U.S. companies can work on USTDA-funded opportunities overseas by submitting proposals to our host country grant recipients. These opportunities typically involve executing feasibility studies, early investment analyses, technical assistance or training. The point of contact for submitting your proposal is the USTDA grant recipient identified in the Request for Proposal, not USTDA.
USTDA retains a prospective bidders list, including contact information, of those requesting an RFP package. Contact information will be used to notify prospective bidders of any amendments and clarifications regarding an RFP solicitation. In addition, we may make the prospective bidders list available to the public upon request for the exclusive purpose of broadening participation in our programs and fostering collaboration.
RFPs requested are not USTDA solicitations. RFP packets are made available to U.S. firms and citizens only.
Technical problems? If you are experiencing any problems with this form please contact web@ustda.gov.