10Wagstaff, A. The demand for health. Some new empirical evidence. Journal of Health Economics 1986: 5; 195–233. .
11Dardanoni, V. and Wagstaff, A. Uncertainty and the demand for medical care. Journal of Health Economics 1990; 2: 23–38. .
- 12Cullis, J.G. and West, P.A. The economics of health. An introduction. Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1979. .
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- 13McGuire, A., Henderson, J. and Mooney, G. The Economics of Health Care. An Introductory Text. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988. .
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- 14Blaug, M. Why I am not a constructivist. Confessions of an unrepentant Popperian. In: Backhouse, R.E. (ed.) New directions in economic methodology London: Routledge 1994: 109–36. .
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15Blaug, M. The economics of education and the education of an economist. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1987. .
16Hanushek, E.A. Measuring investment in education. Journal of Economic Perspectives 1996; 10: 9–30. .
17Card, D. and Krueger, A.B. School resources and student outcomes: an overview of the literature and new evidence from North and South Carolina. Journal of Economic Perspectives 1996; 10: 31–50. .
- 18Psacharopoulos, G. (ed.) Economics of Education. Research Studies. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987. .
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- 19The new Palgrave: a dictionary of economics (1987) does not contain an entry for ‘economics of education’ although the Economics of Education Review like the Journal of Health Economics began publishing in 1981. Instead it refers the reader to an essay on ‘Human Capital’ as if the economics of education were merely another name for human capital theory, a proposition which is roughly equivalent to equating labour economics with the marginal productivity theory of wages. .
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- 1Arrow, K. Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care. American Economic Review 1963; 53: 941–73, reprinted in Cooper, M.H., Culyer, A.J. (eds) Health Economics. London: Penguin, 1973. .
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- 20Cohn, E. and Geske, T.G. The economics of education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 3rd ed. 1990. .
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- 21Johnes, G. The economics of education. London: Macmillan, 1993. .
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23Cohn, E. and Johnes, G. Recent developments in the economics of education. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1994. .
- 24Blaug, M. The economic value of education: studies in the economics of education. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1992. .
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25Williams, A. Health economics: the cheerful face of the dismal science. Health and Economics. Proceedings of Section F of the BAAS. London: Macmillan, 1987, reprinted in Culyer, A.J. and Maynard, A. (eds) Being reasonable about the economics of health. Selected Essays by Alan Williams. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1997. .
- 28Mooney, G.H., Russell, E.M. and Weir, R.D. Choices for health care. A practical introduction to the economics of health provision. London: Macmillan, 1980, 2nd ed., 1986. .
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- 29Evans, R.G. Strained mercy. The economics of Canadian health care. Toronto: Buttersworth, 1984. .
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- 30Mooney, G. Key issues in health Economics. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994 is more a personal manifesto than a textbook whereas Mooney, G. Economics, medicine and health care. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, 1986, 2nd ed., 1992, while covering the same ground as the later book, maintains a distance from the material. .
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- 31Barr, N. The economics of the Welfare State. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2nd ed., 1993. .
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- 32Glennerster, H. Paying for welfare. Towards 2000. Oxford: Blackwell, 1985, 2nd ed., 1997. .
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- 33McGuire, A., Fenn, P., Mayhew, K. (eds) Providing health care: the economics of alternative systems of finance and delivery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. .
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- 34Donaldson, C. and Gerard, K. The economics of health care financing: the visible hand. London: Macmillan, 1993. .
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35Le Grand, J., Propper, C. and Robinson, R. The economics of social problems. London: Macmillan, 1976, 2nd ed., 1984. .
- 36Culyer, A.J. Needs and the National Health Service: economics and social choice. Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1976. .
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- 37Hills, J. (ed.) The State of Welfare. The Welfare State in Britain since 1974. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. .
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- 38Barr, N. and Whynes, D. Current issues in the economics of welfare. London: Macmillan, 1993. .
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- 39Office of Health Economics (OHE) The Economics of Health Care. Wilburton: Office of Health Economics, 1995. .
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- 40Lees, D.C. and Rice, R.G. Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care: comment. American Economic Review 1965; 55: 140–54. .
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41Pauly, M.V. The economics of moral hazard: comment. American Economic Review 1968; 58: 531–36, reprinted in The economics of health, I. Culyer, A.J. (ed) Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991: 205–10. .
- 42Newhouse, J.P. Cream‐skimming, asymmetric information, and a competitive insurance market. Journal of Health Economics 1984; 3: 97–100. .
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- 43Pauly, M.V. Is cream‐skimming a problem for the competitive medical market? Journal of Health Economics 1984; 3: 87–95. .
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- 44Matsaganis, M. and Glennerster, H. The threat of ‘cream‐skimming’ in the post‐reform NHS. Journal of Health Economics 1994; 13: 31–60. .
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- 45Evans, R.G. Supplier‐induced demand: some empirical evidence and implications. In: Perlman, M. (ed.) The economics of health and medical care. London: Macmillan, 1974: 162–73. .
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46Lindsay, C.M. and Feigenbaum, B. Rationing by waiting lists. American Economic Review 1984; 74: 404–17. .
- 47Wagstaff, A. Econometric studies in health economics. A survey of the British literature. Journal of Health Economics 1980; 5: 1–51. . 48 Alan Williams has suggested to me that there may be supplier‐reduced demand in the NHS because UK doctors are encouraged by their reward system to maximise inactivity and thus to suppress demand. Nevertheless, medical ethics encourages doctors to push the volume of medical care to the point of zero‐marginal productivity and, in this way, there may be supplier‐induced demand in the UK despite the lack of user charges. .
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- 49Fuchs, V.R. Economics, values and health care reform. American Economic Review 1986; 86: 1–24. .
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- 4Hansen, W. L. The education and training of economics doctorates. Journal of Economic Literature 1991; 29: 1035–53. .
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50Newhouse, J.P. Medical care costs: how much welfare loss? Journal of Economic Perspectives 1992; 6: 3–21. .
51Weisbrod, B.A. The health care quadrilemma: an essay on technological change, insurance, the quality of care, and cost containment. Journal of Economic Literature 1991; 29: 523–52. .
52Baumol, W.J. Children of performing arts, the economic dilemma: the climbing costs of health care and education. Journal of Cultural Economics 1996; 20: 183–206. .
54Blomqvist, A. The doctor as double agent: information asymmetry, health insurance, and medical care. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 4–32. .
55Lee, C. S. Optimal medical treatment under asymmetric treatment. Journal of Health Economics 1995; 14: 232–51. .
56Phelps, C.E. Induced demand–can we ever know its extent? Journal of Health Economics 1986; 5: 355–65. .
58Reinhardt, J.E. The theory of physician‐induced demand: reflections after a decade. Journal of Health Economics 1985; 4: 187–93. .
59Stano, M. A further analysis of the physician inducement controversy. Journal of Health Economics 1987; 6: 227–38. .
- 5Fuchs, V.R. Health Economics. In: Eatwell, J., Milgate, M. and Newman, P. (eds) The New Palgrave. A Dictionary of Economics London: Macmillan, II‐1987: 614–18. . 6 The concept of Pareto‐optimality rests on three interrelated premises: (1) consumer sovereignty; (2) non‐paternalism–social welfare is the arithmetic sum of individual welfares; and (3) unanimity–only unanimous reallocations of resources count as improvements in social welfare, that is, ‘thou shalt not make interpersonal comparisons of welfare’. The last is almost as troublesome for health economics as the first, ruling out as it does any externalities of consumption. .
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60McGuire, T.G. and Pauly, M.V. Physician response to fee changes with multiple players. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 385–90. .
- 61Labelle, R., Stoddart, G. and Rice, T. A re‐examination of the meaning and importance of supplier induced demand. Journal of Health Economics 1994; 13: 347–68. .
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62Gerdtham, U‐G. et al. An econometric analysis of health care expenditure: a cross‐section study of the OECD countries. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 1: 63–84. .
63Birch, S. The indentification of supplier‐inducement in a fixed price system of health care provision: the case of dentistry in the United Kingdom. Journal of Health Economics 1988; 72: 129–50. .
64Grytten, J. and Holsr, D. Supplier inducement. Its effect on dental services in Norway. Journal of Health Economics 1990; 9: 484–91. .
67Rice, T. An alternative framework for evaluating welfare losses in the health care market. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 1: 85–92. .
- 68Feldstein, M. Economic analysis for Health Service efficiency. Amsterdam: Elseviers, 1967. .
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69Newhouse, J.P. Frontier estimation; how useful a tool for health economics? Journal of Health Economics 1994; 13: 317–22. .
70Gaynor, M. and Anderson, G.F. Uncertain demand, the structure of hospital costs, and the costs of empty hospital beds. Journal of Health Economics 1995; 14: 291–317. .
- 71Jones‐Lee, M.W. Valuation of reduction in the probability of dead by road accidents. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 1969; 3: 37–47.
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73Maynard, A. Developing the health care market. Economic Journal 1991; 101: 1277–86. .
- 74Le Grand, J. Equity, efficiency and the rationing of health care in Culyer, A.J. and Wagstaff, A. (eds) Reforming health care systems. Experiments with the NHS. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996. .
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- 75Illitch, I. Limited to medicine, medical nemesis: the expropriation of health. London: Penguin Books, 1976. .
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- 76Andersen, T.F. and Mooney, G. (eds) The challenges of medical practice variations. London: Macmillan, 1990. .
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- 77Torrance, G.W. Measurement of health state utilities for economic appraisal. Journal of Health Economics 1987; 6: 227–388. .
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- 78Williams, A. Economics of coronary artery bypass grafting. British Medical Journal 1985; 291: 326–29. .
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79Bleichrodt, H. QALYs and HYEs: under what conditions are they equivalent? Journal of Health Economics 1995; 14: 17–37. .
80Culyer, A.J. and Wagstaff, A. QALYs versus HYEs: A reply to Gafni, Birch and Mehrez. Journal of Health Economics 1995; 14: 39–45. .
- 81Drummond, M.F., Ludbrook, A., Lowson, K. and Steele, A. (eds) Studies in economic appraisal in health care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2 vols, 1981, 1986. .
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- 82Keeler, E.B. and Cretin, S. Uses of cost‐benefit analysis: an editorial. Journal of Health Economics 1987; 6: 275–78. .
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83Wagstaff, A. QALYs and the equity efficiency tradeoff. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 21–41. .
- 84Birch, S. and Gafni, A. Cost effectiveness/utility analyses. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 3: 279–96. .
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85Labelle, R.J. and Hurley, J.E. Implications of basing health care resource allocations on cost‐utility analysis in the presence of externalities. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 3: 259–77. .
86Williams, A. QALYs and ethics: a health economist's perspective. Social Science and Medicine 1996; 43: 1795–1804. .
- 87Drummond, M. Output measurement for resource allocations in health care. In: McGuire, A., Fenn, P., Mayhew, K. (eds) Providing health care: the economics of alternative systems of finance and delivery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. .
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- 88Culyer, A.J. The normative economics of health care: finance and provision. In: McGuire, A., Fenn, P., Mayhew, K. (eds) Providing health care: the economics of alternative systems of finance and delivery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. .
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- 89Mooney, G. and Olsen, J.A. QALYs: where next? In: McGuire, A., Fenn, P., Mayhew, K. (eds) Providing health care: the rconomics of alternative systems of finance and delivery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. .
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- 8Grossman, M. The demand for health: a theoretical and empirical investigation. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1972. .
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90Mooney, G., Hall, J., Donaldson, C. and Gerard, K. Utilization as a measure of equity: weighing heat? Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 475–80. .
91Culyer, A., van Doorslaer, E. and Wagstaff, A. Utilisation as a measure of equity by Mooney, Hall, Donaldson and Gerard. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 1: 93–8. .
92Mooney, G., Hall, J., Donaldson, C. and Gerard, K. Reweighing heat: response to Culyer, van Doorslaer and Wagstaff. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 2: 199–205. .
93Culyer, A., van Doorslaer, E. and Wagstaff, A. Access, utilisation and equity: a further comment. Journal of Health Economics 1992; 2: 207–10. .
94Donaldson, C. Purchasing to meet need. In: Culyer, A.J. and Wagstaff A. (eds) Reforming health care systems. Experiments with the NHS. Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996: 88–103. .
- 95Le Grand, J. Equity and choice: an essay in applied philosophy. London: Harper Collins, 1991. .
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96O'Donnell, O. and Propper, C. Equity and the distribution of National Health Service resources. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 1–21. .
97Wagstaff, A., van Doorslaer, E. and Paci, P. On the measurement of horizonal inequity in the delivery of health care. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 169–205. .
- 98Le Grand, J. The distribution of health care revisited: a commentary on Wagstaff, van Doorslaer and Paci, and O'Donnell and Propper. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 239–45. .
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- 99Le Grand, J. Equity in the distribution of UK National Health Service resources. Journal of Health Economics 1991; 10: 1–19. .
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9Grossman, M. The demand for health after a decade. Journal of Health Economics 1982; 1: 1–3. .