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3Product Manual IS 17293 Revised
Product Manual IS 17293 Revised
Product Manual IS 17293 Revised
2. Sampling Guidelines:
Scheme of Inspection
4. : Please refer ANNEX – C
and Testing
5. :
Possible tests in a day Please refer ANNEX – D
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
Grouping Guidelines
1. Samples of Cable for each Conductor class, insulation type, sheath type shall be tested for
grant of licence.
2. Following relaxation may be given when a variety is tested for all the requirements:
a. When a cable with higher cross sectional area is tested, all the cable with lower cross
sectional may be covered in scope of licence, subject to the condition that class of
conductor, insulation and sheath remain same.
b. If a cable with Insulation class A is tested, then cable with insulation class D may be
covered in scope of licence without further testing subject to condition that cross
sectional area and sheath remain same.
3. The Firm shall declare the Varieties and Sizes of various Cables they intend to cover in the
Licence. The Scope of Licence may be restricted based on the Manufacturing and Testing
capabilities of the Manufacturer.
4. For the ratings/varieties that are not subjected to testing and are covered in the Scope of
Licence by virtue of the grouping guidelines 2 (a) above, an undertaking shall be obtained
from the manufacturer to the effect that the product with such ratings will conform to the
requirements of the IS 17293 and that the firm, at the first instance of manufacturing these
ratings and before applying the Standard Mark, shall get the cable(s) tested at third party
laboratory for all parameters as per IS 17293. The Grant of Licence letter shall clearly
mention the details regarding submission of independent test reports by the licensee on the
first instance of manufacturing of any variety as mentioned above.
5. During the operation of the Licence, BO shall ensure that all the varieties covered in the
Licence are tested in rotation to the extent possible.
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
List of Test Equipment
7 Dumb-Bell Cutting Machine with 11.1 Tensile Strength & Elongation Test
8 Hot Air oven with thermostatic 11.1 Heat Shock, Hot Deformation &
Temperature controller Shrinkage Test
9 Thermal Ageing Oven with 11.1 Tensile Strength & Elongation After
Thermostatic Temperature ageing, Loss Of Mass Test
controller, Air flow Meter & Hour
10 Water Bath with thermostatic 11.1, 11.2, Water immersion A.C. & D.C. Test,
temperature controller, Stirrer & 11.4 Insulation Resistance Constant/
Hour Meter Volume Resistivity Test
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
20 D.C. High Voltage Test set 11.1 D.C. High Voltage Test
The above list is indicative only and may not be treated as exhaustive.
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
Scheme of Inspection and Testing
1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped (as per
the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given in the
specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the specification.
1.1 The manufacturer shall prepare a calibration plan for the test equipment.
2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out to
establish conformity.
4. CONTROL UNIT – Cable of each conductor class, insulation type, sheath material and
maximum rated voltage of continuous length manufactured/ extruded under similar conditions
of production for one nominal cross-sectional area and class of conductor shall constitute a
control unit.
5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of
control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory which
is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2 above.
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
Test Details equipment Levels of Control
R: required
Test Methods
S: Sub-
Cl. Requirement Clause Ref Part Ref contracting No. of Sample Frequency Remarks
4 Conductor
No further testing is
4.1 Resistance 7.3 IS 8130 Part 5 IS 10810 R Each coil/ required if
bobbin of accompanied with
finished wire Test Certificate or, drawn or with BIS Standard
Annealing Part 1 IS 10810 R received mark
Insulation, Sheath
5, 6
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
tensile strength Cable of each
before ageing Part 7 IS 10810 R size and type
elongation at break manufactured in
before breaking a month from
tensile strength afer
consignment of
Part 11 IS 10810 PVC
elongation at break As per Cl. 10 of IS
after ageing 17293
Insulation 5.2
5.2 IS 17293
Insulation 5.3 Part 6 IS 10810 R
5.3 IS 17293
Thickness Each coil
6.2 Sheath application 6.2 IS 17293
6.3 Sheath Thickness 6.3 IS 17293
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
6.4 Sheath Colour 6.4 IS 17293 R Each Coil
7 Overall Dimension 7 IS 17293 R Each Coil
8 IS 17293
Identification 8 R Each Coil
Continuity of
8.1 IS 17293
Marking 8.1 R Each Coil
8.2 Durability 8.2 IS 17293 R Each Coil
8.3 Legibility 8.3 IS 17293 R Each Coil
9 Core Identification 9 IS 17293 R Each Coil
Packing and 12.2,
12 Marking 12.3 IS 17293 R Each Coil
11 Requirements for Completed Cables
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
cross sectional
Damp heat test H IS 17293 S
Note-1: Sub-contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empaneled by the Bureau.
Note-2: Levels of control given in column 3 are only recommendatory in nature. The manufacturer may define the control unit/batch/lot and submit his own levels of control in
column 3 with proper justification for approval by BO Head.
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PM/IS 17293/1/ February 2023
1. Dimensions
a. Maximum Conductor diameter
b. Overall dimensions
c. Ovality
d. Thickness of sheath and insulation
2. Annealing Test
3. Conductor Resistance
4. Tensile Test (before ageing) on Insulation and Sheath Shrinkage Test
5. Insulation Resistance Test
6. HV Test (at Room Temperature)
7. Flammability Test
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