SCTE Chapters
SCTE’s Chapter members are the most active in the Society. They’re dedicated to educating broadband professionals on the latest technologies and leadership skills necessary to be successful.
SCTE Chapters Provide Technical and Leadership Training
Local SCTE chapters offer hundreds of hours of technical / leadership training each year on various topics from the latest industry topics to hands-on equipment training. Many of these sessions are recorded and posted on the SCTE website. Chapters have collaborated to share training sessions using these postings. Vendors have trained new technical personnel using these postings.

SCTE Chapters Host Vendor Days
SCTE chapters host approximately 50 Vendor Days each year. They are an opportunity to learn about exciting technologies and to compete in the local Cable-Tec Games. Find a list of upcoming local Vendor Days in the SCTE Event Calendar. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about an upcoming Vendor Day, please contact your local chapter.
SCTE Chapters Provide an Arena for Cable-Tec Games
Local Cable-Tec Games, typically held during chapter vendor shows or regional cable shows, provide an arena for contestants to compete in events that measure their technical abilities, such as cable splicing and meter reading, and demonstrate their knowledge, such as cable jeopardy. Dates and details for local Cable-Tec Games can be found in the SCTE Event Calendar. Select winners of local competitions advance to compete on an international level during SCTE TechExpo.
Join SCTE for Exclusive Benefits
Explore our membership options and unlock a world of benefits, including discounts, exclusive events, and networking opportunities through our 60+ local chapters.