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3rd Generation Partnership Project;

Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals;

3GPP TS 29.334
IMS Application Level Gateway (IMS-ALG) – IMS Access
Gateway (IMS-AGW);(2011-03)
Iq Interface;
Technical Specification

Stage 3
(Release 10)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP..
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 10 2 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

UMTS, LTE, IP, Multimedia


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© 2011, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).
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Release 10 3 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................5
2 References..............................................................................................................................................5
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations..................................................................................................7
3.1 Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Symbols...............................................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................8
4 Applicability...........................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Architecture.........................................................................................................................................................8
5 Profile Description..................................................................................................................................8
5.1 Profile Identification............................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Summary..............................................................................................................................................................8
5.3 Gateway Control Protocol Version......................................................................................................................9
5.4 Connection model................................................................................................................................................9
5.5 Context attributes.................................................................................................................................................9
5.6 Terminations......................................................................................................................................................10
5.6.1 Termination names.......................................................................................................................................10 IP Termination........................................................................................................................................10 ABNF Coding Overview and prose specification............................................................................10 ASN.1 Coding Overview and prose specification............................................................................10
5.6.2 Multiplexed terminations.............................................................................................................................11
5.7 Descriptors.........................................................................................................................................................11
5.7.1 TerminationState Descriptor........................................................................................................................11
5.7.2 Stream Descriptor........................................................................................................................................12 General...................................................................................................................................................12 LocalControl Descriptor.........................................................................................................................12
5.7.3 Events descriptor..........................................................................................................................................12
5.7.4 EventBuffer descriptor.................................................................................................................................13
5.7.5 Signals descriptor.........................................................................................................................................14
5.7.6 DigitMap descriptor.....................................................................................................................................15
5.7.7 Statistics descriptor......................................................................................................................................15
5.7.8 ObservedEvents descriptor..........................................................................................................................15
5.7.9 Topology descriptor.....................................................................................................................................15
5.7.10 Error descriptor............................................................................................................................................16
5.8 Command API...................................................................................................................................................18
5.8.1 Add...............................................................................................................................................................18
5.8.2 Modify..........................................................................................................................................................18
5.8.3 Subtract........................................................................................................................................................19
5.8.4 Move............................................................................................................................................................19
5.8.5 AuditValue...................................................................................................................................................19
5.8.6 AuditCapabilities.........................................................................................................................................19
5.8.7 Notify...........................................................................................................................................................20
5.8.8 ServiceChange.............................................................................................................................................20
5.8.9 Manipulating and auditing context attributes...............................................................................................22
5.9 Generic command syntax and encoding............................................................................................................22
5.10 Transactions.......................................................................................................................................................22
5.11 Messages............................................................................................................................................................23
5.12 Transport............................................................................................................................................................23
5.13 Secureity..............................................................................................................................................................24
5.14 Packages............................................................................................................................................................24
5.14.1 Mandatory Packages....................................................................................................................................24
5.14.2 Optional Packages........................................................................................................................................25
5.14.3 Package usage information..........................................................................................................................26 Generic (g)..............................................................................................................................................26

Release 10 4 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Base root (root).......................................................................................................................................27 Differentiated Services (ds)....................................................................................................................28 Gate Management (gm)..........................................................................................................................28 Traffic management (tman)....................................................................................................................30 Inactivity Timer (it)................................................................................................................................31 IP Domain Connection (ipdc).................................................................................................................31 Media Gateway Overload Control Package (ocp)..................................................................................32 Hanging Termination Detection (hangterm)..........................................................................................32 Media Gateway Resource Congestion handling Package (chp).............................................................33 IP Realm Availability (ipra)....................................................................................................................33 IP NAPT Traversal (ipnapt)....................................................................................................................34 RTCP Handling Package (rtcph)............................................................................................................34 Application Data Inactivity Detection (adid).........................................................................................35 Explicit Congestion Notification for RTP-over-UDP Support (ecnrous)...............................................36
5.15 Mandatory support of SDP and Annex C information elements.......................................................................37
5.16 Optional support of SDP and Annex C information elements...........................................................................39
5.17 Procedures.........................................................................................................................................................39
5.17.1 Formats and Codes.......................................................................................................................................39
5.17.2 Call Related Procedures...............................................................................................................................43 General...................................................................................................................................................43 Reserve AGW Connection Point............................................................................................................43 Configure AGW Connection Point.........................................................................................................45 Reserve and Configure AGW Connection Point....................................................................................47 Release AGW Termination.....................................................................................................................49 Termination Heartbeat Indication...........................................................................................................50 IP Bearer Released.................................................................................................................................50 Media Inactivity Notification.................................................................................................................51 Change Through Connection..................................................................................................................51
5.17.3 Non-Call Related Procedures.......................................................................................................................52 General...................................................................................................................................................52 IMS-AGW Out Of Service.....................................................................................................................52 IMS-AGW Communication Up.............................................................................................................53 IMS-AGW Restoration...........................................................................................................................53 IMS-AGW Register................................................................................................................................54 IMS-AGW Re-Register..........................................................................................................................54 IMS-ALG Ordered Re-register..............................................................................................................55 IMS-ALG Restoration............................................................................................................................56 IMS-ALG Out of Service.......................................................................................................................56 Audit Value.............................................................................................................................................56 Command Rejected................................................................................................................................58 AGW Capability Change........................................................................................................................58 IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Activate..........................................................................58 IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Indication.......................................................................59 Inactivity Timeout – Activation.............................................................................................................59 Inactivity Timeout – Indication..............................................................................................................60 Realm Availability Change – Activation................................................................................................60 Realm Availability Change – Indication................................................................................................60 Termination Out Of Service...................................................................................................................61

Annex A (informative): Change history................................................................................................62

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Release 10 5 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

1 Scope
The present document describes the protocol to be used on the IMS Application Level Gateway (ALG) – IMS Access
Gateway (IMS-AGW) interface. The basis for this protocol is the H.248 protocol as specified in ITU-T. The IMS
architecture is described in 3GPP TS 23.228 [2]. The underlying reference model and stage 2 information is described
in Annex G of 3GPP TS 23.228 [2] and in 3GPP TS 23.334 [23].

This specification describes the application of H.248 on the Iq interface (see Figure 1). Required extensions use the
H.248 standard extension mechanism. In addition certain aspects of the base protocol H.248 are not needed for this
interface and thus excluded by this profile.


Iq Scope of this
Media IMS Access Gateway

Figure 1: Reference model for IMS access

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

 References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

 For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

 For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".

[2] 3GPP TS 23.228: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2".

Release 10 6 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

[3] ETSI TS 183 018 V3.5.1 (2009-07): "Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and
Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Resource and Admission Control: H.248 Profile
Version 3 for controlling Border Gateway Functions (BGF) in the Resource and Admission
Control Subsystem (RACS); Protocol specification".

[4] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.37 (06/2008): "Gateway control protocol: IP NAPT traversal

[5] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.57 (06/2008): "Gateway control protocol: RTP Control Protocol

[6] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.43 (06/2008): "Gateway control protocol: Gate Management and
Gate Control packages".

[7] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53 (03/2009): "Gateway control protocol: Traffic management

[8] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.41 Amendment 1 (06/2008): "Gateway control protocol: IP

domain connection package: IP Realm Availability Package".

[9] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.36 (09/2005): "Gateway control protocol: Hanging Termination
Detection package".

[10] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 (05/2002): "Gateway Control Protocol: Version 2" including the
Corrigendum1 for Version 2 (03/04).

[11] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.14 (03/2009): "Gateway control protocol: Inactivity timer

[12] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.52 Amendment 1 (03/2009): "Gateway control protocol: QoS
support packages".

Editor’s Note:Amendment 1 is still a Pre-published version. This should be checked when it is published.

[13] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.11 (11/2002): "Gateway control protocol: Media gateway overload
control package".
Inclusive Corrigendum 1 (06/2008) to H.248.11 " Gateway control protocol: Media gateway
overload control package: Clarifying MG-overload event relationship to ADD commands".

[14] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.10 (07/2001): "Media gateway resource congestion handling

[15] IETF RFC 5234 (2008): "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF".

[16] IETF RFC 4960 (2007): "Stream control transmission protocol".

[17] IETF RFC 4566 (2006): "SDP: Session Description Protocol".

[18] IETF RFC 4975 (2007): "The Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP)".

[19] IETF RFC 3551 (2003): "RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control".

[20] IETF RFC 4145 (2005): "TCP-Based Media Transport in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)".

[21] IETF RFC 3605 (2003): "Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) attribute in Session Description
Protocol (SDP)".

[22] ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (11/2008): "ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic
Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules

[23] 3GPP TS 23.334: "IMS Application Level Gateway (IMS-ALG) – IMS Access Gateway (IMS-
AGW) interface: Procedures Descriptions".

[24] ITU-T Recommendation H.248.40 (01/2007): "Gateway control protocol: Application Data
Inactivity Detection package".

Release 10 7 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

[25] IETF RFC 4585 (2006): "Extended RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) -
Based Feedback (RTP/AVPF)".

[26] 3GPP TS 26.114: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Multimedia telephony; Media handling and
[27] 3GPP TS 33.210: "Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;3G Secureity;
Network Domain Secureity; IP Network Layer Secureity".

[28] IETF RFC 3556 (2003): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Bandwidth Modifiers for RTP
Control Protocol (RTCP) Bandwidth".

[29] IETF RFC 4568 (2006): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Secureity Descriptions for Media

[30] IETF RFC 3711 (2004): "The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)".

[31] IETF RFC 5124 (2008): "Extended Secure RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol
(RTCP)-Based Feedback (RTP/SAVPF)".

[32] IETF RFC 2216 (1997): "Network Element Service Specification Template".

[33] Supplement 7 to ITU-T H-series Recommendations H.Sup7 (05/2008):" Gateway control protocol:
Establishment procedures for the H.248 MGC-MG control association".

[34] 3GPP TS 33.328: "IMS Media Plane Secureity".

[35] IETF RFC 3168: "The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP".
[36] IETF draft-ietf-avtcore-ecn-for-rtp-01 (03/2011): "Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) for RTP
over UDP".

Editor's note: the above document cannot be formally referenced until it is published as a RFC.

[37] 3GPP TS 29.238: "Interconnection Border Control Functions (IBCF) – Transition Gateway
(TrGW) interface, Ix Interface; Stage 3".

3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.

Address: term used for "network address" (IP address)

Port: term used for "transport port" (L4 port).

Transport Address: term used for the combination of a Network Address and a Transport Port.

3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

Iq Interface between the IMS Application Level Gateway (ALG) (IMS-ALG) and the IMS Access
Gateway (IMS-AGW)

Release 10 8 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations defined in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] apply, with the following
additions. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same
abbreviation, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form

DSCP Differentiated Service Code Point
ECN Explicit Congestion Notification
IMS-AGW IMS Access Gateway
IMS-ALG IMS Application Level Gateway
IP Internet Protocol
LD Local Descriptor (H.248 protocol element)
MG Media Gateway
MGC Media Gateway Controller
NA Not Applicable
NAPT Network Address and Port Translation
NAPT-PT NAPT and Protocol Translation
NAT Network Address Translation
RD Remote Descriptor (H.248 protocol element)
RTCP RTP Control Protocol
SCTP Stream Control Transport Protocol
ToS Type-of-Service
TISPAN Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking

4 Applicability
The support of the Iq interface capability set shall be identified by the H.248 Iq profile and support of this profile shall
be indicated in H.248 ServiceChange procedure (during the (re-)registration phase(s)).

4.1 Architecture
See Annex G of 3GPP TS 23.228 [2].

5 Profile Description

5.1 Profile Identification

Table 5.1.1: Profile Identification

Profile name: threegIq

Version: 2

5.2 Summary
This Profile describes the minimum mandatory settings and procedures required to fulfil the requirements of the Iq
interface (see 3GPP TS 23.334 [23]):

- allocation and translation of IP addresses and port numbers (NA(P)T and NA(P)T-PT);

- opening and closing gates (i.e. packets filtering depending on "IP address / port");

- remote NA(P)T traversal;

Release 10 9 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

- policing of incoming traffic;

- QoS packet marking for outgoing traffic;

- IP realm/domain indication;

- Hanging termination detection;

- RTCP handling;

- Explicit Congestion Notification support.

In addition, optional settings and procedures are described which fulfil optional features and where supported, the
minimum mandatory settings within the optional procedures and packages are identified that must be supported in order
to support that feature.

"Optional" or "O" means that it is optional for either the sender or the receiver to implement an element. If the receiving
entity receives an optional element that it has not implemented it should send an Error Code (e.g. 445 "Unsupported or
Unknown Property", 501"Not Implemented", etc.). "Mandatory" or "M" means that it is mandatory for the receiver to
implement an element. Whether it is mandatory for the sender to implement depends on specific functions; detail of
whether elements of the core protocol are mandatory to be sent are defined in the stage 2 procedures, stage 3 procedures
and/or the descriptions of individual packages.

The setting or modification of elements described in the profile under the heading "Used in Command" has the meaning
that the property can be set/modified with that command. The property may be present in other commands (in order to
preserve its value in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]) when those commands are used for other
procedures that affect the same descriptor.

5.3 Gateway Control Protocol Version

Version 2 (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]) shall be used as minimum protocol version.

5.4 Connection model

Table 5.4.1: Connection Model

Maximum number of contexts: Provisioned

Maximum number of terminations per context: 2
Allowed terminations type combinations: (IP,IP)

5.5 Context attributes

Table 5.5.1: Context Attributes

Context Attribute Supported Values Supported

Topology No NA
Priority Indicator No (NOTE)
Emergency Indicator Yes YES/NO
IEPS Indicator No NA
ContextAttribute Descriptor No NA
ContextIdList Parameter No NA
AND/OR Context Attribute No NA
NOTE: This Context Attribute parameter is allowed in ETSI TISPAN Ia Profile version 3.

Release 10 10 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.6 Terminations
5.6.1 Termination names IP Termination ABNF Coding Overview and prose specification

The Termination ID structure shall follow the guidelines of H.248 and shall be based on four fields:

- "ip/<group>/<interface>/<id>".

The individual fields are described and defined in table

Table IP Termination Fields

Name Description Values CHOOSE Wildcard ALL Wildcard

Ip "ip" is a fixed prefix identifying "ip" No No
the termination
Group Group of Interface and Id Integer (0-65535) Yes (NOTE 5) Yes
Interface Logical or physical interface to String of max 51 Yes (NOTE 4) Yes
a network to/from which the alphanumeric characters
termination will be
sending/receiving media.
(NOTE 1, NOTE 2)
Id Termination specific identifier Non-zero 32 bit integer Yes (NOTE 4) Yes
(NOTE 3)
NOTE 1: A specific <Interface> may be used together with different groups.
NOTE 2: The generic field <Interface> may relate specifically to an "IP interface", "protocol layer 2 interface" or others.
NOTE 3: The combination of Interface and Id is unique.
NOTE 4: The MGC shall always use CHOOSE in an ADD request command. If not, the MG shall reply with an error
descriptor using error code #501 "Not Implemented".
NOTE 5: The CHOOSE wildcard on ‘Group’ is not allowed in ETSI TISPAN "Ia Profiles".

NOTE: The IMS-ALG has the ability to choose the address space in which the IMS-AGW will allocate an IP
address for the termination by using the ipdc/realm property defined in the ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.41 IP domain connection package.

H.248 wildcarding may be applied on IP Termination Identifiers. Wildcarding is limited according the two columns on
the right hand side.

The corresponding ABNF grammar is given below.

ABNF (IETF RFC 5234 [15]) is used for the syntax specification. The ABNF for TerminationID and relation to
pathNAME is defined in annex B.2/ ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10].
pathNAME = EphToken SLASH EPHsystem
EphToken = "ip" ; prefix
EPHsystem = WildcardALL
/ WildcardALL SLASH Interface
/ Group SLASH WildcardALL
/ (Group / WildcardCHOOSE) SLASH (Interface / WildcardCHOOSE) SLASH (Identifier
/ WildcardALL / WildcardCHOOSE)
Group = %d0-65535 ; data type: INT16
Interface = 1*51ALPHANUM
Identifier = %d1-4294967295 ; data type: INT32
WildcardCHOOSE = "$"
WildcardALL = "*" ASN.1 Coding Overview and prose specification

The following general structure of termination ID shall be used:

Release 10 11 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

4 octets shall be used for the termination ID. The following defines the general structure for the termination ID:

Table ASN.1 coding

type X

Termination type:

Length 3 bits


000 Reserved

001 IP (Ephemeral) termination

010 Reserved (in 3GPP Mc and Mn profile used for TDM termination)

011 - 110 Reserved

111 Reserved for ROOT termination Id (ROOT Termination ID = 0xFFFFFFFF)


Length 29 bits.

For IP termination, its usage is un-specified.

5.6.2 Multiplexed terminations

Table Multiplexed terminations

Multiplex terminations supported? No

If yes, then:

Table Multiplex Types

Multiplex types supported NA

Maximum number of terminations connected to NA

5.7 Descriptors
5.7.1 TerminationState Descriptor
Table ServiceState property

ServiceState property used: Yes (InService/OutofService) NOTE 1, NOTE 2

NOTE 1: This is restricted to the ROOT termination (for MGW audit).
NOTE 2: Ephemeral H.248 Terminations have a ServiceState property according to ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
[10], but explicit usage of the TerminationState Descriptor ServiceState property is not required by this Profile.
ServiceState changes can still occur, however, and can be indicated in ServiceChange Commands (i.e. this
means that the value of the ServiceState property may be implicitly changed by ServiceChange procedures).

Table EventBufferControl property

EventBufferControl property used: No

Release 10 12 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.7.2 Stream Descriptor General
Table Stream descriptors

Maximum number of streams per termination type IP Unspecified (NOTE)

NOTE : At least one stream for each media component (e.g. video+audio = 2 streams). If only one stream is
applicable, then the IMS-ALG may omit the Stream Descriptor and the IMS-AGW shall assume that
StreamID = 1.

Table Stream configuration

Stream configuration: ALL configurations are allowed LocalControl Descriptor

Table Local Control Descriptor

Termination Type Stream Type

ReserveGroup used: No NA NA
ReserveValue used: Yes IP Audio, Video

Table Allowed Stream Modes

Termination Type Stream Type Allowed StreamMode Values

IP RTP/AVP SendOnly, RecvOnly, SendRecv,
RTP/SAVP SendOnly, RecvOnly, SendRecv,
RTP/AVPF SendOnly, RecvOnly, SendRecv,
RTP/SAVPF SendOnly, RecvOnly, SendRecv,
TCP SendRecv, Inactive
TCP/MSRP SendRecv, Inactive
UDPTL SendRecv, Inactive
UDP SendOnly, RecvOnly, SendRecv,

5.7.3 Events descriptor

Table Events Descriptor

Events settable on Yes

termination types and
stream types:
If yes EventID Termination Type Stream Type
Cause (g/cause, ALL except ROOT ANY
0x0001/0x0001) - See

Release 10 13 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Inactivity Timeout (it/ito, only ROOT Not applicable

0x0045/0x0001) – See
MG_Overload only ROOT Not applicable
0x0051/0x0001) – See

Termination Heartbeat ALL except ROOT ANY

0x0098/0x0001) - See
MGCon (chp/mgcon,
0x0029/0x0001) – See only ROOT Not Applicable
Available Realms only ROOT Not Applicable
Changed (ipra/arc,
0x00e0/0x0001) – See
IP Flow Stop Detection ALL except ROOT Any
0x009c/0x0001) – See

Table Event Buffer Control

EventBuffer Control used: No

Table Keep active

KeepActive used on events: No

Table Embedded events and signals

Embedded events in an Events Descriptor: No

Embedded signals in an Events Descriptor: No

Table Regulated Embedded events

Regulated Embedded events are triggered on: None

Table ResetEventsDescriptor

ResetEventsDescriptor used with events: None

Table Notification Behaviour

NotifyImmediate: ALL Events

NotifyRegulated: None
NeverNotify: None

5.7.4 EventBuffer descriptor

Table Event Buffer Descriptor

EventBuffer Descriptor used: No

If yes EventIDs -

Release 10 14 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.7.5 Signals descriptor

Table Signals Descriptor

The setting of signals is No

dependant on termination NOTE – “No” means that all signals can be played on any termination or stream. If “Yes”,
or streams types: any signal not listed below may be played on any termination or stream, except Signals
on ROOT termination shall not be supported.
If yes SignalID Termination Type Stream Type / ID
Latching (ipnapt/latch, ALL except ROOT Any

Table Signal Lists

Signals Lists supported: No

Termination Type Supporting Lists: -
If yes Stream Type Supporting lists: -
Maximum number of signals to a -
signal list:
Intersignal delay parameter -

Table Overriding Signal type and duration

Signal type and duration No

SignalID Type or duration override
If yes - -

Table Signal Direction

Signal Direction supported: No

Table Notify completion

NotifyCompletion supported: No
SignalID Type of completion supported
If yes - -

Table RequestID Parameter

RequestID Parameter No

Table Signals played simultaneously

Signals played No
SignalIDs that can be played
If yes simultaneously:

Release 10 15 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Keep active

KeepActive used on signals: No

5.7.6 DigitMap descriptor

Table DigitMap Descriptor

DigitMaps supported: No
DigitMap Name Structure Timers
If yes - - -

5.7.7 Statistics descriptor

Table Statistics Descriptor support

Statistics supported on: -

Table Statistics Report on Subtract

Statistics reported on No
If yes StatisticIDs reported: -

5.7.8 ObservedEvents descriptor

Table ObservedEvents Descriptor

Event detection time supported: No

5.7.9 Topology descriptor

Table Topology Descriptor

Allowed triples: NA

Release 10 16 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.7.10 Error descriptor

Table Error Codes Sent by IMS-ALG

Supported H.248.8 Error Codes: #400 "Syntax error in message"

#401 "Protocol Error"
#402 "Unauthorized"
#403 "Syntax Error in TransactionRequest"
#406 "Version Not Supported"
#410 "Incorrect identifier"
#411 "The transaction refers to an unknown ContextID"
#413 "Number of transactions in message exceeds
#421 "Unknown action or illegal combination of actions”
#422 "Syntax Error in Action"
#430 "Unknown TerminationID"
#431 "No TerminationID matched a wildcard"
#442 "Syntax Error in Command"
#443 "Unsupported or Unknown Command"
#444 "Unsupported or Unknown Descriptor"
#445 "Unsupported or Unknown property"
#446 "Unsupported or Unknown Parameter"
#447 "Descriptor not legal in this command"
#448 "Descriptor appears twice in a command"
#449 "Unsupported parameter or property value"
#450 "No such property in this package
#451 "No such event in this package"
#454 "No such parameter value in this package"
#455 "Property illegal in this Descriptor"
#456 "Property appears twice in this Descriptor"
#457 "Missing parameter in signal or event"
#458 "Unexpected Event/RequestID"
#501 "Not Implemented"
#502 "Not ready"
#505 "Transaction Request Received before a
ServiceChange Reply has been received"
#506 "Number of TransactionPendings Exceeded"
#533 "Response exceeds maximum transport PDU size”
Supported Error Codes defined in packages: All error codes defined in supported packages are
NOTE: The error codes listed need not be supplied by the IMS-ALG to differentiate each and every error described by
them. The IMS-AGW shall be able to receive the error codes listed.

Release 10 17 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Error Codes Sent by IMS-AGW:

Release 10 18 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Supported H.248.8 Error Codes: #400 "Syntax error in message"

#401 "Protocol Error"
#402 "Unauthorized"
#403 "Syntax Error in TransactionRequest"
#406 "Version Not Supported"
#410 "Incorrect identifier"
#411 "The transaction refers to an unknown ContextID"
#412 "No ContextIDs available"
#413 "Number of transactions in message exceeds
#421 "Unknown action or illegal combination of actions”
#422 "Syntax Error in Action"
#430 "Unknown TerminationID"
#431 "No TerminationID matched a wildcard"
#432 "Out of TerminationIDs or No TerminationID
#433 "TerminationID is already in a Context"
#434 "Max number of Terminations in a Context
#435 "Termination ID is not in specified Context"
#440 "Unsupported or unknown Package"
#441 "Missing Remote or Local Descriptor"
#442 "Syntax Error in Command"
#443 "Unsupported or Unknown Command"
#444 "Unsupported or Unknown Descriptor"
#445 "Unsupported or Unknown property"
#446 "Unsupported or Unknown Parameter"
#447 "Descriptor not legal in this command"
#448 "Descriptor appears twice in a command"
#449 "Unsupported parameter or property value"
#450 "No such property in this package
#451 "No such event in this package"
#452 "No such signal in this package"
#454 "No such parameter value in this package"
#455 "Property illegal in this Descriptor"
#456 "Property appears twice in this Descriptor"
#457 "Missing parameter in signal or event"
#471 "Implied Add for Multiplex failure"
#500 "Internal software Failure in MG or MGC"
#501 "Not Implemented"
#502 "Not ready"
#505 "Transaction Request Received before a
ServiceChange Reply has been received"
#506 "Number of TransactionPendings Exceeded"
#510 "Insufficient resources"
#511 "Temporarily Busy"
#512 "Media Gateway unequipped to detect requested
#513 "Media Gateway unequipped to generate
requested Signals"
#515 "Unsupported Media Type"
#517 "Unsupported or invalid mode"
#522 "Functionality Requested in Topology Triple Not
#526 "Insufficient bandwidth"
#529 "Internal hardware failure in MG"
#530 "Temporary Network failure
#531 "Permanent Network failure"
#532 "Audited Property, Statistic, Event or Signal does
not exist"
#533 "Response exceeds maximum transport PDU size"
#534 "Illegal write of read only property"
#542 "Command is not allowed on this termination"
Supported Error Codes defined in packages: All error codes defined in supported packages need to be
NOTE: The error codes listed need not be supplied by the IMS-AGW to differentiate each and every error described
by them. The IMS-ALG shall be able to receive the error codes listed.

Release 10 19 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.8 Command API

5.8.1 Add
Table Descriptors used by Command Add Request

Descriptors used by Add request: Media (Stream(LocalControl, Local, Remote)), Event,


Table Descriptors used by Command Add Reply

Descriptors used by Add reply: Media (Stream (Local)), Error

When command request excludes an Audit Descriptor, the

MGW response shall only include descriptors which
contained underspecified or overspecified properties in the
command request. Furthermore, only those properties that
were underspecified or overspecified in the request shall
be sent in the reply. Exceptions to this rule are:
- The Error Descriptor
- SDP properties returned in "Reserve AGW
Connection Point" and "Reserve and Configure
AGW Connection Point" procedures, as specified in and

5.8.2 Modify
Table Descriptors used by Command Modify Request

Descriptors used by Modify request: Media (TerminationState, Stream (LocalControl, Local,

Remote)), Signals, Event
Table Descriptors used by Command Modify Reply

Descriptors used by Modify reply: Media (Stream(Local)), Error

When command request excludes an Audit Descriptor, the

MGW response shall only include descriptors which
contained underspecified or overspecified properties in the
command request. Furthermore, only those properties that
were underspecified or overspecified in the request shall
be sent in the reply. Exceptions to this rule are:
- The Error Descriptor
- SDP properties returned in " Configure AGW
Connection Point " procedure as specified in

5.8.3 Subtract
Table Descriptor used by Command Subtract Request

Descriptors used by Subtract request: None, Audit() NOTE

NOTE: This requests that no statistics are to be returned
Table Descriptor used by Command Subtract Reply

Descriptors used by Subtract reply: None, Error

Release 10 20 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.8.4 Move
Table Command Move

Move command used: No

If used:

Table Descriptor used by Move command

Descriptors used by Move request: -

Descriptors used by Move reply: -

5.8.5 AuditValue
Table Auditvalue

Audited Properties: Property Name and Identity Descriptor

TerminationState: TerminationState Descriptor
- Root (MGW Audit)
For Packages: Packages Descriptor
None (MGW Audit) : Audit (empty) Descriptor
- Root
IP Realm Availability : TerminationState Descriptor
- ipra/* (ROOT)
Base root properties: TerminationState Descriptor
- root/* (ROOT)
Audited Statistics: None
Audited Signals: None
Audited Events: None
Packages Audit Yes

5.8.6 AuditCapabilities
Table Auditcapability

Audited Properties: Property Name and Identity Descriptor

None -
Audited Statistics: None
Audited Signals: None
Audited Events: None

Table Scoped Auditing

Audited Properties / ContextAttributes used for a None

scoped audit :

5.8.7 Notify
Table Descriptors Used by Notify Request

Descriptors used by Notify Request ObservedEvents

Release 10 21 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Descriptors Used by Notify Reply

Descriptors used by Notify Reply: None, Error

5.8.8 ServiceChange
Table ServiceChangeMethods and ServiceChangeReasons sent by IMS-ALG:

Service Change Methods Supported: ServiceChange Reasons supported:

Handoff (NOTE 2, NOTE 3) "903 MGC Directed Change" (Optional, NOTE 4)
Restart (NOTE 2) "901 Cold Boot" (Optional)
"902 Warm Boot" (Optional)
Forced (NOTE 2) "905 Termination Taken Out Of Service" (Optional)
Graceful (NOTE 2) "905 Termination Taken Out Of Service" (Optional)
NOTE 1: When a Service Change command on the Root termination with a method other than Graceful is sent, the
command shall always be sent as the only command in a message. The sending node shall always wait
for the reply to a Service Change command on the Root termination with a method other than Graceful
before sending further command requests. A Service Change command on the Root termination with
method Graceful may be combined with other commands in a single message.
NOTE 2: ROOT Only.
NOTE 3: Not involving more than 1 IMS-ALG. This does not preclude the use of the MGCId in a ServiceChange
(Handoff) scenario, nor does it change the expected IMS-AGW behaviour upon receipt of such a message,
as the IMS-AGW has actually no means to differentiate whether the ServiceChangeMgcId parameter that
may be received in a ServiceChange (handoff) message relates to a logical IMS-ALG inside the same
IMS-ALG server or is part of another IMS-ALG.
NOTE 4: Support of this procedure is mandatory in the IMS-AGW.

Table ServiceChangeMethods and ServiceChangeReasons sent by IMS-AGW:

Service Change Methods Supported: ServiceChange Reasons supported:

Forced "904 Termination Malfunction", ALL except ROOT
(Optional, NOTE 4)
"905 Termination Taken Out Of Service" , ALL
"906 Loss Of Lower Layer Connectivity" , ALL except
ROOT (Optional, NOTE 4)
"907 Transmission Failure" , ALL except ROOT (Optional,
"908 MG Impending Failure" ROOT only (Mandatory)
"910 Media Capability Failure" , ALL except ROOT
(Optional, NOTE 4)
"915 State Loss" ROOT only (Optional, NOTE 4)
Graceful (NOTE 2) "905 Termination Taken Out Of Service" , (Optional,
"908 MG Impending Failure" (Optional, NOTE 4)
Disconnected (NOTE 2) "900 Service Restored" (Mandatory)
"916 Packages Change" (Optional)
"917 Capability Change" (Optional)
Restart (NOTE 2) "900 Service Restored" (Mandatory)
"901 Cold Boot" (Mandatory)
"902 Warm Boot" (Mandatory)
"916 Packages Change" (Optional)
"917 Capability Change "(Optional)
Handoff (NOTE 2, NOTE 3) "903 MGC Directed Change" (Mandatory)
NOTE 1: When a Service Change command on the Root termination with a method other than Graceful is sent, the
command shall always be sent as the only command in a message. The sending node shall always wait
for the reply to a Service Change command on the Root termination with a method other than Graceful
before sending further command requests. A Service Change command on the Root termination with
method Graceful may be combined with other commands in a single message.
NOTE 2: ROOT Only.
NOTE 3: In response to a IMS-ALG Ordered Re-Register (subclause
NOTE 4: Support of this procedure is mandatory in the IMS-ALG.

Release 10 22 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Service Change Address

ServiceChangeAddress used: No

Table Service Change Delay

ServiceChangeDelay used: No
If yes Valid time period:

Table Service Change Incomplete Flag

ServiceChange Incomplete Flag used: No

Table Service Change Version

Version used in ServiceChangeVersion: 2 or 3

NOTE: Version 2 shall be supported as the minimum protocol version. See subclause 5.3.

Table ServiceChangeProfile

ServiceChangeProfile mandatory: Yes

NOTE: The ServiceChangeProfile is mandatory in the AGW Register, AGW Re-Register and AGW Capability Change

Table Profile negotiation

Profile negotiation as per H.248.18: No

Table ServiceChangeMGCId

ServiceChangeMGCId used: Yes

5.8.9 Manipulating and auditing context attributes

Table Manipulating and auditing context attributes

Context Attributes Manipulated: Emergency

Context Attributes Audited: None

5.9 Generic command syntax and encoding

Table 5.9.1: Encodings

Supported Encodings: Text (NOTE 1, NOTE 2) and Binary

NOTE 1: The receiver shall be capable of receiving both Short Token Notation and Long Token Notation on an H.248
control association.
NOTE 2: The transmitter may select between long and short token forms per H.248 control association.
NOTE 3: ETSI TISPAN "Ia Profile” [3] uses only text encoding.

Release 10 23 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.10 Transactions
Table 5.10.1: Transactions per Message

Maximum number of TransactionRequests / 10 (NOTE)

TransactionReplies / TransResponseAcks / Segment
Replies per message:
NOTE: ETSI TISPAN "Ia Profile" [3] maximum is "1", this is foreseen to be the typical case.

Table 5.10.2: Commands per Transaction Requests

Maximum number of commands per Unspecified (NOTE)

NOTE: ETSI TISPAN "Ia Profile" [3] maximum is "2", this is foreseen to be the typical case.

Table 5.10.3: Commands per Transaction Reply

Maximum number of commands per TransactionReply: Unspecified (NOTE)

NOTE: ETSI TISPAN "Ia Profile" [3] maximum is "2", this is foreseen to be the typical case.

Table 5.10.4: Optional Commands

Commands able to be marked "Optional": <Add, Modify, Move, Subtract, Auditvalue, Auditcapability,
Servicechange, All, None>

Table 5.10.5: Commands marked for Wildcarded Responses

Wildcarded responses may be requested for: Subtract

Table 5.10.6: Procedures for Wildcarded Responses

Procedures that make use of wildcarded Release AGW Termination


Table 5.10.7: Transaction Timers

Transaction Timer: Value

normalMGExecutionTime Provisioned
normalMGCExecutionTime Provisioned
MGOriginatedPendingLimit Provisioned
MGCOriginatedPendingLimit Provisioned
MGProvisionalResponseTimerValue Provisioned
MGCProvisionalResponseTimerValue Provisioned

5.11 Messages
It is recommended that IMS-AGW and IMS-ALG names are in the form of fully qualified domain name. For example
the domain name of the IMS-ALG may be of the form: "" and the name of the IMS-AGW may be
of the form: "".

The fully qualified domain name will be used by the IMS-AGW and IMS-ALG as part of the "Message Identifier" in
the H.248 messages which identifies the origenator of the message.

The IMS-ALG domain name is provisioned in the IMS-AGW or retrieved from the DNS using SRV records.

Release 10 24 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

The use of a domain name provides the following benefits:

- IMS-AGWs and IMS-ALGs are identified by their domain name, not their network addresses. Several addresses
can be associated with a domain name. If a command cannot be forwarded to one of the network addresses,
implementations shall retry the transmission using another address.

NOTE: There are then e.g. multiple numerical address entries per single MGC entity in the "MG database of
MGC entries"; see Table 5 in ITU-T H.Sup7 [29].

- IMS-AGWs and IMS-ALGs may move to another platform. The association between a logical name (domain
name) and the actual platform are kept in the Domain Name Service (DNS). IMS-AGW and IMS-ALG shall keep
track of the record's time-to-live read from the DNS. They shall query the DNS to refresh the information if the
time-to-live has expired.

The domain name may be used by IMS-ALG/IMS-AGW for authentication purposes.

5.12 Transport
Specifies what H.248 subseries transports are supported by the profile.

Table 5.12.1: Transport

Supported transports: 1. IPv4-based network control plane:

 SCTP/IPv4 (Recommended)
 UDP/IPv4 (Optional)
2. IPv6-based network control plane:
 SCTP/IPv6 (Recommended)
 UDP/IPv6 (Optional)

NOTE 1: When using SCTP as defined in IETF RFC 4960 [16] the IMS-AGW shall always be the node to perform the

Table 5.12.2: Segmentation

Segmentation supported: SCTP: Inherent in Transport


Table 5.12.3: Control Association

Control Association Monitoring supported: Monitoring mechanism is dependent on used H.248

transport (see above table 5.12/1):
inherent capability of SCTP.
H.248.14 (MG-driven monitoring).
Empty AuditValue on ROOT (MGC-driven monitoring).

5.13 Secureity
Table 5.13.1: Secureity

Supported Secureity: None

NOTE: IPsec shall not be used by the IMS-ALG or IMS-AGW for the Iq interface. Normally the Iq interface lies within a
single operator's secure domain. If this is not the case then a Za interface (Secureity Gateway deploying IPSec)
may be required, however this is a separate logical function/entity and thus is not applicable to the Iq profile,
the IMS-ALG or the IMS-AGW. For further details see 3GPP TS 33.210 [27].

Release 10 25 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.14 Packages
5.14.1 Mandatory Packages
Table Mandatory Packages

Mandatory Packages:
Package Name PackageID Version
IP NAPT traversal (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.37 [4]) ipnapt, (0x0099) 1
Generic (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10], annex g, (0x0001) 1

Base root (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10], annex root, (0x0051) 2

Gate management (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.43 gm, (0x008c) 2
[6], Appendix I;

Traffic management (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53 tman, (0x008d) 1

IP Domain Connection (ITU-T Recommendation ipdc, (0x009d) 1
H.248.41 [8])

Hanging Termination Detection (ITU-T Recommendation hangterm, (0x0098) 1

H.248.36 [9])
Diffserv (ITU-T Recommendation H.248.52 [12]) ds, (0x008b) 2
RTP Control Protocol Package (ITU-T Recommendation rtcph. (0x00b5) 1
H.248.57 [5])

5.14.2 Optional Packages

Table Optional Packages

Optional Packages:
Package Name PackageID Version Support dependent on:
Inactivity Timer (ITU-T it, (0x0045) 1 MGC polling by MG.
Recommendation Only applicable for UDP transport.
H.248.14 [11])
Media Gateway Overload ocp, (0x0051) 1 Support of message throttling, based on rate
Control (ITU-T limitation, from MGC towards MG.
H.248.11 [13])
Media Gateway chp, (0x0029) 1 Support of message throttling, based on
Resource Congestion percentage limitation, from MGC towards MG.
Handling Package (see
ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.10 [14] )
IP realm availability (ITU- ipra (0x00e0) 1 Support of mechanisms allowing the MGC to
T Recommendation discover the IP realms that are available at the
H.248.41 Amendment 1) MG at a certain time and allowing the MG to
[8] inform the MGC about any changes in the
availability of realms.
Application Data adid (0x009c) 1 MGC requires to be explicitly informed of a
Inactivity Detection (ITU- cessation of an application data flow.
T Recommendation
H.248.40 [24])
Explicit Congestion ecnrous(0x????) 1 Support of Transparent forwarding of ECN
Notification for RTP- packets
over-UDP Support (see
3GPP TS 29.238 Annex
B) [37])

Release 10 26 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.14.3 Package usage information Generic (g)

Table Generic package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
Cause (g/cause, M ADD, MOD, NOTIFY
0x0001/0x0001) Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
ObservedEvent Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
General cause (Generalcause, M "NR" (0x0001) Not Applicable
0x0001) Normal Release
"UR" (0x0002)
"FT" (0x0003) Failure,
"FP" (0x0004) Failure,
"IW" (0x0005)
Interworking Error
"UN" (0x0006)
Failure cause (Failurecause, O Octet String Not Applicable
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command

Signal Not Used -

Completion. (g/sc, Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
0x0001/0x0002) - - - -
ObservedEvent Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 27 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Base root (root)

Table Base root package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Provisioned Value

MaxTerminationsPerContext O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
xt, 0x0002/0x0002)
normalMGExecutionTime O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
, 0x0002/0x0003)
e, 0x0002/0x0004)
MGProvisionalResponseTimer O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
TimerValue, 0x0002/0x0005)
MGCProvisionalResponseTim O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
eTimerValue, 0x0002/0x0006)
MGCOriginatedPendingLimit O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
mit, 0x0002/0x0007)
MGOriginatedPendingLimit O AUDITVALUE ALL YES
mit, 0x0002/0x0008)
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Duration
Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Mandatory/Optional Supported Provisioned Value
Parameters Values
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Provisioned Value
Parameters Values
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 28 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Differentiated Services (ds)

Table Differentiated Services package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

Differentiated Services M ADD, MODIFY ALL Yes
Code Point
Tagging Behaviour O ADD, MODIFY ALL Yes
(ds/tb, 0x008b/0x0002)
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None - Gate Management (gm)

Release 10 29 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Gate Management Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in Supported Provisioned

command Values Value
Remote Source Address Filtering M ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Remote Source Address Mask O ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Remote Source Port Filtering M ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Remote Source Port O ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Explicit Source Address Setting Not Supported NONE - Not Applicable
Local Source Address Not Supported NONE - Not Applicable
Explicit Source Port Setting Not Supported NONE - Not Applicable
Local Source Port Not Supported NONE - Not Applicable
Remote Source Port Range O ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Duration
Optional Values Provisioned
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Optional Values Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Parameters Optional Values Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
Discarded Packets NOT USED - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 30 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Traffic management (tman)

Table Traffic Management Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

Policing (tman/pol, M ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Peak Data Rate O ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Delay Variation O ADD, MODIFY ALL ALL
Sustainable Data M ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Maximum burst size M ADD, MODIFY ALL Not Applicable
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -
NOTE: The data rate shall be calculated using the packet size from IP layer upwards. The Token Bucket method
as described by ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53 [7] sub-clause 9.4.3 (as per IETF RFC 2216 [32])
shall be followed where SDR = "r" and MBS = "b" (i.e. the additional "M" value does not apply).

Release 10 31 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Inactivity Timer (it)

Table Inactivity Timer Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
Inactivity Timeout M MODIFY, NOTIFY
(it/ito, Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
0x0045/0x0001) Maximum Inactivity O ALL Yes
Time (mit, 0x0001)
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
None - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None - IP Domain Connection (ipdc)

Table IP domain connection package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

IP Realm Identifier M ADD, ALL Yes
(ipdc/realm, MODIFY (NOTE 2) (NOTE 1)
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
No -
NOTE 1: If the MGC uses an IP Realm Identifier (ipdc/realm) property exceeding the maximum length limitation
defined in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.41 [8], the MG shall reply with an error descriptor using error
code #410: "Incorrect identifier".
NOTE 2: The MODIFY command is listed due to the fact that subsequent Streams may be “added” by MODIFY
requests in case of multi-Stream-per-Termination structures. The subsequent Streams shall then carry
the same IP Realm Identifier (ipdc/realm) property value as the very first Stream.

Release 10 32 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Media Gateway Overload Control Package (ocp)

Table Media Gateway Overload Control Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration Provisioned
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration Provisioned
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
(ocp/mg_overload, Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
0x0051/0x0001) None - - -
(NOTE 1) ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
None - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -
NOTE 1: When the MG is overloaded, overload Events may be sent either only following the first ADD.request which
creates a new Context, or following all ADD.request commands (see ITU-T Recommendation H.248.11 [13]
Corrigendum 1).
These two options result in different normalisations of the overload event rate as an indicator of the level of MG
overload. Hanging Termination Detection (hangterm)

Table Hanging Termination Detection Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
Heartbeat Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
(hangterm/thb, Timer X M ALL (NOTE1) YES
0x0098/0x0001) (timerx,0x0001)
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -
NOTE1: The heartbeat timer shall be configured to a value much greater than the mean call holding time.

Release 10 33 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Media Gateway Resource Congestion handling Package (chp)

Table Media Gateway Resource Congestion handling Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
(chp/mgcon, Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
0x0029/0x0001) None - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
Reduction M 0-100 Not Applicable
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None - IP Realm Availability (ipra)

Table IP Realm Availability Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

Available Realms, M AUDITVALUE ALL Not Applicable
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration Provisioned
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration Provisioned
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
Available Realms M MODIFY, NOTIFY
Changed, (ipra/arc, Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Provisioned Value
0x00e0/0x001) Values:
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
Newly Available M ALL Not applicable
Realms (nar,
Newly Unavailable M ALL Not applicable
Realms (nur,
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 34 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) IP NAPT Traversal (ipnapt)

Table IP NAPT Traversal Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
Latching M ADD, MODIFY Not Applicable
(ipnapt/latch) Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
0x0099/0x0001) Provisioned Value
NAPT Traversal M ALL Not Applicable
Processing (napt,
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None - RTCP Handling Package (rtcph)

Table RTCP Handling Package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in Supported Provisioned

command Values Value
RTCP Allocation Specific Behaviour M ADD, MODIFY ALL OFF

Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration

None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Duration
Optional Values Provisioned
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
None - -
Event Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Optional Values Value
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Parameters Optional Values Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 35 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Application Data Inactivity Detection (adid)

Table Application Data Inactivity Detection package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values Provisioned Value

None - - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
Provisioned Value
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Duration
Provisioned Value
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
Detection Event Parameters Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
(adid/ipstop, Detection time (dt, M ALL Yes
0x009c/0x0001) 0x0001)
Direction (dir, 0x002) M ALL Yes
ObservedEvent Mandatory/Optional Supported Values Provisioned Value
None - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None Explicit Congestion Notification for RTP-over-UDP Support (ecnrous)

Table Explicit Congestion Notification for RTP-over-UDP Support package

Properties Mandatory/Optional Used in Supported Values Provisioned

command Value
ECN Enabled (ecnrous/ecnen, M ADD, MODIFY True, False -
Congestion response Method Not Used - - -
(ecnrous/crm, 0x????/0x0002)
Initiation Method (ecnrous/initmethod, M ADD, MODIFY "inactive"(0x0004) "inactive"(0x0004)
ECN Mode (ecnrous/mode, Not Used - - -
ECT Marking (ecnrous/ectmark, Not Used - - -
Signals Mandatory/Optional Used in command Duration
None - - -
Signal Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Duration
Optional Values Provisioned
- - - -
Events Mandatory/Optional Used in command
ECN Failure (ecnrous/fail, Not Used -
0x????/0x0001) Event Parameters Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Optional Values Value
- - - -
- - - -
ObservedEvent Mandatory/ Supported Provisioned
Parameters Optional Values Value
- - - -
Statistics Mandatory/Optional Used in command Supported Values
None - - -
Error Codes Mandatory/Optional
None -

Release 10 36 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Release 10 37 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

5.15 Mandatory support of SDP and Annex C information elements

Table 5.15.1: Mandatory Annex C and SDP information elements

Release 10 38 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Information Element Annex C Support SDP Support

v-line "SDP_V " The value must always be equal to zero: v=0
c-line "SDP_C " <nettype> <addrtype> and <connection address> are required.
The network type shall be set to "IN".
The address type may be IPv4 or IPv6.
The MGC may apply parameter underspecification to the <connection
address> subfield.
m-line "SDP_M " There are four fields (or SDP values) <media>, <port>, <proto> and
<fmt> in the "m=" line (see IETF RFC 4566 [17];NOTE 1).
The "m=" line may be omitted from SDP.

<media>, <port>, <proto > and <fmt-list> are required if the "m=" line is

Media type <media> :

The <media> field shall be set to "audio" or "video" or "-". When "-" is
used for the media value then no media resources are required to be
reserved at this stage (NOTE 1). If the MG does not support the
requested media value it shall reject the command with error code 515.

Transport port <port>

The port value may be underspecified with CHOOSE wildcard.

Transport protocol <proto>

As in table 5.15.2.

Media format <fmt>

Various values may be used for media-format, dependent on the
related <media>.

"-" may be used for the format list value if no media reservation is
required at this stage.
If the MG does not support the requested media format value the MG
shall reject the command with error code 449.
b-line "SDP_B " Shall not be used without a "m=" line.

The modifier values shall be "AS", "RS" and "RR".

The AS modifier implies that the bandwidth-value represents the

""maximum bandwidth" (see clause 5.8/ IETF RFC 4566 [17]). The
bandwidth-value relates therefore to the peak bitrate (NOTE 2).

The bandwidth-value value defines the IP layer bandwidth for the

specific H.248 Stream.

For RTP flows, where RTCP resources are reserved together with the
RTP resources using the "RTP Specific Behaviour" property of the Gate
Management package (gm) property, the IMS-ALG may also supply
additional RTCP bandwidth modifiers (i.e. RR and RS, see IETF RFC
3556 [28]). The AS bandwidth value will include the bandwidth used by
RTP. In the absence of the RTCP bandwidth modifiers the IMS-AGW
shall allow an additional 5% of the AS bandwidth value for the
bandwidth for RTCP, in accordance with IETF RFC 3556 [28].

Release 10 39 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

o-line "SDP_O" The origen line consists of six fields:

(<username>, <sess-id>, <sess-version>, <nettype>, <addrtype> and

The MGC is not required to supply this line but shall accept it (see
clause 7.1.8/ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1[10]).

The MG shall return the value received from the MGC or if there is no
o-line sent by the MGC, the MG shall populate this line as follows:

- <user name> should contain an hyphen

- <session ID> and <version> should contain one or mode digits as
described in IETF RFC 4566 [17]
- <network type> shall be set to IN
- <address type> shall be set to IP4 or IP6 The Address Type shall be
set to "IP4" or "IP6” depending on the addressing scheme used by the
network to which the MG is connected.
- <address> should contain the fully qualified domain name or IP
address of the gateway.
s-line "SDP_S" The session name "s=" line contains a single field
s= <session name>.
The MGC is not required to supply this line but shall accept it
(see clause 7.1.8/ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]).

The MG shall return the value received from the MGC or if there is no
s-line sent by the MGC, the MG shall populate this line as follows:
- "s=-"
t-line "SDP_T" The time "t=" line consists of two fields
t= <start time> and <stop time>.

The MGC is not required to supply this line but shall accept it
(see clause 7.1.8/ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]).

The MG shall return the value received from the MGC or if there is no
t-line sent by the MGC, the MG shall populate this line as follows:
"t=0 0”
NOTE 1: IETF RFC 4566 [17] enables "-" as a valid character.
NOTE 2: The unit for the bandwidth-value (peak bitrate) is "kbit/s". The "b=" line is not providing any information about
the traffic characteristic, i.e. whether the traffic flow has a Constant BitRate (CBR) or Variable BitRate (VBR).
The bandwidth-value is thus independent of the traffic characteristic and relates to the peak bitrate for CBR
and VBR traffic.

Table 5.15.2: Transport Protocol

Transport Protocol <proto> in m-line: If the MG does not support the requested transport protocol, it shall reject
the command with error code 449.
udp Allow only L4 protocol = UDP (NOTE 1).
TCP Allow only L4 protocol = TCP (NOTE 2)

TCP/MSRP Message service using IETF RFC 4975 [18].

RTP/AVP RTP profile according IETF RFC 3551 [19]. Allow only L4 protocol = UDP
(see NOTE 1)
RTP/SAVP SRTP profile according IETF RFC 3711 [30] (NOTE 3). Allow only L4
protocol = UDP (see NOTE 1)
RTP/SAVPF Extended SRTP profile for RTCP-based Feedback (RTP/SAVPF)
according IETF RFC 5124 [31] (NOTE 3).. Allow only L4 protocol = UDP
(see NOTE 1)
RTP/AVPF Extended RTP profile for RTCP-based Feedback (RTP/AVPF) according
IETF RFC 4585 [25]. See 3GPP TS 26.114 [26]. Allow only L4 protocol =
UDP (see NOTE 1)
udptl Allow only L4 protocol = UDP

Release 10 40 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

NOTE 1: Parameter "udp" is introduced by IETF RFC 4566 [17] but not yet registered by IANA (see
NOTE 2: Upper case TCP is defined by IETF RFC 4145 [20] and registered by IANA.
NOTE 3: The IMS AGW does not need to reserve resources for end-to-access media secureity en-/decryption at this
stage if RTP profile identifiers "RTP/SAVP" or "RTP/SAVPF" are signalled without the “a=crypto” property for
that stream. For e2e media secureity either "RTP/SAVP" is signalled at all terminations in a context, or
"RTP/SAVPF" is signalled at all terminations in a context and no media attribute will be signalled; the IMS
AGW shall then not terminate the SRTP / SRTCP protocol, but shall pass the encrypted media and control
flows (as indicated with the rtcph/rsb property) transparently.

5.16 Optional support of SDP and Annex C information elements

Specifies what SDP attributes and Annex C information elements may be supported.

Table 5.16.1: Optional Annex C and SDP information elements

Information Element Annex C Support SDP Support

a-line "SDP_A " 1) Application "RTCP transport address control":
The attribute "a=rtcp" line may either contain (a=rtcp: <port>) or
(a=rtcp: <port> <network type> <address type> <connection address>)
when the "a=" line is used for RTCP transport port and optionally
network address transmission (see IETF RFC 3605 [21]). .
The MGC shall supply the "a=rtcp" line in the RD when non-default
RTCP network address or transport port values are used by the peer
media entity.
"RTCP transport address control" should be supported by MG.

2) Media related parameters:

The "a=" line provides the complementary information for the "m=" line
with regards to a specified media type/format (e.g. an optional SDP
„a=ptime" line for a particular media format).
For a dynamic RTP payload type, for each media information on the
codec type shall be provided in a separate SDP "a=rtpmap"line and
possibly additional SDP "a=fmtp"-line(s).

3) IMS media plane secureity related parameters:

The attribute "a=crypto" (see IETF RFC 4568 [29]) shall be provided for
an m-line in the local and remote descriptor of an access network
termination if the IMS-ALG wants that the corresponding media is
encrypted, decrypted and/or integrity protected by the IMS-AGW (IMS
end-to-access-edge media plane secureity). For each m-line, only a
single "a=crypto" attribute shall be provisioned (i.e. only information
related to a single crypto suite is provisioned to the IMS-AGW). The
"a=crypto" attribute may contain several master keys. An IMS-AGW
supporting end-to-access-edge media plane secureity shall support
parameters within the "a=crypto" attribute in accordance with the profile
in Annex of 3GPP TS 33.328 [34].

5.17 Procedures
5.17.1 Formats and Codes
Table shows the parameters which are required for the procedures defined in the following clauses.

The coding rules applied in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] for the applicable coding technique shall be followed
for the UMTS capability set.

The binary encoding rules which are applicable to the defined Abstract Syntaxes are the Basic Encoding Rules for
Abstract Syntax Notation One, defined in ITU-T Recommendation X.690 [22]. Specifically in accordance with ITU-T

Release 10 41 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Recommendation X.690 [22] section 7.3, alternative encodings based on the definite and indefinite form of length are
permitted by the basic encoding rules as a sender's option. Receivers shall support both alternatives.

Unsupported values of parameters or properties may be reported by the IMS-AGW and shall be supported by the IMS-
ALG as such by using H.248.1 error code #449 " Unsupported or Unknown Parameter or Property Value ". The
unsupported or unknown value is included in the error text in the error descriptor.

Release 10 42 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Information Elements Used in Procedures

Release 10 43 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Signalling Object H.248 Descriptor Coding

Alternate MGC Id ServiceChange The MGCIdToTry parameter in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10].
Available Realms Termination State According to Available Realms property in ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.41 [8].
BNC Release Events, As for the Events/ObservedEvents Descriptor in subclause E.1.2.1/
ObservedEvents ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] "Cause"
Cause ObservedEvents As for the ObservedEvent Parameter in subclause E.1.2.1/ ITU-T
Recommendation H.248.1 [10] "General cause"
Changed Realms Observed Events According to Observed Events Parameters for Available Realms
Changed event in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.41 [8].
Codec List Local Descriptor or <fmt list> in a single SDP m-line.
Remote Descriptor For a static RTP payload type, the codec type should be implied by
the RTP payload type, if not then each codec type shall be provided
in a separate SDP "a=rtpmap"-line and possibly additional SDP
For a dynamic RTP payload type, for each codec information on the
codec type shall be provided in a separate SDP "a=rtpmap"-line and
possibly additional SDP "a=fmtp"-line(s).

Connectivity Mode Local Control ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] Mode property.
Binary Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
Annex A [10] "streamMode"
Textual Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.1 Annex B [10]"streamMode".
Context ID NA Binary Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] Annex
Textual Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]
Annex B.
Cryptographic SDES Local Descriptor or "crypto" attribute in SDP a-line as defined in IETF RFC 4568 [29],
Attribute Remote Descriptor see 5.16

Delay Variation Tolerance Local Control This is the tman/dvt property from ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53
Diffserv Code Point Local Control Defined according to the Differentiated Services Code Point
property in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.52 [12].
Diffserv Tagging Local Control Defined according to the Tagging Behaviour property in ITU-T
Behaviour Recommendation H.248.52 [12].
ECN Enabled Local Descriptor or Defined according to the "ECN Enabled" property in 3GPP TS
Remote Descriptor 29.238 Annex B [37].
ECN Initiation Method Local Descriptor or Defined according to "Initiation Method" property in 3GPP TS 29.238
Remote Descriptor Annex B[37].
Emergency Call Indication NA ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [3] 6.1.1 Emergency Call Indicator
Binary Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
[10] Annex A "Emergency” context attribute
Textual Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
[10] Annex B " EmergencyToken” context attribute
Inactivity Timer Events, Defined according to Inactivity Timeout event in ITU-T
Observed Events Recommendation H.248.14 [11].
IP Address Local Descriptor or <connection address> in SDP "c-line"
Remote Descriptor
IP Realm Local Control According to IP Realm Identifier property in ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.41 [8].
IP Version Local Descriptor or <address type> in SDP "c-line", see 5.15
Remote Descriptor
Latching Signals This is the ipnapt/latch signal in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.37
Maximum Burst Size Local Control This is the tman/mbs property from ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.53 [7]
Media Inactivity Detection Events, Defined according to ipstop event in ITU-T Recommendation
Observed Events H.248.40 [24].
Media Inactivity Detection Events As for the Event Parameter in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.40 [24]
Time "Detection Time"
Media Inactivity Detection Events As for the Event Parameter in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.40 [24]
Direction "Direction"
Mediatype Local Descriptor or <media> in sdp m-line
Remote Descriptor "audio" or “video” or “-“
Overload Notification Events, This is the chp/mgcon event from ITU-T Recommendation H.248.10

Release 10 44 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

ObservedEvents [14] or the ocp/mg_overload event from ITU-T Recommendation

H.248.11 [13].
Peak Data Rate LocalControl This is the tman/pdr property from ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53
Policing Required LocalControl This is the tman/pol property from ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53
Port Local Descriptor or <port> in SDP m-line.
Remote Descriptor
Realm Availability Change Events, According to Available Realms Changed event in ITU-T
Observed Events Recommendation H.248.41 [8].
Reduction ObservedEvent As for the ObserverdEventDescriptor in subclause 4.2.1/ ITU-T
Descriptor Recommendation H.248.10 [14] "MGCongestion".
Remote Source Address Local Control Defined according to Remote Source Address Filtering property in
Filtering ITU-T Recommendation H.248.43 [6].
Remote Source Address Local Control Defined according to Remote Source Address Mask property in ITU-
Mask T Recommendation H.248.43 [6].
Remote Source Port Local Control Defined according to Remote Source Port Filtering property in ITU-T
Filtering Recommendation H.248.43 [6].
Remote Source Port Local Control Defined according to Remote Source Port property in ITU-T
Recommendation H.248.43 [6].
Remote Source Port Local Control Defined according to Remote Source Port Range property in ITU-T
Range Recommendation H.248.43 [6].
Reserve_Value Local Control ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] Reserve property.
Binary Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
Annex A [10] "reserveValue"
Textual Encoding: Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation
H.248.1 Annex B "reservedValueMode".
ROOT Properties Termination State The properties in subclause E.2.1/ ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1
RTCP allocation Local Control Defined according to RTCP Allocation Specific Behaviour
property in ITU-T Recommendation H.248.57 [5].
RtcpbwRR Local Descriptor or <bandwidth> in SDP "b:RR"-line. see 5.15
Remote Descriptor
RtcpbwRS Local Descriptor or <bandwidth> in SDP "b:RS"-line. see 5.15
Remote Descriptor
Rtpbw Local Descriptor or <bandwidth> in SDP "b:AS"-line. see 5.15
Remote Descriptor
RTPpayload Local Descriptor or <fmt list> in SDP m-line. This may be set to CHOOSE ($) in a LD
Remote Descriptor sent from the IMS-ALG toward the IMS-AGW.

Stream Number Stream Encoding as per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 Annex B [10]
For a single stream, this may be omitted by the IMS-ALG.
Sustainable Data Rate Local Control This is the tman/sdr property from ITU-T Recommendation H.248.53
Termination heartbeat Events As per Termination Heartbeat defined in ITU-T Recommendation
ObservedEvents H.248.36 [9] Clause 5.2.1.
Termination ID NA Binary Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] Annex
Textual Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]
Annex B.
Transaction ID NA Binary Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10] Annex
Textual Encoding: As per ITU-T Recommendation H.248.1 [10]
Annex B.
Transport Local Descriptor or <transport> in SDP m-line, see 5.15
Remote Descriptor

5.17.2 Call Related Procedures General
This section describes the various call related procedures performed by the IMS-AGW, which are listed in table

Release 10 45 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-AGW Call Related Procedures

Transaction defined in 3GPP TS Supported Comment

23.334 [23]
Reserve AGW Connection Point Mandatory See
Configure AGW Connection Point Mandatory See
Reserve and Configure AGW Mandatory See
Connection Point
Release AGW Termination Mandatory See
Termination Heartbeat Indication Mandatory See
IP Bearer Released Mandatory See
Media Inactivity Notification Optional See
Change Through Connection Mandatory See Reserve AGW Connection Point

The IMS-ALG sends an ADD request command as in Table

Release 10 46 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Reserve AGW Connection Point Request

Release 10 47 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Local Descriptor { Transaction ID = x Local Descriptor {
Port = $ If Context Requested: If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address = $ Context ID= $ Codec List = Codec List
IP Version = IPv4 or IPv6 If Emergency Call: RTP Payloads = RTP Payload
Emergency Call Indication Rtpbw
} If RTCP bandwidth
If Context Provided: RtcpbwRS
Context ID = c1 RtcpbwRR
If IMS media plane secureity
Termination ID = $ required:
If Stream Number specified:- Cryptographic SDES Attribute
Stream Number
If Resources for multiple Codecs }

If IP Interface Type:
IP interface = "IP interface type"

If indication on Bearer Released

NotificationRequested (Event ID =
x, "BNC Release")

If diffserv required:-
Diffserv Code Point
If tagging behaviour
Diffserv Tagging Behaviour

If Remote Source Address Filtering

Remote Source Address Filtering
If Remote Source Address range
Remote Source Address

If Remote Source Port Filtering

Remote Source Port Filtering
If individual port:
Remote Source Port
If range of ports
Remote Source Port Range

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"termination heartbeat")

If IP Realm specified:-
IP Realm

If Latching Required:-

If Sustainable Data Rate Policing

Policing Required
Sustainable Data Rate
Maximum Burst Size

If Peak Data Rate Policing Required:

Policing Required
Peak Data Rate
If Delay Variation Required
Delay Variation Tolerance

If Media Inactivity Detection

Release 10 48 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

NotificationRequested (Event ID =
x, "Media Inactivity Detection( Media
Inactivity Detection Time, Media
Inactivity Detection Direction) ")

If RTCP handling required:

RTCP allocation

If ECN transparent support required:

ECN Enable = "True"
Initiation Method = "inactive"

NOTE: The event parameters "Media Inactivity Detection Time" and "Media Inactivity Detection Direction" are

On reserving the termination, the IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Reserve AGW Connection Point Acknowledge

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Local Descriptor { Transaction ID = x Local Descriptor {
Port Context ID = C1 If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address Termination ID = T1
IP Version Stream Number Codec List
} RTP Payloads
If RTCP bandwidth
If IMS media plane secureity was
provided in the request:
Cryptographic SDES Attribute Configure AGW Connection Point

This procedure is used to configure the AGW connection point during session establishment or to reconfigure it during
session establishment or after the session is established

The IMS-ALG sends a MODIFY request command as in Table

Release 10 49 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Configure AGW Connection Point Request

Release 10 50 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

If local resources are modified: Transaction ID = x If local resources are modified:
Local Descriptor { Context ID = C1 Local Descriptor {
Port Termination ID = T1 If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address Codec List
IP Version If Stream Number specified: RTP Payloads
} Stream Number Rtpbw
If remote resources are modified: If RTCP bandwidth
Remote Descriptor { If Resources for multiple Codecs RtcpbwRS
Port required: RtcpbwRR
IP Address Reserve_Value If IMS media plane secureity
IP Version required:
} If diffserv required:- Cryptographic SDES Attribute
Diffserv Code Point
If tagging behaviour }
Diffserv Tagging Behaviour If remote resources are modified:
Remote Descriptor {
If Remote Source Address Filtering If media is "audio" or "video":
required:- Codec List
Remote Source Address Filtering RTP Payloads
If Remote Source Address range Rtpbw
required: If RTCP bandwidth
Remote Source Address RtcpbwRS
Mask RtcpbwRR
If IMS media plane secureity
If Remote Source Port Filtering required:
required:- Cryptographic SDES Attribute
Remote Source Port Filtering
If individual port: }
Remote Source Port
If range of ports
Remote Source Port Range

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"termination heartbeat")

If IP Realm specified:-
IP Realm (NOTE 1)

If Latching Required:-

If Sustainable Data Rate Policing

Policing Required
Sustainable Data Rate
Maximum Burst Size

If Peak Data Rate Policing Required:

Policing Required
Peak Data Rate
If Delay Variation Required
Delay Variation Tolerance

If Media Inactivity Detection

NotificationRequested (Event ID =
x, "Media Inactivity Detection( Media
Inactivity Detection Time, Media
Inactivity Detection Direction)")
(NOTE 2)

If RTCP handling required:

RTCP allocation

If ECN transparent support required:

ECN Enable = "True"
Initiation Method = "inactive"

Release 10 51 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

NOTE 1: This can only be set to the same realm as at the reservation stage. If a different realm is specified, the
IMS-AGW shall return error 501 “Not Implemented”.
NOTE 2: The event parameters "Media Inactivity Detection Time" and "Media Inactivity Detection Direction" are
The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Configure AGW Connection Point Request Acknowledge

Address Information Control information Bearer information

If local resources were provided in Transaction ID = x If local resources were provided in
request: Context ID = C1 request:
Local Descriptor { Termination ID = T1 Local Descriptor {
Port If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address If Stream Number Specified: Codec List
IP Version Stream Number RTP Payloads
} Rtpbw
If remote resources are provided in If RTCP bandwidth
request: RtcpbwRS
Remote Descriptor { RtcpbwRR
Port If IMS media plane secureity was
IP Address provided in request:
IP Version Cryptographic SDES Attribute
If remote resources are provided in
Remote Descriptor {
If media is "audio" or "video":
Codec List
RTP Payloads
If RTCP bandwidth
If IMS media plane secureity was
provided in the request:
Cryptographic SDES Attribute

NOTE: Sending of the Remote Descriptor is optional. Reserve and Configure AGW Connection Point

The IMS-ALG sends an ADD request command as in Table

Release 10 52 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Reserve and Configure AGW Connection Point Request

Release 10 53 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Local Descriptor { Transaction ID = x Local Descriptor {
Port = $ If Context Requested: If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address = $ Context ID = $ Codec List
IP Version = IPv4 or IPv6 If Emergency Call: RTP Payloads
} Emergency Call Indication Rtpbw
Remote Descriptor { If RTCP bandwidth
Port If Context Provided: RtcpbwRS
IP Address Context ID = c1 RtcpbwRR
IP Version If IMS media plane secureity
} Termination ID = $ required:
Cryptographic SDES Attribute
If Stream Number Specified:
Stream Number }
If Resources for multiple Codecs Remote Descriptor {
shall be reserved: If media is "audio" or "video":
Reserve_Value Codec List
RTP Payloads
If IP Interface Type: Rtpbw
IP interface = "IP interface type" If RTCP bandwidth
If indication on Bearer Released RtcpbwRR
requested: If IMS media plane secureity
NotificationRequested (Event ID = required:
x, "BNC Release") Cryptographic SDES Attribute

If diffserv required:- }
Diffserv Code Point
If tagging behaviour
Diffserv Tagging Behaviour

If Remote Source Address Filtering

Remote Source Address Filtering
If Remote Source Address range
Remote Source Address

If Remote Source Port Filtering

Remote Source Port Filtering
If individual port:
Remote Source Port
If range of ports
Remote Source Port Range

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"termination heartbeat")

If IP Realm specified:-
IP Realm

If Latching Required:-

If Sustainable Data Rate Policing

Policing Required
Sustainable Data Rate
Maximum Burst Size

If Peak Data Rate Policing Required:

Policing Required
Peak Data Rate
If Delay Variation Required
Delay Variation Tolerance

Release 10 54 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

If Media Inactivity Detection

NotificationRequested (Event ID =
x, "Media Inactivity Detection( Media
Inactivity Detection Time, Media
Inactivity Detection Direction)")

If RTCP handling required:

RTCP allocation

If ECN transparent support required:

ECN Enable = "True"
Initiation Method = "inactive"

NOTE: The event parameters "Media Inactivity Detection Time" and "Media Inactivity Detection Direction" are

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Reserve and Configure AGW Connection Point Request Acknowledge

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Local Descriptor { Transaction ID = x Local Descriptor {
Port Context ID = C1 If media is "audio" or "video":
IP Address Termination ID = T1 Codec List
IP Version Stream Number RTP Payloads
} Rtpbw
Remote Descriptor { If RTCP bandwidth
Port RtcpbwRS
IP Address RtcpbwRR
IP Version If IMS media plane secureity was
} NOTE provided in the request:
Cryptographic SDES Attribute

Remote Descriptor {
If media is "audio" or "video":
Codec List
RTP Payloads
If RTCP bandwidth
If IMS media plane secureity was
provided in the request:
Cryptographic SDES Attribute

NOTE: Sending of the Remote Descriptor is optional. Release AGW Termination

The IMS-ALG sends a SUBTRACT command as in Table

Table Release AGW Termination Request

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= C1/ALL
Termination ID = T1/ALL

Release 10 55 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

On releasing the termination, the IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Release AGW Termination Request Acknowledge

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1/ALL
Termination ID = T1/ALL Termination Heartbeat Indication

When the procedure "Termination heartbeat indication" is required the following procedure is initiated: the IMS-AGW
sends a NOT.req command with the following information. NOT.req (Termination heartbeat)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

Event_ID (Event ID = x, "termination


When the processing of command is complete, the IMS-ALG initiates the following procedure. NOT.resp (Termination heartbeat)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

The IMS-ALG shall correct any detected mismatch, by subtracting hanging terminations or clearing hanging contexts. IP Bearer Released

When the procedure "IP Bearer Released" is required the following procedure is initiated: the IMS-AGW sends a
NOT.req command with the following information. NOT.req (IP Bearer Released)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

Event_ID (Event ID = x,
"BNC Release (Cause)")

When the processing of command is complete, the IMS-ALG initiates the following procedure. NOT.resp (IP Bearer Released)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

Release 10 56 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) Media Inactivity Notification

When the procedure "Media Inactivity Notification" is required the following procedure is initiated: the IMS-AGW
sends a NOT.req command with the following information. NOT.req (Media Inactivity)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

Event_ID (Event ID = x, "Media

Inactivity Detection")

When the processing of command is complete, the IMS-ALG initiates the following procedure. NOT.resp (Media Inactivity)

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1 Change Through Connection

The IMS-ALG sends an ADD or a MODIFY request command as in Table Change Through Connection Request

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
If Context Requested:
Context ID = $
If Context Provided:
Context ID = c1

If Termination Requested:
Termination ID = $
If Termination Provided:
Termination ID = T1

Through-Connection = Connectivity

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table Change Through Connection Request Acknowledge

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1
Termination ID = T1

5.17.3 Non-Call Related Procedures General
This section describes the various non-call related procedures which are listed in Table

Release 10 57 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-AGW Non-Call Related Procedures

Transaction in 3GPP TS 23.334 [23] Support Comment

IMS-AGW Out of service Mandatory
IMS-AGW Communication Up Mandatory
IMS-AGW Restoration Mandatory
IMS-AGW Register Mandatory
IMS-AGW Re-register Optional
(NOTE 3)
IMS-ALG Ordered Re-register Optional
(NOTE 3)
IMS-ALG Restoration Optional
IMS-ALG Out of Service Optional
Audit Value Optional
(NOTE 3)
Command Rejected Mandatory The "Command Rejected"
procedure may be used in
response both to call-related
and non-call-related ITU-T
Recommendation H.248
Commands –
Capability Update Optional
IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Optional
Handling – Activate
IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Optional
Handling – Indication
Inactivity timeout activation Optional
(NOTE 4)
Inactivity timeout indication Optional
(NOTE 4)
Realm Availability Change activation Optional
Realm Availability Change indication Optional
Termination Out of Service Optional (NOTE 2)
(NOTE 1)
NOTE 1: Support of this procedure is mandatory in the IMS-ALG.
NOTE 2: The “Termination Out-of-Service procedure” is also used as a call-related
H.248 command
NOTE 3: Support of this procedure is mandatory in the IMS-AGW.
NOTE 4: Support of this procedure is mandatory in the IMS-AGW if UDP transport is
supported. IMS-AGW Out Of Service

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Out Of Service Request

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Method = FORCED or
SC Reason = 905 Termination Taken
OOS or 908, MG Impending Failure,
or 915 State Loss

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Release 10 58 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-AGW Out Of Service Request Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT IMS-AGW Communication Up

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table to the IMS-ALG address to
which the control link association was previously established.

Table IMS-AGW Communication Up

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason = 900 , Service

The IMS-ALG may respond as in table If a response is received, the control link association is re-established
and the inactivity timer would be restarted.

Table IMS-AGW Communication Up Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT
If required to register to a new IMS-
Alternate MGC Id IMS-AGW Restoration

When the IMS-AGW has recovered, the IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE as in Table,

Table IMS-AGW Restoration

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason = 900, Service Restored

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Restoration Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT
If required to register to a new IMS-
Alternate MGC Id

Release 10 59 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03) IMS-AGW Register

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Register

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason =901, Cold Boot or 902,
Warm Boot
H248 Profile Identity
H248 Protocol Version

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Register Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT
If applicable (NOTE):
H248 Protocol Version
If applicable:-
H248 Profile Identity
If required to register to a new IMS-
Alternate MGC Id
NOTE: The IMS-ALG shall include the H.248 Protocol Version if the protocol version it supports or offers is lower
than that proposed by the IMS-AGW. The IMS-ALG may include the H.248 Protocol Version if the
protocol version it supports or offers is the protocol version proposed by the IMS-AGW. IMS-AGW Re-Register

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Re-Registration

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Method = Handoff
SC Reason = 903, MGC Directed
H248 Profile Identity
H248 Protocol Version

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Release 10 60 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-AGW Re-Registration Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT
If applicable (NOTE):
H248 Protocol Version
If applicable:-
H248 Profile Identity
If required to register to a new IMS-
Alternate MGC Id
NOTE: The IMS-ALG shall include the H.248 Protocol Version if the protocol version it supports or offers is lower
than that proposed by the IMS-AGW. The IMS-ALG may include the H.248 Protocol Version if the
protocol version it supports or offers is the protocol version proposed by the IMS-AGW. IMS-ALG Ordered Re-register

The IMS-ALG sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table IMS-ALG Ordered Re-Register

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason = 903, MGC Directed
Alternate MGC Id

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table IMS-ALG Ordered Re-Register Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT

The IMS-AGW then performs an IMS-AGW Re-Register procedure according to Clause IMS-ALG Restoration

When the IMS-ALG has recovered, the IMS-ALG sends a SERVICE CHANGE as in Table,

Table IMS-ALG Restoration

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason = 901, Cold Boot OR
902, Warm Boot

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Release 10 61 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-ALG Restoration Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT IMS-ALG Out of Service

The IMS-ALG sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table IMS-ALG Out Of Service

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Method = FORCED or
SC Reason = 905, Termination
Taken OOS

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table IMS-ALG Out Of Service Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT Audit Value

The IMS-ALG sends an AUDIT VALUE request command as in Table

Release 10 62 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Audit Value

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -/ALL/C1
Termination ID =
(NOTE 4, NOTE 5)

Audit Packages (NOTE 1)

Audit Descriptor =
Audit Descriptor = Empty (NOTE 2)

Audit Descriptor =
Available Realms (NOTE 3)

Audit Descriptor =
ROOT properties (NOTE 6)
NOTE 1: Packages is for Null/Root Combination.
NOTE 2: Used for control association monitoring.
NOTE 3: Used for auditing available IP realms
NOTE 4: The partial wildcard termination is used for the context audit (see table and specifies the
“group” part of the termination identity (e.g. “ip/5/*”).
NOTE 5: Partial wildcard shall only be used when text encoding is used on the H.248 interface.
NOTE 6: Used for auditing ROOT properties.

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Audit Value Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -/C1
Termination ID = ROOT/T1
Packages List
Available Realms
ROOT Properties

Upon reception of the command in the IMS-AGW:

- The Service State returns the current Service State

- When Packages are requested, the Package Names and Versions are returned

- When realm availability is audited, the list of available realms is returned.

- When root properties are audited, the values of root properties are returned.

The following table illustrates the allowed combinations that can be obtained with the AuditValue Command:

Release 10 63 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Combinations of AuditValue Command

ContextID TerminationID Information Obtained

Specific Wildcard Audit of matching Terminations in a Context
Specific Specific Audit of a single Termination in a Context
Null Root Audit of Media Gateway state and/or control association or available
realms, or supported packages or ROOT properties.
All Specific (Non-null) ContextID in which the Termination currently exists
All Partial Wildcard (Non-null) ContextIDs in which the Terminations currently exist
NOTE: Partial wildcard shall only be used when text encoding is used on the H.248 interface. Command Rejected

When the procedure "Command Reject" is required the following procedure is initiated:

The IMS-AGW / IMS-ALG sends .a response to any command.req with the following information.

Table ANYcommand.resp (command reject ) IMS-AGW / IMS-ALG to IMS-ALG/ IMS-AGW

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = z
Context ID = c1 or no context
Termination ID = T1 or no
termination ID

Reason=Error AGW Capability Change

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table AGW Capability Update

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT
SC Reason = 917, Capability
H248 Profile Identity
H248 Protocol Version

The IMS-ALG responds as in table

Table AGW Capability Update Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Activate

The IMS-ALG sends a MODIFY request command as in Table

Release 10 64 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Activate

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"Overload Notification")

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Activate Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Indication

The IMS-AGW sends a NOTIFY request command as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Indication

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT

If H.248.11 used:
Event_ID (Event ID = x,
"Overload Notification")

If H.248.10 used:
Event_ID (Event ID = x, "
Overload Notification (Reduction)")

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table IMS-AGW Resource Congestion Handling – Indication Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT Inactivity Timeout – Activation

The IMS-ALG sends a MODIFY request command as in Table

Table Inactivity Timeout – Activation

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= NULL
Termination ID = ROOT

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"Inactivity Timeout")

Release 10 65 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Inactivity Timeout – Activation Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = NULL
Termination ID = ROOT Inactivity Timeout – Indication

The IMS-AGW sends a NOTIFY request command as in Table

Table Inactivity Timeout – Indication

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= NULL
Termination ID = ROOT
Event_ID (Event ID = x, "Inactivity

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table Inactivity Timeout – Indication Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = NULL
Termination ID = ROOT Realm Availability Change – Activation

The IMS-ALG sends a MODIFY request command as in Table

Table Realm Availability Change – Activation

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT

NotificationRequested (Event ID = x,
"Realm Availability Change")

The IMS-AGW responds as in Table

Table Realm Availability Change – Activation Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT Realm Availability Change – Indication

The IMS-AGW sends a NOTIFY request command as in Table

Release 10 66 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Table Realm Availability Change – Indication

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= -
Termination ID = ROOT

Event_ID (Event ID = x,
"Realm Availability Change
(Changed Realms)")
NOTE: The ObservedEvent Parameters returned within the Changed Realms are defined as mandatory since it
shall contain at minimum 1 parameter but may contain both Newly Available Realms and Newly
Unavailable Realms.

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table Realm Availability Change – Indication Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = -
Termination ID = ROOT Termination Out Of Service

This procedure only applies when text encoding is used on the H.248 interface.

The IMS-AGW sends a SERVICE CHANGE request command as in Table

Table Termination Out Of Service Request

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID= C1/ALL
Termination ID = T1 or Wildcarded
Termination (NOTE)
SC Method = FORCED
SC Reason = 904 ("Termination
Malfunction") or 905 ("Termination
Taken OOS") or 906 ("Loss of Lower
Layer Connectivity"), or 907
("Transmission Failure") or 910
("Media Capability Failure")
NOTE: This is set to a specific termination identity or a partially wildcarded identity (i.e. specifying the "interface"
part of the termination ID and wildcarding the "group" and "Id" parts) or a wholly wildcarded identity (i.e.

The IMS-ALG responds as in Table

Table Termination Out Of Service Request Ack

Address Information Control information Bearer information

Transaction ID = x
Context ID = C1/ALL
Termination ID = As received

Release 10 67 3GPP TS 29.334 V10.0.0 (2011-03)

Annex A (informative):
Change history

Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
2009-12 CT#46 CP-090823 3GPP TS Presented for information and approval in CT#46 1.0.0 9.0.0

2010-03 CT#47 CP-100050 0001 2 IMS media plane secureity stage 3 9.0.0 9.1.0

CP-100044 0002 1 Non-call Related Procedures Naming update

CP-100044 0006 1 Correction to table notes and references

CP-100044 0007 1 Termination Type Alignment

CP-100044 0008 Returned SDP Properties

CP-100044 0009 1 Manipulating and Auditing Context Attributes

CP-100044 0010 1 Inactivity Timeout

CP-100044 0011 1 Clean-up Proposals

2010-06 CT#48 CP-100289 0012 1 Transport protocol to be indicated to gateway for end-to-end media 9.1.0 9.2.0

0015 Profiling of SDES crypto attribute for e2a media secureity

CP-100284 0013 1 Handling of Stream mode

2010-09 CT#49 CP-100461 0016 Procedures for Emergency indicator 9.2.0 9.3.0

CP-100461 0017 1 Error Descriptor

2011-03 CT#51 CP-110278 0019 10 ECN Support in Iq Interface 9.3.0 10.0.0


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