Hackathons are collaborative gatherings of people to learn and apply skills towards a particular problem in a defined amount of dedicated time. In the case of the Cloud HPC and SGCI Team Hackathons, the participants are commonly undergraduate/graduate students teamed with mentors in the academic and/or commercial field that collaboratively identify a problem/issue and then both learn and apply skills to develop products that address that problem/issue.
In short, the hackathons aim to harness the resources, skills, and knowledge found in the HPC community in an effort to provide applied exposure for the student participants.
These issues can range from programmatic, to societal, to scientific subject areas. The mentors range from professors to programmers, to systems administrators, or even professionals in the HPC industry. Participant skill levels range from little to no programming nor systems experience to graduate students that are considered experts in their field. This mixture of experience levels provides direct interactions that increase the abilities of beginners while diversifying the skills of experts.