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Topic Modeling Uncovers Shifts in Media Framing of the German Renewable Energy Act. (2021). Dehler-Holland, Joris ; Fichtner, Wolf ; Schumacher, Kira.
In: EconStor Open Access Articles.

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  1. Governance in multi-system transitions: A new methodological approach for actor involvement in policy making processes. (2024). Ate, Asli ; Lovell, Katherine ; Rogge, Karoline S.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  2. Satisfaction with Media Information about Renewable Energy Investments. (2023). Tsantopoulos, Georgios ; Galatsidas, Spyridon ; Grigoroudis, Evangelos ; Karasmanaki, Evangelia.
    In: Sustainability.

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  3. Energy Tariff Policies for Renewable Energy Development: Comparison between Selected European Countries and Sri Lanka. (2023). Wickramasinghe, Harsha ; Ciocia, Alessandro ; Enescu, Diana ; Cocina, Valeria ; Spertino, Filippo ; Diaz-Gonzalez, Francisco ; Amato, Angela ; Alagna, Francesco.
    In: Energies.

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  4. Delineating development trends of nanotechnology in the semiconductor industry: Focusing on the relationship between science and technology by employing structural topic model. (2023). Lee, Duk Hee ; Seo, Eun-Yeong ; Yang, Jiseong ; Kang, Inje.
    In: Technology in Society.

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  5. How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis. (2022). Zscheischler, Jana ; Uthes, Sandra ; Artner-Nehls, Astrid ; Feindt, Peter H.
    In: Sustainability.

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  6. Emission accounting and drivers in 2004 EU accession countries. (2022). Shan, Yuli ; Li, Jiashuo ; Xue, Rui ; Guo, Yaqin ; Guan, Yuru ; Xiao, Lin.
    In: Applied Energy.

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  7. The legitimacy of wind power in Germany. (2021). Dehler-Holland, Joris ; Keles, Dogan ; Okoh, Marvin.
    In: Working Paper Series in Production and Energy.

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  8. Development of Sustainable Energy Use with Attention to Fruitful Policy. (2021). Mirjalili, Seyedali ; Rezaei, Mostafa ; Razmjoo, Armin ; Piras, Giuseppe ; Nezhad, Meysam Majidi.
    In: Sustainability.

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  9. Solar Prosumers in the German Energy Transition: A Multi-Level Perspective Analysis of the German ‘ Mieterstrom ’ Model. (2021). Thema, Johannes ; Xia-Bauer, Chun ; Moser, Raphael ; Vondung, Florin.
    In: Energies.

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  10. Development and Application of a Big Data Analysis-Based Procedure to Identify Concerns about Renewable Energy. (2021). Joo, Han-Young ; Kim, Jae-Wook ; Jeong, So-Yun ; Moon, Joo-Hyun.
    In: Energies.

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  11. Tourism demand forecasting with online news data mining. (2021). Hu, Mingming ; Park, Jinah.
    In: Annals of Tourism Research.

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy