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Knowledge, innovation and localised technological change in Italy, 1950-1990.. (2009). Barbiellini Amidei, Federico ; antonelli, cristiano ; Federico, Barbiellini Amidei .
In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research i.

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  1. The Golden Age and the Second Globalization in Italy. (2011). Crafts, Nicholas ; Magnani, Marco .
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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  2. The Golden Age and the Second Globalization in Italy. (2011). Crafts, Nicholas ; Magnani, Marco .
    In: Quaderni di storia economica (Economic History Working Papers).

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  98. Source: our caicuiations on data by Antoneui e Barbieumni Amidei (2005). 4,6 4,1 3,0 4,1 1,7 3,5 8,8 TAB. 3.3. LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY LEVELS (GDP PER EMPLOYEE, USA =100). MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY NETHERLANDS USA 22,3 21,5 84,9 48,6 16,9 116,1 TAB. 3.5- TFP GROWTH IN ITALY (average annual qrowth rates) . MANUFACTURING IN JUSTRY MECH.
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  102. TAB. 2.2 - INDEX OF REVEALED TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANTAGE - ITALY (USPTO PATENTS) USPTO PRODUCT FIELD 1950-1963 1964-1973 1974-1988 1989-2000 1950-2000 FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTS 1,13 0,65 0,88 1,09 0,96 TEXTILE MILL PRODUCTS 1,69 1,03 0,72 1,03 0,96 CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS 1,03 1,43 1,33 1,57 1,43 PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS EXTRACTION AND REFINING 0,33 0,79 0,34 0,89 0,60 RUBBER AND MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS 2,56 1,35 1,07 1,19 1,20 STONE, CLAY, GLASS AND CONCRETE PRODUCTS 0,87 0,79 0,78 0,79 0,80 PRIMARY METALS 0,69 0,76 0,77 0,62 0,72 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS 1,22 0,80 0,91 1,10 1,00 MACHINERY, EXCEPT ELECTRICAL 1,10 1,07 1,22 1,28 1,22 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 0,60 0,77 0,74 0,63 0,67 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 1,32 0,82 0,81 0,76 0,83 PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 0,90 0,63 0,62 0,61 0,63 ALL OTHER SIC'S 1,23 1,11 1,19 1,29 1,22 Source: our calculations on USPTO (2001), Cantwell (2003).
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  103. TAB. 3.7- TFP GROWTH CHANGE SHIFT1955-1963 1964-1973 A A TFP GROWTH MAN IF. 4,4 4,9 0,4 -1,4 SECTORAL EFFECT SHIFT EFFECT TOTAL TOTAL HARE ANALYSIS (% sectors contribution; average annual growth rates) - MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY % points of avg annual growth 0,1 0,3 0,3 -0,1 ALL MANU FACT. SECTORS 60,2 39,8 100,0 100,0 MODERN SECTORS 1%) 15,5 72,7 88,2 5,3 chemical, mechanical, transp. equipment, rubber food, textile, wood ferrous mm., non metal. mm., paper.
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  104. Tab. 4.2 - Italian manufacturing industries TFP dynamics, 1955-1988. Dependent variable. TFP, annual rate of growth; constant values. Equation (1). Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations, SURE. Seemingly unrelated regression I Coef. Std. Err. z P>IzI [95% Conf. Interval] I Coef. Std. Err. z P>IzI [95% Conf. Interval] Eauation Obs Parms RMSE R so chi2 P TFPmec I MECH.
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