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Eterogeneità delle imprese e stagnazione del capitalismo italiano. (2018). Arrighetti, Alessandro ; Landini, F.
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  5. Swimming Upstream Throughout the Turmoil: Evidence on Firm Growth During the Great Recession. (2016). Lasagni, Andrea ; Arrighetti, Alessandro ; Landini, F.
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  6. The Role of Innovation and Globalization Strategies in Post-Crisis Recovery. (2016). Kuznetsov, Boris ; Victoria, Golikova ; Boris, Kuznetsov .
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  7. Economic Crisis and Firm Exit: Do Intangibles Matter?. (2015). Landini, Fabio ; Lasagni, Andrea ; Arrighetti, Alessandro.
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  8. Firms’economic crisis and firm exit: do intangibles matters?. (2015). Lasagni, Andrea ; Arrighetti, Alessandro ; Landini, F.
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  9. The last fifteen years of stagnation in Italy: a business cycle accounting perspective. (2014). Turino, Francesco ; Orsi, Renzo.
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  10. Riforme e crescita in Italia: una nota. (2013). Zenezini, Maurizio .

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  11. Economic well-being in Italy: The role of income insecurity and intergenerational inequality. (2012). Modena, Francesca ; Berloffa, Gabriella.
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  12. Lo sviluppo delle competenze nei contesti precari. (2011). Ferrari, Filippo.
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  13. Vertical Integration and Efficiency: an application to the Italian Machine Tool Industry.. (2010). Pieri, Fabio ; Zaninotto, Enrico.
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  14. The Impact of Vertical Integration and Outsourcing on Firm Efficiency: Evidence from the Italian Machine Tool Industry.. (2010). Pieri, Fabio ; Zaninotto, Enrico.
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  15. Economic well-being in Italy: The role of income insecurity and intergenerational inequality. (2010). Modena, Francesca ; Berloffa, Gabriella.
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  16. Firm size and growth opportunities: a survey. (2009). Ninni, Augusto ; Arrighetti, Alessandro.
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  17. Industrial Districts and Economic Decline in Italy. (2008). Ramazzotti, Paolo.
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  18. Employment Growth in Italy in the 1990s: Institutional Arrangements and Market Forces. (2007). Rosolia, Alfonso ; Cipollone, Piero ; Casadio, Piero ; Magnani, Marco ; Brandolini, Andrea.
    In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics.

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  19. Estimating the effects of personal income tax on labour supply in Italy. (2006). Tondani, Davide.
    In: Economics Department Working Papers.

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  20. Outsourcing and Information Management.. (2004). Labory, Sandrine ; Innocenti, Alessandro.
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  21. Tacitness, codification of technological knowledge and the organisation of industry. (2002). Balconi, Margherita .
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