- + South + East + er (2) g(GDP)r represents the 2009-2019 average growth rate of GDP as a function of the initial (2009) level of GDP (GDPrt−1), the average growth rate of high-skilled labour, g(HCr) as a measure of human capital, the average investment growth rate g(Ir), and the composite innovation index (RDr). The model also includes regional dummies South and East to capture structural differences in Eastern and Southern Europe, respectively. Similar to the spatial panel approach, we include cluster dummies (Industry_clustersr). Parameter α represents the intercept term.
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- The Future of EU Cohesion | Page 37 The estimated results are presented in Table A3. The negative and significant effect of the initial level of GDP indicates that regions with a lower initial GDP level grow at a faster rate. Investment growth boosts economic growth, as indicated by the positive and significant coefficient of the investment variable. Likewise, human capital contributes to regional growth implying the importance of knowledge and skills for the growth potential. Innovation, as measured by the innovation composite index, has a positive effect on regional growth, confirming the well-established finding that innovation contributes to economic growth and competitiveness (Polder et al., 2009; Vujanović et al., 2022).
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- The second econometric approach (spatial cross-section) focusses on cross-sectional data observed at a single point in time. Hence, this approach lacks the time dimension but allows for the inclusion of a greater number of factors that can influence growth. This allows us to investigate whether less developed regions grow faster than more developed regions. Hence, we can test whether the beta-convergence theory (Barro et al., 1991; Barro and Sala-iMartin, 1992) of a reduction in inequality by catching up of less developed with higher economic growth holds true for our setting.
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