- Aetiology from Tara Smith scienceblogs.com/aetiology
- A Flu Diary http://afludiary.blogspot.com/
- AIDS.GOV blog.aids.gov/
- Antibiotics: the perfect storm from David Shlaes antibiotics-theperfectstorm.blogspot.com/
- Antimicrobial Resistance from Miriam Barlow antimicrobial.blogspot.com
- Aspergillus Website Blog aspergillusblog.blogspot.com/
- Avian Flu Diary afludiary.blogspot.com/
- BacterioFiles from Jesse Noar bacteriofiles.blogspot.com
- Bacpathogenomics bacpathgenomics.wordpress.com/
- Bacteriophage, microbiology and the battle for funding from Philip Skipper phageresearch.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/
- BioBE center Blog: biobe.uoregon.edu/
- Blastocystis Blog: blastocystisblog.blogspot.com/
- Barf Blog barfblog.foodsafety.ksu.edu/barfblog
- Chimeras chimerasthebooks.blogspot.com/
- CoastalPathogens coastalpathogens.wordpress.com/
- Contagions from Michelle Ziegler contagions.wordpress.com
- Controversies in Hospital Infection Prevention haicontroversies.blogspot.com/
- Creepy Deadly Wonderful Parasites parasitewonders.blogspot.com/
- Curiosidades de la MicrobiologĂa curiosidadesdelamicrobiologia.bl...
- Cyanobacterial Adventures cyanobacterialadventures.blogspot.com/
- Daily Parasite dailyparasite.blogspot.com/
- Daniel Wilson's Blog blog.danielwilson.me.uk/
- Dawn in Antarctica dawninantarctica.blogspot.com/
- El buit del temps blocs.mesvilaweb.cat/bloc/view/id/5664
- End the Neglect endtheneglect.org/
- Epidemonomics www.cddep.org/blog
- ERV from Abbie Smith scienceblogs.com/erv/
- Food Poison Journal www.foodpoisonjournal.com/
- Food Safety and Environmental Health blog www.safefoodsblog.com/
- Foraminifera Blog foraminifer.blogspot.com/
- Fun with Microbiology (What's Buggin' You?) http://thunderhouse4-yuri.blogspot.com/
- History of Vaccines www.historyofvaccines.org/blog
- HIV This Week http://hivthisweek.unaids.org/
- Hospital Infection Control and Prevention hicprevent.blogs.ahcmedia.com/
- Human Microbiome Journal Club hmjournalclub.wordpress.com/
- Indian Initiative for Management of Antibiotic Resistance save-antibiotics.blogspot.com/
- Infection Landscapes infectionlandscapes.org
- Infectious Diseases Today bactiman63.blogspot.com/
- International AIDS Vaccine Initiative www.iavireport.org/IRblog/default.aspx
- It's a small world fuckyeahmicrobiology.tumblr.com/
- Jason Tetro at the Huffington Post www.huffingtonpost.ca/jason-tetro/ *
- JHU Phage Hunters jhuphagehunters.wordpress.com/
- Lab Rat blogs.scientificamerican.com/lab...
- mBIO mbioblog.asm.org/mbiosphere
- Malaria World malariaworld.org/blog
- Matryoshka from Jeff Smith matryoshka.org/
- Memory Reactivation memoryreactivation.wordpress.com/
- Memoirs of a Defective Brain defectivebrain.fieldofscience.com/
- microbelog microbelog.wordpress.com/
- MicroBichitos blogs.elpais.com/microbichitos
- Microbial Diversity from Irene Newton microdiv.blogspot.com/
- microBEnet blog from Jonathan Eisen, David Coil, Holly Bik www.microbe.net/microbenet-blog/
- Microbe Matters from KD Shives http://kdshives.com
- Microbiology Bytes from AJ Cann microbiologybytes.com/blog
- Microblogology from Lorraine Cramer microblogology.com/
- Microbiology Stories bacteriastories.blogspot.com/
- Mike the Mad Biologist mikethemadbiologist.com/
- Miss Parasitos missparasitos.blogspot.com/ AND missparasitesinenglish.blogspot.com/
- Monotreme's Blog monotreme1000.wordpress.com/ *
- MyChrobial Romance from David Baltrus mychrobialromance.blogspot.com/
- Mycorant mycorant.com
- MycorWeb Fungal Genomics mycor.nancy.inra.fr/blogGenomes
- Mystery Rays from Outer Space www.iayork.com/MysteryRays/
- Not Exactly Rocket Science from Ed Yong blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/
- Of Bacteria and Men from Robin Tecon ofbacteriaandmen.blogspot.com/
- One in Seven People http://oneinsevenpeople.co.uk/
- Outbreak News outbreaknews.com/
- Parasite of the Day dailyparasite.blogspot.com/
- Parasites http://www.rosemarydrisdelle.com/
- Pathogens, Genes and Genomes pathogenomics.bham.ac.uk/blog
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology by Tim Sandle pharmig.blogspot.com/
- Public Health Matters from the CDC blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/
- Rapid Microbiology Methods rapidmicromethods.com/
- RRResearch from Rosie Redfield rrresearch.blogspot.com
- Rule of 6ix from Connor Bamford ruleof6ix.fieldofscience.com
- Russell's Blog from Russell Neches vort.org/
- Safe Food from John Brooks foodsafetywithjaybee.blogspot.com/
- Skeptic Wonder skepticwonder.fieldofscience.com
- Skewed Distribution skeweddistribution.com/
- Small Things Considered schaechter.asmblog.org/schaechter
- Smaller Questions www.smallerquestions.org/
- Sociobiology sociobiology.wordpress.com/
- Spirochetes Unwound spirochetesunwound.blogspot.com
- Superbug wired.com/wiredscience/superbug
- Superbugs and Drugs superbugsanddrugs.blogspot.com/
- Stringent Response stringentresponse.blogspot.com/
- Symbionticism from Seth Bordenstein symbionticism.blogspot.com/
- The Artful Amoeba blogs.scientificamerican.com/art...
- The Febrile Muse febrilemuse-infectious-disease.blogspot.com/
- The Genome Factory thegenomefactory.blogspot.com/
- The "Germ Guy" Blog: germguy.wordpress.com/
- The Hyphal Tip by Jason Stajich fungalgenomes.org/blog
- The Intestinal Gardner intestinalgardener.blogspot.com/
- The Loom from Carl Zimmer blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom
- The Oceloid from PSI Wavefunction blogs.scientificamerican.com/oceloid
- The Parasite Diary parasitediary.wordpress.com/
- The Tree of Life from Jonathan Eisen phylogenomics.blogspot.com
- Ultraphyte from Joan Slonczewski ultraphyte.com/
- We Beasties from Kevin Bonham scienceblogs.com/webeasties/
- The View from a Microbiologist from Samantha Price theviewfromamicrobiologist.fieldofscience.com/
- Viroblogy from Ed Rybicki http://rybicki.wordpress.com/
- Virology Blog from Vincent Racaniello virology.ws
- Viral Bioinformatics from Chris Upton athena.bioc.uvic.ca/blog/
- Worms and Germs www.wormsandgermsblog.com/
- Zoonotica zoonotica.wordpress.com
Podcasts and Videocasts
Not screened yet but considering adding to the above list
Other stuff about microbes but not quite bloggy enough for my list above
- BacterioFiles Podcast http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=104&Itemid=270
- Mundo de los Microbios Podcast http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=38&Itemid=158
- This Week in Virology twiv.tv
- This Week in Microbiology Podcast http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=107&Itemid=275
- Microbeworld Video http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=36&Itemid=146
Not screened yet but considering adding to the above list
To add to list
- Microbial Lifestyles http://mqgenomics.blogspot.com/ from Ian Paulsen
- http://www.microbeworld.org/
- http://pandemicinformationnews.blogspot.com/
- http://www.malariafreefuture.org/blog
- http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/h5n1/
- MicrobeHunter.com - Microscopy Magazine and Blog
- http://cdcfoundation.org/blog
- http://toxoplasmaparasite.blogspot.com
- eFood alert efoodalert.blogspot.com/
- barralopolis.wordpress.com/
- betascience.blogspot.com/
- johnlogsdon.fieldofscience.com/
- www.gramstain.org/
- The Times Microbial
- Micro Writers
- UWRF Phage Hunters
- http://adoptamicrobe.blogspot.com/
- The Secret Microbe
- http://guusroeselers.blogspot.com/
- http://antiviralimmunity.com/
- http://blog.vaccineethics.org/
- http://other95.blogspot.com/
- http://problemas-microbiologia.blogspot.com/
- Twisted Bacteria from Cesar Sanchez twistedbacteria.blogspot.com/
- http://escapinganergy.blogspot.com/
- http://prettyprotozoa.tumblr.com/
- http://microbialmodus.wordpress.com/
- Practical Microbes http://www.practicalmicrobes.com/
- http://www.microbexpert.com/blog/
- http://oases2012.blogspot.com/
- https://github.com/ehec-outbreak-crowdsourced/BGI-data-analysis/wiki
Twitter lists
Science Blogs Networks that might have some microbial content not listed above
- Blogs on Nature Network
- Scientific American Blog Network
- Science Blogging Aggregated
- PLoS Blogs Network
- ScienceBlogs - Where the world turns to talk about science.
- SciBlogs - New Zealand's largest science blog network
- Scientific Blog Network | Nature & Nature Lover | Science ...
Microbe related tags at other blogs
- Mr. Barlow's Blog http://mrbarlow.wordpress.com/tag/microbiology/
- OpenHelix http://blog.openhelix.eu/?tag=microbiology
- Research Blogging http://researchblogging.org/post-search/list?tags=Microbiology&search_clear=1
- http://science.kukuchew.com/tag/microbiology/
- http://alandove.com/content/tag/microbiology/
- http://blog.jove.com/tag/microbiology/
- http://wellcometrust.wordpress.com/category/research-challenges/infectious-disease-research-challenges-2/
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog+microbiology
- http://scienceblogs.com/thepumphandle/
- Genomics, Evolution and Pseudoscience genome.fieldofscience.com
- http://eukaryography.wordpress.com/
- http://wellcometrust.wordpress.com/
- The Kitten Microbiome Project
- MRSAidblog www.mrsaidblog.com/
- http://diseaseoftheweek.wordpress.com/
- http://eukaryography.wordpress.com/
- http://micropopbio.org/
- http://arch.ced.berkeley.edu/hiddenecologies/
There is a curated Microbiology in Social Media collection on Webicina. http://www.webicina.com/microbiology/
ReplyDeleteSome other good microbiology blogs are:
and www.wisciblog.com/category/microbiology/
Not sure either of those are what I am looking for. The Facebook page is more like a collection of links (which are interesting mind you but not really a blog). And the wisciblog is more like PRs for Wiley (again, interesting but not quite right for this list). I am going to make an additional list below for "of interest" ...
DeleteThe german outbreak E.coli 2011 crowdsourcing blog?
Thanks - will check it out
DeleteHere is one to check out http://legionella.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteWould you consider adding my newly developing blog? It is denaaruta.com. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDena Aruta
ReplyDeleteThe link for Pharmaceutical Microbiology has changed. It is now: http://www.pharmamicroresources.com/
Tim Sandle