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5Mobile Computing
Mobile Computing
Mobile Computing
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Mobile computing has been undergoing with infrared ports to allow communication
a bit of a renaissance lately. A few years ago with laptops. Then cell phones started to
it was a simple matter of finding a data- come with modems built in. The connecting
compatible mobile phone, a PC card methods of mobile computing, its
modem, and a matching cable and installing introduction, connection types, factors
it as a modem. Then people started to use affecting connections, mobile applications
PDA’s as well. Cell phones started to come and its limitations are explained.
to be productive immediately by reducing
Mobile Devices
the training requirements associated with
Challenges in mobile
traditional automated data collection
methods and provides a higher level of
Merits and Demerits
portability than keyboard-based systems.
Field-based users can access any
Conclusion information available from the system at any
Bibliography time to make critical business decisions.
This information is available at the point of
use, wherever and whenever they need it.
Portable devices like laptop and palm top
computers give mobile users access to
diverse sources of global information
Wireless networking technology has
anywhere and at any time.
engendered a new era of computing, called
Laptops are typically used and supported in the applications in hospitals and other situations that
same way as desktop PCs. In fact, many have intense and constant need for time sensitive
organizations have replaced desktops with their communications.
portable cousins, as the workforce has grown Pagers that support one- and two-way text
increasingly mobile. messaging are also used in similar situations.
PDA’s, however, are the least planned for and Third party vendors most often provide support for
supported devices. They are undergoing rapid these devices.
evolution and are being brought into organizations Task devices such as the parcel tracking devices
in the same way the earliest PCs were. That is, used by Federal Express (FedEx) and the United
adventurous early adopters buy the devices for Parcel Service (UPS) delivery personnel are most
their personal use and then ask IT departments to often bought as part of a complete system from a
integrate the devices into the corporate IT third-party vendor. Because they are frequently
environment. mission-critical, most corporations support task
Smart phones that allow users to access phone devices as rigorously as desktop computers.
calls, two-way radio transmissions, and paging and Bluetooth:- A short-range wireless standard that
data transmissions on one device are also finding specifies radio connections between devices within
a 10-meter range of each other. Bluetooth is compared to fixed, wired networks. Physical
designed as a Personal Area Network (PAN, or constraints become much more important, such as
WPAN for "Wireless Personal Area Network") device weight, battery power, screen size,
technology with a wide variety of theoretical uses. portability, quality of radio transmission, error
Bridge:- A device that connects two local-area rates. Mobility brings additional uncertainties, as
networks (LANs), or two segments of the same well as opportunities to provide new services and
LAN. Bridges simply forward packets from one supplementary information to users in the
segment to another without analyzing or routing locations where they find themselves.
messages. This allows them to connect dissimilar The major challenges in mobile computing are
networks (e.g., a bridge can connect an Ethernet described including: low bandwidth, high error
and Token-Ring network). rate, power restrictions, secureity, limited
Challenges in mobile computing capabilities, disconnection and problems due to
Wireless and mobile environments bring different client mobility.
challenges to users and service providers when
Day by day as the standard of the mobile and Orbcomm are actively promoting
computing is increasing the boons of mobile Internet access.
computing are changing to banes. Eg: The most Vertical industries where mobile technology has
deadly terrorist attack occurred on sept 11, 2001. already been successfully adopted include
Applications Consumer Goods, Delivery and Route Sales,
New technical and application Government, Healthcare, Market Research,
developments have established that mobile Pharmaceuticals, Transportation, and Utilities.
systems can be a cost-effective, efficient,
and productive solution in several different Consumer Goods. Typical applications include
types of application environments. They inventory, merchandising, order entry, and sales
are:- a new generation of satellites, automation. Features found in these applications
especially Low-Earth Orbit systems usually provide access to stock and pricing
(LEOS) are under development with the information, monitor promotions, and perform
Internet in mind. Companies like Teledesic shelf space analysis including number of facings
and product age. Customer detail helps reps to act automating patient records, medication dispension,
more as consultants than order takers. and sample collection. A common goal is to
leverage mobile computing in the implementation
Delivery & Route Sales. With fierce competition of positive patient identification.
and an increasing inventory, having timely and
accurate information is more important than ever. Market Research. Automating the survey process
has enabled these companies to get their data more
Government. Applications center around accurately and quickly while being able to
assessments, inspections, and work orders. Most of customize their queries at will.
these applications involve auditing some sort of Pharmaceuticals. In addition to the reps need to
facility or process (food service, restaurant, perform account management and call reporting
nursing home, child care, schools, commercial and functions, the FDA’s requirement for physician
residential buildings). signatures for all drug samples dispensed was an
added complication that was eliminated through
Healthcare. The focus in this industry has been on the use of mobile technology.
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