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- According to this interpretation, such ïrms would have increased relatively more their export share, compared to âgoodâ ïrms. Moreover, other things equal, such ïrms should pay lower wages. This reasoning implies a negative correlation between the export share and the residual term in equation (6), which leads to a downward bias in the uninstrumented ïxed eïects estimates. Interestingly, the only exercise that we are aware of that is comparable to ours obtains similar results. In fact, Park et al. (2010) ïnd that when regressing the average wage on changes in export for Chinese ïrms, the coeïcient goes from 0.06 in the OLS regressions to 0.29 with IV, which is an increase in magnitude similar to the one that we ïnd in our paper. This suggests that, whatever its source, the bias is not a speciïcity of the Italian context.
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