
The Office of Connected Learning fosters high-impact experiences that contribute to innovative and influential teaching, learning, and research. A commitment to connected learning builds greater capacities for students, staff and faculty to connect theory to practice, exercise adaptive leadership skills across novel settings, and embrace the multiple contexts we all bring to our work. It recognizes that our ideas, discoveries, research, and institutional successes result from the relationships and human ecosystems that feed them.

UW Bothell is distinguished by its focus on connected learning and cross-disciplinary research, scholarship and creative practice.

Our Mission

Connected Learning is committed to access and success for all students by promoting and supporting a range of co-curricular applied experiences that further cross-disciplinary learning, career connections, and contributions to a more just and equitable community on and off campus.

WSECU at the plaza in UW Bothell

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Student team poses in Guatemala

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two students meets with intern site-supervisor over lunch.

Learn about the desired outcomes of students’ participation in connected learning experiences.

Latest News

Truly House against a blue sky

Connected Learning FY2024 Annual Report

This report showcases how students engage in Connected Learning programs at UW Bothell.

Learn more about our efforts throughout 2024
portrait of Vi Nguyen

Research from the heart

Vi Nguyen achieved her research and acquired independent problem-solving from the help of the 2023 Founders Fellows Summer Research Stipend.

Learn about her research and our stipend programs
SMARTS team photo

Minding test anxiety

Dr. White and Dr. Eaton collaborated with undergraduate researchers to conduct their study on stress and mindfulness.

Learn about their study and our creative projects
Student shows Guatemalan adults how to use a blood pressure cuff while outdoors at a picnic table

2023 Guatemala Study Abroad

Dr. Ezeonwu and the 2023 Guatemala Study Abroad program traveled to provide healthcare services and education to resource-poor areas.

Learn about their services and our study abroad programs
portrait of Andy Walker-Tran

My Story: Voting as a call to action for social change

NextGen Civic Leader Corps member writes about why voting matters and the importance of engaging young people in the process.

Learn about his exploration and our community collaborations
portrait of Betelhem Yinges

Digital Scholars Program: A Student’s Perspective

Betelhem demonstrated how participating in the Digital Scholars Program introduced her to explore fields around digital skills.

Learn about her practice and Digital Scholars experience