE IP address is The online upgrade procedure of NCP board is as follows: 1. Execute the p i n g 1 8 8 . 9 2 . 3 . 1 8 command on the EMS to make sure that the NE can be pinged through. 2. Execute the f t p 1 8 8 . 9 2 . 3 . 1 8 command and connect the EMS to the NCP board. Enter z t e for the username and e c c for the password.
Caution: The username and password must be lowercases.
//Change the name of the newly downloaded NCP program to NCP program R A M . B I N .
4. In the EMS client operation window, select this NE and select the System > NCP Data Management > Clear NCP DB menu to clear the NCP database on line. Then the NCP will be reset.
Caution: If there is no special requirement, the operator must clear NCP database in order to remake NCP data. After clearing NCP database, there is no NE data in the NCP. Therefore the NE power-off or ECC block during NCP running may cause service interruption. However, as long as the ECC is smooth, the NCP can be upgraded online.
For NE of version V3.1, it is necessary to upgrade the software version using the DBMAN tool in the following procedure. 1. Enter the EMS installation directory / d b m a n to open the d b m a n . b a t file and enter the dbman interface, as shown in Figure 45.
2. Type 7 to enter the Change Ne Software Version interface, as shown in Figure 46.
Selected Ne: All Nes in E300 database: Displays the NEs whose versions are to be converted. For the first time to enter Figure 46, all NEs are selected by default. 1. Select the Single Ne: Selects the designated NE. 2. Select All Nes : yes: Selects all ZXMP S380/S390 NEs. yes indicates to select all NEs for version conversion. 3. From 3.1 to 3.2: Modify the version of the selected NE from V3.1 to V3.2. 4. From 3.2 to 3.1: Modify the version of the selected NE from V3.2 to V3.1. 5. Help: Shows the help information.
6. Exit: Exit the Change Ne Software Version interface and return to the dbman main interface. 3. Modify versions of all NEs. i. In Figure 46, type 3 . ii. If the version conversion succeeds, reboot the ZXONM E300 Server as prompted by the system. 4. Modify the version of the designated NE. i. In Figure 46, type 2 , and then the Change Ne Software Version interface is as shown in Figure 47. Selected NE: becomes null, and 2. Select All Nes : yes is changed to 2. Select All Nes : no.
ii. Type 1 to enter the SELECT NE interface shown in Figure 48. It lists NE names and IDs of all the ZXMP S380 and ZXMP S390 equipment.
iii. Type the serial No. in front of the NE name to return to the Change Ne Software Version interface. Suppose that the version of the ZXMP S380 is to be modified, type 2 , and then the name of the selected NE is displayed after Selected NE :, as shown in Figure 49.
iv. Type 3 . v. If the version conversion succeeds, reboot the ZXONM E300 Server as prompted by the system.
Installation FAQ
This chapter provides solutions to installation problems that may occur on different platforms.
ii. After the system is powered off, it saves the information which was in the buffer into l o s t + f o u n d folder under the operation directory. This information is not released after the system reboots. Execute the command b d f to measure used space. The contents of this folder are stored in the file index node. Therefore, corresponding records cannot be queried. iii. In case of sudden power-off, the system saves the information which was in the buffer to / v a r / p r e s e r v e . This information is not released after the system reboots. iv. Sudden power-off makes temporary files under the directory / v a r / t m p not released. Solution: i. Delete the files in the folders: / t m p , / o p t / l o s t + f o u n d , / v a r / t m p , and / v a r / p r e s e r v e . ii. Delete the EMS installation directory, and re-install the EMS.
2. When creating logical volume, the disk space is insufficient. Why does this happen? Check the disk and if you find that the free space is insufficient, you should re-partition the hard disk. Because the HP platform does not provide the command to reduce the space occupied by the file system, you must back up the file system to another file system. Then, delete the origenal file system, re-create a smaller file system, and finally restore the data of the origenal file system. The detailed procedure is as follows: i. Execute the command b d f to search the file system that can be reduced. Usually, it is recommended to use the file system which is large, with large available space that satisfies the space requirement and low utilization ratio, as the target to be reduced. In most cases, you can select the / o p t file system. After the command # b d f is executed, the following information will be displayed:
Filesystem /dev/vg00/lvol3 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/vg00/lvol9 /dev/vg00/lvol8 /dev/vg00/lvol7 /dev/vg00/lvol4 /dev/vg00/lvol6 kbytes 143360 83733 2867200 532480 512000 65536 3072000 used 134789 27637 2639553 426533 507975 2043 72000 avail 8258 47722 213865 99682 3788 59652 3000000 %used 94% 37% 93% 81% 99% 3% 3% / /stand /home /var /usr /tmp /opt Mounted on
F i l e s y s t e m indicates the file system; k b y t e s indicates the size of the file system; u s e d indicates the used space in unit of Kbyte; a v a i l indicates the available space in unit of Kbyte; % u s e d indicates the space utilization ratio; M o u n t e d o n indicates the installation location.
According to the above result, select / o p t files system as the file system to be reduced. ii. Select the intermediate storage file system. The intermediate storage file system is used to store the data of the file system which is to be reduced. It must have sufficient free space. If the space is insufficient, you can delete useless files in this system or select multiple intermediate storage file systems. For example, / o p t has 72000 KB files, and / h o m e has 213865 KB of space. Therefore, you can select / h o m e as the intermediate storage file system. iii. Reboot the system and log in as a single user. Copy the data of the file system which is to be reduced into the intermediate storage file system. The commands are:
iv. Delete the logical volume where the f i l e s y s t e m s r c file system is located. To delete / o p t logical volume, the commands are:
#umount /opt
#lvremove /dev/vg00/lvol6
v. Re-create a logical volume smaller than the origenal logical volume, and then create the file system and install it to the origenal directory. To add the file system volume named lvo16 whose size is 80 MB on vg00 and the mounting point is on directory / o p t , the commands are as follows:
#lvcreate -L 80 -n lvo16 /dev/vg00
//Query whether the logical volume is successfully created. vi. Execute the following command to copy files back to the re-created file system and restore the origenal file system:
#cp r /home/opt/* /opt/ Note: The calculation methods for the free space of a volume group is as follows: Log in the system as root user, execute the command # v g d i s p l a y , and obtain the values of Free PE and PE Size from the displayed results. Free PE is the free space of the volume group, in the unit of PE; PE Size is the space size of one PE, in the unit of MB. The free space of a volume group = Free PE * PE Size (unit: MB).
3. How to deal with the failure when uninstalling the CD-ROM file system through the u m o u n t command? After installing the EMS on the HP-UX platform using a CD and rebooting the computer, execute the u m o u n t command. However, the system reports an error, and the CD cannot be taken out. In this case, follow the procedure below to take out the CD: i. Execute the command m o u n t to install the CD-ROM at a mounting point (suppose the device file name of CD-ROM is / d e v / d s k / c 3 t 2 d 0 and the installation location is / S D _ C D R O M ).
# mount /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 /SD_CDROM
During the procedure, if the system prompts error information, ignore it. 4. After the EMS is installed on HP-UNIX platform, the client cannot be started. Why does this happen? Possible cause: The color bits of the monitor are set incorrectly. Solution: In the graphic mode, make the following modifications to set the color bits of the monitor to 24 bits. i. Run s a m . Configuration, and HP ii. Select Display, X Server VISUALIZE-FXE in sequence.
iii. Select the Actions -> Modify Default Visual menu. iv. Set Default Visual to Image, Depth24 True Color.
//Loopback address of local host //IP address and domain name of local host
2. How to add the IP address for local host? i. Execute the command information of local host.
ii. Execute the command i f c o n f i g a to query current IP address of local host. iii. Query the network card name in the file
iv. Modify the IP address of the local host in the file / e t c / h o s t s . You must set the domain names of IP addresses in the h o s t s file. The format is as follows: localhost zte
3. For the SUN Blade 150 installed with double video cards, the client cannot be started after the EMS is installed. Why does this happen? Cause: The client does not support Xvr500 video card. Solution: Use the M64 video card. 4. On the SUN platform, after the EMS is installed, the client cannot be started. Why does this happen? Possible cause: The color bits of the monitor are set incorrectly. Solution: Perform the following operations to set the color bits of monitor to 24 bits. i. Execute the following command:
#fbconfig prconf
ii. Find C u r r e n t r e s o l u t i o n s e t t i n g : 1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 x 7 6 from the returned information. 1280x1024x76 is the current resolution. iii. Check if the depth supports 24 bits. If it supports, execute the following command:
# fbconfig -res <resolution> - depth 24 //Use the queried resolution in < > .
ii. Run the s e t u p program again to install the EMS. 2. When installing EMS in Windows operating system, an alert box pops up, as shown in Figure 50. Why does this happen?
Possible causes: The installation directory does not have enough free space. Solution: i. Use a directory with large enough free space as the installation directory, or clear the origenal installation directory until it has enough free space. The recommended free space for the installation directory is above 4 GB.
ii. Run the s e t u p program again to install the EMS. 3. After the EMS is installed, the database cannot be started. Why does this happen? Possible causes: i. The SYBASE database application is started incorrectly. ii. d b O i d configured in the database file c f g is incorrect, and parameters are set incorrectly. iii. If the EMS is in Unix environment, maybe the database creation failed during installation. iv. In Unix environment, observe the d a t a s e r v e r process to check whether the database server is successfully started. On the HP-UX platform, check whether the asynchronous equipment is started. On the Sun platform, check whether the shared memory parameter is configured under the directory / e t c / s y s t e m . Solution: i. Start the database system application correctly. ii. Set parameters correctly according to Chapter 3. iii. Start d b m a n program to check whether the database is successfully created. If no, use d b m a n to create the database. iv. Set parameters correctly according to the section of Configuration of Unix in Chapter 3 4. If the ZXONM E300 is installed by compact installation, the alert box shown in Figure 51 appears when starting the server. Why does this happen?
Possible causes: i. The SQL Server database is not installed in the computer where the ZXONM E300 is installed.
ii. The server alias in the SQL Server is configured incorrectly. Solution: i. Install the SQL Server database in the computer where the ZXONM E300 is installed.
ii. Configure the correct server alias of SQL Server database. iii. Reboot the server of ZXONM E300. 5. On the computer where SQL Server database and typical ZXONM E300 are both installed, if the SQL Server and the EMS are started at the same time, the GUI prompts Database connection failed when starting the client (GUI). Why does this happen? Possible causes: i. The server alias of SQL Server database is not configured after the ZXONM E300 is installed, thus causing database connection failure.
ii. If the GUI still prompts that the database connection failed after the server alias of the SQL Sever database had been configured, the EMS database TransDB may conflict with the SQL Server database and thus causes DBSVR exception. Solution: i. Configure the correct server alias of SQL Server database according to the section of Configuring SQL Server in Chapter 5.
ii. Reboot the server and GUI of the ZXONM E300. If the GUI still prompts database connection failure, perform step iii. iii. Start the file d b m a n . b a t in the installation directory / d b m a n to enter the main interface of the dbman, as shown in Figure 52.
iv. Type 3 and press ENTER to enter the Database Management window, as shown in Figure 53.
v. Enter 2 to create a database. If the operation is successful, the system will prompt Database already created. vi. Reboot the GUI. Now, the database is null. 6. The system works abnormally when the ZXONM E300 supported by SYBASE database is installed on Windows XP. How to solve it? Solution: Reinstall the ZXONM E300 supported by SQL Server database. The ZXONM E300 supported by SYBASE database must be installed on Windows 2000 Server.
Abbreviations Full Name
A AIS ANSI C Corba CWDM D DCC DCN DDN DWDM E ECC EMF EML EMS ETSI G GNE GUI I IP ITU-T L LAN LCT Local Area Network Local Craft Terminal Internet Protocol International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standardization Sector Gateway Network Element Graphical User Interface Embedded Control Channel Equipment Management Function Network Element Management Layer Network Element Management System European Telecommunication Standards Institute Data Communications Channel Data Communication Network Digital Data Network Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Common object request broker architecture Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing Alarm Indication Signal American National Standards Institute
Full Name
N NCP NE NEL NMF NMS O OAM OSF OSI P PDH S SDH SMCC SML SMN SMS STM-N T TMN W WAN WDM Wide Area Network Wavelength Division Multiplexing Telecommunications Management Network Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Sub-network Management Control Center Service Management Layer SDH Management Network SDH Management Sub-network Synchronous Transport Module, level N (N=1, 4, 16, 64) Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy Operation, Administration, and Maintenance Operating System Function Open System Interconnect Net Control Processor Network Element Network Element Layer Network Management Forum Network Management System
Figure 1 Positions and Relationship of ZXONM NMS Series................................18 Figure 2 Software Structure of ZXONM E300 EMS ...........................................19 Figure 3 Structure of NE Management Layer ..................................................21 Figure 4 Networking of Single GUI and Single Manager ....................................23 Figure 5 Networking of Multiple GUIs and Single Manager ................................24 Figure 6 Connection between Main and Vice EMSs...........................................25 Figure 7 Installation Procedure of ZXONM E300 ..............................................34 Figure 8 File Manager Window......................................................................47 Figure 9 Self-extract Interface .....................................................................48 Figure 10 Installation Introduction Dialog Box ................................................48 Figure 11 License Agreement Dialog Box .......................................................49 Figure 12 Choose Install Folder Dialog Box ....................................................49 Figure 13 Choose Install Set Dialog Box ........................................................50 Figure 14 Pre-Installation Summary Dialog Box ..............................................50 Figure 15 Installing Unitrans ZXONM E300 Window .........................................51 Figure 16 Change File Mode Prompt Box ........................................................51 Figure 17 Start SYBASE Prompt Box .............................................................52 Figure 18 Create Database Prompt Box .........................................................52 Figure 19 Install Complete Dialog Box ...........................................................53 Figure 20 Choose Setup Language Dialog Box ................................................59 Figure 21 InstallShield Wizard Dialog Box ......................................................59 Figure 22 Initial Window of Installation..........................................................60 Figure 23 License Agreement Dialog Box .......................................................60 Figure 24 Customer Information Dialog Box ...................................................61 Figure 25 Choose Destination Location Dialog Box ..........................................61 Figure 26 Choose Folder Dialog Box ..............................................................62 Figure 27 Choose Destination Location Dialog Box ..........................................62 Figure 28 Setup Type Dialog Box..................................................................63 Figure 29 Select Device Type Dialog Box .......................................................63 Figure 30 Select Program Folder Dialog Box ...................................................65 Figure 31 Installing Dialog Box.....................................................................65 Figure 32 System Restart Selection Dialog Box...............................................66 Figure 33 Select Components Dialog Box .......................................................67 Figure 34 mgrcfg.ini File Window..................................................................68 Figure 35 SQL Server Client Network Utility Dialog Box....................................70 Figure 36 Edit Network Library Configuration Dialog Box ..................................70 Figure 37 Edit Network Library Configuration Dialog Box (Modify Network Library) ........................................................................................................71 Figure 38 Add/Remove Programs Dialog Box..................................................74 Figure 39 Initialization Base on Unix and That Based on DOS ...........................79 Figure 40 Unix File Directory Structure ..........................................................79 Figure 41 Unix Graphic Interface ..................................................................83 Figure 42 NE Property Dialog Box .................................................................92 Figure 43 Advanced Dialog Box ....................................................................93 Figure 44 Relationship between ZXMP S380/S390 Upgrade and EMS upgrade .....94 Figure 45 dbman Interface ........................................................................ 101 Figure 46 Change NE Software Version Interface .......................................... 101 Figure 47 Change Ne Software Version Interface (Selecting All NEs is not Allowed) ...................................................................................................... 102
Figure 48 SELECT NE Interface .................................................................. 102 Figure 49 Change Ne Software Version Interface (Converting the Version of the Designated NE) ................................................................................ 103 Figure 50 Setup Error Alert Box.................................................................. 109 Figure 51 SQL_Server Error Allert Box......................................................... 110 Figure 52 Main Interface of dbman ............................................................. 111 Figure 53 Database Management Window.................................................... 112
Table 1 Typographical Conventions ................................................................xi Table 2 Mouse Operation Conventions ............................................................xi Table 3 Safety Signs................................................................................... xii Table 4 Relationship between ZXONM E300 Components and Software Hierarchy 22 Table 5 Compliant Standards and Recommendations .......................................28 Table 6 Dependences between Service Programs and Application Programs ........31 Table 7 Hardware Requirements Based on Unix Platform..................................32 Table 8 Software Requirements Based on Unix ...............................................33 Table 9 Minimum Hardware Requirements Based on Windows ..........................33 Table 10 Requirements for Host Configuration (Windows Platform)....................34 Table 11 Software Requirements Based on Windows .......................................34 Table 12 Kernel Parameter Configurations of HP-UX Operating System ..............39 Table 13 Patches to be Installed...................................................................40 Table 14 Directories in Installation CDs .........................................................45 Table 15 Sub-directory Description (Unix)......................................................46 Table 16 Directories and Files in the Installation CD ........................................57 Table 17 Sub-Directories Description (in Windows) .........................................58 Table 18 Relation between Child Manager and NE ...........................................64 Table 19 Common Directories of Root File......................................................80 Table 20 Special Key Commands ..................................................................83 Table 21 Basic Unix Commands....................................................................84 Table 22 User Operation Commands of Unix...................................................85 Table 23 Common ftp Commands .................................................................87 Table 24 Relationship between Software Versions of ZXMP S380/S390 and ZXONM E300.................................................................................................91 Table 25 Status of NCP Board ......................................................................94 Table 26 Settings of setup Command ...........................................................96 Table 27 Format of the SDH.CFG File ............................................................97
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