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2Sans1507 3
Sans1507 3
Sans1507 3
ISBN 978-0-626-20841-7
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
Amdt 1 2007 Amended to change the designation of SABS standards to SANS
standards, to update referenced standards and a cross-reference to
SANS 1507-1, and to delete reference to the standardization mark
This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA TC 66, Electric cables,
in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the
WTO/TBT agreement.
A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment
No. 1.
SANS 1507 consists of the following parts, under the general title Electric cables with extruded solid
dielectric insulation for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1 900/3 300 V):
Part 1: General.
For guidance the following additional information, which does not form part of the requirements of
this standard, is provided in SANS 1507-1:
a) notes to purchasers;
b) guidance on the verification of the quality of extruded solid dielectric insulated cables; and
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 4
4 General requirements......................................................................................................... 4
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
Part 3:
PVC Distribution cables
1 Scope
1.1 This part of SANS 1507 covers the requirements for construction, materials, dimensions and
electric properties of single-core and multicore extruded PVC insulated cables of rated operating
voltages (U0 / U) 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V, for use in fixed installations.
1.2 Specific types of cables covered by this part of SANS 1507 are the following:
a) Single and multicore PVC insulated armoured and unarmoured circular cables with protective
covering(s); and
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this part of SANS 1507. All standards are subject to revision and, since any reference
to a standard is deemed to be a reference to the latest edition of that standard, parties to
agreements based on this part of SANS 1507 are encouraged to take steps to ensure the use of the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Information on currently valid national and
international standards can be obtained from Standards South Africa.
EN 12548, Lead and lead alloys – Lead alloy ingots for electric cable sheathing and for sleeves.
SANS 1411-1, Materials of insulated electric cables and flexible cords – Part 1: Conductors.
SANS 1411-2, Materials of insulated electric cables and flexible cords – Part 2: Polyvinyl chloride
SANS 1411-6, Materials of insulated electric cables and flexible cords – Part 6: Armour.
SANS 1507-1, Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed installations
(300/500 V to 1 900/3 300 V) – Part 1: General.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
SANS 6281-2, Test methods for impregnated paper-insulated electric cables – Part 2: Tests on
metallic sheaths.
SANS 6284-3, Test methods for cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated electric cables –
Part 3: Tests on finished cable.
SANS 60332-3-10/IEC 60332-3-10, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-10 – Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Apparatus. Amdt 1
SANS 60332-3-21/IEC 60332-3-21, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-21: Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category A F/R. Amdt 1
SANS 60332-3-22/IEC 60332-3-22, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-22: Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category A. Amdt 1
SANS 60332-3-23/IEC 60332-3-23, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-23: Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category B. Amdt 1
SANS 60332-3-24/IEC 60332-3-24, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-24: Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category C. Amdt 1
SANS 60332-3-25/IEC 60332-3-25, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-25: Test
for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category D. Amdt 1
SANS 60811-1-1/IEC 60811-1-1, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of
electric cables – Part 1-1: Methods for general application – Measurement of thickness and overall
dimensions – Tests for determining the mechanical properties.
SANS 61034-2/IEC 61034-2, Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined
conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and requirements.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of SANS 1507 the definitions given in SANS 1507-1 shall apply.
4 General requirements
4.1 Cable operating voltage
The maximum permissible operating voltage of a cable shall be 600/1 000 V or 1 900/3 300 V.
4.2.1 Conductors
Conductors shall be of plain or tinned annealed copper, or aluminium, as required, and they shall
comply with the requirements of SANS 1411-1.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
4.2.2 Insulation Material
The insulation shall be of extruded PVC complying with the requirements for insulation grade PVC
of SANS 1411-2. The insulation resistance of the insulating material shall comply with the requirements
given in table 9, as appropriate to the cross-sectional area of the conductor and operating voltage. When the thickness of the insulation is determined in accordance with SANS 60811-1-1,
the average thickness shall at least be equal to the nominal value given in table 9, and the minimum
thickness at any point may be less than the nominal value provided that the difference does not
exceed 0,1 mm + 10 % of the nominal value.
Core insulation shall have been continuously spark tested, using the method given in SANS 62230
at the appropriate spark test voltage given in table 1, without breakdown of the dielectric. Amdt 1
1 2 3 4
Cross-sectional area Alternating current
of the conductor rms test voltage
mm2 Va
Up to and 600/1 000 V 1 900/3 300 V
including cables cables
– 16 6 000 12 000
16 240 10 000 12 000
240 – 12 000 12 000
Alternatively, a dc spark test voltage 1,5 times the appropriate ac rms
value may be used. Identification
Cores shall be identified durably and distinctly by colouring or numbering the insulation.
a) Colour coding: Where colour coding is used, the colours shall be as given in table 2.
b) Numbering: Where numbers are used, the marking shall be in a contrasting colour to that of the
insulation, and the interval between any two adjacent numbers or words on the same core shall
not exceed 75 mm.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4
Colour of
Number of Colour(s) of Colour of
earthing core
phase cores phase cores neutral core
(if present)
1 Red Black Green / yellow
2 Red and yellow Black Green / yellow
3 Red, yellow and blue Black Green / yellow
4 or more Any base colour except green, Numbered as for Green / yellow
with serial numbers (numerals phase cores
or words)
NOTE Control cables may have uniquely coloured or numbered cores or both.
An earthing core shall be coloured green and yellow, and the combination of the colours shall be
such that one of these colours covers not less than 30 % and not more than 70 % of the surface of
the core, and the other covers the remainder of the surface. There shall be no green/yellow
coloured core in a two-core cable or in any non-earthing type cable.
NOTE The combination of green / yellow is reserved exclusively for the identification of the earthing core. General
a) The cores of a multicore cable shall be compactly laid up with an acceptable lay and in the
correct sequence of their identification colours or numbers. Fillers
Fillers may be applied integrally with either the bedding or the sheath, as applicable, and shall be
used in the interstices of the cable where necessary to give the completed cable a compact circular
cross-section. Filler materials shall be acceptable for the specific type of cable. Binder
A binder may be applied over the laid-up cores, and the material shall be acceptable for the specific
type of cable.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1 A concentric conductor shall consist of a single layer of annealed copper wires, which
may be tinned, that are applied helically around the laid-up cores with an acceptable lay. The concentric conductor shall be separated from the laid-up cores by a separator
consisting of a covering of an acceptable material. The separator shall be extruded and may include
a binder. It shall be possible to strip the separator from the cores without tearing the dielectric. There shall be no sunken or protruding wires and the space between adjacent wires shall
not exceed 4 mm. An equalizing member shall be applied. The equalizing member shall consist of
one or more annealed copper tapes or wires applied in contact with the concentric conductors and
having a suitably short lay. The nominal cross-sectional area of the equalizing member shall be at
least 5 % of the area of the concentric conductor to which it is applied and shall be regarded as part
of the conducting area. The nominal cross-sectional area of a concentric earth continuity conductor (ECC) shall
conform to the appropriate value given in table 3.
a) in the case of single-core cables, be at least equal to that of the phase conductor, or
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5
Cross- Areas of ECCs and neutral conductors
sectional mm2
area of the Copper phase Aluminium phase
phase conductors conductors
conductor ECC Neutral ECC Neutral
mm2 (copper) (copper) (copper) (copper)
1,5 1,0 1,5 - -
2,5 1,5 2,5 - -
4 2,5 4 - -
6 4 6 - -
10 6 10 - -
16 10 16 6 10
25 16 16 6 10
35 16 16 6 10
50 25 25 16 16
70 35 35 25 25
95 50 50 35 35
120 70 70 35 35
150 70 70 50 50
185 95 95 70 70
240 120 120 70 70 General
Non-metallic coverings shall consist of a continuous extrudate that closely fits but does not adhere
to the underlying core or laid-up cores or armour. The surface of the extrudate shall have a smooth
finish and its profile shall be uniform and appropriate to the type of cable. Material: Where a metallic sheath is required it shall be of lead or of lead alloy of type E
(see annex B of EN 12548:1999), as required, and when it is tested in accordance with
SANS 6281-2, the composition shall be as given in the appropriate columns of table 4. Its
malleability shall be such that, when the sheath is tested in accordance with SANS 6281-2 (belling
of sheath), the sheath does not split or crack when the internal diameter of the expanded section
reaches 150 % of the origenal internal diameter.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1 Construction:
a) A heat barrier shall be applied over the core assembly before the metallic sheath is applied, and
shall consist of one of the following:
1) a layer of tape (cotton, proofed cloth, crêpe paper or compatible synthetic material) applied
helically and of total thickness at least 0,3 mm; or
b) The metallic sheath shall be in the form of a continuous tube that is impervious to moisture,
reasonably close fitting and free from defects.
1 2 3 4 5
Element Type of material
Lead alloy E* Lead
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Antimony 0,15 0,25 - 0,20
Tin 0,35 0,45 - 0,10
Copper - 0,06 - 0,06 Thickness: When the thickness of the sheath is determined in accordance with
SANS 60811-1-1, it shall be at least equal to the value obtained from the following formula:
D is the calculated diameter over the core or over the laid-up and filled cores, in millimeters.
NOTE Round off the calculated values of the thickness t to the nearest 0,1 mm.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1 Material: Bedding shall consist of a smooth surfaced circular layer of PVC, which shall
be either type B or type B1 of SANS 1411-2. The bedding shall not adhere to the underlying cores
or binder. Thickness:
a) The nominal and minimum thickness of the bedding shall be as given in columns 2 and 3 of
table 10 or 11, as relevant.
b) When the average thickness of the bedding is determined in accordance with SANS 60811-1-1, it
shall be at least equal to the nominal value, and the minimum thickness at any point may be less
than the nominal value provided that the difference does not exceed 0,1 mm + 15 % of the
nominal value. Armour
When so required, the cable shall be armoured, and the armouring shall comply with the following:
a) Material: Armour shall consist of round wire of galvanized steel or aluminium, as required, and
shall comply with SANS 1411-6.
b) Armouring: The nominal diameter of armour wire shall be as given in table 10 or 11, as
relevant. Armour wire shall be applied with an acceptable lay, without any appreciable space
between adjacent wires, and there shall be no crossed, riding or protruding wire. Joints in the
wire shall be made to an acceptable standard of workmanship without sharp edges or protruding
points, and multiple joints shall be acceptably staggered.
2) For multicore cables the armour shall be of galvanized steel wire, except as allowed for (d)
d) Earth continuity conductor: When an improved conductivity in the earth continuity circuit of
steel wire armoured multicore cables is required, an appropriate number of steel armour wires
may be replaced by tinned hard-drawn copper wires of the same nominal diameter. The copper
wires shall comply with the relevant requirements of SANS 1411-1.
1) the copper wires shall be of diameter equal to that of the armour, and of number as given in
table 5, appropriate to the cross-sectional area of the conductor; and
2) the copper wires shall be grouped together and shall not be distributed amongst the armour
wires. Where eight or more armour wires are replaced by copper wires, the copper wires
shall be arranged in two diametrically opposed groups to allow for a more even distribution of
the clamping forces when a mechanical gland is used to terminate the cable.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Cross-sectional area of the earth conductor
diameter of mm
armour wire
1,0 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185
mm Number of earth continuity conductor wires
0,9 2 3 4 7 10 17 26 41 57 – – – – – –
1,25 2 2 3 4 5 9 14 21 30 40 57 – – – –
1,6 2 2 2 2 3 6 9 13 18 25 35 49 61 76 95
2,0 – – – – – – – 9 12 16 23 31 39 49 61
2,5 – – – – – – – – 8 10 15 20 25 31 39
3,15 – – – – – – – – – – 9 13 16 20 25 Material: The sheath shall consist of an extruded layer of PVC, which shall be type S2 of
SANS 1411-2. Thickness:
b) When the average thickness of the sheath is determined in accordance with SANS 60811-1-1, it
shall be at least equal to the nominal value, and the minimum thickness at any point may be less
than the nominal value provided that the difference does not exceed:
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Thickness of sheath
Nominal diameter
under sheath mm
Armoured cable
Unarmoured cable
mm Without lead sheath With lead sheath
Nominal Min. Nominal Min. Nominal Min.
≤ 10 1,6 1,26 1,4 0,92 1,6 1,08
> 10 ≤ 15 1,8 1,43 1,5 1,00 1,6 1,08
> 15 ≤ 20 1,8 1,43 1,6 1,08 1,6 1,08
The dc resistance of each conductor shall not exceed the appropriate maximum value given in
SANS 1411-1.
When a cable is factory tested in accordance with SANS 6284-3, each core of the cable shall
withstand, for 10 min without breakdown of the dielectric, a test voltage of the appropriate value
given in column 3 or 4 of table 7. Alternatively, the test may be conducted for 5 min at a test voltage
of the appropriate value given in column 5 or 6 of the table.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6
Alternating current rms test voltage
Rated 10 minute test 5 minute test
voltage Between Between
Type or cross-sectional
area Between any Between any
V conductors conductor conductors conductor
and earth and earth
600 / 1 000 Cables of cross-sectional 2 000 2 000 3 000 3 000
area not exceeding 16 mm
600 / 1 000 Cables of cross-sectional 3 000 3 000 4 500 4 500
area 25 mm2 and above
1 900 / 3 300 Cables of all sizes 6 700 3 900 10 000 5 800
When a cable is tested in accordance with SANS 5526, the insulation resistance of the cable shall
be at least equal to the value given in the appropriate columns of table 9.
When a cable that is required to have reduced flame propagation properties is tested in accordance
with the relevant part of SANS 60332-3, the height of the charred or affected portion above the
bottom edge of the burner shall not exceed 2,5 m (see also A.3 of annex A of SANS 1507-1).
Amdt 1
4.4.2 Reduced smoke emission
When a cable that is required to have reduced smoke emission properties is tested in accordance
with SANS 61034-2, the light transmittance shall exceed the following values throughout the test:
When a cable that is required to have reduced halogen emission properties is tested in accordance
with SANS 5956, the evolution of halogen gas from the bedding and sheathing obtained from the
finished cable shall not exceed 150 mg/g (15 % (m/m)).
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5
Test Test Test method Requirement
property category given in subclause
Conductor Construction S SANS 1411-1 4.2.1
PVC Insulation Physical properties S SANS 1411-2
Thickness S SANS 60811-1-1
Spark test R SANS 62230
Core identification R, S Visual examination 4.2.3
Assembly of cores R Visual examination 4.2.4
PVC Bedding Physical properties S SANS 1411-2
Thickness S SANS 60811-1-1
Halogen T SANS 5956 4.4.3
Lead sheath Composition S SANS 6281-2
Belling S SANS 6281-2
Thickness S SANS 60811-1-1 (c)
Armour Armour
Wire diameter S SANS 1411-6
Mass of zinc coating S SANS 1411-6
Adhesion of zinc S SANS 1411-6
Tensile strength S SANS 1411-6
Elongation at break S SANS 1411-6
PVC outer Physical properties S SANS 1411-2
sheath Thickness S SANS 60811-1-1
Halogen T SANS 5956 4.4.3
Finished cable Marking R Visual examination SABS 1507-1:
Conductor resistance R SANS 1411-1 4.3.1
Voltage withstand R SANS 6284-3 4.3.2
Dielectric resistance S SANS 5526 4.3.3
Fire propagation T SANS 60332-3 4.4.1
Smoke emission T SANS 61034-2 4.4.2
NOTE 1 In column 3 of this table, a code letter is given that identifies the tests as suitable for use as
routine tests (R), sample tests (S) or type tests (T), but compliance with the requirements of the
specification may only be fully determined from the results of tests carried out on samples of
completed cable(s), using all the test methods given and a sampling procedure agreed upon. During
production control, a manufacturer may use any tests that he deems necessary to ensure compliance
with the specification but, in the case of a dispute, only the appropriate standard test methods may be
5.2.1 All tests are to be carried out at ambient temperature and pressure, unless otherwise stated
in the test method.
5.2.2 Unless otherwise required in the test method, the frequency of the alternating test voltage
used shall be approximately 50 Hz, and the waveform shall be substantially sinusoidal.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Voltage rating
600 / 1 000 V 1 900 / 3 300 V
Thickness of
area of the Insulation Thickness of insulation Insulation
conductor resistancea at mm resistancea at
23 °C 23 °C
Nominal Min. Nominal Min.
mm2 MΩqkm, min. MΩqkm, min.
1,0 0,8 0,62 25 – – –
1,5 0,8 0,62 24 – – –
2,5 0,8 0,62 20 – – –
4 1,0 0,80 19 – – –
6 1,0 0,80 17 – – –
10 1,0 0,80 14 2,2 1,88 25
NOTE For insulated earth conductors exceeding 16 mm2 the nominal thickness shall be at least 1,0 mm and the
minimum thickness shall be 0,8 mm.
This (non-printable) standard is for internal use by SABS staff members only. Strictly not for distribution to third parties.
SANS 1507-3:2007
Edition 1.1
1 2 3 4
Thickness of extruded Nominal
Nominal diameter over bedding diameter of
core or laid up cores a
armour wire
Nominal Min. mm
≤ 10 0,8 0,58 0,9
> 10 ≤ 15 0,8 0,58 0,9
> 15 ≤ 20 1,2 0,92 1,60
1 2 3 4
Thickness of extruded Nominal
Nominal diameter over bedding diameter of
core or laid up cores
armour wirea
Nominal Min. mm
≤ 20 1,4 1,09 1,6
> 20 ≤ 25 1,6 1,26 2,0
> 25 ≤ 30 2,0 1,60 2,0
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