The Gatton College building is an academic space serving the needs of Gatton College students, faculty and staff. As staff capacity permits, the college also allows the UK community some access to selected building facilities on a case by case basis. The building is not a conference center, and the college provides limited staff support for non-college events held in the building.
Available space includes Kincaid Auditorium, Woodward Hall events space, selected classrooms and conference rooms. The Gatton Atrium and Group Study Rooms are not available for reservation. Required fees will be charged to groups outside the college for the necessary services provided while using our facilities.
Outside of the Gatton building’s operating hours, University groups may only request Kincaid Auditorium and Woodward Hall events space. Classrooms and conference rooms are not available to non-Gatton groups outside of operating hours. Exceptions may be made if these rooms are used in conjunction with Kincaid and Woodward. Events of fewer than 50 are not accommodated outside of operating hours.
All requests for space in the Gatton College will be reviewed by the Gatton Events Coordinator. If the space request is acceptable to the College, the University Events Office (UE) will gather the information they need to confirm the event follows university policies, and will process all event details. The space is not officially approved and reserved until you have received an approval confirmation from the Gatton Events Coordinator and the UE Office.
Please refer to the Gatton Facilities Policy for use of the Gatton College space before requesting space in the building.