2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean
The FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Institute of Peruvian Studies, within the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), undertook a process of reflection on the future of agriculture, food systems and rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. It was a dialogue that involved a hundred experts from a score of nationalities, from academia, research centers, international organizations, other UN agencies, and the FAO itself. The first result of this dialogue is this series of 34 documents that address different dimensions of agriculture, food systems and rural development.
English editions
Ultra-processed foods’ impacts on health Document No. 34, 2030 - Food, agriculture and rural development in 2030 in Latin America and the Caribbean
The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation.
Agrarian structure in Latin America 2030 - Food, Agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean - Document Nº 17
This paper begins by explaining the importance of agrarian structure in Latin America and describing its origins and evolution. It discusses the consequences of unequal land distribution and the informality of property rights on rural development. Finally, it proposes policy suggestions for tackling rural poverty in the coming decade given the low likelihood that major land redistribution policies will be put in place in the near future.
Current status of agriculture in the caribbean and implications for agriculture policy and strategy 2030 - Food, Agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean - Document Nº14
This summary identifies key trends in agriculture in the Caribbean and the related opportunities for investments in support of growth, poverty reduction, and sustainability. It presents, to the extent to which available data and information allow, a sectorial review of agriculture in the region and identifies opportunities, prospects and investment priorities.
Fiscal policies in agriculture and producer support estimates in Latin America and the Caribbean 2030 - Food, Agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean - Document Nº 8
Fiscal policies have multiple effects on the economy and, therefore, on the agricultural sector and rural economies within it. This paper analyzes agricultural taxes and agricultural expenditures; it also looks into different forms of public policy support for agricultural producers and follows the Producer Support Estimates (PSE) methodology already applied to the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.
Macroeconomic policies and agricultural and rural development 2030 - Food, Agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean - Document Nº 7
The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation.