WellPath Endorsed Events for 2025
Benefits-eligible employees and family-members participating in the SRP-MIC-sponsored health plan earn incentives for attending WellPath endorsed events.
Click here for the WellPath-endorsed events calendar.
Starting an account is easy: Follow the steps in this guide:
WellPath Event Nomination
Attending a health or wellness event which is not WellPath Endorsed? Nominate it!
WellPath endorsed events are considered and approved based on the following criteria: accessibility, benevolence, and health benefits. Please use the Event Nomination Form and answer the following questions or provide specific information about the event you are nominating. The event must have a website with registration and/or information to be considered for endorsement. All non-SRPMIC related events will be approved for 10 WellPath points.
WellPath will review your submission and provide you a response within 24 hours. Email us at Wellness if you have questions or concerns regarding the event you are nominating.
WellPath points will be awarded for endorsed-activities for which meet one or more of the criteria below:
- participation was Voluntary, and/or
- none of the expenses for the activity were paid for by our employer, and/or
- participants were not on the clock specifically for the activity.
Some of the activities reported very likely qualify for the points based on the criteria above, while some likely would be excluded by the criteria above.
Thank you for your participation in WellPath. We take great pride in making sure that we offer endorsed-events through a variety of modalities and schedules such that everyone can find activities in which to participate regardless of their position or employer.