noun as in copy
Strongest match
Strong matches
- archetype
- carbon
- cast
- clone
- counterfeit
- counterpart
- ditto
- duplicate
- effigy
- ersatz
- facsimile
- forgery
- image
- impersonation
- impression
- imprint
- likeness
- microfiche
- mimeograph
- miniature
- mirror
- model
- offprint
- parallel
- pattern
- photocopy
- photograph
- Photostat
- portrait
- reduplication
- reflection
- replica
- representation
- reprint
- rubbings
- similarity
- simulacrum
- simulation
- study
- tracing
- transcript
- transcription
- type
- Xerox
Weak matches
Example Sentences
While it isn't a perfect replication of the Parasaurolophus, the pipes -- nicknamed the "Linophone," after the researcher -- will serve as a verification of the mathematical framework.
When exposed to the virus, the liver cells lacking PDAP1 were unable to support its replication.
The study showed that salmonella causes inflammation in the small intestine in order to derive nutrients that fuel its replication in the colon.
Kawaoka’s research shows “inefficient replication” of the virus in human corneal cells.
“At death, virus replication stops and putrefaction and heat begins to neutralize live virus,” he said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.