noun as in monotone
Strong matches
noun as in monotonousness
noun as in monotony
Strongest match
Strong matches
noun as in repetition
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It was a sad end brought on by the artist himself, to what increasingly seems a strange career, plagued almost from the start by the repetitiousness of his work.
The very repetitiousness of some sections helps drive home a simple but vital point: Poverty is a result of deliberate policy choices, not character defects.
It's not without problems, mostly having to do with pacing and length and a certain narrative repetitiousness that creeps in when your story arc lasts 10 hours.
Yet the repetitiousness drains the movie of momentum.
Sturtevant's most recent work is less about repeating other people's art, or even her own, than it is about the constant repetitiousness of experience in the post-internet age.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.