Trademark videos
Learn about the trademark application process, searching for similar trademarks, maintaining your registration, protecting yourself from scams, and more.
New to the trademark process? Start with the videos under the topic Trademark basics.
Questions about using Trademark Center? Look for training videos on the Trademark Center page.
Trademark basics
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Get an overview of trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets in the food service industry. With a particular focus on trademarks, you will learn how to use these intellectual property rights to protect what makes your restaurant special.
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In this video, you will learn about the importance of maintaining and protecting your trademark following registration, and what to do if you encounter infringement, from Asha Allan, partner at Adducci, Mastraini & Schaumberg. This session was part of the USPTO and...
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Commissioner for Trademarks David Gooder hosts Associate General Counsel for Intellectual Property with the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Dana Jozefczyk for a lively fireside chat about trademarks and the Olympics. They discuss the essential and...
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What happens if your trademark registration is audited? Learn what proof of use in commerce looks like and what happens during the Post Registration Proof of Use Audit Program. Trademarks that aren't in use on all registered goods and services may unnecessarily...
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The importance of the decisions made during life can impact intellectual property after death, including postmortem rights of publicity. Celebrities face additional considerations regarding the right to publicity, social media, digital media, economic and tax...
- Published onAn engaging panel discussion providing practical tips for protecting yourself, your brand, and your clients from bad actors.
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Did you use an online filing firm to submit your trademark application? If so, you may be the victim of fraud. To find out if you’ve been scammed, and learn what to do next, watch this short video.
We take fraud seriously and are doing everything we can to...
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An overview of the initiatives and programs the USPTO is doing to protect the accuracy of the U.S. trademark register, provided by Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy Amy Cotton.
- Published onLearn the fundamental mechanics of using the USPTO's trademark search system, including the concept of likelihood of confusion and why it's an essential part of searching.
- Published onIn this recorded webinar, we introduce you to the fundamental mechanics of using the USPTO's trademark search system, including searching using drop-down menus.
- Published onIn this recorded webinar, we introduce you to the mechanics of constructing complex searches in the USPTO's trademark search system, including searching using field tags.
- Published onIn this recorded webinar, we introduce you to the mechanics of using field tags and regular expressions to construct complex searches in the USPTO's trademark search system.
- Published onLearn about the fundamental mechanics of filing for federal trademark registration using the USPTO's new Trademark Center system, including an overview of the important components of your application.
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Learn more about registering trademarks for newer technologies, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and virtual goods. We’ll also cover examples of appropriate specimens and acceptable identifications of goods and services.
- Published onThis video covers the process. Trademark filers can verify their identity with the USPTO online through
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Learn about the new mandatory electronic filing requirement and how this affects specimens, the petition process, outage procedures, and TEAS forms. Beginning February 15, 2020, trademark applicants and registrants will be required to file trademark applications...
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This video explains how to fill out the Validation page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Fee/Signature Information page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Correspondence Information page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Filing Basis page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Goods and Services page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Standard applications only.
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This video explains how to fill out the Goods and Services page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus applications only.
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This video explains how to fill out the Additional Statements section of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Mark Drawing page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video explains how to fill out the Applicant Information page of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application. The information applies to TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard applications.
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This video compares and contrasts the two versions of the USPTO’s federal trademark registration application: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. It highlights the TEAS Plus filing requirements, which allow for a less expensive filing fee and a more streamlined...
Experienced practitioners
- Published onLearn about failure-to-function refusals, best practices for responding, and precedential Trademark Trial and Appeal Board decisions in this webinar for attorney practitioners.
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Experts discuss the differences between filing an application in the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and Trademark Center; and demonstrate key features within the system. View the event slides.
- Published onExperts from the Trademark Classification Policy and Practice Office discuss classification and identification changes under the Nice Classification, 12th edition, version 2024 (Nice 12-2024).
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Experts from the Registration Protection Office and Office of Enrollment explore common pitfalls to avoid as a trademark attorney and provide tips for protecting trademark clients from bad actors who trick owners into paying unnecessary fees, spoof legitimate...
- Published onWatch this free training webinar on the Madrid Protocol, a convenient option for trademark owners worldwide to file one streamlined application to register their trademark in up to 130 countries.
- Published onAdministrative Trademark Judges Peter Cataldo and Angela Lykos discuss best practices on navigating the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) process including practical considerations for creating a record, briefing and oral argument.
- Published onFailure-to-function refusals and how to respond when your mark fails to indicate the source of your goods or services. We’ll cover ornamentation, title of a single work, names of authors and performing artists, and goods in trade or service for others.
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In this recording, we discuss tips to strengthen your nonuse cancellation practice, including new website resources, common petition mistakes, and common evidentiary mistakes.
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What is appropriate subject matter for a trademark letter of protest? How can you avoid some common pitfalls when filing a letter of protest? In this webinar we provide an overview of letters of protest best practices.
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Want to learn more about the trademark Post Registration Audit Program? In this webinar intended for experienced trademark filers, we cover the significance of “use in commerce,” the history of the Post Registration Audit Program, what happens during and audit, as...
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In this presentation, our expert attorneys discuss recent changes to requirements for specimen of use, common issues with specimens, and what trademark examining attorneys look for when reviewing specimens.
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What are the USPTO’s rules covering trademark practitioner recognition, signatures, and declarations? What steps does the USPTO take when we suspect the rules are violated? In this webinar, learn from our expert attorneys as they cover relevant case law and discuss...
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The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty that businesses and individuals can use to protect their trademarks simultaneously in multiple countries using a single application. It allows applicants to file with a single office, using one currency, and in a...
- Published onIn this recorded listening session, members of the public provide their feedback on whether the USPTO should consider changing the attorney recognition rule regarding the duration of recognition.
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On Tuesday, July 27, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Lanham Act, the federal statute establishing modern U.S. trademark law. This exciting virtual program brought together a lineup of distinguished...
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The USPTO held a final virtual roundtable on June 14, 2021 to take comments and answer questions regarding the notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA). After a brief overview of the TMA, members of the public were...
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The USPTO held a virtual roundtable on June 1, 2021 to take comments and answer questions regarding the notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA). After a brief overview of the TMA, members of the public were invited...
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The USPTO held a virtual roundtable on March 1, 2021 to gather input on issues relating to the implementation of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA). After a brief overview of the TMA, members of the public were invited to provide comments. The TMA, which...
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On July 27, 2018, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History (NMAH) kicked off the 2018 National Trademark Exposition with keynote speaker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. NMAH Interim...