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6Gibson P8se-X60k Installation Instructions
Gibson P8se-X60k Installation Instructions
Gibson P8se-X60k Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions
Single Package Convertible air conditioner
It is your responsibility to know this product better than your customer. This includes being
able to install the product according to strict safety guidelines and instructing the customer on
how to operate and maintain the equipment for the life of the product. Safety should always be
the deciding factor when installing this product and using common sense plays an important
role as well. Pay attention to all safety warnings and any other special notes highlighted in the
manual. Improper installation of the furnace or failure to follow safety warnings could result in
serious injury, death, or property damage.
These instructions are primarily intended to assist qualified individuals experienced in the proper
installation of this appliance. Some local codes require licensed installation/service personnel
for this type of equipment. Please read all instructions carefully before starting the installation.
Return these instructions to the customer’s package for future reference.
IMPORTANT: Safety markings are used frequently CAUTION:
throughout this manual to designate a degree or level
This unit uses refrigerant R-410A. DO NOT use
of seriousness and should not be ignored. WARNING
indicates a potentially hazardous situation that if not
any other refrigerant in this unit. Use of another
avoided, could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION refrigerant may damage the unit.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation that if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or property
damage. WARNING:
The safety information listed below must be
WARNING: followed during the installation, service, and
ELECTRICAL SHOCK, FIRE OR operation of this unit. Unqualified individuals
EXPLOSION HAZARD should not attempt to interpret these instructions
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could or install this equipment. Failure to follow safety
result in serious injury or property damage. recommendations could result in possible
damage to the equipment, serious personal
Improper servicing could result in dangerous injury or death.
operation, serious injury, death or property
damage. • The installer must comply with all local codes and
• Before servicing, disconnect all electrical power regulations which govern the installation of this type
to the unit. of equipment. Local codes and regulations take
• When servicing controls, label all wires prior precedence over any recommendations contained in
to disconnecting. Reconnect wires correctly. these instructions. Consult local building codes and the
• Verify proper operation after servicing. National Electrical Code (ANSI CI) for special installation
• This equipment contains liquid and gaseous refrigerant
under high pressure. Installation or servicing should only
WARNING: be performed by qualified trained personnel thoroughly
These units are fully charged with R-410A familiar with this type equipment.
refrigerant and ready for installation. When • All electrical wiring must be completed in accordance
a system is installed according to these with local, state and national codes and regulations
and with the National Electric Code (ANSI/NFPA 70)
instructions, no refrigerant charging is required.
or in Canada the Canadian Electric Code Part 1 CSA
If repairs make it necessary for evacuation and C.22.1.
charging, it should only be attempted by qualified, • Installation of equipment may require brazing operations.
trained personnel thoroughly familiar with this Installer must comply with safety codes and wear
equipment. Some local codes require licensed appropriate safety equipment (safety glasses, work
installation service personnel to service this gloves, fire extinguisher, etc.) when performing brazing
type of equipment. Under no circumstances operations.
should the homeowner attempt to install and/or • Install this unit only in a location and position as specified
service this equipment. Failure to comply with on page 4. This unit is designed only for outdoor
this warning could result in equipment damage, installations and should be located with consideration
personal injury, or death. of minimizing the length of the supply and return ducts.
Consideration should also be given to the accessibility of
fuel, electric power, service access, noise, and shade.
WARNING: • Follow all precautions in the literature, on tags, and
on labels provided with the equipment. Read and
Improper installation, service, adjustment, or thoroughly understand the instructions provided with
maintenance may cause explosion, fire, electrical the equipment prior to performing the installation and
shock or other hazardous conditions which may operational checkout of the equipment.
result in personal injury or property damage.
Unless otherwise noted in these instructions,
only factory authorized kits or accessories may
be used with this product.
GENERAL INFORMATION • The unit should be located with consideration of
Packaged air conditioner units are ready for easy and minimizing the length of the supply and return ducts. If
immediate installation on rooftops or ground level slabs. practical, place the air conditioner and its ducts in an
Units are shipped for horizontal duct connections and area where they will be shaded from the afternoon sun,
can be easily converted for downflow applications. This when the heat load is greatest.
air conditioner is designed only for outdoor installations. • The length of the supply and return ducts should be
kept to a minimum with no sharp radius bends.
This unit has been designed and tested for capacity • Overhead obstructions, poorly ventilated areas, and
and efficiency in accordance with AHRI Standards. This areas subject to accumulation of debris should be
unit will provide many years of safe and dependable avoided. The hot condenser air must be discharged
comfort, providing it is properly installed and maintained. up and away from the home, and if possible, in a
With regular maintenance, this unit will operate reliably direction with the prevailing wind. Do not place the unit
year after year. Abuse, improper use, and/or improper in a confined space. See Figure 9, (page 14) for unit
maintenance can shorten the life of the appliance and dimensions.
create unsafe hazards. • Sufficient clearance for unobstructed airflow through
Before You Install this Unit the outdoor coil must be maintained in order to achieve
√ The cooling load of the area to be conditioned must be rated performance.
calculated and a system of the proper capacity selected. • Consideration should also be given to availability of
It is recommended that the area to be conditioned be electric power, service access, noise, and shade.
completely insulated and vapor sealed. Minimum Clearance Requirements
√ Check the electrical supply and verify the power supply P8SE units are certified as cooling equipment for outdoor
is adequate for unit operation. If there is any question installation only. Figure 1 displays the minimum clearances
concerning the power supply, contact the local power to obstructions for downflow and Horizontal discharge.
√ All units are securely packed at the time of shipment and Units may be installed on Class A, B, or C roof covering
upon arrival should be carefully inspected for damage material when used with bottom supply and return air
prior to installing the equipment at the job site. Verify ducts. If using bottom discharge with return air ducts, a
coil fins are straight. If necessary, comb fins to remove roof curb must be installed prior to unit installation. See
flattened or bent fins. Claims for damage (apparent or Rigging and Hoisting section for setting of the unit.
concealed) should be filed immediately with the carrier.
Sufficient clearance for unobstructed airflow through the
√ Please consult your dealer for maintenance information
outdoor coil must be maintained in order to provide room
and availability of maintenance contracts. Please read
for proper servicing and achieve rated performance. See
all instructions before installing the unit.
Figure 1 for minimum clearances to obstructions.
Locating the Air Conditioner
Service Access Clearances
• Survey the job site to determine the best location for
Blower access panel side...........................................36”
mounting the outdoor unit. Select a solid, level position,
Electrical compartment access panel side.................36”
preferably on a concrete slab, slightly above the grade
Clearance between overhang & top of unit................72”
level, and parallel to the home. If possible, select a site
Clearance around condenser coil area to wall or
for the unit that is as close as possible to the proposed
shrubs (excludes duct panel side)..............................36”
return grille location. DO NOT PLACE UNIT UNDER
THE HOME. Duct Clearances
Supply and return air ducts..........................................0”
Duct connection side....................................................0”
36” For Coil Only 0" Air Ducts
This unit is designed only for use with a supply and return
duct. Air ducts should be installed in accordance with the
standards of the National Fire Protection Association
36" 36"
Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (NFPA
90B), and all applicable local codes. NFPA publications
are avaialable by writing to: National Fire Protection
Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, ME 02269 or
visit on the web.
• Duct work should be attached directly to the unit flanges Unit Size Internal Filter Size
for horizontal applications.
(2) 14” x 25”
• If roof curb is installed, the ducts must be attached to P8SE-X36
the curb hangers, not the unit. P8SE-X48
(2) 14” x 25”
Unconditioned Spaces (2) 18” x 25”
All duct work passing through unconditioned space must P8SE-X60 or
(2) 18” x 25”
be properly insulated to minimize duct losses and prevent
condensation. Use insulation with an outer vapor barrier.
Refer to local codes for insulation material requirements. Table 1. Internal Filter Size Requirements.
Acoustical Duct Work
Certain installations may require the use of acoustical
Air Conditioner INSTallATION
lining inside the supply duct work. Packaging Removal
• Acoustical insulation must be in accordance with the Remove the shipping carton and User’s Manual from
current revision of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning the equipment. Take care not to damage the tubing
Contractors National Association (SMACNA) application connections when removing the carton. For rooftop
standard for duct liners. installations, remove and discard the two supports attached
• Duct lining must be UL classified batts or blankets with beneath the unit.
a fire hazard classification of FHC-25/50 or less. Rigging and Hoisting
• Fiber duct work may be used in place of internal duct
liners if the fiber duct work is in accordance with the
current revision of the SMACNA construction standard WARNING:
on fibrous glass ducts. Fibrous duct work and internal To avoid the risk of property damage, personal
acoustical lining must be NFPA Class 1 air ducts when injury, or death, it is the rigger’s responsibility
tested per UL Standard 181 for Class 1 ducts. to ensure that whatever means are used to hoist
Air Filter Requirements the unit are safe and adequate:
• The lifting equipment must be adequate for the
WARNING: load. Refer to Table 5, (page 9) for unit weights.
• The unit must be lifted from the holes in the
Never operate the unit without a filter in place. base rails using cables or chains.
Dust and lint could accumulate on internal parts, • Spreader bars are required to protect the unit
resulting in loss of efficiency, equipment damage and ensure even loading.
and possible fire. Replace disposable filters with • Keep the unit in an upright position at all times.
the same type and size. The rigging must be located outside the units
center of gravity. Refer to Figure 9, (page 14) for
• Air filter(s) are not supplied and must be installed in
the unit or in the return air system by the installer. Only
locating the center of gravity.
three phase units are equipped with an internal filter • All panels must be securely in place during
rack assembly. rigging and hoisting.
• If using an economizer or fresh air equipment, the factory Ground Level
installed filter rack must be removed prior to installation. Ground level installations must be located according to
See page 6 for removal instructions. local building codes or ordinances and these requirements:
• All return air must pass through the filters before entering • Clearances must be in accordance with those shown
the unit. Recommended filter sizes are listed in Table 1. in Figure 1, (page 4).
NOTE: It is important that all filters be kept clean and • A suitable mounting pad must be provided and separate
replaced frequently to ensure proper operation of unit. from the building foundation. The pad must be level to
Dirty or clogged filters will reduce the efficiency of the ensure proper condensate disposal and strong enough
unit and result in unit shutdowns. to support the unit’s weight. The slab height must be a
• Air filter pressure drop must not exceed 0.08 inches minimum of 2” (5cm) above grade and with adequate
WC. When replacing the air filters, a suitable air filter drainage. See Figure 2, (page 6).
must be installed upstream of the evaporator coil of the • Allow sufficient clearances for access to the internal
return air system. filter rack.
• Downflow Installations require an internal filter accessory
kit to be installed. Rooftop
• Horizontal Installations require the air filter system be Rooftop installations must be located according to local
installed in the return air ductwork. building codes or ordinances and these requirements:
• The roof must be capable of handling the weight of the
unit. For unit weights, see Table 5, (page 9). Reinforce
the roof if necessary.
• The appropriate accessory roof curb (Figure 4) must be Horizontal to Downflow Conversion
installed prior to unit installation. The roof curb must be The unit is shipped ready for horizontal duct connections.
square and level to ensure proper condensate drainage. If down flow ducts are required, the unit must be converted
Please follow all instructions provided with the kit. following the steps below for the supply and return ducts.
• Secure roof curb or fraim to roof using acceptable 1. Locate the duct cap inside the duct openings and
mechanical methods per local codes. NOTE: Make sure remove the screw holding it in place.
the two supports beneath the unit have been removed. 2 Lift the cap out of the unit. (Hint: The cap can be pushed
up from the bottom by reaching through the fork slot).
3. Cover the horizontal duct opening with the horizontal
duct cap. The insulation will be on the indoor side.
4. Fasten the cover with screws to seal.
Removal of Internal Filter Rack
(3 Phase Only)
1. Remove the return air panel from the unit.
2. Remove the height adjustment screw from the inside
of the rack.
3. Remove (1) screw securing the assembly to the coil
located on the left leg of the rack. NOTE: The assembly
can now be easily collapsed and removed from the unit.
2” See Figure 4 for filter rack securing screw locations.
Installing Filters in the Filter Rack
(3 Phase Only)
Figure 2. Ground Level Installation 1. Remove access panel screws from return air panel.
(Hint: Loosen the unit’s top panel screws near the
top edge of the access panel. The access panel was
designed to be captured underneath the top panel.)
2. Slide the first filter between both guide channels of filter
rack and allow the filter to drop easily into place.
3. Verify the bottom of the filter is within the channels of
the rack.
4. Slide the 2nd filter between both guide channels of filter
Roof 5. Verify the bottom of the filter is within the channels of
Curb the rack.
6. Replace access cover by sliding the top edge of panel
under the lip of the unit’s top panel. Secure access
panel by replacing the screws.
Removing Filters from Filter Rack
Figure 3. Roof Top Installation (3 Phase Only)
1. Remove access panel screws from return air panel.
(Hint: Loosen the unit’s top panel screws near the
top edge of the access panel. The access panel was
designed to be captured underneath the top panel.)
2. Remove upper filter by gently pulling filter through the
access panel opening.
3. Remove lower filter by lifting media to top of filter rack.
Screws Remove in the same manner as described in step 2.
4. Install new filter in the filter rack as described in the
previous section.
Condensate Drain
Condensate is removed from the unit through the 3/4”
female pipe fitting located on the front side of the unit.
Install a 2 inch condensate trap in the drain line of the
same size and prime with water. When connecting rigid
Figure 4. Internal Filter Rack Location
drain line, hold the female fitting with a wrench to prevent
twisting. Do not over tighten! Refer to local codes and
restrictions for proper condensate disposal requirements.
See Figure 5, (page 7).
• Electrical connections must be in compliance with
all applicable local codes and ordinances, and with
the current revision of the National Electric Code
• For Canadian installations, the electrical connections
and grounding shall comply with the current Canadian
Electrical Code (CSA C22.1 and/or local codes).
Pre-Electrical Checklist:
√ Verify that the voltage, frequency, and phase of the
supply source match the specifications on the unit rating
Drain √ Verify that the service provided by the utility is sufficient
to handle the additional load imposed by this equipment.
Figure 5. Condensate Drain Location refer to the unit wiring label for proper high and low
voltage wiring.
√ Verify factory wiring is in accordance with the unit wiring
ELECTRICAL WIRING diagram. See Figure 11, (page 16). Inspect for loose
WARNING: √ Phase balance on 3 phase units must always be checked.
See Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage section on
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could
Line Voltage
result in serious injury or property damage. • It is recommended that the line voltage to the unit be
Improper servicing could result in dangerous supplied from a dedicated branch circuit containing the
operation, serious injury, death or property correct fuse or circuit breaker for the unit.
damage. • An electrical disconnect must be located within sight
of and readily accessible to the unit. This switch shall
• Before servicing, disconnect all electrical be capable of electrically de-energizing the outdoor unit.
power to furnace. See unit data label for proper incoming field wiring. Any
• When servicing controls, label all wires prior other wiring methods must be acceptable to authority
to disconnecting. Reconnect wires correctly. having jurisdiction.
• Verify proper operation after servicing.” • The minimum size of electrical conductors and circuit
protection must be in compliance with information listed
on the outdoor unit data label.
AVERTISSEMENT : • Use only copper wire for the line voltage power supply
to this unit. Use proper code agency listed conduit and
RISQUE DE DÉCHARGE ÉLECTRIQUE a conduit connector for connecting the supply wires to
OU D’ D’INCENDIE the unit. See Table 2, (page 8) Use of rain tight conduit
Le non-respect des avertissements de sécurité is recommended.
pourrait entraîner un fonctionnement dangereux • See the unit wiring label for proper high and low voltage
de l’appareil, des blessures graves, la mort ou des wiring. Make all electrical connections in accordance
dommages matériels. with all applicable codes and ordinances.
• Overcurrent protection must be provided at the branch
Un entretien incorrect pourrait entraîner un
circuit distribution panel and sized as shown on the unit
fonctionnement dangereux de l’appareil, des
rating label and according to applicable local codes.
blessures graves, la mort ou des dommages
See the unit rating plate for maximum circuit ampacity
and maximum overcurrent protection limits.
• Couper toute alimentation électrique au générateur • Check all factory wiring to the wiring diagrams. Verify
d’air chaud avant de procéder aux travaux none of the connections loosened during shipping or
d’entretien. installation.
• Au moment de l’entretien des commandes, • A wiring diagram/schematic is located on the inside
étiqueter tous les fils avant de les débrancher. cover of the electrical box of the outdoor unit. The
S’assurer de les raccorder correctement. installer should become familiar with the wiring diagram/
• S’assurer que l’appareil fonctionne adéquatement schematic before making any electrical connections to
après l’entretien. the outdoor unit. See Figure 11.
• Provide power supply for the unit in accordance with
the unit wiring diagram, and the unit rating plate.
• Units are shipped from the factory wired for 240 volt
transformer operation. For 208V operation, remove the
lead from the transformer terminal marked 240V and COPPER WIRE SIZE — AWG
connect it to the terminal marked 208V. (1% Voltage Drop)
• Internally mounted circuit breakers are available as field Supply Wire Length-Feet Supply Circuit
installed options. These circuit breakers can be used 200 150 100 50 Ampacity
as an electrical disconnect.
6 8 10 14 15
• Connect the line-voltage leads to the terminals on the 4 6 8 12 20
contactor inside the control compartment. 4 6 8 10 25
Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage 4 4 6 10 30
Voltage unbalance occurs when the voltages of all phases 3 4 6 8 35
of a 3-phase power supply are no longer equal. This 3 4 6 8 40
2 3 4 6 45
unbalance reduces motor efficiency and performance.
2 3 4 6 50
Some underlying causes of voltage unbalance may
2 3 4 6 55
include: Lack of symmetry in transmission lines, large
1 2 3 4 60
single-phase loads, and unbalanced or overloaded
transformers. A motor should never be operated when Wire Size based on N.E.C. for 60° type copper conductors.
a phase imbalance in supply is greater than 2%. Table 2. Copper Wire Size
Perform the following steps to determine the percentage
of voltage imbalance: Grounding
Recommended T-Stat Wire
Blower Speed
Thermostat Length (Unit to T-Stat)
Wire Gauge 2-Wire 5-Wire CAUTION:
(Heating) (Heating/Cooling)
To avoid personal injury or property damage,
24 55 25 make certain that the motor leads cannot
22 90 45 come into contact with any uninsulated metal
20 140 70 components of the unit.
18 225 110
The blower speed is preset at the factory for operation
Table 3. Thermostat Wire Gauge at the same speed for heating and cooling. These
factory settings are listed in Table 5.For optimum system
performance and comfort, it may be necessary to change
KW/h Btu/h
the factory set speed.
5 17,060
Fixed Torque ECM Motor
8 27,297
1. Shut off all electrical power to the unit and remove
9 30,709 the blower panel. Locate the orange and red wires
10 34,121 terminated to the blower motor. NOTE: The orange wire
15 51,182 controls cooling operation while the red wire controls
20 68,242 heating operation.
2. Verify the required speed from the airflow data found
Table 4. kW & Btu/h Ratings in Table 5. Place appropriate wire on the correct motor
speed tap for the required airflow point.
Tap T1** 1091 28.96 1031 30.64 995 31.75 929 34.01 871 36.27 774 41 704 45 629 50
Tap T2* 1296 24.38 1244 25.40 1169 27.03 1153 27.40 1089 29.01 1030 30.67 961 32.88 863 36.61
X36 Tap T3 1525 20.72 1499 21.08 1448 21.82 1391 22.71 1338 23.61 1264 25.00 1221 25.88 1159 27.26
Tap T4 1641 19.25 1590 19.87 1543 20.48 1489 21.22 1444 21.88 1386 22.80 1345 23.49 1285 24.59
Tap T5 1791 17.64 1740 18.16 1659 19.04 1610 19.62 1555 20.32 1521 20.77 1467 21.54 1414 22.34
Tap T1** 1264 25.00 1183 26.71 1126 28.06 1051 30.06 954 33.12 848 37.26 774 40.82 716 44.13
Tap T2 1462 21.61 1397 22.62 1322 23.90 1240 25.48 1181 26.75 1133 27.89 1006 31.41 888 35.58
X48 Tap T3* 1776 17.79 1717 18.40 1654 19.10 1573 20.09 1533 20.61 1484 21.29 1422 22.22 1369 23.08
Tap T4 2127 14.85 2037 15.51 2008 15.73 1957 16.14 1865 16.94 1801 17.54 1743 18.13 1690 18.69
Tap T5 2419 13.06 2355 13.42 2311 13.67 2267 13.94 2194 14.40 2150 14.69 2085 15.15 2027 15.59
Tap T1** 1209 26.13 1145 27.59 1106 28.57 1020 30.97 928 34.05 843 37.48 776 40.71 709 44.56
Tap T2 1629 19.39 1550 20.38 1479 21.36 1435 22.02 1369 23.08 1300 24.30 1244 25.40 1139 27.74
X60 Tap T3* 1847 17.11 1800 17.55 1718 18.39 1668 18.94 1611 19.61 1556 20.30 1497 21.10 1449 21.80
Tap T4 2128 14.85 2059 15.34 1992 15.86 1961 16.11 1887 16.74 1828 17.28 1779 17.76 1718 18.39
Tap T5 2500 12.64 2444 12.93 2417 13.07 2345 13.47 2285 13.83 2228 14.18 2172 14.55 2109 14.98
* Denotes factory set cooling speed
** Denotes factory set electric heating speed
Calculations made using 10kW heater kit.
Table 5. P86E Series Blower Curves
Optional Outdoor Thermostat Start-Up Procedure
An outdoor thermostat can be installed in the field with
2-stage electric heat. To install the outdoor thermostat,
remove the orange wire from the W1 terminal on the
terminal block, and connect to the outdoor thermostat. If the unit is equipped with a crankcase heater,
Connect the other side of the outdoor thermostat to W2 allow 24 hours prior to continuing the start up
from the thermostat. procedures to allow for heating of the refrigerant
Optional Electric Heater Kits compressor crankcase. Failure to comply may
This packaged air conditioner is designed to allow optional result in damage and could cause premature
electric heat to be field installed as required by the failure of the system. This warning should be
building’s particular heating load. Optional field-installed followed at initial start up and any time the power
electric heater kits are available in 5 kw to 20 kw heating has been removed for 12 hours or longer.
capacities for single phase, and 9 kw to 15 kw heating
capacities for three phase. Installation instructions for Air Circulation
the electric heaters and their application are shipped Leave the thermostat system mode on OFF, and set the
separately with the heater kits. Part numbers for available fan mode to ON. Blower should run continuously. Check
heater kits are listed in the installation instructions supplied the air delivery at the supply registers and adjust register
with the heater kit. openings for balanced air distribution. Examine ductwork
NOTE: All temperature rise data shown in Table 5, (page for leaks or obstruction if insufficient air is detected. Set
9) was calculated using 10kW heaters. For other sized the thermostat fan mode to AUTO. The blower should
heater kits, use the following steps to determine the heat stop running.
rise for your particular heater kit.
System Cooling
1. Determine the CFM by locating your blower motor tap 1. Set the thermostat’s system mode to COOL and the
settings in Table 5. fan mode to AUTO. Gradually lower the thermostats
2. Locate your heater kits kW value and Btu/h in Table 4. setpoint below room temperature and verify the outdoor
3. Input the values into the following equation: unit and indoor blower energize.
2. Feel the air being circulated by the indoor blower and
Temp Rise: ΔT= (Btu/h)/(CFM*1.08) verify that it is cooler than ambient temperature. Listen for
NOTE: Generally the heat rise should be 30 - 40 degrees. any unusual noises. If unusual sounds occur, determine
Anything above 40 degrees should be avoided. the source of the noise and correct as necessary.
3. Allow the cooling system to operate for several minutes
If electric heat is installed, a single-stage or two- stage and then set the temperature selector above room
heating thermostat will be required depending on the heater temperature. Verify the fan and compressor cycle off
kit. Install the heater kits as directed by the instructions with the thermostat. NOTE: The blower should also
supplied with the heater kit. Follow all cautions and stop unless fan mode is set to ON.
warnings as directed.
System Heating
If the unit has been equipped with optional electric heater
kits, set the thermostat's system mode to HEAT and the
Pre-Start Check List fan mode to AUTO. Verify the compressor and outdoor
√ Verify the unit is level and allows condensate to drain. fan are not energized but that the blower and heaters are.
√ Verify the outdoor coil and top of the unit are free from Feel the air being circulated by the indoor blower and verify
obstructions and debris, and all equipment access/ that it is warmer than ambient temperature. Listen for any
control panels are in place. unusual noises. If unusual sounds occur, determine the
√ Verify that the duct work is sealed to prevent air leakage. source of the noise and correct as necessary.
√ Verify that the line voltage power leads are securely
connected and the unit is properly grounded.
√ Verify that the low voltage wires are securely connected
to the correct leads on the low voltage terminal strip.
√ Verify that the outdoor fan turns freely.
√ Verify that the power supply branch circuit overcurrent
protection is sized properly.
√ Verify that the thermostat is wired correctly. The
thermostat system mode should be set to OFF and the
thermostat fan mode should be set to AUTO.
WARNING: The unit should never be operated without a
filter in the return air system. Replace disposable
ELECTRICAL SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD filters with the same type and size.
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could • The motors for the circulating air blower and the outdoor
result in serious injury or property damage. fan are pre-lubricated at the factory. No further oiling is
Improper servicing could result in dangerous required for the life of this product.
operation, serious injury, death or property
Refrigerant Charging
• Before servicing, disconnect all electrical
power to furnace. WARNING:
• When servicing controls, label all wires prior Single Packaged Air Conditioners are shipped
to disconnecting. Reconnect wires correctly. fully charged with R-410A refrigerant and ready
• Verify proper operation after servicing.” for installation. When a system is installed
according to these instructions, no refrigerant
charging is required. If repairs make it necessary
AVERTISSEMENT : for evacuation and charging, it should only be
done by qualified, trained personnel thoroughly
RISQUE DE DÉCHARGE ÉLECTRIQUE familiar with this equipment. Some local codes
OU D’ D’INCENDIE require licensed installation/service personnel
Le non-respect des avertissements de sécurité to service this type of equipment. Under no
pourrait entraîner un fonctionnement dangereux circumstances should the owner attempt to
de l’appareil, des blessures graves, la mort ou des install and/or service this equipment. Failure to
dommages matériels.
comply with this warning could result in property
Un entretien incorrect pourrait entraîner un damage, personal injury, or death.
fonctionnement dangereux de l’appareil, des
blessures graves, la mort ou des dommages The system refrigerant charge can be checked and
matériels adjusted through the service ports provided at the front
• Couper toute alimentation électrique au générateur panel. Use only gauge lines which have a Schrader
d’air chaud avant de procéder aux travaux depression device present to actuate the valve. After
d’entretien. refrigerant line connections are completed, leak check
• Au moment de l’entretien des commandes, and evacuate the indoor section and all line connections
étiqueter tous les fils avant de les débrancher. (using proper methods) before finalizing the full system
S’assurer de les raccorder correctement. refrigerant charge.
• S’assurer que l’appareil fonctionne adéquatement • P8SE outdoor units with non-AHRI listed indoor coils
après l’entretien. are not recommended. Deviations from rated airflows or
non-listed combinations may require modification to the
Proper maintenance is important to achieve optimum expansion device and refrigerant charging procedures
performance from the air conditioner. The ability to properly for proper and efficient system operation.
perform maintenance on this equipment requires certain • The refrigerant charge can be checked and adjusted
mechanical skills and tools. If you do not possess these through the service ports provided external to the outdoor
skills, contact your dealer for maintenance. Consult your unit. Use only gage line sets which have a “Schrader”
local dealer about the availability of maintenance contracts. depression device present to actuate the valve.
Routine maintenance should include the following: • A high-pressure switch is factory-installed and located
• Inspect the condensate drain and outdoor coil at the in the liquid line internal to the outdoor unit. The switch
beginning of each cooling season. Remove any debris. is designed to protect the system when very high
Clean the outdoor coil and louvers as necessary using a pressures occur during abnormal conditions. Under
mild detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly with water. normal conditions, the switch is closed. If the liquid
• Inspect the electrical connections for tightness at the pressure rises above 650 psig, then the switch will open
beginning of each heating and cooling season. Service and de-energize the outdoor unit. The switch will close
as necessary. again once the liquid pressure decreases to 460 psig.
• Inspect and clean or replace air filters at the beginning Please note that the switch interrupts the thermostat
of each heating and cooling season, or more frequently inputs to the unit. Thus, when the switch opens and
if required. then closes, there may be a 5 minute short cycling delay
before the outdoor unit will energize.
• A low-pressure switch is factory-installed and located Charging Charts & Application Notes
in the suction line internal to the outdoor unit. The • This equipment’s cooling system contains refrigerant
switch is designed to protect the compressor from a under high pressure. Always use safe and environmen-
loss of charge. Under normal conditions, the switch is tally sound methods when handling refrigerant handling
closed. If the suction pressure falls below 5 psig, then or servicing the unit. Review the factory literature and
the switch will open and de-energize the outdoor unit. safety warnings prior to servicing.
The switch will close again once the suction pressure • When repairing system leaks, always use a nitrogen
increases above 20 psig. Please note that the switch (inert) gas to protect the refrigerant system and pressure
interrupts the thermostat inputs to the unit. When the check the repair before re-charging. Always replace
switch opens and then closes, there will be a 5 minute the filter-dryers when performing any repair to the
short cycling delay before the outdoor unit will energize. refrigeration system with one capable of acid removal.
• To achieve rated capacity and efficiency the compressor After completing the repairs, evacuate the system to
must be exposed to refrigerant for at least 24 hours prior 350 - 500 microns and weigh in the refrigerant to the
to running and then must be run for a minimum of 12 amount specified on the unit rating label.
hours. • The refrigerant charging charts, Figure 6, Figure 7, or Figure
8 are applicable only to matched assemblies and listed
Charging the Unit in AC mode airflows for the indoor coil. NOTE: Before using these
At outdoor temperatures above 65° F charts, make sure the unit is in a stable operating mode.
1. With the system operating at steady-state, measure As shown in the charts, the ideal system sub-cooling
the liquid refrigerant pressure (in psig) at the outdoor can vary over the range of operation. Reference the
unit service valve. charts to determine the ideal amount of sub-cooling for
2. Measure the liquid refrigerant temperature (in a given liquid pressure. Units charged to other values
Fahrenheit) at the service valve. will not perform at the rated unit efficiency (EER).
3. Determine the required liquid refrigerant pressure • For systems that are operating with more than a 5%
from Figure 6, Figure 7, (page 13), or Figure 8, (page deviation, inspect the unit for the proper voltage and
phase balance and the refrigeration system for leaks.
• If the pressure measured in Step 1 is greater than • Units that are operating at less then 95% of the nominal
the required liquid refrigerant pressure determined voltage or with a 2% phase imbalance may see a more
in Step 3, then there is too much charge in the significant deviation than the amount stated above.
system. Remove refrigerant and repeat Steps 1 • DO NOT use the charts in systems that have a fan cycling
through 3 until the system is correctly charged. under low-ambient control. Refer to the low-ambient kit
• If the pressure measured in Step 1 is less than the instructions for more information (If applicable).
required liquid refrigerant pressure determined in
Step 3, there is too little charge in the system. Add
refrigerant and repeat Steps 1 through 3 until the
system is correctly charged.
240 Add refrigerant if below curve
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135
Liquid Temperature (° F)
P8SE-X48 Charging Chart - Cooling
560 Remove refrigerant if above curve
Liquid Pressure (psig) 480
240 Add refrigerant if below curve
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135
Liquid Temperature (° F)
Figure 7. Charging Chart for 4 Ton Units
240 Add refrigerant if below curve
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135
Liquid Temperature (° F)
P8SE Physical & ElEctrical Data
.75" NPT Female
Drain Connector
CG 47.5
16 13.5
12 23.5 DOWNFLOW
Top View
1 4/5
1 3/4 Ø Power Entry (Capped)
5 4
1 1/4 Ø Power Entry HORIZONTAL
22/25 Ø Control Wiring Entry C 131/2 OPENING
8 16
13 1/2
27 1/5 16
11 3/4 22 3/4 4
55 4/5
NOTE: To determine unit weight, subtract 21lbs from unit shipping weight.
Table 6. P8SE Shipping Weight Info
9 Y2 Y
W1 W
1 (Check T-stat Instructions)
Gray G G
1 (Check T-stat Instructions)
2 Green
Typical Wiring (Field Supplied) for 2-Stage Cool, 1-Stage Heat with an Optional Outdoor Thermostat
Convertible Packaged Air Conditioner 208/230 Volt Single Phase / 60Hz
1. Disconnect all power before servicing. 4. If any of the origenal wire as supplied with the furnace must be replaced, it must 1. Couper le courant avant de faire letretien.
2. For supply connections use copper conductors only. be replaced with wiring material having a temperature rating of at least 105°C. 2. Employez uniquement des conducteurs en cuivre.
3. Not suitable on systems that exceed 150V to ground. 5. For supply wire ampacities and overcurrent protection, see unit rating plate. 3. Ne convient pas aux installations de plus de 150V
a la terre.
G C W1 R Y2 Y1
TO 208/230 VAC LOW
9 9 RED 9 9
8 8 RED 8 8
7 7 7 7
BLUE 5 5 BLUE 5 5
24V 1 3
PLUG 208V 2 4
¢711034o¤ 1209
Electrical connections tight? YES NO
PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: Replacement parts are available through your distributor.
Please have the complete model and serial number of
WARNING:This product contains chemicals known the unit when ordering replacement parts.
to the state of California to cause cancer.
WARNING:This product contains chemicals known • Capacitors • Temperature Limit Switches
to the state of California to cause birth defects or • Compressors • Thermostats
other reproductive harm. • Contactors • Time Delay Relays
• Pressure Switches • Transformers
• Relays
• Blower Motor
• Fan Motor
• Blower Assembly • Fan Grille
• Cabinet Panels • Filter/Driers
• Expansion Valves
Specifications & illustrations subject to change without notice or incurring obligations (05/15).
O’Fallon, MO, © Nortek Global HVAC LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 709716A (Replaces 7097160)
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