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The Fiscal Effect of Immigration: Reducing Bias in Influential Estimates. (2021). Clemens, Michael.
In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  24. The redistributive effects of enfranchising non-citizens. Evidence from Sweden. (2021). Sánchez-Pagés, Santiago ; Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inigo ; Solano-Garcia, Angel ; Sanchez-Pages, Santiago.
    In: ThE Papers.

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  25. Economic Consequences of Mass Migration: The Venezuelan Exodus in Peru. (2021). Parker, Susan ; Martinelli, Cesar ; Boruchowicz, Cynthia.
    In: Working Papers.

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  26. The Fiscal Effect of Immigration: Reducing Bias in Influential Estimates. (2021). Clemens, Michael.
    In: CReAM Discussion Paper Series.

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  27. The Fiscal Effect of Immigration: Reducing Bias in Influential Estimates. (2021). Clemens, Michael.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  28. The Political Effects of Immigration: Culture or Economics?. (2020). Tabellini, Marco ; Alesina, Alberto F.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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