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Neuere Entwicklungen in der industrieökonomischen Forschung und die aktuelle Berichterstattung über die technologische Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands. (1999). Haid, Alfred ; Munter, Markus Thomas.
In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  25. Dilemma between new and existing technologies: Separation and coexistence of old and new technologies in the Television Development Division of Sony Corporation. (2007). Osanai, Atsushi.
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  26. Projects and innovation : the ambiguity of the literature and its implications. (2007). Lenfle, Sylvain.
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  27. Transaction cost entrepreneurship. (2007). Michael, Steven C..
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  28. Consumer heterogeneity evolving from social group dynamics: Latent class analyses of German footwear consumption 1980-1991. (2007). FRENZEL, Alexander ; Baudisch, Alexander Frenzel.
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  29. Consumer heterogeneity evolving from social group dynamics. Latent class analyses of German footwear consumption 1980-1991. (2006). FRENZEL, Alexander ; Baudisch, Frenzel A..
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  30. Continuous Market Growth Beyond Functional Satiation. Time-Series Analyses of U.S. Footwear Consumption, 1955-2002. (2006). FRENZEL, Alexander ; Baudisch, Frenzel A..
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  31. Newness and novelty: Relating top management team composition to new venture performance. (2006). Amason, Allen C. ; Shrader, Rodney C. ; Tompson, George H..
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  32. Classifications of innovations: Survey and future directions. (2006). Coccia, Mario.
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  33. Measuring the Knowledge Base of Regional Innovation Systems in Germany in terms of a Triple Helix Dynamics. (2005). Leydesdorff, Loet ; Fritsch, Michael.
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  34. The diffusion of innovations within a UKCI context: an explanatory framework. (2005). Larsen, Graeme ; Ballal, Tabarak.
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  35. Exploration and exploitation strategies. What kind of analytical models ?. (2005). Jacoby, Nadia.
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  36. Empirical tests of optimal cognitive distance. (2005). Nooteboom, Bart ; Colombo, Massimo G. ; Wuyts, Stefan ; Dutta, Shantanu.
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  37. Les transitions entre innovations:études de cas et proposition d’une grille d’interprétation. (2005). Ayerbe, Cecile ; Fonrouge, Cecile.
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  38. Real Wages, Business Cycles and New Production Patterns. (2004). Jenner, Richard.
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  39. Shakeout in industrial dynamics: new developments, new puzzles. (2004). Krafft, Jackie.
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  40. Software Innovativeness - Knowledge Acquisition, External Linkages and Firm Developmental Processes. (2002). Segelod, Esbjorn ; Jordan, Gary.
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  41. Neuere Entwicklungen in der industrieökonomischen Forschung und die aktuelle Berichterstattung über die technologische Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands. (1999). Haid, Alfred ; Munter, Markus Thomas.
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  42. The patterns of interorganizational networks in the development of data communication technologies. (1998). International Center for Research on the Managemen, ; Roberts, Edward Baer., .
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  43. Industry Structure Dynamics and the Nature of Technology in The Hearing Instrument Industry. (1998). Lotz, Peter .
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  44. A review of innovation research in economics, sociology and technology management. (1997). Damanpour, F. ; Gopalakrishnan, S..
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  45. Improvising organizational transformation over time : a situated change perspective. (1995). Orlikowski, Wanda J..
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  46. Conceptualizing continuous improvement: Implications for organizational change. (1995). Choi, Ty.
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  47. Vertical integration in the computer mainframe industry: A transaction cost interpretation. (1995). Krickx, Guido A..
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