USSTRATCOM deters strategic attack through a safe, secure, effective, and credible, global combat capability and, when directed, is ready to prevail in conflict.
This is our Year of Acceleration. It builds on our progress from 2024's Year of Action. U.S. Strategic Command deters strategic attack on the United States and its allies, ready to respond anywhere, anytime, to threats across all domains with a strategic deterrent force that is safe, secure, effective, and credible.
- Above all else, we will provide Strategic Deterrence
- If deterrence fails, we are prepared to deliver a Decisive Response
- We will do this with a resilient, equipped and trained Combat-Ready Force
Commander's Intent
- People: Innovative talent is the foundation of our command and we safeguard the well-being of our force.
- Drive Development of Moral Injury Capability from Awareness to Assessment Phase
- Develop testing and education phase
- Establish USSTRATCOM as the leader for mental health improvement of the force
- Operationalize Focus for Our People
- Drive the next phase of Human Capital Strategy – People & Talent 2027
- Create/identify growth paths to train, retain, and promote our workforce
- Identify key positions for follow-on assignment post-USSTRATCOM to help drive continued growth of knowledge/experience in the Joint Force
- Establish assignment to USSTRATCOM as a competitive step on a career path for future leadership potential
- Readiness: USSTRATCOM forces remain safe, secure, effective, and credible, ready to execute the mission at a moment’s notice. Integrating across domains, with the Joint Force, and with Allies and partners using a common language serves as a force multiplier.
- Increase Strategic Deterrence Education of the Joint Force
- Map strategy to educate joint force on their strategic (nuclear) roles, responsibilities, and connections
- Increase understanding of escalation dynamics
- Codify relationship with Joint Staff J3 & J7
- Synchronize joint force training and education standards development in concert with Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) workforce establishment effort
- Identify Shortfalls, Gaps and Inefficiencies Within our Organization
- Continue developing senior leader understanding of current and future risks
- Synchronize efforts across directorates, components, domains, as well as with our Allies and partners
- Integrate implications of conventional actions into Risk of Strategic Deterrence Failure assessment/Strategic Implications of Conventional Actions
- Remain Vigilant to our Current Mission as We Move to the Future
- Continue to train and maintain our forces with diligence, including assessing Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) capabilities and readiness reporting within the Joint Force
- Continue to conduct exercises and training events across multiple levels and domains to identify potential gaps or inefficiencies
- Anticipate strategic environmental elements that may challenge our processes; develop mitigation activities, such as contested Electromagnetic Operating Environment (EMOE); anticipate how adversaries might counter our processes
- Identify and update procedures as necessary during the modernization of our force
- Codify lessons learned processes
- Exercises Must Accurately Reflect the Realities of the Evolving Strategic Environment
- Incorporate realistic friction in nuclear exercises that may occur between geographic combatant commands (CCMDs) and resource competition faced by functional CCMDs
- Incorporate Conventional Nuclear Integration (CNI) / EMSO into CCMD exercises (Austere Challenge, Pacific Sentry, etc.)
- Assess the effectiveness of risk-based decision-making though exercises
- Integrate implications of conventional actions into risk assessments
- Assess lessons learned from each exercise to identify inefficiencies and shortfalls
- Expand Strategic Deterrence Thinking and Option Development to All Levels and Mission Sets
- Establish Strategic Operations Integrated Planning Element (SOIPE) Pilot Program
- Maximize effectiveness of existing capacity and capability
- Leverage whole of government resources
- Improve integrated planning including CNI, EMSO, and Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (NC3) considerations
- NC3 Roadshow: continue education drive on NC3 modernization efforts
- Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO) Roadshow: expand JEMSO education across the Joint Force
- Develop CNI and EMSO Roadshow to educate on strategic integrated capabilities
- Codify EMSO’s relationship with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, and interagency partners
- Capabilities: Maximize USSTRATCOM’s ability to generate effects today and into the future. The Command’s capacity and capabilities are fully modernized and coordinated throughout the national levers of power, leveraging existing capacity and capability to maximize the effectiveness of our force and its ability to provide the National Command Authority with a safe, secure, effective, and credible strategic deterrent.
- Develop Modernization Requirements to Support CNI, EMSO, NC3 Capability/Capacity to Maximize Current Force Effectiveness
- Identify and validate USSTRATCOM’s NC3, CNI, EMSO, and Strategic Options Integration requirements
- Identify technology application limitations in a contested EMOE
- Advance Development of New Capabilities to Maximize Effectiveness of USSTRATCOM Missions
- Initiate NC3 Next Trade Space Study Phase 2
- Assess Joint Force EMS capabilities to inform operational risk and future investments
- Advance the development of EMS data and data systems
- Identify Capabilities to Leverage Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) to Solve Complex Strategic Problems
- Improve capabilities to find, fix, and track strategic relocatable targets
- Begin implementation of AI/ML functions into our processes to leverage existing infrastructure
- Develop Strategic Long-Range Fires Capabilities
- Codify USSTRATCOM requirements for strategic long-range fires
- Advocate/educate on the importance of strategic long-range fires
Who We Are
The bedrock of our command will always be our people. I am proud to command a group of dedicated professionals – Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Guardians, and Civilians – prepared for a new era of strategic competition. We are truly a global warfighting command responsible for the critical capabilities that underpin our Nation’s ability to deter strategic attack, and if necessary, to prevail in conflict. With our people, capabilities, and Allies, I’m convinced that together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
(Current as of November 2024)