: Dante vivo || White Silence  With thanks to Architect Francesco Torrini of the University of Florence for his maps.





                                                              And here among the English tombs
                                                  In Tuscan ground we lay her,
                                                  While the blue Tuscan sky endomes
                                                  Our English words of prayer.

                                                                                                                                        Epitaph for Lily Cottrell 1849, B102

                                                                         There's a verse he set
                                                  In Santa Croce to her memory,
                                                  'Weep for an infant too young to weep much
                                                  When Death removed this mother,' stops the mirth
                                                  Today on women's faces when they walk
                                                  With rosy children hanging on their gowns,
                                                  Under the cloister to escape the sun
                                                  That scorches in the piazza.                         
                                                                                                                                      Aurora Leigh I.101-8 1857

Literary: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, B8; Isa Blagden, B42; Frances Trollope, B80; Theodosia Trollope, B85 
John Nesbitt Maxwell, B35; Edward Porteus, B65; Thomas Sevestre, B82; Alexander Delisser, B95; Joseph Anthony Pouget, B129;
Diplomats: Johan Claes Lagersward, B20; Charles John Proby, B84;  Hugh MacDonell, B97
Military: Walter Bentinck Yelverton, B2; Filippo Borghesi, B7; James Chute, B14; Daniel Bayley, B17; Arthur Helsham Gordon, B63Richard Bratton Adair, B87; Frederick Adolph Kleinkauf, B96; Francis Charles Gregorie, B98; Henry Charles Boyle, B109; Gerard de Courcy, B110; William Augustus Napier Kellett, B111; Robert Napier Kellett, B112, Lorenzo Moore, B115, George Cumberland, B135
Peninsula and Waterloo Participants: Gordon, B63; Porteus, B65; Gregorie, B98; Kellett, B87 

Naval: Edward Augustus Frankland, B68, Edward Stout, B71,
James John McCleverty, B88
Drummond Griffith, B25; William Boyd, B27 Francesco Enrico Rostagno, B36; George Brickdale Crossman, B99
Swedenborgians/Spiritualists: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, B8; Hiram Powers, B32; Isa Blagden, B42; Hugh Macdonell, B97; Charles Gregorie, B98; George Brickdale Crossman, B99; Hon. Frances Tolley, B131
Listen to  https://malcolmguite.wordpress.com/2017/02/23/blake-and-coleridge-an-imagined-conversation/

Sculptors: Frederic Lord Leighton, B8, Francesco Giovanozzi, B8, B88; William Holman Hunt, B9; John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, B10; Emilio Zocchi, B23;  ; Hiram Powers, B32, B101; Preston Powers, B37; Giuseppe Lazzerini, B76
Civil Service: John Fombelle, B117
Swiss: Hooffstetter, B13, B119; Bazzi a' Porta, B34; Benoit, B44; Cuonz, B48; Federer, B62; Salomoni, B62; Bisenzi, B74; Maurin, B77; Scartazzoni, B95; Salomoni, B126
Russian, Finnish: Elena Dik, B4; D'Oussow, B12; Mannerheim, B15; Pavlovic, B130
American/Canadian: Kennard, B26; Stout, B71; Arrighi, B125; Ludlow, B132; Perceval, B137

Piantine con le coordinate delle tombe

intervento conservativo sul ferro
                                 rosso, tombe danneggiate, intervento di ripristino
                                 azzurro, tombe, intervento di pulitura

              Cliccare le piante per aggrandirle

The above epitaphs from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetry have been placed, thanks to the generosity of the Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University, within the arch leading to the Cemetery. Soon we shall come to her tomb. First we go up the box-lined path leading towards the Column and Cross celebrating the King of Prussia, taking the box-lined path towards the Duomo marked 'Tomb of Walter Savage Landor'.


Paragraph that distills the archival material into a portrait, the story of each person.


Belle Arti description:
[Misure/Measurements: Marmo/Marble: Altezza/Height;  Lunghezza/Length; Profondita/Depth; Pietra serena: A: L: P: Recinto/Frame: Marmo o Pietra Serena con Ferro/Iron: A: L: P: ]/ INSCRIPTION ON TOMB/
Archival materials retrieved from:
1828-1844 = the earliest Register of Burials in the Swiss Cemetery.
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli = Expense entries for funerals where here the total is given, while the accounting in the Register also carefully lists in that total the costs for the coffin, its lining, the grave, the crepe and gloves for the bearers, the carriage for the pastor, etc.
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli e Francs
III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs. This register is the only one indicating the zone of burial. Its A comprises Sectors A,B, its B comrpises Sectors E,F, its C corresponds with Sectors C and D.
Quittance receipts, Q plus number.
Guildhall Library Records, etc./
Orbituaries supplied by the Webbs, etc.
1873 Chronological Register in French, then Italian/#/Cognome/Nom/Age/Patria/Domicile/Décés/Enterrement/Remarques
1877 Alphabetical Register in Italian gives following information in columns:
[Flyleaves] Cognome/ Nome/ Paternita` / Patria/ Data della Morte/ Eta/ Tomba
[Surname/ Christian name/ Father's Christian name/ Country/ Date of death/ Age/ Tomb number]
Mediterranean culture has the woman retain her maiden surname, northern European culture has her renounce it in favour of her husband's surname. We attempt to follow cultural practices so: Mediterranean women being listed under their maiden surnames; English and American wives having their maiden names given in brackets before their husband's surname/
Notes and Queries (N&Q) then extant tomb inscriptions, published 100 years ago by Lieut. Col. G.S. Parry, 'Inscriptions at Florence in the Protestant Cemetery'.
Further information from descendants, etc.
Schede di Belle Arti, 1993-1997
Trizzino: Università degli studi di Firenze, Prof. L. Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, 2006/7

Web materials, also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU, holdings

Stele indicating where Walter Savage Landor's grave (Sector A, A29) may be found, erected in 1945 when his tomb slab was replaced.

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1944. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo risalente al 1945. [M: A: 62. L.23. P:13.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese e lingua italiana in lettere capitali in piombo: GRAVE/ OF W.S./ LANDOR/ - /TOMBA/ DEL POETA/ W.S. LANDOR. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Seeing in turn these Irish tombs:

B1/ 68/
Burke's Peerage, John Bingham, Baron Clanmorris, had daughters Anne-Maria Bingham who married Bentinck Walter Yelverton (B2), Letitia Maria [Zaida] who married Robert FFrench of Rahasane, Galway, dying a widow in 1832 (B1), and Louisa Catherine who married Rev Frederick Yelverton in 1838. Bentinck Walter Yelverton and Anna Maria Bingham's daughter, Anna Maria [Cecilia] (B3), 09/06/34, was baptised together with 'Zaida Maria' (named after her aunt), whose mother was Louisa [Catherine] Bingham, by Rev Frederick Yelverton, who was her father, G23773 N° 23; FO79/67 Rev Frederick Yelverton having married [Louisa] Catherine Bingham at HBM (Edgecombe) 15/09/32. Thus we see the Yelverton/Bingham/Clamorris household became a fixture in Florence, combining Army and Church.

Colonna. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 10/1832. Ambito toscano. Urna in marmo su colonna scanalata, entro un dado sulla stessa colonna iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, basamento in pietra serena, intervento di pulitutra sulla crosta nera, Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli, recinto in pietra serena che racchiude anche le tombe dei Yelverton [M: A: 260. L: 72. P: 72.; Urna: A: 83.5; P.S. A: 12.; Dado: A: 23. L: 72. P: 72.; Recinto: A: 43. L: 780. P: 404.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARIA LETITIA ZAIDA FFRENCH/ DAUGHTER OF JOHN LORD CLANMORRIS AND WIDOW OF R. FFRENCH ESQ/ RAHASANE CO OF GALWAY/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE IN THE BLOOM OF/ YOUTH AND BEAUTY 23 OCTOBER 1832// WHEN THE EAR HEARD HER/ THEN IT BLESSED HER/ AND WHEN THE EYE SAW HER/ IT GAVE WITNESS TO HER [Job 29.11]/ TO THOSE WHO KNEW HER NOT THIS STONE MAY/ SERVE TO RECORD HER VIRTUES/ HER FRIENDS NEED NO MEMORIAL/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23773 N° 22, Bentinck Walter Yelverton and Anna Maria Bingham's daughter, Anna Maria [Cecilia], 09/06/34, was baptised together with a 'Zaida Maria', whose mother was Louisa [Catherine], by Rev Frederick Yelverton, who was her father, G23773 N° 23; FO79/67 Rev Frederick Yelverton married [Louisa] Catherine Bingham at HBM (Edgecombe) 15/09/32; Burial, Anna Maria Cecilia 17/04/46/ Freeman's Journal, the Honourable Mrs Ffrench, relict of Robert Joseph Ffrench, Esq. of Rahasane, in the county of Galway, and sister of Lord Clanmorris'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Trench/ Maria Letizia Zaira/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Ottobre/ 1832/ Anni 33/ 68/ N&Q 194. Maria Letitia Zaida Ffrench, d. of John, Lord Clanmorris, wid. of R. Ffrench, Esq., of Rahasane, co. Galway, ob. 28 Oct., 1832, in the bloom of youth and beauty/ See Yelverton/ Burke's Peerage, John Bingham, Baron Clanmorris, had daughters Anne-Maria Bingham who married Bentinck Walter Yelverton, Letitia Maria [Zaida] who married Robert FFrench of Rahasane Galway, dying a widow in 1832, and Louisa Catherine who married Rev Frederick Yelverton in 1838 [sic, see below]/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda, which misreads as 'Trench'. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B2/ 165/
Bentinck Walter, at nine, Frederick and two girls, Mary and Cecilia, were left orphans by the death of their mother. Their father, Walter Yelverton, had now left politics and was cursitor in the Court of Chancery in Ireland. In 1808, 17-year-old Bentinck was admitted to Trinity College Dublin as a Fellow Commoner. He attained a Bachelor of Arts in the summer of 1814. He subsequently secured a commission in the 6th (or 1st Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot but narrowly missed service in the Napoleonic Wars. He was with the regiment in Cape Town when word arrived that his father had died in Ireland in June 1824. Bentinck Walter Yelverton duly succeeded to Belle Isle but his attempts to manage his father's affairs and to look after his two unmarried sisters earned him an unfortunate blot in his copy book when the Adjutant's Roll noted he had been 'Absent without Leave from 31 March 1826'. We have an enchanting essay on his regimental spoon contributed by Michael Ayrton: yelvertons.html. He subsequently retired on half-pay. In June 1829, he married his cousin, the Hon. Anna Maria Bingham, eldest daughter of John Bingham, 1st Baron Clanmorris of Newbrook, County Mayo. Their daughter Anna Maria Cecilia was born in 1833. Bentinck died in Florence in 1837, aged forty-five, and was interred in the Swiss-owned 'English' Cemetery. His daughter died in Nice aged just 13 in 1846 (B3).

                                                                                                                                       Crest, Lion passant regardant

        The 1870s Harper's Monthly shows this Yelverton tomb and seems to place the urn for Zaida Ffrench on top of it.

Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 12/1837. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con papaveri, poggiante su basamento in marmo scolpito con stemma (la corona è spezzata), crisalide, pellicano con la sua pietà nell'atto di squarciarsi il petto, molto sporco, intervento di pulitura, Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli, 2006, a sua volta posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 190. L: 204. P: 105; P.s. A: L: P: [Il recinto racchiude anche le tombe di Zaida Ffrench, Cecilia Yelverton.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali: IN AFFECTIONATE MEMORY OF/ BENTINK YELVERTON/ AND HIS WIFE/ THE HON.BLE ANNA BINGHAM/ Marriage recorded FO79/57 15/09/32, Rev Frederick Yelverton to Catherine Louisa Bingham at HBM, Yelverton brothers marrying Bingham sisters]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Yelverton/ Bertick/ / Inghilterra/ Pisa/ 13 Dicembre/ 1837/ / 165/ See FFrench/ N&Q 193. Bentink Yelverton and his w., the Hon. Anna Bingham. No date or other inscription/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Michael Ayrton, 'Ensign Yelverton's Spoon', The Bulletin of the Military Historical Society 56 (2005), 93-104, TAU, yelvertons.html

This cluster of enormous Yelverton tombs, whose family, like the Lagersvard's, is dying out, seem to have spent the rent proceeds from many starving Irish tenants on them. This is for the thirteen-year-old daughter, her mother now a widow and this her only child. She has died in Nice and her body was brought here to lie beside her father's.

The 1870s Harper's Monthly engraving shows this tomb Stele.

Scultore Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F
Sec. XIX, post 4/1846. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo sormontato da un'urna scolpito sui fianchi laterali con giglio spezzato, un cherubino su nuvole che stringe e indica un libro, un'ancora, sul fronte figura di Cecilia Yelverton personificazione dell'anima che ascende al cielo, iscrizione in lingua inglese su basamento inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, il basamento è posto su un secondo basamento in pietra serena, ambedue in cattivo stato di conservazione, racchiusa nello stesso grande recinto la tomba dei genitori e della zia. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A:  252. L: 111.5 P: 71.5 ; P.s. A: 32. L: 132. P: 94.5; Recinto: A: 43. L: 780. P: 404 ]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A LOVELY FLOWER CULLED FROM EARTH/ TO BLOOM IN HEAVEN// BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD [Matt. 5.8]// SHE CAME TO THE CROSS WHEN HER YOUNG CHEEK WAS BLOOMING/ AND RAISED TO THE LORD THE BRIGHT GLANCE OF HER EYE/ AND WHEN O'ER ITS BEAUTY DEATHS' DARKNESS WAS GLOOMING/ THE CROSS STILL UPHELD HER THE SAVIOUR WAS NIGH// ANNA MARIA CECILIA DAUGHTER OF BENTINK WALTER AND THE HON.BLE A.M. YELVERTON/ (THE ONLY CHILD OF HER MOTHER AND SHE WAS A WIDOW)/ FELL ASLEEP IN THE LORD ON THE 16 DAY OF APRIL 1846 IN THE 13 YEAR OF HER AGE/ ALREADY RIPE THRO GRACE AND FULL OF FAITH/ SHE LEFT WITHOUT SECRET THE FAIREST EARTHLY PROSPECTS/ TO TAKE POSSESSION OF A HEAVENLY INHERITANCE/ THIS FAINT RESEMBLANCE OF THAT CHERISHED FORM/ WAS PLACED BY HER TO WHOM THIS WORLD IS NOW OF A TRUTH/ A VALLEY OF TEARS./  Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 96: d of Bentinck Walter Yelverton, Anna Maria (Bingham) Yelverton, died Nice 16-04, aged 13, Burial 27-04, Rev George Robbins
(E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Yelverton/ Anna Cecilia Fiorenza/[Bentinck Walter] / Inghilterra/ Grace (Francia)/ 17 Aprile/ 1846/ / 337/ N&Q 192. Anna Maria Cecilia, d. of Bentink Walter and the Hon. A. M. Yelverton. The only child of her mother, and she was a widow. Ob. 16 Ap., 1846, a. 13/ See Yelverton, FFrench/ Belle Arti 1993 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The medallion portait of this Russian widow is sculpted by Fyodor Fyodorovix Kamensky. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA ROSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti; F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, by Joel T. Hart?) Unfortunately the stele of pietra serena incised with its information in cyrillic has not endured as well as has the white marble. The Harper's Monthly engraving does not show this tomb and therefore seems to predate 1868.


Cippo con medaglione. Scultore, 1869: Fjodor Fjodorowitsch Kamensky, F. Kamensky. Sec. XIX, post 5/1868. Cippo in pietra serena scolpito con effige in marmo entro medaglione in marmo, pietra serena erosa, inciso in cirillico e numeri arabi, posto su basamento in pietra serena, ambedue molto erosi. Medaglione in marmo, intervento di pulitura Palazzo Spinelli, 2005. [Medaglione in marmo A: 62.5 L: 51.5 P: 10.; P.s. A: 133.5 L: 100. P: 24.; Basamento A: 47. L: 118. P: 42. Recinto A: 2 L: 206. P: 123. ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in russo, incisa in cirillico e numeri arabi: Dik, nata Akzynova, Elena Nikiticna/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hélène Akzynoff, Russie, fille de Nikita veuve Dizcks/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 359/ Talalay: N° 1093, RC/ Informazioni in cirillico Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 12. Akzynoff/ Elena/ di Nikita/ Russia/ Firenze/ 13 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 34/ 1014/ Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, pp. 68-72. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

We now see on our left the tombs in turn of:

B5/ 374/
The Sapte family is listed at that address, 70 Eaton Square, Westminster,: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/70264898/Surname-Name-Relationship-Status-Age-Occupation-Address-Born-Ref- with the father, Francis, as from Venice, the mother, Anne, from Ireland. His sister marries into the Jones family the following month in Florence and must have been with him during his dying.

We see this tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo poggiante su quattro sostegni in marmo a loro volta posti su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini, due con ferro, ferro mancante per gli altri. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 23. L: 67. P: 124.; P.s. A: 16. L: 61.. P: 123.5; R: A:64. L: 131. P: 207.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANTHONY MEEKE/ FOURTH SON OF/ FRANCIS AND ANNE SAPTE / OF EATON PLACE, LONDON/ 1TH OF OCTOBER 1847/ AGED 21/ - / BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH/ DIE IN THE LORD/ FROM HENCEFORTH/ YEA SAITH THE SPIRIT/ THAT /MAY THEY REST/ FROM THEIR LABOURS [Rev. 14.13]/ - / Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL237774 N° 119, Burial 05/10, Rev Robbins (E101), youngest son of Francis Sapte, Marriage of sibling, G23774 N° 68+170/6 33/114 N° 68 16/09/47 Robert Jones to Jane Margaret Sapte at HBM (Hamilton) groom, esquire of Foreland, Co Sligo, bride of Eaton Square, Belgrave Place, Middlesex, Rev Gilbert Gilbert for Rev George Robbins (E101)/ The Standard/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Sapte/ Antonio/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Ottobre/ 1847/ Anni 21/ 374/ Webbs, Saptes in Livorno, discusses relations. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B6/ 373/

Information on the Mout Jerome Cemetery, Dublin, family burials: No.1270 TIGHE family burying ground No.1271 Right side of number 1270:-  'RICHARD PHILIP TIGHE | formerly | born 4th of May 1793 | died 29th of Decr 1877 | MARIANNE TIGHE | his wife | born 15th of March 1805 | died 24th of May 1874 [No.1272 Left side of number 1270:-]  also their children | RICHARD WILLIAM TIGHE | born 5th of Oct 1835 | died 18th of June 1843 | EDWARD ROBERT TIGHE | born 11th of April 1842 | died 21st of June 1858 | both interred here | ELIZABETH TIGHE | born 9th Octr. 1821 died at Vevey | 10th Dec. 1871 and interred there | THOMAS TIGHE | born 27th of Decr 1822 | died at Florence 23rd of Sept 1847 | and interred there', lists this Florentine burial. A son of a Thomas Tighe becomes Rector of Drumgooland, 1843.

  We see this tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra orizzontale in marmo incisa in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi poggiante su quattro lastre verticali in marmo a loro volta poste su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini uniti da sbarra in ferro. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 18. L: 65.5 P: 123.; P.s. A: 10. L: 61.5 P: 124.; R: A: 50. L: 130. P:205] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THOMAS TIGHE/ ELDEST SON OF/ RICHARD PHILIP TIGHE/ OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN/ IRELAND/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 28TH DAY OF/ SEPTEMBER 1857/ IN THE 25TH YEAR OF HIS AGE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 118 Burial, 30-09, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tighie/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Settembre/ 1847/ Anni 25/ 373. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Augusta Jane (Penfold) Robley was best known for her book, "A Selection of Madeira Flowers". Her husband Captain John Horatio Robley was the great grandson of Rev. Isaac Robley of St. John's-in-the-Vale: http://www.robley.org.uk/graves.html Her daughter B7B/ HORATIA AUGUSTA ROBLEY BORGHESI is buried with her.

We do not see this tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1868. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo con basamento inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi e romani, posta a tergo del sepolcro della figlia. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 200. L: 82. P: 50.; basamento/M L: 89. P: 205.5] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HERE RESTS IN PEACE/ AUGUSTA JANE ROBLEY/ WIFE OF CAPTAIN J.H. ROBLEY/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE 28 NOV 1868/ BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD/ MATT CV. V8 [5.8]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jane Augusta Robley, l'Angleterre, fille de Guillaume Penfold/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 632.60/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 401 Burial 01/12 Rev Pendleton/ Pall Mall Gazette, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Robley nata Penfold/ Giovanna Augusta/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Novembre/ 1868/ Anni 59/ 1026/ N&Q 205. Augusta Jane, w. of Capt. J. H. Robley, ob. 28 Nov., 1868/ Webbs, copious family relations/ See Borghesi, Penfold/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

See Robley: http://www.robley.org.uk/graves.html. B7A/ AUGUSTA JANE (PENFOLD) ROBLEY's daughter dies in Aquila ten years after her mother's death after marrying into the Italian Borghesi family and her husband buries her here after only 21 months of marriage (she has died in childbirth?) Filippo Borghesi had volunteered to the University Battalion, first of the Italian army and then of the Republic, fighting for the defense of Rome. When the French restored Papal rule he emigrated, but returned in July 1859, joining Garibaldi in Sicily in 1860. In 1866 he held the command of the 26th Regiment. He eventually became Major General, retiring from the Army in 1881. Given his military importance it would have been difficult for anyone to prevent the erection of the large plain marble cross which blocks the view of the Leighton tomb for Elizabeth Barrett Browning next to it.

We do not see this tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1874. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo di forma triangolare orizzontale scolpita con ghirlanda e nastri, incisa in lettere capitali in lingua italiana e numeri romani e arabi, poggiante su basamento in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 19. L: 82. P: 150. (Basamento in marmo condiviso con la madre, si veda sopra.)] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: ORAZIA AUGUSTA ROBLEY/ NATA IN ALDERSHOT IL V OTTOBRE MDCCCL/ CARISSIMA DI BONTA' E DI BELLEZZA/ IN FIORE D'INGEGNO ADORNA DI LETTERE/ NELLA MUSICA E NEL DISEGNO AMMIRATA/ DELIZIA DEGLI AMICI BENEDIZIONE DEI POVERI/ TOCCA APPENA AL XXIV ANNO/ DOPO SOLI XXI MESI DI MATRIMONIO/ FU RAPITA/ AL COLONELLO FILIPPO BORGHESI/ INCONSOLABILE/ QUI SICCOME BRAMASTI/ O MIA DOLCISSIMA SPOSA/ T'HO POSTO ACCANTO A TUA MADRE/ E QUI VERRO SEMPRE A RICERCATI E QUI ADDURRO LA FIGLIUOLINA NOSTRA AD ISPIRARSI PREGANDO ALL'ETERNO/ IN LEI VEDERTI RIVIVERE/ 1026 - 1244/Aquila, Madam Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Auguste Robley née [error] Borghesi, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 401, Burial 01/12, Augusta Borghesi born Robley wife of Colonel Filippo Borghesi 35th Reg of Infantry, Rev Pendleton/ 159. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Robley nata [error] Borghesi/ Augusta/ / Inghilterra/ Aquila/ / 1874/ / 1244/ N&Q 206. Orazia Augusta Robley, b. in Aldershot ; ob. 5 Oct., 1850, a. 24, after 21 months' marriage with Col. Filippo Borghesi/ Webbs, descendants, relations/ See Robley. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B8/ 737/

I have written elsewhere on Elizabeth Barrett Browning, especially in the notes to our edition for Penguin of Aurora Leigh and Other Poems, but also in the essay on her death and burial, ebbdeath.html of which the following excerpt is relevant to this virtual e-book on our tombs.
In her last letter, which breaks off unfinished, Robert halting it, we witness exhaustion (Kenyon, II.448-450). 

In 1860, posing with her son Penini, she could still smile.

The terrible last photographs taken in Rome show her with emaciated deathhead, despite the crinoline and curls. In 1861, the year of her death, we see a prematurely aged Corinne in front of a painted backdrop of Rome's Colosseum (Arabella II.533). She was only fifty-five, though pretending to the even younger forty-five, and having packed into those years the writing of an epic poem longer than Homer's Odyssey, marriage, and a son. In May of that year, Hans Christian Andersen visited them, commenting on how ill Elizabeth looked (Arabella II.536). Her last poem, 'North and South', was about him, for the children played with Robert his Pied Piper of Hamelyn, processing through the rooms, and listened to Andersen's Ugly Duckling. But between these two dates, 1860-1861, is also the publication of her poem, 'A Musical Instrument'. Robert felt Elizabeth's poetic gift had ended, saying to her brother George in a letter written from Asolo, 22 October, 1889, 'the publication of "Aurora Leigh" preceded by five years the death of its writer - who was never likely to produce such another work', he being her literary agent during their marriage and following her death. But one of those last disparaged works was illustrated by Frederic Leighton for the Cornhill Magazine and this poem, 'A Musical Instrument', is of interest as a meta-poem, a statement about her poetic craft and her marriage. It is also a poem in which Elizabeth takes up a theme she has often used before, drawing on her classical and Christian learning, on the 'Great God Pan'. Pan, we recall, is that chimaera, part beast, part man, related to centaurs, satyrs and fauns, EBB speaking of Flush as 'Faunus', and echoing Milton on the death of the pagan Gods in 'The Morning of Christ's Nativity', both borrowing from Plutarch's 'De oraculorum defectu', in her 'Great Pan is Dead', and the Hawthornes noting that Robert is the Faun, Donatello, of the Marble Faun. This is Frederic Lord Leighton's fine illustration from the July 1860 Cornhill Magazine:


And this is Elizabeth's poem, "A Musical Instrument" that it illustrates:


What was he doing, the great god Pan,
  Down in the reeds by the river?
Spreading ruin and scattering ban,
Splashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,
And breaking the golden lilies afloat
  With the dragon-fly on the river.

He tore out a reed, the great god Pan,
  From the deep cool bed of the river:
The limpid water turbidly ran,
And the broken lilies a-dying lay,
And the dragon-fly had fled away,
  Ere he brought it out from the river.

High on the shore sat the great god Pan
  While turbidly flowed the river;
And hacked and hewed as a great god can,
With his hard bleak steel at the patient reed,
Till there was not a sign of the leaf indeed
  To prove it fresh from the river.

He cut it short, did the great god Pan,
  (How tall it stood in the river!)
Then drew the pith, like the heart of man
Steadily from the outside ring,
And notched the poor dry empty thing
  In holes, as he sat by the river.

. . . 

Yet half a beast is the great god Pan,
  To laugh as he sits by the river,
Making a poet out of a man:
The true gods sigh for the cost and pain, -
For the reed which grows nevermore again
  As a reed with the reeds in the river.

The verse about cutting the reed evokes The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim Point and the slashing at the sugar cane by slaves with their machetes. Robert, at Bagni di Lucca, would similarly swim in the river, at the time she had shyly presented him her superlative love Sonnets - which he immediately published, the best-selling Sonnets from the Portuguese. In Pythagorean teaching there are two kinds of musical instruments, the harp, which is Reason, and the wind instrument, which is Nature, about the world of procreation and sexuality. Yet in this poem Elizabeth seems to be speaking of her life and its thwarted sexuality as a sacrifice - which is killing her - for the sake of her art. We recall after five pregnancies, four of which ended in miscarriages, sex had to be given up. The poem is very close indeed in its verbal echoes to her magnificent translation of Apuleius' 'Cupid and Psyche', this section where Pan rescues Psyche from her suicidal despair, telling her to love innocently. We recall Elizabeth  was a fine Classical and Hebrew scholar. But if so it is now re-written away from the Apuleian version towards that in Ovid, where Pan seeks to rape a nymph, who becomes a reed, which he then mutilates for his instrument upon which to play.
She leaves further clues about this poem's meaning. Thomas Adolphus Trollope in What I Remember (II. 175-179), his delightful gossipy book about the Anglo-Florentines, describes finding enclosed amongst Isa Blagden(B42)'s letters,

one from Mrs Browning which is of the highest interest.
. . .
'Dearest Isa, - Very gentle my critic is; I am glad I got him out of you. But tell dear Mr Trollope he is wrong nevertheless
. . . There is an inward reflection and refraction of the heats of life . . . doubling pains and pleasures, doubling therefore the motives (passions) of life. I have said something of this in Aurora Leigh. Also there is a passion for essential truth (as apprehended) and a necessity for speaking it out at all risks, inconvenient to personal peace. Add to this and much else the loss of the sweet unconscious cool privacy among the 'reeds' . . . which I care so much for - the loss of the privilege of being glad or sorry, ill or well, without a 'notice.' . . . Yes! and be sure, Isa, that the 'true gods sigh' and have reason to sigh, for the cost and pain of it; sigh only . . . don't haggle over the cost; don't grudge a crazia, but . . . sigh, sigh . . . while they pay honestly. . . .

But he is a beast up to the waist; yes, Mr Trollope, a beast. He is not a true god.
And I am neither god nor beast, if you please - only a
Elizabeth's comment about the 'passion for essential truth (as apprehended) and a necessity for speaking it out at all risks, inconvenient to personal peace' is in reference to the Greek concept she well knew of parrhesia, the obligation to speak the truth, at personal risk, for the common good, so closely related to eleutheria, to freedom. This is the classic principle, discussed by I.F. Stone in The Trial of Socrates and by Michel Foucault in a lecture he gave at the University of Colorado, Boulder, shortly before his death, a concept lived today by Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden.
We can see that Frederic Leighton, friend to both Robert and Elizabeth, has brilliantly understood her poem in his engraving. When Leighton in the following year was to design Elizabeth's tomb he seems not to refer to Pan or to the other chimaera, but instead only to have it abound with harps, Greek, Hebrew and Christian, in reference to her great learning from her early childhood in Classics. the Bible and theology. Yet his first and Greek harp has two opposing faces, one serene, the other distorted, which at first I thought were meant for Tragedy and Comedy though I was uneasy about that identification. Then, one morning, we visited the Giardino Torrigiani in Florence, close to Casa Guidi, where Elizabeth would visit and which Leighton would have known from his student days at the Accademia delle Belle Arti, where Isa Blagden and Frederic Tennyson, the Poet Laureate's brother, would stay. And there is the god Pan, a bust upon a stele, one side of his face distorted, the other serene, the two profiles to be seen again on the Leighton harp. While on the stele are garlands about panpipes cut from a reed from a river bed.
Towards the end Elizabeth is deeply affected by her sister Henrietta's death from cancer, then that of Cavour's. Robert is wanting to see his father and sister, living in Paris (his father had lost a legal suit for breach of promise to marry a widow following the death of his wife, forcing the family to live on the Continent in exile for him to avoid prison). Elizabeth's doctor, the Pole, Gresanowsky, warns Robert in Rome that Elizabeth by no means may make this journey to Paris and Elizabeth writes sadly to Arabella, 11 June, with this news (II.536-538), concerned for its effect on Robert. She had hoped her brothers could come to meet them there. (One wonders why Robert's father and sister and Elizabeth's brothers and sister did not come to visit her at Casa Guidi, given her frailty.) Then, on 15 June, she again writes to Arabella, with more vivacity and a long discourse on Christianity, includingspeaking of her opposition to dogmas such as the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England (II.541-542). A Dissenter from the Church of England, she had already had her son baptised by Pastor Droin of the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence.

Lilian Whiting would write Kate Field's biography, composing it from her letters, publishing it in Boston in 1900 as Kate Field: A Record. This is the eye-witness account Kate, the young American journalist, gave in two letters written to her aunt concerning Elizabeth Barrett Browning's death and burial:

                                                                                        Florence, June 29th, 1861
I am sick, sick at heart, for dear Mrs. Browning is dead. The news was as sudden as it is dreadful, for though she has been quite ill for a week past, yet her health has always been so feeble that I firmly believed she would rally as of yore. . .  Yesterday Mrs. Browning said that she felt better, read a little in the "Athenaeum" and saw Miss Blagden as late as eight o'clock in the evening, who left her with but little misgiving. This morning, at half-past four, she expired unconsciously to herself with the words, "It is beautiful," upon her lips. Poor Mr. Browning was entirely unprepared for the terrible blow. When she raised herself to pronounce her dying words wherein she expressed the glorious life which was opening upon her, he thought it was simply a movement premonitory to coughing. I have not seen him, but Miss Blagden, who is constantly with him, says he is completely prostrated with grief. The poor boy wanders about the house, sad, and disconsolate, hardly realising that his angel mother is no more. We went to the house the moment we heard of Mrs. Browning's death, but could be of no use. All that we did was to buy flowers and consecrate them by placing them around all that is left of one who was too pure to remain longer in this world. They have cut off all her hair, and the emaciated form was heart-rending to look upon. I almost regret that I have seen her in death, only that I do not wish to shun the house of mourning.  . . . I cannot help perceiving that Dr. Wilson, who was called in owing to the absence of Gresanowsky, and who is most forbidding in physiognomy and is said by some to be a humbug, has hastened Mrs. Browning's death by resorting to a violent practice which her weak body was thoroughly incapable of enduring. He began by frightening her, telling her what a fearful state her entire system was in, - a fine way to treat an imaginative person. Gresanowsky knew her constitution, and it does seem most unfortunate that he should have been absent. Since the medical murder of Cavour, I have begun to distrust all doctors in Italy. . . . (Whiting, 134-137)
I do not recall anywhere else it being said that not only were Pen's curls cut off but so also were Elizabeth's. That mirroring identity, so crucial to Elizabeth, shorn by 'funeral shears'. We remember the story of Elizabeth being upset one day because Robert had in a fit of fury cut off his own hair. Kate Field's narration opposes that given by Henry James in William Wetmore Story and His Friends (II.61-65), and by other contemporary accounts which have Robert saying at the time that Dr Wilson had prescribed too much morphine, Elizabeth in her drug euphoria (and not in the terror she would speak of in her letters of withdrawal when the drug-taking was momentarily forgotten during her travels) speaking of the bedroom curtains as hung with Hungarian colours (which are the same as Italian colours, the red, white and green we know Elizabeth to have used for the windows of Casa Guidi because the tricolour was banned by the Austrians). Dr Wilson was deeply opposed to laudanum usage and would not have overdosed her. See A109, Jean Elizabeth Wilson, AB5, Cornelia Loring. Rather it was Dr Gresanowsky of the fine bedside manner who enabled it. Lily Wilson, who had stopped the laudanum long enough to allow the successful pregnancy with Pen, had already been dismissed from her service. Robert, who had written the dramatic poem Paracelsus about laudanum's inventor, was knowledgeable about these opiate drugs, more so than was Elizabeth, and it was he who now administered the 'amreeta' drops to her. In all these accounts narrated by others of Elizabeth's dying their common source is Robert, the sole witness.
The body would have been brought from Casa Guidi to the 'English' Cemetery and laid on the huge cypress wood table built in 1860 at the same time as was the Gate House and its mortuary chapel, all using the cypress trees on the hill, these being still extant, though the chapel is now turned into a library.
Kate Field continues:
                                                                                                       Florence, July 1, 1861

I have been completely upset for the last three days, - the death of Mrs. Browning has unfitted me for doing anything. We have just returned from her funeral. We have seen all that is mortal of her buried in the beautiful Protestant burial-ground outside of Florence's walls, . . . The service was according to the Episcopal form. No discourse. Her life had been a sermon; she needed no other. It was agonizing to look on Mr. Browning - he seemed as though he could hardly stand, and his face expressed the most terrible grief. The poor boy stood beside him with tears in his eyes, and when I glanced from them to the pall where their loved one's remains lay, it seemed as though the sorrow was too much to bear. I yearned to go to Mr. Browning and weep with him that wept. The scene was made impressive in spite of the ministery; it was very short, and we were hurried away by Mr. Trollope. A lovely wreath of white flowers and a laurel wreath were placed upon the coffin. The funeral was managed by a friend of the Brownings, and so managed that no one knew anything about anything. Orders were given to the greatest confusion during the three days, and up to this morning I was told that no ladies were to be at the grave. However, Mr. Browning expressed a wish that Miss Blagden (B42) should be present and all other friends that desired to; therefore at the last moment I sent word to those whom I knew would wish to attend, and in this way there were sorrowing women to mourn for a great woman. The funeral would have been meagre without them. I thought that Mr. Landor (A29) ought to have been there, and had I known that the service would have been so short would have gone for him. The Storys (D108) came up from Leghorn; young Lytton, Mr. Trollope, the Powers (B32), and others paid their last tribute to her memory (Whiting, 137-138).

Let us turn to the entries concerning Elizabeth Barrett Browning's burial for more clues. As Custodian of the Swiss-owned 'English' Cemetery I kept asking whether there were any more documents concerning these burials, apart from one ledger compiled in 1877 of the list of burials in alphabetic order. Always it was said everything had been lost in the 1966 Florence Flood. Finally, these were handed over: two ledgers created contemporaneously, and a third listing burials in temporal order, created in 1873 from the previous records, like the alphabetical register, Plus further ledgers giving the burial expenses, and the duplicate receipts for these funeral expenses and the payments to the grave-digger, which I now share with you.

First the two Burial Registers
, neither of which give her status as married, nor her parentage, and not even her correct age:


II. The duplicate volume of the above:

[Interestingly, Pen's baptismal certificate in the same Swiss Evangelical Church's Register tells us that it was performed on what would be almost her death date, 28 June, 1849, she dying 29 June, 1861, when he was twelve years old.]

III. The chronological listing of burials in the Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery, compiled in 1873 from the previous records:

The Alphabetical Register, compiled in 1877 from the previous records:

In all these documents Elizabeth's age is given incorrectly as '45', rather than '55'. We recall that she did not tell her husband she had visited the Battlefield of Waterloo immediately following Napoleon's defeat, though she describes a child loosed upon that same battlefield in Aurora Leigh. (The English Cemetery has fourteen participants in the Peninsula and Waterloo Battles against Napoleon, some of whom, like B98/ MAJOR FRANCIS CHARLES GREGORIE, were Elizabeth's friends.) Nor does her tomb give her birth date, only that of the year of her death, 'O+B+1861'. Her initials are given, 'E+E+B', but not her name, as if Robert penny-pinched on the payment to the stonemason, who would have charged for every letter. Another husband composed a lengthy poem at the death of his wife, F23/ CAROLINE (BENNETT) NAPIER, Sector F, and paid for each letter of it to be engraved on her tomb slab.

The Funeral Expenses
IV. Signor L. Gilli, Inspector of the Cemetery, is paid 271 paoli for the funeral of Elizabeth Barrett Browning out of which he pays the tax to the English Church of 113 paoli. Further payments are made to the English 'pasteur' of 108 paoli for conducting the service, and 10 paoli for his carriage. Yet further payments still are made for him to have crepe for his hat and gloves. But Elizabeth, clearly, from Pen's christening through her last letter to Arabella, would not have wanted to be buried by the Church of England's Rev O'Neill, but instead by the 'pasteur' of the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church, Charles Berthoud. Apart from a pauper funeral this is the lowest amount paid at this time for an adult funeral. Those of Charlotte, Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorn (E44
), and of Theodore Parker (D108), cost more than a 1000 paoli each. The Trollopes, nine years earlier, had paid 572 paoli for a first class funeral for their favourite maid Elizabeth Shinner (C71) . 

V. Then Ferdinando Giorgi, Master Mason, is paid a total of 760 lire toscani from Signor L. Gilli for the burial of 16 persons, the first of which is #737, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's.

Normally, Ferdinando Giorgi is paid 45 Tuscan lire a burial. He gets 90 Tuscan Paoli on 26/9/61 for EBB's burial, number #737, because he had to dig two graves. Which means the Swiss Evangelical Church this time only got 68 Paoli, less than the amount of a pauper's burial, which is 110 Paoli. Then the bill came for the carriage for the coffin from Luigi Pagliai at 32 Paoli, leaving the Swiss Church with just 36 Paoli.
I puzzled over this payment for the digging of two graves. Had Robert had one dug for himself for when his time came? Had another body been found in it while digging the first? Then I found the answer to this question.

Mrs Sutherland Orr in Life and Letters of Robert Browning tells us that in September of 1861, writing from St.-Enogat, near Dinard, where he is staying with his father and sister, two months after Elizabeth's burial, Robert Browning requests Isa Blagden to arrange moving his wife's body from one grave to another, as this is required for the subsequent placing of the monument designed by Leighton, just the same as had been done for A3/ ROBINA (WILSON) CATANI CAVALCANTI and would be for A111/ HARRIET FRANKES (WEBSTER) PELLEW:
. . . Isa, may I ask you one favour? Will you, whenever these dreadful preliminaries, the provisional removement, etc., when they are proceeded with - will you do -- all you can - suggest every regard to decency and proper feeling of the persons concerned? I have a horror of that man of the graveyard [Ferdinand Giorgi], and needless publicity and exposure - I rely on you, dearest friend of ours, to at least lend us your influence when the time shall come - a word may be invaluable. If there is any show made, or gratification of strangers' curiosity, far better that I had left the turf untouched. These things occur through sheer thoughtlessess, carelessness, not anything worse, but the effect is irreparable. I won't think of it - now - at least . . . (Orr, 395-396; McAleer, 175, dates this letter as of 19 September 1863, as from Ste Marie, Pornic, however, the receipt clearly indicates the revised burial, the twice-digging of graves, was carried out almost immediately in 1861).
Earlier, Elizabeth had noted Robert's great fear of cemeteries. He had refused, for instance, to go to the funeral and burial of his first cousin James Silverthorne, the witness at their wedding (Arabella I.490-91,494). Mrs Orr similarly observes this of Robert and remarks of this letter: 'The dread expressed in this letter . . . connects itself with an habitual aversion for the paraphernalia of death, which was a marked peculiarity of Mr Browning's nature' (366-367), noting that he never visited her grave. Nathaniel Hawthorne modeled the character of Donatello in The Marble Faun on Robert Browning and likewise vividly described his mirroring character's horror of death.
Immediately after the funeral, Robert commissioned the painting by Giorgio Mignaty of the Salone at Casa Guidi as it was when she died, on finding the room could not be photographed, perhaps by Longworth Powers (who would later photograph the tomb), perhaps by the Fratelli Alinari.

We recall that two of the Mignaty children,
E131DEMETRIO FREDERICK MIGNATY and E130/ ELENA MIGNATY, are buried in the English Cemetery, Demetrio's inscription in Greek,

and that the head of the beautiful but not faithful Signora Mignaty was model for B32/ HIRAM POWERS ' Greek Slave about which Elizabeth wrote her powerful anti-slavery sonnet from which we take the title of this book, 'Thunders of White Silence'.

The American sculptor B32/ HIRAM POWERS, who had been present with his wife Elizabeth at Elizabeth Barrett Browning's funeral, is also buried in the English Cemetery, while Michele Gordigiani, who painted the portraits of Elizabeth and Robert and likewise that of Camille Cavour, whose death on June 6th  Elizabeth so deeply mourned,


had his studio just across the street, his descendant, Francesca Gordigiani, still living there.
Robert Browning, who sculpted and who wrote poetry on the ordering of tombs, who was himself indulging in sculpture rather than poetry at the end of their marriage, accepted Frederic Leighton's offer to design Elizabeth's tomb, Count Cottrell having Francesco Giovannozzi carry it out in Browning's and Leighton's absence. Frederic Leighton had studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti and would become President of the Royal Academy. His earliest triumph had been to paint what Elizabeth had already described in Casa Guidi Windows, published in 1851, the 'Procession of Cimabue's Madonna from Borgo Allegri to Santa Maria Novella', in 1854, the huge canvas being purchased by Queen Victoria when he was all of twenty-four.

Frederic Leighton, Cimabue's Madonna

Frederic Leighton, Self Portrait, Uffizi

Leighton, we noted, also illustrated Elizabeth's final poem to Pan, 'A Musical Instrument', when it was published in the Cornhill Magazine in 1860 (175-179), the year before her death. Leighton likewise illustrated George Eliot's Romola, including the despicable Tito's late return home to her, which both author and artist set in the Via dei Bardi house of Elizabeth's friend, Seymour Kirkup:

Robert, who similarly often went out at night, leaving Elizabeth at home, after the initial years of marital - and sexual - bliss, immediately following the funeral, left Florence with young Pen, accompanied by B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN. He proceeded to write The Ring and the Book, the Aretine and Roman trial account in verse about spousal abuse and murder, as if his own confession: with Caponsacchi as if Robert being Elizabeth's rescuer from the bondage of Wimpole Street, and with Franceschini as if Robert, who as husband constantly quarrelled publicly with his wife over politics, over spiritualism, over their son, who lied to her saying the Gabinetto Vieusseux was forbidden to women, who held the purse strings of EBB's inheritances and her earnings, who lately carefully administered her laudanum, and who, as the author of Paracelsus, the inventor of laudanum, may have knowingly overdosed her, while blaming Dr Wilson for doing so. If so, it is a kind of mercy killing, for he carefully explains to everyone that she is unaware that she is dying, only that she is in a state of euphoria from the drug. She does not die hemorrhaging from the lungs with tuberculosis.

Leighton Sketch Book XXXV, Royal Academy Library

Greek Lyre                   Christian Harp           Hebrew Harp
Pan                               Cross                         Jubilee with Broken Slave Shackle
Leighton's tomb for Elizabeth is a magnificent monument. But Robert never saw it, never returned again to Florence, though Pen did, living in the Torre di Antella, seeking to make Casa Guidi a museum, searching out memorabilia of his parents, which at his death were all dispersed in auction sales. Leighton did return to Florence and did see the work in progress, and was deeply angered by the changes made to his design by Francesco Giovannozzi and approved of by Count Cotttrell. Lilian Whiting's biography of Kate Field, the young American writer who had been present at that funeral, tells us that on Christmas Day, 1864, nearly three and a half years later than the funeral,
Mrs Browning's monument has not yet been erected, but will shortly be so. Leighton, who was intrusted by Mr. Browning with the design, was exceedingly and very reasonably angry on coming here in the autumn to superintend the erection of the monument, to find that the sculptor had most unwarrantably changed divers parts of the design. Some of these departures from his plan Leighton insisted on having restored, and this has led to considerable delay. And I should fear that the monument, when it is put up, will not be wholly satisfactory to Mr. Browning or Mr. Leighton (Whiting, 157).
Count Cottrell, whose title was given to him for his services as Chamberlain by the Grand Duke of Lucca, had refused to go to the English Cemetery at the burial of one of his children there, Carlo Lodovico, B102/ CHARLES LEWIS COTTRELL, Robert exceptionally officiating for him as chief mourner (Arabella, II.322-323). In some of the earlier Letters to Arabella the relations between the Cottrells and the Brownings became decidedly strained, for Mary Trepsack had had her life savings conned from her and lost in a bankruptcy by Cottrell relatives, partly through Robert's actions, Elizabeth desperately trying to get reparations paid to her in compensation while obeying Robert in keeping secret from her brothers his involvement in the case (Arabella I.268-269, 271-272, 286, 305, 311, 349-350). Mary Trepsack was the beloved freed slave in the Barrett Moulton Barrett entourage who had paid for the publication of Elizabeth's second magnum opus, The Essay on Mind, in 1826; Elizabeth's first magnum opus, The Battle of Marathon, begun when she was eleven, having been privately printed by her father in 1820. Robert now put Count Cottrell in charge of overseeing his wife's tomb in Florence. He had already defied her in giving her a Church of England funeral, bilking the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church.
Browning writes, in 1866, to George Moulton-Barrett, Elizabeth's younger and favourite brother (284-5):
I feel very grateful indeed for your letter, and all the kindness it is replete with. For the monument, I am simply rejoiced that you like it. You know it was just what I was able to accomplish in that direction, and no more: I meant, - that had it been of pure gold it would have gone no farther in the way of being a fit offering, - and on the other hand, if my circumstances had only allowed me to put up a wooden cross, that would have sufficed. But I was fortunate in the sympathy of Leighton, and so, I hope, have been able perhaps to manage that the little which is done, is on the whole well done. I could not be on the spot and care for the execution personally - and mistakes were made at first which have been rectified since: but, by the photographs, I judge that Leighton's work is adequately rendered, - and we must be content.
Browning writes again, in 1875, to George Moulton-Barrett (298), who has been to see the tomb in Florence, noting in a letter to Robert that it was already grimed and needing care (Sutherland Orr, 367-68):
You will certainly have wondered at the delay in replying to your kind letter: it was occasioned by the necessity of consulting with Leighton about the proper course to take in a matter which concerned him so much. I am deeply obliged to you for informing me about what I might else have long remained in ignorance; and the particulars of the damage, as well as the estimates of needful repair & expenditure are just what I should have desired. I wish every fit measure to be taken, and leave the whole in your most capable hands: but there is this difficulty, - Leighton is very averse to the destruction of his design by the substitution of black marble: he would prefer the renewal of the old work, even if one needs to begin again in another eleven years. Cannot this be managed? I wish it were as easy to replace the coarse nature of the relic-mongers by some more human and decent stuff, but that is impossible. Would a more effectual railing be any use? or would a cover, such as you mention as being made for the Demidoff monument, answer the purpose here? You have such an advantage over me who never saw the Tomb, that I accept your judgment, whatever it may be. Leighton said he would prefer letting the ornaments quite go, in process of time, and then renewing them - that is, prefer this to substituting the black stripe.
Elizabeth's absence from her own tomb is strange. Though there are many tombs with portrait medallions: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti, F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, Joel T. Hart?, and two portrait busts: B23/ PROFESSORE CESARE PAGANINI by Emilio Zocchi, C106/ JEAN DAVID MARC GONIN by Pietro Bazzzanti), there is no recognizable medallion portrait of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, only an ideal figure of Poesy, and we learn from Robert's letter from the Athenaeum Club, January 19, 1863, to B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN, that the Italians, through Cottrell, sought to pre-empt Leighton's design, and that Robert himself decided against having her portrait,

I have determined at last that the central medallion shall be appropriated, not to a Portrait, but to an ideal head of 'Poetry': a portrait proves to be impossible, - one, that is, which we would accept: there is nothing to be done but submit to a necessity - for any playing with the truth there would be hateful to me (185-186),

and then in Robert's letter to Frederic Leighton, August 20, 1863, that he had sent portraits of Elizabeth to him. Finally he writes to Isa, October 19, 1864, about Leighton's explosion concerning the badness of the execution, and speaking of the portrait medallion as altered, particularly as to the hair, to falsely 'better' it.

It was fortunate indeed that I was saved from the addition to my annoyances which I should have had to bear had my journey been to Florence. Leighton writes to me that nothing can be more impudently bad than the execution of his designs - there has been no pretence at imitating some of them - and the four (sic., for six) capitals of the columns will have to be sawn off and carved afresh, - also two of the medallions have to be cut out and replaced - as infamous: while the third 'though indeed detestable is not quite irremediable". The Profile is "less slovenly than the rest", though open to many objections - "the hair, with that designing of which I took great pains, is entirely different: the fellow had the coolness to say that he thought I had probably done the thing hastily without nature, and that he had put up a plait, and done the thing afresh himself (if you could see it!) - also, in the ear, "ho cercato di migliorare!" he added that he had obtained from Cavalier Mathas [architect of the façade of Santa Croce] and Count Cottrell the sanction to improve these parts of the work - let us hope there is no truth in this. Cottrell says he saw all the criticism I make, himself - but that he thought it better to leave them to me to make, as the mischief was irremediable"- On the contrary, Cottrell wrote to me that it was "extremely well-executed", - and as he paid up the last instalment, though not due till the work was really erected, I have no sort of remedy. Don't say one word about this - I won't have any wrangling over - literally - the grave (194-195).

One can see in three of the photographs taken by the son of Hiram Powers (B32), Longworth Powers, preserved in the Gabinetto Vieusseux, the various stages of the tomb's long drawn out building, first the white marble base, then the columns, then the whole.

Leighton had other errors changed, but Robert connived at the false portrait medallion on the most visible part of the tomb. Not only is Elizabeth's name absent from her tomb, but so also is Frederic Leighton's, while 'FRANCESCO.GIOVANNOZZI.FECE' in great capitals is sculpted onto its base. It is a tomb to which the 'Ba', the Soul, according to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, lacking image or name, would be unable to return. A double dying, a double murdering. One wonders who paid for the tomb? Was it Browning? Or Leighton, so deeply disturbed that his honouring of her was thus countermanded into the oblivion of her name and of her image.

However, it seems from sketches in the Royal Academy's Library that Andrew Potter has so kindly sent me that Leighton conceived it not as a classical sarcophagus so much as a medieval pilgrim tomb with space under it for pilgrims to enter, like that of Edward the Confessor's Tomb in Westminster Abbey. An aside: When Elizabeth was preparing herself for the elopement with Robert, she dared to go outside, to take walks, and on one of them visited Westminster Abbey and its Poets' Corner where her husband would come to be buried apart from her. This is how she described it, 31 July, 1846:

How grand - how solemn! Time itself seemed turned to stone there! . . . we stood where the poets were laid - oh, it is very fine - better than Laureateships and pensions. Do you remember what is written on Spenser's monument - 'Here lyeth, in expectation of the second coming of Jesus Christ, . . Edmond Spenser, having given proof of his divine spirit in his poems'.


I found this photograph placed on EBB's tomb, 5/10/2011, by Jan Taylor who wrote on the back of it: 'This quest of mine started when I watched a film called The Barretts of Wimpole Street. It turned out to be a wonderful love story between two poets, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, whereupon they eloped to Florence and lived there until Elizabeth Barrett Browning died, and was buried in Florence. Robert Browning, however, returned to London where he is buried in Poet's Corner in Wetminster Abbey. I felt saddened to hear they were buried apart, although it is an honour to be buried in Poet's Corner. I would like to give up the honour for love. I took this photograph of Robert Browning's resting place and travelled to Florence to place it on Elizabeth's grave'.

We find indeed that Leighton had intended a more true portrait on the tomb as he originally conceived it, these drawings being supplied by the Leighton House Museum from those in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Leighton even shows a togaed Robert approaching it, remembing the scene where Romney and Aurora in Aurora Leigh speak of the tomb at the Appian Way, 'Siste, Viator!')

We remember that Emily Dickinson, America's greatest poet, treasured a postcard of this tomb, and wrote of it and of Aurora Leigh's use of the Appian Way, in her lyric, 'The soul selects her own society, Then shuts the door; On her divine majority, obtrude no more. Unmoved she notes the chariot's pausing At her low gate; Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling Upon her mat. I've known her from an ample nation Choose one, Then shut the valves of her attention Like stone'. She also wrote of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's final volume (312):
Her -- "last Poems" --
Poets -- ended --
Silver -- perished -- with her Tongue --
Not on Record -- bubbled other,
Flute -- or Woman --
So divine --
Not unto its Summer -- Morning
Robin -- uttered Half the Tune --
Gushed too free for the Adoring --
From the Anglo-Florentine --
Late -- the Praise --
'Tis dull -- conferring
On the Head too High to Crown --
Diadem -- or Ducal Showing --
Be its Grave -- sufficient sign --
Nought -- that We -- No Poet's Kinsman --
Suffocate -- with easy woe --
What, and if, Ourself a Bridegroom --
Put Her down -- in Italy?

I will now give comments concerning the Brownings from William Holman Hunt, PreRaphaelitism and the PreRaphaelite Brotherhood, pp. 96-96:

When I returned to town from Oxford, I found the Brownings had come to London, and soon Gabriel and I were invited to spend the evening with them. When the appointed hour approached I had a return of Syrian ague upon me, but this was not enough to prevent me from greeting the two poets; both were extremely unaffected and genial.
Browning was taller than he had been described to me, perhaps about five feet six, robust and hearty in his tone of interest in all questions discussed, but I felt some self-reproach in so faintly recognising in him the stamp of a man as elevated above his fellows as his noblest poems had proved him to be. Mrs. Browning was small and very fragile; she betrayed nervous anxiety in her eager manner, so that the supersensitive tenour of her poems seemed fitly embodied in her. Her hair was brought forward and fell in ringlets on her face in a manner quite out of fashion, and thus helped to make one feel that she disregarded all changes of mode since her youth. The special interest of the evening was the production of a poem by their son, aged about six, the subject Leighton's picture of “Orpheus and Eurydice.” It was, even taking the child's parentage into consideration, a wonderful example of precocity. Gabriel seemed throughout the evening over apt to break in with jocular interruption to the conversation, as though claiming proprietorship in the company present; it was easy to yield to him in this whim, since it happened that we were all his debtors for the first knowledge of the works of our new friends.
Browning was constantly there, being deeply interested in art, an interest which, it was said, he had shown several years before by drawing in the Schools at Rome. After the death of Mrs. Browning his devoted sister became the mistress of his house, and they made it the anxiety of their life to watch the prospects of the son. For a time all seemed uncertain about “Pen's” proclivities, but one day when I called upon the poet, in Bloomfield Terrace he showed me a group of still life, composed of a human skull and accessories, which the son had spontaneously painted. The assurance that “Pen” would take to painting was a great joy to his father, and he consulted me earnestly as to the course to be followed, but on a subsequent occasion he told me that he had been advised to send him to study in Belgium. After a few seasons some examples of
page: 270
his son's work were seen in the Grosvenor Gallery, when the poet expressed great gratification at any recognition that they gained. By this date Browning was an honoured celebrity. Some of his original champions were confessedly displeased in that he seemed to approve the fashionable admiration of London society rather than their own, and words were wafted about expressing indifference to his later poems. He spoke to me of a visit he had made to the National Gallery after a prolonged absence abroad, and of his close attention to the “Dead Knight” by Velasquez—he said it had struck him then with a weird astonishment in that it was an illustration of the initial scene of his poem of “Childe Roland” and that Velasquez had anticipated his vision. (The title now given to the picture is changed.) Once when I was talking to the poet I chanced to mention the name of Rossetti; he suddenly flamed up, saying, “That is a man I will never forgive; he is unpardonable.” I replied: “Certainly I cannot pose as one of his ‘ idolaters’ but one of his great merits in my eyes is that he was the first who introduced me to your poetry, and that was thirty years ago.” But Browning was still irate, declaring that he had no patience with him, and would never overlook his insolence. I did not inquire further about the exact cause of offence. It is possible that Rossetti, originally nearly as great an enthusiast for Mrs. Browning as for the poet himself, had recently uttered something derogatory to her as
page: 271
page: 272 well as to the poet, and his verdict that “Browning and poetry had parted company for ever” could scarcely have escaped the poet's ear.

Browning's and Leighton's scoffing, angry letters were not the only ones about the tomb. In the Cemetery's archives is the following sheaf of letters:

16 September   East Hill House
1930                      Ottery St Mary
                                 E. Devon
Dear Sir,
    I have been told that the
tomb of Mrs Elizabeth Barrett
Browning situated in the old
Engish Cemetery of Pinti is in a
bad state. Would you most kindly
say what repairs to be done to it
if Anything & what it would cost
& who would undertake the
work of restoration.
     I remain
         Yrs truly
     H.P. Moulton Barrett Lt Col

                                             Firenze, I3 Novembre I930 IX
             H.P. Moulton-Barrett St.01.
                                                 Ottery St Mary
         Illmo Signore,
     In risposto alla Sua del I6 Settembre mi pregio
comunicarLe che,poiche non viene pagato niente per la
manutenzione del monumento in questione, gli anni lo
hanno alquanto danneggiato. Mi sono informato presso il
marmista per cambiare i pilastrini, lavare e accozolare
tutto il monumento occorrono L.I500=In questa cifra
è compresa pure la sistemazione del giardinetto.
  Per la sorveglianza dei lavori occoreranno L.I00-circa.
     In attesa di Sue disposizioni
                      Con osservanza

                                         Firenze, I4 Luglio 1932 X
               Illmo Signore
     Non avendo questa amministrazione ottenuta risposta
alla nostra del I2 Novembre I930 in risposta alla Sua
pregta I6 settembre dello stesso anno relativamente
alla Tomba Barrett,si pregio chiederLe se Ella desidera
vedere i preventivi o farli fare da altra persona.
                                     Con perfetta osservanza

[One letter, which must have been blistering, from the
Lieutenant Colonel, has not survived in the archive.]

Allegati               Firenze, 10 Luglio 1933 XI
            Signor Podesta di
     Dietro Sua richiesta mi pregio allegare alla presenta
copia di due lettere scritte al Signor Moulton-Barrett
riflettenti le manutenzione della tomba Barrett-Bowning.
     Gradirei che la S.V. potesse rendersi conto personal-
mente delle condizioni del suddetto monumento e preghero
la S.V. Illma di volersi compiacere farmi sapere quando
potrebbe visitare il Cimitero Monumentale affinche poter
si osservi presente.
               Con perfetta osservanza
                        della S.V. Illma

COMMUNE DI FIRENZE                Firenze lì 27 Luglio 1933 - XI
            Corso de' Tintori, 29
Preg.mo Signor Dottore,
                          Ho il piacere di comunicarle che, in seguito al-
la sua lettera e per interessamente di questo Ufficio, l'On/Le
Podestà ha stabilito che il Comune provveda al restauro del-
la tomba Barret Browning.
          I lavori saranno iniziati nella prossima settimana ed
Ella potrà avere esatte notizie in proposito rivolgendosi
al Comm. Architetto Ezio Zalaffi dell'Ufficio Belle Arti del
Comune cui è stato affidato l'incarico del restauro stesso.
   Con distinti saluti

COMMUNE DI FIRENZE         Lì 26 Agosto 1933 - XI
Illmo Signor Dott.Corradini
  Ispettore del Cimitero di Porta a Pinti
                 Via della Colonna 8

                                          Con proprio deliberazione dell'8 Agosto corrente
resa esecutoria dal Prefetto il 23 corr.l'On.Podestà stanziava la somma
necessaria ad eseguire i lavori di restauro al sepolcreto dell'illustre
scrittrice inglese Elisabetta Barrett Browning nel Cimitero di Porta a
            I lavori occorrenti, sotto la direzione di questo Ufficio, sa=
ranno eseguiti dalla Ditta Tosetti,Maestro scalpellino, e, in quanto occor=
ra, dalle Ditte Fratelli Cardini, Fabbri, e Ragionieri, Maestro Muratore,
            Ai lavori stessi verrà posto mano ai primi dell'entrante setti=
            Prego la S.V.di voler dare disposizione perchè gli operai del=
le suddette Ditte ed i funzionari di questo Ufficio che dovranno dirigere
e sorvegliare i lavori possano in ogni momento della giornata  accedere al
            In attesa di un cortese cenno di assicurazione, con osservanza
                                                           IL CAPO UFFICIO BELLE ARTI
                                                                Gaspar Campanij           
In an earlier paper, I lamented the lack of the major symbol Elizabeth and Robert shared in their poetry on her tomb, that of the pomegranate. We have now planted a pomegranate beside it that came from the Elizabeth's beloved Giardino Torregiani and we have rectified the lack of her name with a stele by the tomb. Its marble was crumbling away into sugar and it was begrimed. I raised €3000,00 for its consolidation and cleaning, largely from Moulton-Barrett relatives, and the Comune has now twice honoured Elizabeth with laurel wreaths, once even with the Gonfalone, thanks to Eugenio Giani, Presidente del Consiglio Comunale.




Likewise we have sought to correct the absence of her poetry on her tomb with its presence on the walls of the Gatehouse's arch, unveiled by Dr Stephen Prickett at our conference with the Gabinetto Vieusseux on the 'English' Cemetery in 2004.


Sarcofago. Disegno: Frederic Lord Leighton; Scultore Francesco Giovanozzi; Firma: FRANCESCO GIOVANNOZZI FECE. [sarcofago in marmo e elementi decorativi in piombo su disegno di Lord Leighton eseguito da Francesco Giovannozzi, firma in basso a sinistra. Del fratello, Luigi Giovannozzi (1791-1870), è la tomba della Duchessa d'Albany in Santa Croce]. Sec. XIX, post 1864. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago scolpito con cammeo a simbolo della Poesia, arpe, lira greca (con il Dio Pan bifronte del Giardino Torrigiani), arpa ebrea con catena spezzata, arpa cristiana; intagliato con gigli e fiori delle Isole britanniche, rosa, trifoglio, giunchiglie, rami d'ulivo; sarcofago retto da sei colonne con gigli su disegno di Lord Leighton. Ultimo intervento di restauro, Meridiana Restauri, 2006, recinto in ferro, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Per i disegni preparatori conservati alla Royal Academy Library, ecc., si veda ebbdeath.html [M: A: 105. L 191.2: P: 118.5; P.s. A: 37. L: 212. P: 114.6  Recinto A: 72. Totale: A: 204. L: 191.2. P: 118.5 ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: E.B.B./ OB.1861./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisabeth Barrett Browning, l'Angleterre, agé de 45 ans/ Q 459: 271 Paoli, including English Church's tax of 113 Paoli/ Q 479: 90 Paoli paid to Ferdinando Giorgi, Master Mason for digging two graves for EBB/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°293 Burial 01/07 Rev O'Neill, 'bronchitis'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 79. Barrett Browning/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Giugno/ 1861/ Anni 45 [incorrect, 55]/ 737/ N&Q 207. E. B. B., ob. 1861. No other inscription/ Freeman, 236-23/ NDNB article/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Henderson/ Webbs: heart attack, morphine poisoning?/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzer, 1827-preent. Nulla osta.

      Harper's Monthly engraving of EBB's tomb

See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' for books by and about Elizabeth Barrett Browning, TAU
See Elizabeth Barrett Browning Portal, http://www.florin.ms/ebbwebsite.html


Five years later than Elizabeth's burial another grieving husband himself sculpted his wife's tomb up in Fiesole to be beside that of Elizabeth. Fanny, wife to Holman Hunt, died in Florence following childbirth. Their child, Cyril Benoni Hunt (Benoni, 'son of sorrow' being name of the dying Rachel's child in Genesis), was born at via Montebello, 22, baptised by Rev Tottenham the day of his birth, who registered it two months later, eight days after his mother's death. A silver chalice and later a silver patten in their names eventually came to St Mark's English Church from the earlier Holy Trinity Church in Florence.

                                                          Fanny/ Waugh/ Holman Hunt/ Died in Florence/ December 20 1866

Blessed are the pure in heart

In dear and grateful remembrance of CYRIL BENONI HOLMAN HUNT born in Florence Oct 27 1866 died in Bridport  25 July 1934

Fanny Holman Hunt, painted by her husband, Holman Hunt, during her pregnancy in Florence. He would marry her sister upon her death in order for their child to be raised/ Fanny Holman Hunt ritratta in questo dipinto a Firenze durante l'attesa. Alla sua morte per parto Holman Hunt ne sposa la sorella perché si prenda cura del loro bambino.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Holman Hunt's wife seen as John Keats' Isabella and the Pot of Basil. Moglie di Holman Hunt immaginata come in Isabella and the Pot of Basil di John Keats.  


W. H. H.]

He created for her an ark, complete with dove and olive branch doing double duty as a pelican in its piety, and adorned with lilies (copied from those on Elizabeth's tomb), which forever floats on waves sculpted from marble. On it he placed the three scriptural passages above from Isaiah, the Gospels and the Song of Solomon, one of these echoing Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet XXVII to her husband, within Florentine triangled roundels. One can learn the context from his autobiographical study of the PreRaphaelites:

William Holman Hunt, PreRaphaelitism and the PreRaphaelite Brotherhood
page: 199 On December 28th, 1865, I married Miss Waugh.
There had been substantial reasons for my long delay in returning to the East, I had to accept the lesson of my experiences with the Temple
page: 200
picture and come to the conclusion that I must not go without sufficient funds to bring my new picture to a complete end.
page: 202 
My wife and I started in August 1866 for the East. At Marseilles, where I was intending to take the boat to Alexandria, I learnt that quarantine was established on account of the cholera, but as the secretary of the “P. and O.” assured me that the next departing boat would probably be allowed to enter Alexandria with a clean bill of health, we waited for this. In the meantime there were mournful crowds in the streets following the funeral processions, and the people brought out their furniture, making bonfires of it after dark. The next steamer from Egypt brought news that no boat from Marseilles would yet be allowed to enter. Accordingly we proceeded over the Maritime Alps for Leghorn, whence we heard it was possible to reach Egypt via Malta. We rested a night at Florence, intending to continue our journey the next morning, but learning that intercourse with Egypt was stopped, we had no choice for the present but to remain in Florence.
On December 20th, 1866, my wife died and my dear friends Spencer Stanhope (B10) and his wife took charge of my motherless son under their roof for a time. Necessitous labours were now my blessings. I remained in Florence to put up a monument to my wife (B9), and I at once set to work on a design of “Isabella mourning over her Basil Pot.” I took a studio, the best I could find, and started on the work. In September of the next year I returned to England with my child. My picture was bought by Gambart and exhibited by itself, and an engraving of it was made by Blanchard.

When at Fiesole, I painted a damsel as a Tuscan straw-plaiter of the type of gentle features peculiar to the cities of the Apennines 
page: 205


As the marble carver now made it clear that his chiselling of the monument to my wife would never be brought to a conclusion, I took up his tools and finished the work, to the best of my power and departed from the city of flowers, which had been so sad a resting-place to me. Occasionally I made hasty sketches for my infant son at home; notwithstanding their slightness they may stand as records of passing interest.

He also discussed the Brownings at length (see passages given above), and he chose to place his wife's tomb next to Robert's wife, pages. 96-96. He then married his wife's sister, Edith, abroad, as this was forbidden in the Church of England's Table of Kindred and Affinity, so that she could raise Cyril Benoni.

Holman Hunt, Self Portrait, Uffizi        Holman Hunt painting 'Scapegoat'                                  Cyril Benoni Hunt                                 Cyril Benoni Hunt, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

Photograph, Frederick Hollyer

Sarcofago/arco. Scultore, Holman Hunt. Sec. XIX, post 1866. Ambito toscano/inglese. Tomba in marmo scolpita dallo stesso Holman Hunt a Fiesole, arca che fluttua tra le onde, gigli e colomba con ramoscello d'ulivo nel becco che appare anche come un pellicano con la sua pietà per rimandare alla morte per parto di Fanny. Il figlioletto sopravvive alla madre. Intervento di pulitura Opificio delle Pietre Dure, monumento molto sporco a causa della porosità del marmo, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese entro formelle gotiche, basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. [M: A: 76. L: 182. P: 80.; Basamento in marmo A: 12. L: 187.5 P: 90.5; Basamento in P.s. A: 61.5 L: 190.5 P: 92.] [Iscrizioni sepolcrali in lingua inglese entro medaglioni incisi in lettere capitali:

                                [Isaiah 43.2]                                                       [Matthew 14.27]                           [Song of Solomon 8.6-7, EBB Sonnet XXVIII]

[sulla lapide (di epoca più tarda) posta sul basamento] FANNY/ THE WIFE OF/ W. HOLMAN HUNT/ DIED AT FLORENCE DEC 20 1866/ IN THE FIRST YEAR OF HER MARRIAGE/Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Fanny Wough Hunt, l'Angleterre/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 335/  Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: (Wough)[Waugh]/ Holman Hunt]/ Fanny/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Dicembre/ 1866/ Anni 33/ 959/ N&Q 208. Fanny Waugh Hunt, w. of Holman Hunt, 06. 20 Dec., 1866, in the first year of her marriage/ NDNB entry for Holman Hunt/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Freeman, 227-230/. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU]

B10/ 972/

John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1829-1908), another of the PreRaphaelite Brethren, came to live in Florence because of his asthma, residing at Villa Nuti (Villino Strozzi) at Bellosguardo with his wife and daughter, having visited the city previously. Maquay's diary notes he fails to introduce Frederic Leighton to him. See gimeld.html#peetersoberhausen, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU

   Grazia Santoni

The year following that in which the Spencer Stanhopes had cared for the Hunts' now motherless child, Cyril Benoni Hunt, they lost their own seven-year-old daughter, Mary Spencer Stanhope, and the artist father likewise sculpted her tomb. The same shape of her tomb recurs in his own tomb, sculpted by himself, at the Allori, and in the plaques in the churches commemorating him in Florence and in Yorkshire. He helped build Holy Trinity, selling a Botticelli to pay for the construction of its Gothic tower, and later frescoed the walls and ceilings of St Mark's English Church. He painted Mary, his daughter, as if she had lived to be 17, not 7, as Psyche to his Charon, a work now owned by Andrew Lloyd Webber. This is a pattern we also see with the depictions in marble by Bazzanti as if 18, and by Solomon Counis, as if 22 of Jean David Marc Gonin (C106) who had died at 15 years old. Nic Peeters and Judy Oberhausen gave a paper on this family at our third City and Book international conference in Florence, gimel.html and together we visited Bellosguardo's Villa Nutti.Then we read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's translation of Apuleius' 'Cupid and Psyche' at the Cemetery's columned cross at the celebration for the National Archeological Museum's Exhibition, 'Egyptian Motifs in the English Cemetery', our Italian actress dressed as Stanhope's Psyche, photograph above: http://piazzaledonatello.blogspot.it/2006_09_01_archive.html, apuleius.html, egyptian.html

William Holman Hunt, PreRaphaelitism and the PreRaphaelite Brotherhood, p. 104-105:
Every time I visited Oxford I heard more of the sensation Rossetti was making there. Ruskin was taking the responsibility of directing the architect Woodward, who, with his partner Deane, was engaged in building the new Museum, and it was still said that Rossetti would return to Oxford to paint some of the walls. But as the building was not yet ready, and the rooms of the Union built by the same architects were advanced to the stage at which the bare walls showed temptingly smooth and white, Rossetti had volunteered to paint upon them the story of King Arthur with no other charge but for the materials. It was in character with Rossetti's sanguine enthusiasm that he induced many undergraduates, with little or no previous training, to undertake to cover certain spaces. Hungerford Pollen, Spencer Stanhope, Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris, were persuaded to take part in the work, Stanhope alone having had any preliminary training. I saw my name inscribed on a fine blank panel, and nothing would have delighted me more than to have contributed my share to the decorations, but I had too many stronger claims to allow me to undertake this mural work. Some of those connected with the Council of the Union, it was reported, saw little to be grateful for in the generosity of the young decorators, and expressed themselves discourteously; perhaps it was this, coming to Rossetti's ears, that disenchanted him with his design, for he left it abruptly half-finished and returned to town, refusing all allurements of Ruskin and others to carry it further. Arthur Hughes, Val Prinsep, and some years later William Rivière, assisted by his son, took part in the work. Without previous experience of wall-painting, and disregarding the character of the pigments, the work of the group was doomed to change and perish speedily, and little of it now remains visible. Rossetti had lighted upon remarkable undergraduates of artistic though undeveloped genius, to which choice band was added Swinburne'.

Croce. Scultore: John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, who sculpts his own tombstone in the Allori in the identical shape. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1867. Ambito toscano. Stele scolpita con croce e incisa in lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi sul fronte e sul tergo croce gigliata e fiore, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. [M: A:125.5 L: 50.5 P: 19 ; P.s. A: 18. L: 46.5 P: 37.; Recinto: A: 34. L: 70.2 P: 179.4.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere e numeri 'art nouveau': IN MEMORY/ OF MARY/ SPENCER STANHOPE/ BORN NOVR/ 9.1859. DIED/ FEBY 23.1867/ "THE LORD IS/ MY SHEPHERD/ I SHALL NOT/ WANT. HE/ MAKETH ME/ TO LIE DOWN/ IN GREEN PAS/TVRES. HE/ LEADETH ME/ BESIDE THE/ STILL WATER" [Ps. 23.1]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Mary Spencer Stanhope, l'Angleterre/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 230/ Times, 'of suppressed scarlet fever', Mary, the daughter of John Rodham and Lille Spencer Stanhope, 2nd son of John Spencer Stanhope J.P. and Lady Elizabeth Wilhelmina Coke daughter of the Earl of Leicester/ Villa Nuti, Bellosguardo/ Maquay Diaries/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Spencer Stanhope/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Febbraio/ 1867/ Anni 7/ 972/ N&Q 219. Mary Spencer Stanhope, b. 9 Nov., 1859 : ob. 23 Feb., 1867/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ °=Alistair J. Fraser, Nic Peeters, Leslie Ann Faulkner. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B11/ 661/

In 1821 Richard Jaffray's father, Alexander Jaffray of Kingswells, Aberdeenshire, drowns while trying to save another skater, the Gentleman's Magazine speaking of this 'act of humanity'. Her husband outlives her.

    Harper's Monthly engraving

Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti. Sec. XIX, post 1/1859.
Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, sormontato da una croce con bracci trifogliati, recinto con colonnini, uno solo dei quattro superstite, ferro mancante. Belle Arti/Europeana: Tomba entro recinto a terra con colonnine angolari poggiante su zoccolo in pietra serena e su basamento a sezione rettangolare e modanato che sostiene il corpo del monumento, rastremato verso l'alto e con aggetto modanato superiore. Coronamento a volute vegetali sulle quali si imposta un motivo a foglie d'acanto che sostiene una croce a terminazioni trilobate. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 188.5. L: 74. P: 53 ; P.s. A: 16. L: 85. P: 64.5 R: A: 60. L: 114.5 P: 205.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARIA DOROTHEA WIFE OF RICHARD JAFFRAY ESQ/ OF KINGSWELLS ABERDEENSHIRE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT FLORENCE/ XX IANUARY MDCCCLIX/ AGED SEVENTY THREE YEARS/ PERFECT LOVE CASTETH OUT FEAR [I John 4.8]/ MAY WE WHO MOURN RECALL IN HOPE/ HER DYING WORDS/ THERE IS NO DANGER IN DEATH/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Maria Dorothea Jaffray, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 717, Pietro Bazzanti Paoli 40/ Q 341: 428 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777, 1 N° 263 Burial 22/01, age 73 years 11 months, Rev O'Neill, 'congestion of lungs'/ Times, grandniece of the late Alexander Jaffray, Esq. of Roebuck, county Dublin, and late of Cheltenham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jaffray/ Maria Dorotea/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Gennaio/ 1859/ Anni 74/ 661/ N&Q 220. Maria Dorothea, w. of Rich. Jaffray, Esq., of Kingswells, Aberdeenshire, ob. 20 Jan., 1859, a. 73/ Scheda, Belle Arti, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B12/ 1350/

Russian husband of only 27, and supposedly of his German wife but for whom we do not have a burial record, with a beautiful angel monument that she must have erected believing she would also lie here.


Scultura di un angelo con croce. Scultore: Lorenzo Gori, L.Gori 1876-77. Sec. XIX, post 3/1876. Ambito toscano./ Angelo con croce gotica con bracci trifogliati (apice mancante), la destra dell'angelo poggiante sullo stemma di famiglia, nella sinistra regge un serto con nastri, sull'ampia manica della tunica numerose stelle, non molto sporco, recinto in marmo sormontato da elementi decorativi in ferro; intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitresu, 2008. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 200.7 L: 117. P: 86.7; Base in marmo I:: A: 14 L: 117. P: 86.7; Base in marmo II: A: 27.5 L: 96.5 P: 65.2; Recinto: A: 53.5 L: 310. P: 219.] [Angel holding a Cross, in one hand, and in the other hand a Ribboned Garland of Flowers, below Cross and Coat of Arms, the Russian inscription is no longer legible from restoration cleaning, but had said 'COLORO CHE MUOIONO NEL SIGNORE' [Rev. 14.13]/ Iscrizione sepolcrale sul basamento con lettere capitali in piombo: TEODORO E GUGLIELMINA D'OUSSOW/ Talalay: Usov (D'Oussow) Fedor Pavlovic, 28.5.1876, di anni 27; 'segretario di collegio', MKF; N° 1163, RC Informazioni in cirillico/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: D'Oussow/ Teodoro/ Paolo/ Russia/ Firenze/ 28 Marzo/ 1876/ Anni 55/ 1350/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B13/ 1062/

The Caruels and the Hooffstetters lie together in a family plot. This tomb was, it was thought, irreperably vandalized. A Roma uncle and his fourteen-year-old nephew, both illiterate, pieced it together, using its inscription's letters to match the pieces.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1869. Ambito toscano. Intervento di ripristino  Gheorge e Comitet Petrache, 2009. Recinto condiviso con le due tombe dei Caruel e la tomba di Helen Hoffstetter. [M: A: 17.5. L: 76. P: 173.] Iscrizione illeggibile/ Charles Hooffstetter/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles Hoffstetter, la Suisse/ 1062/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hooffstetter/ Carlo/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 4 Ottobre/ 1869/ Anni 50. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B14/ 1372/
This splendid tomb pays tribute to its military occupant, the details carefully observed by the sculptor to whom have probably been lent the accoutrements of her late husband by his bereaved widow. We have seen the same with the medals of A48/ SIR DAVID DUMBRECK in Sector A.


Croce posta su un sarcofago.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1876. Ambito toscano. Croce posta su sarcofago in marmo scolpito con berretto rigido, spada, cintura militare, distintivi, marmo sporco, iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali scolpite in rilievo e numeri arabi, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena e catene in ferro, pietra serena erosa, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, anno 2008, intervento di pulitura, 05/2010. [M: A: 206. L: 173.5 P: 70.5; P.s. A: 75.5 L: 202. P: 90. Croce: A: 100 : 70.4 P: 9] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese scolpita in rilievo in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN LOVING MEMORY OF/ CAPTAIN JAMES CHUTE/ LATE OF HER MAJESTY'S 54TH REGIMENT/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE, 24TH NOVEMBER 1876, AGED 37/ DEEPLY MOURNED BY HIS BEREAVED WIDOW ELEANOR CHUTE/ HIS WAS A NOBLE NATURE, GENEROUS, KIND AND TRUE/ On regimental regalia: REGIMENT 54/ MARABOUT// REGIMENT . .  ST/ NORFOLK/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23777/1 N°503, Burial 27/11, Rev Tottenham, Captain Late of HM's 54th Reg, Hotel de l'Alliance, via Montebello/ Times, 'congestion of the lungs'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Chute/ Giacomo/ Giacomo/ / Firenze/ 24 Novembre/ 1876/ Anni 37/ 1372/ N&Q 248. Capt. James Chute, 54th Regt., ob. 24 Nov., 1876, a. 37. Erected by his widow, Eleanor Chute/ Henderson/ Scheda, Belle Arti, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B15/ 1353/

Kim Björklund notes that the Count Mannerheim's cousin, the Finnish Aurora Karamzin, had married a Demidoff. This explains why the Count is a family guest of the Prince Demidoff in San Donato's eponymous villa. He is the uncle of  Marshall Gustav Mannerheim. Olga Nordenstam, also buried here, F26,  is the sister of Sofia Nordenstam who married the Count's brother, Count Carl Robert Mannerheim, and thus became the step-mother of the famous Finnish Marshall and President of Finland, Baron Gustav Mannerheim (Wikipedia). For Count Mannerheim's witty drawings see http://www.hel2.fi/kaumuseo/helsinkiinframes/hakasalmi/mannerheim_1.html.


Belle Arti sched
a says style of figures is Horace Greenough's, perhaps by Italian student of his, while the rest is style of Giuseppe Bondi/Figure nello stile di Horace Greenough per influenza di suoi allievi italiani, il resto nello stile di Giuseppe Bondi. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1876. Ambito toscano. Marmo scolpito, due angeli nell'atto di leggere un cartiglio, intervento di pulitura sulla crosta nera, Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli, poggiante su due basamenti, un basamento inciso in lingua francese in lettere capitali, il secondo appare ben conservato, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini in origine con ferro, ora in stato di degrado. Possibile  intervento di ripristino su recinto e colonnini. [M: A: 196 L: 76.5 P: 20.2; Recinto A: 75. L: 143. P: 208.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lingua francese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ LE BARON AUGUSTE DE MANNERHEIM/ NE EN FINLANDE L'AN 1805/ MORT A FLORENCE A SAN DONATO VILLA DEMIDOFF/ LE 18 AVRIL 1876/ AIME ET REGRETTE/ Talalay: Finlandia 1805- San Donato, Villa Demidoff 1876, rappresentante di una nota famiglia finlandese; in Italia era stato ospite dei Demidov, N° 1353, RC Informazioni in cirillico/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mannerheim/ Barone Augusto/ Carlo/ [pencil Finlandia (Svezia)]/ Firenze/ 19 Aprile/ 1876/ / 1353/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU.

B16/ 14/
Sir Grenville Temple, 9th Baronet, was born at Stowe, Buckinghamshire. His father was Consul General to the United States, marrying Elizabeth Bowdoin, the daughter of the Governor of Massachusetts, and he in turn married an American, Elizabeth Watson, his brother taking the name Bowdoin-Temple, for which see his nieces Laura (E141), Princess Pandolfina, and Christina Bowdoin-Temple (E1) in Sector E. He married a second time without issue. His son, Sir Grenville Temple, the 10th Baronet, is present at his father's burial, and will publish Travels in in Greece and Turkey and the Mediterranean, 1843, with fine illustrations. Bowdoin College is connected with this family.

    Harper's Monthly engraving

Portrait of Grenville Temple sent by Jon Temple                 Illustration of Tunis by Grenville Temple

The Maharaja of Travancore and his younger brother welcome Richard Temple-Grenville, relative of Grenville Temple, when governor-general of Madras, on an official visit to what is now the southern state of Kerala, 1880.

Tomba. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti.
Sec. XIX, post 2/1829. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo di forma quadrata e a pianta quadrata, elementi decorativi classici, tra cui una ghirlanda con nastri. Possibile intervento di pulitura.  [M: A: 199. L: 122. P: 122.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali sans serif e numeri romani. GRENVILLIVS.TEMPLE/ MAG. BRIT. EQ. BARONETTVS/ VIX ANNI LXI/ OB. XVIII.FEBR./ MDCCC.XXIX./ MONVMENTVM. POSVERVNT. FILII. MORENTES/ N.XIV/
N° 14       
Le vingt-deux Février, mil huit-cent-vingt-neuf, le Baronet
Grenville-     Granville-Temple, Anglais, âge de soixante ans, mort le dix-huit
Temple          Février, mil-huit-cent vingt-neuf, a reçu les honneurs de la sé-
                         =pulture, dans le Cimetière de l'Eglise Evangélique, en presence
                        du Baronet Temple, fils du défunt, et de reverend Taylor. En foi
                        de quoi j'ai signé
Auguste Colomb Pasteur~

Times, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Temple/ Grenville/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Febbraio/ 1829/ Anni 60/ 14/ Burke's Peerage, Sir Grenville Temple, 10th Baronet, 1768-1829/ Webbs, linked families, Temples, Temple-Bowdoin, Kerrichs, Dillons/ NDNB entry for ancestor Richard Grenvile-Temple/ N&Q 245. Grenville Temple, Bart., ob. 18 Feb., 1829, a. 61. Placed by his children/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B17/ 87/
She is just two, her death, perhaps from diptheria. She was then their only child, but the following year Charles is born to console them. Was her godparent Sir Grenville Temple (B16)?


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1853. Ambito toscano. Ci
ppo in marmo scolpito con boccioli. [M: A: 85. L: 35. P: 8.7. P.s. A: L: 51. P: 26.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa con lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ ISABELLA TEMPE/ THE BELOVED AND ONLY CHILD/ OF/ DANIEL BAYLEY/ OF THE BENGAL CAVALRY/ AND/ ISABELLA FRANCES HIS WIFE/ BORN ON THE 28TH OF OCTOBER 1851/ DIED ON THE 29TH OF NOVEMBER 1853/ COME YE BLESSED OF MY FATHER/ INHERIT THE/ KINGDOM PREPARED FOR/ YOU FROM THE FOUNDATION / OF THE WORLD/ 25TH MATTHEW 24TH VERSE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Isabelle Temple Baylay, fille de Daniel Baylay, et de Isabelle/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 529/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°190 Isabella Temple Bayley, died from water on the brain, Burial 01/12; Baptism sibling GL23775 N°229/50, Charles, 30/04/54, Rev. Greene (A51)/ Times, Morning Chronicle, Morning Post, only child of Daniel Bayly of the 7th regiment Bengal Cavalry/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 87. Baylay/ Isabella T./ Daniele/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Novembre/ 1853/ Anni 2/ 520/ See Bayley. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

These are later post-1877 burials of cinerary urns. We learn from a ship's passenger list that the daughter sailed once to America. The family is divided between Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark and have a magnificent castle. In a terrible wind storm an ancient cypress dominoed several others in the Cemetery and this tomb was catapaulted, its urns scattered and opened. I carefully replaced the ashes in them, and in one was a beautiful bronze crucifix (forbidden by the cemetery's rules) on red velvet that I carefully replaced; when I returned half an hour later it was to find yet another great branch had fallen on the spot where I had been standing. I had to keep the urns of the Baron, the Baronin and the Baronesse in my cell until the main tomb could be righted two weeks later. Such are the occupational hazards of being the 'Island of the Dead''s custodian!

Blomenburg, Selent

Sarcofago e urna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 2/1917. Ambito Toscano. [Sarcofago con urna, urna danneggiata dalla caduta di un cipresso, intervento restauro conservativo, I. F. [Urna M: A: L: 46. P: 83.]/ M: A: 90. L: 135. P: 83.; P.s. A: 16. L: 150. P: 98.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali in piombo e numeri arabi, BARON RUDOLF BLOME/ GEBOREN DEN 15. FEBRUAR. 1836/ GESTORBEN DEN 26 MAI 1907/ B18B/ BARONIN PAULA BLOME NATA BASINET/ HOLLAND/ BARONIN PAULA BLOME GEB BASINET/ GEB. DEN 26 JANUAR 1853/ GEST. 3, JUNI 1917/ B18C/ BARONESSE FANNY BLOME/ HOLLAND/ BARONESSE FANNY BLOME/ GEBOREN DEN 2, FEBRUAR 1871/ GESTORBEN DEN 26. NOVEMBER 1907. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her father is mentioned in Observations on some Points of Seamanship, 1824. She dies at 14 in Siena.


Pilastro a base quadrata. Scultore: Francesco Mattei, firma F. MATTEI, richiama il monumento sepolcrale di Maria Nockells. Sec. XIX, post 9/1849. Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo a base quadrata, urna andata perduta, scolpito con una colomba che porta nel becco un cartiglio, iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali incise e numeri arabi, base in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. [M: A: 149. L: 46. P: 46. ; P.s. A: L: 58. P: 58. Totale: A: 149. L: 58. P: 58.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: I WILL ARISE/ AND GO TO MY/ FATHER/ HERE LIES INTERRED/ THE MORTAL REMAINS/ OF/ SOPHIA ANNE COFFIN/ ELDEST DAUGHTER OF CAPTAIN J.T. COFFIN R.N./ WHO DIED AT SIENA/ SEPTEMBER 13TH 1849/ AGED 14 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 Nˆ° 137 Death 13-09, Burial 16-09, Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Coffin/ Sofia/ / Inghilterra/ Presso Siena/ 13 Settembre/ 1849/ Anni 14/ 411/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B20/ 148
He is the last descendant of his noble Swedish family, and has served in the Swedish and Norwegian Legation during the reigns of four Swedish monarchs and the Revolutions in Europe. With him, much later, is buried his wife Sophie Hugues, who had already been sculpted on the tomb as sadly taking leave of her husband, both in classical garb. Nearby is the tomb of B92/ AURORE (GRÅBERG DE HEMSO) ECKHARDT DURCKHEIM MONTMARTIN, the adopted daughter of Brigitte Hugues, Sophie Hugues's sister. The Lagersvard tomb is sculpted by the Swedish sculptor, Johan Niklas Bystrom, who worked in Rome with the Icelandic Danish sculptor, Bertel Thorvaldsen (Þorvaldsson). Within an ourobouros (a serpent devouring its tail, for eternity) is a bee. Kelly Searsmith wrote, noting that the bee is the Egyptian hieroglyph for royalty, and that Pliny described bee hives being floated down the Nile so they could pollinate crops. (Monsanto pesticides kill bees.) Anna Porcinai sent a van-load of lavender plants which the Roma planted and now the cemetery is filled with contented bees, pollinating busily amongst these fragrant bushes. The Cemetery was subject to thirty years of weed-killer usage and no birds sang. When we stopped it six years ago, the blackbirds took to singing gloriously. Was the marble for Lagersvard's tomb transported from Carrara to Rome, by way of Livorno, then back again to Tuscany?

Jan Claes Lagasvard

Scultore, Johan Niclas Bystrom, firma: G.N.Bystrom.svedese. inv.e.scolpt. For information on Johan Niclas Bystrom,  Prof. Annette Landen, Department of Art History, Lund University, Sweden. Sec. XIX, post 12/1836. Ambito toscano, romano, svedese. Tomba in marmo, intervento di pulitura posteriore al 1997 e anteriore al 2000. Monumento a pianta quadrata scolpito su un fianco laterale con stemma, sotto lo stemma angelo con face rovesciata nella sinistra, nella destra corona con stelle, sul fronte la consorte e Jean Claude abbigliati classicamente, sul secondo fianco laterale clessidra alata, ghirlanda di foglie di quercia con nastri, iscrizione incisa in lingua francese (lingua della diplomazia) in lettere capitali, sul terzo fianco laterale ouroboros che racchiude una crisalide, monumento poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Erosione marmo sui motivi decorativi sul fronte e sui fianchi laterali, nella sinistra dell'angelo che regge una face, l'estremità dei piedi dell'angelo, l'estremità delle ali della clessidra alata, parte dell'ouroboros, il naso della figura personificazione dell'anima di Sophia Hugel Lagersward. [M: A: 238.2 L: 107.5 P: 83. ; P.s. A: 84. L: 120. P: 89.] [Sculpture of husband leaving childless wife, angel crowning him with stars with one hand, holding reversed torch with other, winged hourglass on one side, ourobouros around bee on the other]/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: ICI.REPOSE.JEAN.CLAUDE.DE.LAGERSVARD/ DERNIER.REJETON.DE.SA.FAMILLE/ MINISTRE DE S.M. LE  ROI.DE. SUEDE.ET.DE.NORVEGE/ PRES. DES. COURS. D'ITALIE/ ET CONSEILLER DE SA CHANCELLERIE/ NE LA IV AOUT MDCCLVI/ MORT LE XII.DECEMBRE.MDCCCXXVI/SUEDOIS DE COEUR ET D'AME/ HABITANT L'ITALIE DEPUIS 11 JUILLIET MDCCLXXXIX/ COMME SECRETAIRE DE LEGATION/ CHARGE D'AFFAIRES. ET. MINISTRE/ SOUS QUATRE DIFFERENTS REGNES EN SUEDE/ ET PENDANT LES REVOLUTIONS DE L'EUROPE/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lagersward/ Gio. Claudio/ / Svezia/ Firenze/ 12/ Dicembre/ 1836/ Anni 80/ 148/ SOPHIA HUGEL/HUGUES LAGERSWARD/ SVEZIA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sophie Lagersward, née Hugel, Suede, rentière, Veuve de Jean Claude Lagersward, en son vivant, Ministr à S.M. le Roi de Suède près la cour de Toscana/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 377/ Q 96: 300 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lagersward nata Hugel/ Sofia/ / Svezia/ Firenze/ 11 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 83/ 521/ See Hugel/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Ivar and Kristin Håkansson . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present./°= The Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' needs to acquire Johan Claes Lagersvard, Letter a Giovanni Ferri de Saint-Constant, Roma, 1968.

B21/ 117/
James Bourne died unmarried, but the collateral heir, another James Bourne, became baronet of Heathfield and M.P., remembering his benefator 42 years later. The Bournes were from a Liverpool family whose wealth derived from being merchants with interests in the timber and iron trades, salt and coal mining, canals and railways: http://www.fitzwalter.com/afh/Bourne/bournhist1.html#af00002. Thus a connection between Horace Hall (D32CAV. ORAZIO KLEIBER HALL/ HORACE HALL) and his mine and James Bourne is logical, and both are remembered at the Anglican Holy Trinity (now Waldensian) church in Florence.


 Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F  Sec. XIX, post 7/1835. Ambito Toscano. Sarcofago in marmo, scolpito con faci rovesciate, lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi in piombo, recinto danneggiato dalla caduta di un cipresso, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura sul marmo. [M: A: 105. L: 154.3  P: 77.4  ; P.s. A: 155.7 L: 154.3 P: 77.4 Recinto: A: 91 L: 273.5 P: 271.5 ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES BOURNE ESQ/ OF HEATHFIELD HOUSE/ NEAR LIVERPOOL WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 24TH JULY 1836/ AGED 53 YEARS/ 117/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 37, Burial, entered, Horace Hall, Church Treasurer/ Preston Chronicle/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 174. Bourne o Bowrne/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Luglio/ 1835/ Anni 53/ 117/ Tablet, Holy Trinity Church, IN MEMORY OF JAMES BOURNE ESQRE OF HEATHFIELD HOUSE NEAR LIVERPOOL FOR MANY YEARS AN ACTIVE MAGISTRATE AND DEPUTY LIEUTENANT FOR THE COUNTY PALATINE OF LANCASTER. HE DIED AT FLORENCE JULY 25 1835 IN THE 54TH YEAR OF HIS AGE AND IS BURIED IN THE PROTESTANT CEMETERY, placed, 1877, by Colonel Bourne MP/ Preston Chronicle/ N&Q 169. James Bourne, Esq., of Heathfield House, nr Liverpool, ob. 25 July 1835, a. 53/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Wills proved by William Lachlan Shearwood of Flixton Hall, Lowestoft.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1871. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, il marmo presenta crepe, incisa in lettere capitali, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 60. P: 124.; P.s. A: L: 70. P: 144.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ EMMA ROE/ THE BELOVED WIFE OF/ WILLIAM LACHLAN SHEARWOOD/ BORN 28TH MARCH 1829 IN GLASGOW/ DIED 16TH JUNE 1871 IN FLORENCE/ REMOVED JULY 5 TO HIGHGATE CEMETERY/ LONDON/ 1134/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Emma Shearwood, l'Angleterre, fille de Jean Macdermott/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 264, A/ Times, Pall Mall Gazette has the death as of the husband/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Strathmore [sic for Shearwood] nata Marcdermott/ Emma/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Giugno/ 1871/ Anni 42/ 1134/ N&Q 191. Emma Roe, w. of Wm. Lachlan Shearwood, b. 20 March, 1829, in Glasgow ; ob. 16 June, 1871. Removed, July 5, to Highgate Cemetery, London/ See Mardermott, Charlotte Bowes-Lyon, Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorn/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His publication is on teaching music: Et fiat lux in caos! - Nuova teoria musicale vera, normale, ossia radicale riforma ortografica-grammaticale degli elementi della musica basati sulla Rigata meloplastico cavata dalla tastiera del pianoforte. Opera dedicata ai signori professori di musica da Cesare Paganini di Mantova. Firenze, tip. italiana Fr. Martini, 1865 - in 8°, di pag. 59, con undici tavole d'esempi nel fine. His tomb is sculpted by Emilio Zocchi, famed for sculpting the young Michelangelo sculpting the head of a faun. Zocchi shows Professor Paganini as heavily bearded. The signature to the piece was intact in the Belle Arti schedatura 1993-1997 and its photograph. The bust was discovered in 2000 in pieces beneath its column, the victim of vandals and addicts who greatly damaged this section of the cemetery 1997-2000. It was carefully restored first by Professor Frizzi and then by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu working under the supervision of Alberto Casciani.


Colonna con busto. Scultore, Emilio Zocchi, firma, foto risalente al 1993, firma non più leggibile. Sec. XIX, post 4/1872. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo variegato posta su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. B
usto conservato dalla Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli. Intervento conservativvo sul ferro Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu,  2008, busto ricollocato sulla colonna, Alberto Casciani/Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. [M: A: 235. L: 60. P: 60.; Recinto: L. 82. P: 197.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua italiana incisa sulla colonna in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CESARE PAGANINI/ DI MANTOVA NATO IL 20 OTTOBRE 1806/ MORTO IL 6 APRILE 1872/ PREGATE PER LUI/ CONTRO OGNI TIRANNIA/ ED OGNI IPOCRISIA,/ CONTRO I NEFANDI VIZI/ E I TURPI PREGIUDIZI/ QUAL FECE IN VITA MORTO/ ME PROTESTAR CONFORTO/ fils de Joseph/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 429, A/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Paganini/ Prof. Cesare/ Giuseppe/ Italia/ Firenze/ 6 Aprile/ 1872/ Anni 65/ 1164/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Mary Kyd's father, Lieutenant General Alexander Kyd of the Bengal Engineers, was a relative of the Lt. General Robert Kyd who founded the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta. William de Dornberg, who participated with the British against Napoleon, was pensioned in 1831, thus is too early to be her husband, perhaps her father-in-law. Wikipedia: 'Robert Kyd made a request in his will that he be buried without any religious ceremony in the botanical garden that he founded (Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden), but was instead interred in South Park Street Cemetery. He also left behind specific payments to be made to his native servants "Rajemahl Missah ... in retribution for the unsuitable education given to him, entailing separation from his native soil and kindred. To the other native known by the name of George, in reparation of the injury done him by his former master, in alienating him from his tribe (understood Rajpoot), converting him to Christianity, and secluding him from all future connection with his family, the monthly sum of six rupees during his life; to both on condition of their continuing to serve Major Alexander Kyd during his residence in India. . ." Major Alexander Kyd was a relative of Robert and was the father of James Kyd (1786-1836) and his brother, also a Robert Kyd (d. 1825), who became shipbuilders. Kyd street and the locality Kidderpore derive their names from this family'. There seem to be further mixed-race Alexander Kyds, who settled in Austria, one of whom may be this lady's father. She is thus more cosmopolitan than she is English.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo con bracci trifogliati (A: 67.), infissa su tamburo a base ottagonale (A: 87.), poggiante a sua volta su tamburo di forma rotonda (circum 139.), scolpito con stemma (A: 50.) e posto su basamento a pianta quadrata con lettere capitali incise in lingua francese e numeri arabi, e basamento a pianta quadrata in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa (L/P: 70.); recinto in marmo (L37, P: 83). Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 212. L:  51.5. P: 51.5. ; P.s. A: L: 70. P: 70; Recinto L: 57. P: 83; Totale: A: 212. L: P: 83.]. Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARY DE DORNBERG/ NEE KYD/ DECEDEE LE 30 MAI 1872/ AGEE DE 27 ANS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: fille de Alexandre Kiud/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 417, A/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dornberg nata Kyd/ Maria/ Alessandro/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Maggio/ 1872/ Anni 27/ 1171 -/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B25/ 1191/

Pastor Luigi Santini: 'A Scot, his wealthy family devoted abundant resources to financing the spread of the Bible in Italy before the statutory freedoms, and worked for the establishment of Pietist communities here and in Geneva'. Someone has had his vandalized cross restored.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo, intervento di restauro anteriore all'anno 2000. [M: A: 98. L: 45. P: 6/30.; P.s. A: 21. L: 47.P: 38. Recinto: A: 40. L: 88. P: 203; Totale: A: 98. L: 88. P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: . . . MOND GRIFFITH/ . . . 29 DECEMBER/ AGED 43/ 1191/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques Drummond Griffith, l'Angleterre/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 543, A/ Records, Guildhall Library, Rev Tottenham, Albergo della Scarpa, Piazza Sante Maria Novella/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Griffith (Drummond)/ Giacomo/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Dicembre/ 1872/ Anni 43/ 1191/ N&Q 190. James Drummond Griffith, ob. 29 Dec., 1872, a. 43. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B26/ 1233/
Involved with law suit against New Jersey Railroad Company.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1873. Ambito toscano.Tomba in marmo di forma 'ohalim.' longitudinale a punta di diamante scolpita con croci con bracci trifogliati, inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, poggiante su due basamenti in marmo, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena andati perduti. [M: A: 84.5 L: 144 P: ; P.s. A: L: P: Recinto L: 227. P: 163; Totale: A: 72. L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MANNING KENNARD/ BORN IN PORTSMOUTH NEW HAMPSHIRE/ 13 AUGUST 1813/ DIED IN FLORENCE 21 DECEMBER 1873// HIM THAT COMETH UNTO ME/ I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT [John 6.37]/ 1233/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Manning Kennard, Amerique, fils de Jacques/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kennard/ Manning/ Giacomo/ America/ Firenze/ 22 Dicembre/ 1873/ Anni 59/ 1233/ Another James Kennard of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, whose father was James Kennard, was a writer who opposed slavery, who died of paralysis, and who could be his brother: http://www.seacoastnh.com/History/History-Matters/The-Agony-and-the-Ecstasy-of-James-Kennard-Jr/ N&Q 187. Manning Kennard, b. in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 13 Aug., 1813 ; ob. 21 Dec., 1873. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B27/ 1204/
Church Records: '1866-1873, b. 30 Oct 1840 Dundee, son of John B., farmer; M.A. St Andrews 1860; ass. Leslie FIF; ord. 19 Apr 1866; d. 2 Apr 1873 Florence; mar. 1866 Janet Lockie, dau. of David Runciman, D.D., min. of St Andrew's Glasgow; issue: Janet Aitchison; John James; David Runciman'.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1873. Ambito Toscano. Lastra scolpita con croce, gigli e monogramma di Cristo JHS a rilievo, lettere capitali in piombo, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 126. L: 68. P: 18 ; P.s. A: 33. L: 89. P: 38. Totale: A: 159. L: 89. P: 38.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN  MEMORIAM/ THE REV. WILLIAM BOYD M.A./ MINISTER OF MAINS AND STRATHMARTINE/ FORFARSHIRE SCOTLAND/ BORN 38 OCTOBER 1840/ DIED 9 APRIL 1873/ HE HELD THE MYSTERY/ OF THE FAITH/ IN A PURE CONSCIENCE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Guillaume Boyd, Ecosse, Rentier/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 455/ Maquay Diaries: 28 Jul 1855, etc./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 178. Boyd/ Guglielmo/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Aprile/ 1873/ Anni 32/ 1204/ N&Q 189. Rev. Wm. Boyd, M.A., minister of Mains and Strathmartine, Forfarsh., b. 30 Oct., 1840; ob. 2 Ap., 1873/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Sara (Sally, Tully, Giulia) is buried in a walled grave. The 19-year-old daughter of Ridley and Sarah Minturn Watts, granddaughter of Henry Grinell, New York, is given a beautiful tomb with an iron arch for a rambler rose. We were only able to identify it from the Notes and Queries placement of it a hundred years ago, its inscription being no longer legible.


In marmo, croce con bracci trifogliati poggiante su un basamento, iscrizione illeggibile in lingua inglese in lettere capitali incise, posto a sua volta su un blocco in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, recinto in pietra serena e ferro, con arco in ferro con rosa rampicante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 115. L 39: P: 22.5 ; P.s. A: 34. L: 44.5 P: 32.5. R: P.s.: A: 15. L: 87.5 P: 20.5; ferro: A: 170. L: 90. P: 200.]
 IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs  742 + Francs 142, deposit in walled grave. Tully N. Watts, Avril, enseveli le 30 du même mois. Obituary, Pall Mall Gazette. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Watts/ Giulia (corrected to Sara in pencil)/ / / Firenze/ 24 Marzo/ 1873/ Anni 19/ 1210/ N&Q: 188. Sarah Minturn Grinnell Watts, d. of Ridley and Sarah Minturn Watts, b. 10 July, 1854; ob. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

 B29/ 1397/
This little child, with a very large tomb stone, with its hand pointing to heaven, like that for B125/ LOUIS JOHN ARRIGHI, is missed by his parents, but Dr David Young does have other children to console them.


Scultore: Giuseppe Bondi. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1877. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito, riecheggia la tomba di Arrighi (1874), la mano scolpita è racchiusa in una ghirlanda di nontiscordardime, cippo crollato dopo il 1993 (schede Soprintendenza) e prima del 2000, basamento in marmo poggiante su un basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con colonnini spezzati e ferro, descrizione dalla foto delle Belle Arti per le schede del 1993. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 126.6 L: 65. P: 23.5; P.s. A: 26.5 L: 69.5 P: 27.5 Recinto: A: 52. L: 95.5 P: 173.5 ] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in rilievo incisa in lettere capitali in piombo e numeri arabi, lettera 'W' mancante: "JESUS CALLED A LITTLE CHILD TO HIM". [Matt. 18.2]/ IN  LOVING  MEMORY OF EDWARD WILLIE/ YOUNGEST CHILD OF/ DR YOUNG DIED 16 MAY 1877/ AGED 5 YEARS/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Young/ Edoardo Guglielmo/ David/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Maggio/ 1877/ Anni 5/ 1397/ N&Q 186. Edward Willie, youngest child of Dr. Young, ob. 16 May, 1877, a. 5. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

She is B23
/ PROFESSORE CESARE PAGANINI's Swiss widow from Lausanne, her father Gabriel Wassendarll.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce scolpita in marmo a imitazione della corteccia del tronco d'albero e coperta da piante, poggiante su base a finte rocce su basamento a pianta quadrata con lettere capitali incise  su ciascun fianco, marmo sporco, altra base in pietra serena erosa, recinto in ferro e pietra serena. [M: A: 171; L: 66. P: 66.; P.s. A: 31; L: 89. P: 89. Recinto: L: 88. P: 206.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua italiana incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSA IN ETERNA PACE/ ELISA WASSERDARLL PAGANINI/ NATA A LOSANNA IL 28 DICEMBRE 1802/ OGNI ELOGIO E' SUPERFLUO/ ALLA VIRTUOSA SPOSA ALLA MADRE INCOMPARABILE/ FU RAPITA ALL'AMORE DE SUOI FIGLI/ DA MORTE VIOLENTA 1873/ 1211//. . . //. . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisa Vedova Paganini, Italiie, fils de Gabriel Wassendahl/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 422, A/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Paganini nata Wasserdarll/ Vedova Elisa/ Gabbriello/ Italia/ Firenze/ 1 Maggio/ 1873/ Anni 70/ 1211. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His father, Joseph Watson founded Watson Burton's in 1811 at Gateshead on Tyne. His son, Joseph married, as engineer, of the firm of Clarke, Watson and Gurney, Victoria Engine Works, Gateshead, Lucy Fenwick (1838-1918, youngest daughter of William Fenwick, of The Cottage, Stanhope) at Newcastle Friends' meeting house. Later his brother writes of him: 'Then my brother Joe had been very poorly for some time. It was evident that his chest was affected, and Charley Pease and his wife were going up the Nile, and offered to take him with them in their Dahabieh and we hoped that it would do him great good. The last letters were most encouraging and then there came one from Alexandria which showed that he was laid up there in a very dangerous state. I at once told my father that I would go out and meet him at Naples. He had requested in his letter that someone might meet him. I went out to Naples and was there for twelve days but I never got a letter or a telegram from him or home or anything of the kind, and I was coming away from Naples in despair when I saw a ship I had not known of coming into the bay, and he was on it. He had been very ill, and a young fellow who had met him had tried to get him a first class passage to Naples, but finding that it was impossible, had given up his own first class cabin and got a second berth second class, and brought him through and looked after him. The doctor I consulted said at once that he was dying, and that I could not move him at all, but I managed to take him about a little in the splendid weather, and he was much interested in everything that he saw though he was very weak. I got him on to Rome with great difficulty. After two or three days in Rome I took him on to Florence. That was then a terrible journey of fifteen hours, and how we got through it I cannot imagine. Fortunately everyone saw how ill he was and they avoided getting in to trouble us. He had bad dysentery in addition to lung disease. At Florence, with much difficulty and after great trouble, I came upon a Scottish doctor who had just come there from India, having himself been cured of a similar sort of complaint in India. He took us to a most excellent pension kept by Miss Earle, the daughter of an officer, and there we had every possible comfort, and a large room for Joe which I used to make a complete bower of roses for about 1½d. a day. I used to go out in the morning and come back with my arms full of roses - so full that I could hardly carry them. It was a splendid place. Then my father and sister Gertrude, and my brother Willy came out and brought Joe's wife with them, and then I came home again. He lived about three weeks longer, but when I parted I could tell, even though the doctor did not say so, that there was no chance whatever of our meeting again': Robert Spence Watson (1969) Reminiscences of the late Rt Hon. Robert Spence Watson. York, privately printed, p. 65. The fine anchor sculpted on the tomb's vandalized cross symbolizes hope from Hebrews 6.19. His will was proved at Durham 1873-11-04 by his widow Lucy Watson and brother Robert Spence Watson, executors; effects under £7000. The dates are incorrect for this Scottish doctor to be Dr Wilson.


Croce e ancora.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1873. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo, croce e ancora scolpiti, danni causati da atti vandalici, intervento di restauro conservativo Iris Fromm. Possibile intervento di  pulitura. [M: A: 172. L: 62. P: 52.; P.s. A: 27. L: 90. P: 210.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOSEPH WATSON/ OF GATESHEAD ON TYNE ENGLAND/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ SIXTH MONTH/ 24 1873/ AGED 33 YEARS// WHICH HOPE WE HAVE/ AS AN ANCHOR OF THE SOUL/ BOTH SURE AND STEADFAST/ HEB. VI.19/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Watson, Angleterre, Rentier, fils de Joseph Watson/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 615, A/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 458 Burial 26/06 Rev Clark, Gateshead/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Watson/ Giuseppe/ Giuseppe/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Giugno/ 1873/ Anni 33/ 1219/ N&Q 185. Joseph Watson, of Gateshead-on-Tyne, ob. 24 June, 1873, a. 33. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

B32/ 1220/
Pastore Luigi Santini: 'Hiram Powers (1805-1873), an American, came to Florence in 1837 to study and work, and settled in Via Serragli, the artists' street of the day, with his wife and two children. He earned an international reputation for his statuary, for which he liked to choose the marble and supervise its quarrying himself, and he received considerable acclaim for the busts he did of several presidents of the United States. The cemetery also contains evidence of his grief: James (+1838), Frances (+1857) and Florence (+1857), his children, who died at five, eight and seventeen years of age in this their adopted land (E56)'. Frederic Leighton studied at Florence's Accademia di Belle Arti; Hiram Powers was a professor of sculpture there. B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING, who wrote of his American Indian eyes, writes an impassioned sonnet to his 'Greek Slave', which was exhibited at the centre of the 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition, in which she draws the analogy also to American enslavement of Africans, Russian enslavement of serfs. This book's title uses a line from the poem on the statue. Hiram Powers' 'The Last of Her Tribe', shows a Native American woman fleeing her captors. Every detail is observed down to the delicate sewing of the mocassins. The theme repeats that of 'The Greek Slave', a woman representing freedom against male oppressors. Hiram Powers' statue of America is more truly American and more beautiful than the Statue of Liberty, the gift of France, but was rejected by Congress before the Civil War because she tramples on slave chains. It burned in a warehouse fire. This plaster cast was discovered in his Florentine studio in 1966, along with many others, which were purchased by museums in Washington, D.C. Among Powers' other works is the head of the Princess Matilde Buonaparte Demidoff. Hiram Powers' sculpture career had begun with his modelling Dante's Commedia in wax in Cincinatti, Ohio, for B80/ FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE. Near Hiram Powers' tomb is that of B58/ KALIMA NADEZHDA DE SANTIS, a black Nubian slave baptized Orthodox (Nadezhda' meaning 'Hope'), who died in Florence in freedom. A similar story is manifested with F53/ HENRIETTA MARIA HAY, whose Greek mother's freedom was purchased by the Scots Egyptologist, Robert Hay, in the slave market of Alexandria, and whom he married on Malta in 1828. Margaret Fuller's death, along with her husband and baby in the shipwreck of the Elizabeth off Fire Island was partly caused by the colossal statue by Hiram Powers in its hold. Sophia Hawthorne describes Hiram Powers movingly in her diary. Nathanael Hawthorne observed him and his studio for the writing of The Marble Faun. He acted as an unpaid American Consul, for which see James Lorimer Graham, Consular Records. The tombs of B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN, B98/ MAJOR FRANCIS CHARLES GREGORIE, B99/ REVD GEORGE BRICKDALE CROSSMAN, B32/ HIRAM POWERS, B103/ ELEANOR AUGUSTA TULK, B131/ HONOURABLE FRANCES TOLLEY, as spiritualists and Swedenborgians, are all clustered together near that of Nadezhda, the Nubian/Russian former slave. Powers' son, Preston, also became a sculptor (B37), while another son, Longworth, became a photographer. Hiram Powers' wife, Elizabeth Gibson Powers, and other children, Nicholas Longworth Powers, Louisa Greenough Powers, Georgiana Rose Powers, and William Preston Powers are all buried in the Allori Cemetery, the remains of Preston (who sculpted Lily Nye's tomb) now lying in their Ossario Comune. 


Contemporary Photograph in the Diary of Susan Horner, 1861-1862. See entries for Horner and Zileri family members.


WhiteSilence Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 'Hiram Powers' Greek Slave' 1850

They say Ideal Beauty cannot enter
The house of anguish. On the threshold stands
An alien Image with the shackled hands,
Called the Greek Slave: as if the sculptor meant her,
(That passionless perfection which he lent her,
Shadowed, not darkened, where the sill expands)
To, so, confront men’s crimes in different lands,
With man’s ideal sense. Pierce to the centre,
Art’s fiery finger! - and break up erelong
The serfdom of this world!  Appeal, fair stone,
From God’s pure heights of beauty, against man’s wrong!
Catch up in thy divine face, not alone
East griefs but west, - and strike and shame the strong,
By thunders of white silence, overthrown!
Si dice che la Bellezza Ideale non possa introdursi nella
casa d'angoscia. Sulla soglia una Figura straniera stante, con le mani
incatenate, detta la Schiava Greca: come se lo scultore designasse così lei,
(Quella perfezione impassibile che egli le diede,
ombreggiata, non oscurata, ove la soglia si espande)
per testimoniare i crimini degli uomini in differenti lidi

Con il senso ideale dell'uomo. Penetra nell'intimo,
infuocato dito dell'arte! - e spezza presto
la schiavitù di questo mondo! Appellati, bella pietra,
dalle pure sommità della bellezza di Dio, contro il male dell'uomo!
Cattura nel tuo volto divino, non soltanto
le pene orientali ma anche occidentali, - e colpisci e umilia i forti,
da tuoni di bianco silenzio sconfitti!

Tomba. Scultore, Preston Powers: Sec. XIX, post 1873. Sec. XIX, post 6/1873. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo, tomba semplice e imponente, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 35. L: 163.5 P: 104.5; P.s. A: 21. L: 155. P: 96. Recinto: A: 91. L: 261. P: 202.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: HIRAM POWERS/ DIED JUNE 27TH 1873/ AGED 68/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: F. Hiram Powers, America, Sculpteur, fils de Etienne Powers/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 550, A/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Powers/ Franco [later corrected to Hiram]/ Stefano/ America/ Firenze/ 27 Giugno/ 1873/ Anni 69/ 1220/ N&Q 184. Hiram Powers, ob. 27 June, 1873, a. 68/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Niccolò, Alessio Michahelles, descendants. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Katherine Gaja, gimelc.html#gaja, Roger Crum, Melissa Debakis, CBVb.html, See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring, passim., TAU.

The burial of a young Greek teenager.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1873. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco, lettere capitali incise, illeggibili, posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 56.5 P: 114.5; P.s. A: 19. L: 66. P: 123.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in greco: Gregory Notara. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Gregoire Notara/ Grèce, fils de Nicola/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Notarà/ Gregorio/ Niccola/ Grecia/ Firenze/ 22 Luglio/ 1873/ Anni 13/ 1225. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B34/ 1250
She is from Fetan in the Rumantsch-speaking part of Switzerland (and her language is on her tomb). She is a widow in the a' Porta family, her father, Daniel Bazzi.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 21874. Ambito toscano. Lastra con angoli curvilinei scolpita con croce a rilievo poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, sui fianchi lettere capitali in rilievo in romancio, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 21.5 L: 71. P: 169.; P.s. A: 24. L: 85.5 P: 184.5] Iscrizione sepolcrale in romancio in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in rilievo: MARGHERITA A PORTA NATA BAZZI DA FETAN// 1842-1874// PAUSSA IN PASCHI A BUNS ANS VAIR!/ Grigione/ Vve Marguerite a Porta, Suisse, fille de Daniel Bazzi/ Porta (à) nata Bazzi/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 92. Bazzi Vedova à Porta/ Margherita Carolina/ Daniele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Febbraio/ 1874/ / 1250/ Vedova Margherita Carolina/ Daniele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Febbraio/ 1874/ / 1250. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B35/ 1247/
Marriage notice: 'October 23, in St. Peter's Church, Dublin, by the Rev. Launcelot Dowdall, Rector of Rathfarnham, JOHN NESBITT MAXWELL, ESQ,., only surviving son of the late ROBERT MAXWELL, ESQ., barrister at law, formerly of Summerhill, Dublin, and Clonleigh, county Donegal, to SUSANNAH HAMILTON, third surviving daughter of the late GEORGE ALEXANDER FULLERTON, ESQ., of Tolkington, Gloucestershire, and Ballintoy Castle, count Antrim'. There were no children to succeed him?


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1874// 10/1876. Ambito toscano. Croce infissa su cippo in marmo, marmo sporco, poggiante su due basamenti in marmo incisi con lettere capitali e numeri arabi, cammeo ora mancante, iscrizione per il consorte incisa sul basamento posto più in alto, iscrizione per la consorte incisa sul basamento in marmo più sporgente rispetto al primo, il terzo basamento è in marmo grigio, recinto in marmo e finte corde annodate in ferro battuto. Possibile intervento di pulitura.  [M: A: 215. L: 87. P: 44.5; R/M/ferro: A: 27. L: 106. P: 192.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOHN NESBIT MAXWELL ESQ M.D./ A.M. TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN/ AND/ . . . IRELAND/ HE WAS THE YOUNGEST SON AND LAST SURVIVING MEMBER OF THE/ FAMILY OF THE LATE ROBERT MAXWELL/ HE DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1874/ IN THE 67TH YEAR OF HIS AGE/ Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Maxwell, l'Angleterre, fils de Robert Maxwell/ Pall Mall Gazette, via Majenta/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Maxwell/ Giovanni/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Febbraio/ 1874/ Anni 68/ 1247/ 1368/ SUSANNA (FULLERTON) MAXWELL/ IRELAND/ Iscrizione inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALSO HIS WIFE SUSANNAH FULLERTON MAXWELL/ WHO DIED THE 19TH OCTOBER 1876/ AGED 68/ FEAR NOT I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE NOR/ FORSAKE THEE/ HEBREWS [13.5]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 502, Burial 21/10, Rev Tottenham, via Solferino, 4/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Maxwell nata Fullerton/ Vedova Susanna/ N./ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Ottobre/ 1876/ Anni 69/ 1368/ N&Q 249. John Nesbitt Maxwell, Esq., M.D., A.M., Trin. Coll. Dublin, and F.R.C.S., Ireland, the last surviving member of the family of the late Robert Maxwell, Esq., of Clonleigh, co. Donegal, and Sumner Hill, Dublin, ob. 14 Feb., 1874, a. 67. Also his w., Susannah Fullerton Maxwell, ob. 19 Oct., 1876, a. 68/ See Fullerton. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B36/ 1243/
Pastore Luigi Santini: Francesco Enrico Rostagno (1839-1871) was born into a pious family of pastors from the Waldensian valleys: He too completed his theological studies, and was already regarded as a sure hope for the Waldensian mission when death claimed him. He was remembered as serene and profoundly evangelical.


. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1874. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo, marmo sporco, marmo scolpito con ramoscello d'ulivo, iscrizione in lettere capitali, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 88. L: 48. P: 21.; P.s. A: 20. L: 60.5 P: 27.; R: A: 25. L: 89. P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua italiana incisa in lettere capitali: FRANCESCO ROSTAGNO . . . / . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Revd François Rostagno, l'Italie, pasteur, fils de François Rostagno/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rostagno/ Francesco Enrico/ Francesco/ Italia/ Firenze/ 5 Febbraio/ 1874/ Anni 35/ 1243. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B37/ 1239/

William S. Nye died in 1862, her mother, whom he had married in 1851, in 1866. This young American has thus been orphaned at an even earlier age, of her mother when she was 11, of her father when she was 16. Hiram Powers' son Prescott has sculpted the column with the calla lily of her name. Nearby is the simple but massive tomb he has placed over his father, B32/ HIRAM POWERS, which matches the one his father had placed over the three E56/ CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH AND HIRAM POWERS.


Colonna. Scultore, Preston Powers, firma
P.POWERS.FECIT. Sec. XIX, post 1/1874. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata scolpita con calle, lettere capitali incise, poggiante su base a finte rocce in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 150.7 L: 64. P: 120.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa sulla colonna in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LILLIE NYE/ ONLY CHILD OF/ WM S.F.E. NYE DEC'D/ OF MARIETTA OHIO U.S.A./ DIED AT FLORENCE ITALY/ JANUARY 15 1873/ AGED 21 YEARS// THERE WAS A LILY ONCE MOST PURELY WHITE/ WE WATCHED IT DAILY TWAS SO FAIR A SIGHT/ FOR SHE WAS PURER THAN A DRIVEN FLAKE/ OF SNOW AND IN HER GRACE MOST EXCELLENT/ THE LOVELIEST FLOWER THAT DEATH DID EVER TAKE/ THE TALE FOR TALE THERE IS OF THIS WHITE STONE/ ARE THESE FAIR WORDS WHILE SHE LIVED SHE SHONE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Lillie Nye, Amerique/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Nye/ Lillie/ / America/ Firenze/ 15 Gennaio/ 1874/ Anni 21/ 1239/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

At first I thought we were dealing with an illegitimate daughter of Constantine Henry Phipps/Phillips, Marquess of Normanby, initially known as Earl of Mulgrave, first Governor of Jamaica, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Ambassador to France, then Minister Plenipotentiary in the Legation in Florence from 1854 to 1858. He was in London 1852-54. The family is related to D72/ SIR JAMES ANNESLEY, Sector D. But Diana Webb corrected this: 'No, no illegitimacy, I think, although as always quite an interesting story. Ida is to be found in the 1861 census living with her father Mulgrave Phipps Jackson and his wife Sarah in Bayswater. He is described as a clerk in the Inland Revenue Legacy department, but there is more to him than that. He was the youngest child of John Jackson, RA, (1788-1831), a Yorkshireman who attracted the patronage of Lord Mulgrave (the father of the Florentine Lord Normanby), which would satisfactorily account for the rather flowery name he gave his son. John Jackson's second wife, Matilda, to whom he was married in 1818 and who was much younger than he, was the daughter of James Ward, RA and a niece of George Morland. It seems that Mulgrave Phipps was born on 5 August 1830 and not baptised for nearly two years (16 July 1832 in Marylebone). I haven't yet satisfactorily sorted out his marital affairs, but it seems that Ida was (or may not have been) the child of Sarah, to whom Mulgrave Phipps was only married in 1854. Ida must have been born c.1852, but oddly I can't find the registration of her birth. Then there seems to be no sign of her or of her father in the 1871 census, nor does he appear in 1881, by which time of course his daughter was dead. He lived on, however,  until 4 October 1913, and the Times carried an obituary of him on 18 October in which it said: 'Phipps Jackson himself exhibited in the Royal Academy during 12 years, and is said never to have missed a Private View over more than half a century. About 1880 he was appointed expert valuer to the Government in that department of the Inland Revenue which deals with the legacy and succession duties: and for a long time he wrote criticisms of the chief exhibitions for several newspapers.  Although he had outlived most of his contemporaries, Mr Phipps Jackson was much liked by artists of a somewhat younger generation, and he will be much missed in places where they congregate.' That may be, but he seems to have described himself as a widower in 1891 when Sarah was still very much alive (she didn't die until the end of 1899) and the following year he married yet again! However, this doesn't shed any light on Ida Augusta. She is, in a word, not the illegitimate daughter of Lord Normanby, but indirectly connected with him, or his family, through her grandfather John Jackson and her father's name. However, there is a whiff of scandal about her much-married father. . .the Times obituary mentions nothing about his marriages or children. He was clearly extremely clubbable and turns up in the social columns. 

Marquess Normanby

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1874.. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo crollata, basamento in pietra serena scolpito in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, recinto con otto colonnini e ferro (non superstiti), recinto condiviso con la tomba di Stahlberg. Tomba posta troppo vicina a un cipresso. [Ps. A: 33. L: 48. P: 39.; R: A: 40. L: 187. P: 208.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IDA AUGUSTA ROENNEKE/ GEB . . . / IN LONDON . . ./ GEST IN FLORENZ  . . . 1873. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Ida Roenecke, Angleterre, fille de Mulgrove Philips Jackson/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jackson nei Roenneke/ Ida Augusta/ Mulgrave Phipps/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Gennaio/ 1874/ 22/ 1237/ N&Q 251. Ida Augusta Roeneke. born Jackson, b. in London, 27 Dec., 1851 ; ob. 6 Jan., 1874/ See Elisabetta Stahlberg (B39) with whom she shares a plot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Fabian Berg is Norwegian, while Stahlberg is German in Russia. These two women, the other B38/ IDA AUGUSTA (JACKSON) ROENNEKE, who both die in 1874 and who share the same enclosed plot, have exotic cosmopolitan backgrounds.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1874. Ambito toscano. Croce con bracci di forma arrotondata con lettere capitali incise, lettere illeggibili, poggiante su piedistallo posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con otto colonnini e ferro, ora mancanti, il recinto ospita anche la tomba di Ida Roenneke. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 95. L: 37. P: 30.5; P.s. A: 34. L: 45. P: 38] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali: STAHLBERG/ . . . / ZU FLORENZ/ Talalay: N° 1238, RC  Informazioni in cirillico/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stahlberg nata Berg/ Elisabetta/ Fabiano/ Russia/ Firenze/ 11 Gennaio/ 1874/ Anni 19/ 1238/ See Ida Roenneke with whom she shares a plot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Two German children, sister and brother, 13 and 12 years old, from Hamburg.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1873// 1/1876. Ambito toscano. 1235 1340/ Iscrizione incisa in lettere capitali: MATILDE/ Tomba in pietra serena scolpita con croce e incisa , nome inserito nel marmo su tabula alla base della croce, sul tergo altra tabula per il fratello Wilhelm. [P.s. A: 42. L: 88. P: 181; M. L: 25 P: 7.] Mannhard/ Matilde/ Giulio/ Germania/ Firenze/ 12 Gennaio/ 1876/ Anni 13/ 1340/ B40B WILHELM L. MANNHARDT/ GERMANIA/ Intervento di restauro, I. F.; tabula in marmo inserita su quest'ultima tomba. [P.s. A: 73 L: 26.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: WILHELM MANNHARDT/ GEBOREN IN HAMBURG/ DEN 16 NOV 1861/ GESTORBEN DEN 31 DEC 1873/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Wilhelm Mannhardt, Allemagne, fils di Jules/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mannhardt/ Guglielmo L./ Giulio/ Germania/ Firenze/ 13 Dicembre/ 1873/ Anni 12/ 1235. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Burke on her parents: Anne, marries, November 1843, Lionel Read Place, Esq., Lieut. R.N., who dies May, 1854, leaving issue. Is she considered American because she married an American Woodhouse?


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo a finto tronco d'albero, marmo sporco; finte corde in marmo legano la croce ad una colonna spezzata, inciso in lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi in rilievo, recinto in marmo e finte corde in ferro con nodo al centro. [M: A: 145. L: 65. P: 24.; R/M/ferro: A: 38. L: 85. P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese con lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY/ ANNIE WOODHOUSE PLACE/ DAUGHTER OF/ LIONEL READ PLACE ESQ/ DIED DEC 3 1873/ AGED 27/ IN GRACE ARE WE SAVED/ THROUGH FAITH ARE THE SAVED/ TURNED TO THE GIFT OF GOD// 1230/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Woodhouse, Amerique, fille Leonello/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 459 Annie Woodhouse Place, Burial 06/12 Rev Tottenham, via Solferino, 4/ Pall Mall Gazette, Morning Post, Times, 'of decline, after many years of suffering, aged 27, Annie Woodhouse Place, elder daughter of the late Lieut. Lionel Read Place, RN, of Ilfracombe, Devon.'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Place Rend Vedova Woodhouse/ Anna/ Lionello/ America/ Firenze/ 3 Dicembre/ 1873/ Anni 27/ 1230/ See Place/ N&Q 252. Annie Woodhouse, d. of Lionel Read Place, Esq.. ob. 3 Dec., 1873, a. 27/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B42/ 1194/

NDNB, Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.173-175. Isa, the 'Madonna of Bellosguardo', was much beloved in the Anglo-Italian community. Impoverished, she lived by the sale of her novels, Agnes Tremorne (1861), The Cost of a Secret (1863), The Woman I Loved and the Woman who Loved Me (1865), Nora and Archibald Lee (1867),The Crown of a Life (1869), her essays, such as one on the exiled French sculptress Félicie de Fauveau, and her various lodgers. Hélène Koehl-Krebs (Aries 7 (2007), 185-206, places her squarely in the Villa Colombaia circle of Spiritualists. There was some mystery over her background, was she Jewish, was she East-Indian, was she part Black, in this being like Theodosia Trollope and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and this gets into Nathaniel Hawthorne's Marble Faun in his description of Miriam, who is a composite of Isa and Theodosia (B85). She saved the life of Robert Lytton when he was at Bagni di Lucca through her careful nursing of him. Elizabeth and Robert hoped they would marry. He wrote the poem Lucile about her, she the novel Agnes Tremorne about him. He became Viceroy of India and married a proper English girl for consort. Isa and Robert were both present at Elizabeth Barrett Browning (B8)'s funeral, Kate Field tells us, along with the Powers (B32) and Story families, but not Walter Savage Landor (A29), as they forgot to send a carriage for him. Caring for others, Lytton, Pen, Bice, she neglected her own health. Henry James, John Brett, Elizabeth Barrett Browning all appreciated her and her Bellosguardo, which Elizabeth uses for her apocalyptic scene in Aurora Leigh.  This was among her own poems: 
O'er the old tower, like red flame curled
Which leapeth sudden to the sky
Its emblem hues all wide unfurled
Upsprings the flag of Italy

Its emblem hues! the brave blood shed
The true life blood by heroes given,
The green palms of the martyred dead,
The snowy robes they wear in Heaven.
. . .

My Florence, which so fair doth be
A dream of beauty at my feet
While smiles above that dappled sky
While glows around that rip'ning wheat

As fair, as peaceful and as bright
Art thou as she we hear came down
From Heaven in bridal robes of light
Thy new Jerusalem St. John!
In John Brett's painting of Aurora Leigh you can just glimpse the Jewish Cemetery nestled against the wall to the left.

Florence from Bellosguardo, Hebrew Cemetery to left, beneath wall                     Isa Blagden                      Lord Lytton, Viceroy of India

Lastra sepolcrale. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1845. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo scolpita con croce adagiata su una ghirlanda, marmo sporco, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, iscrizione quasi illeggibile. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 51. L: 80. P: 200; M: A: 24.5 L: 70. P: 190; P.s. A: 21. L: 79. P: 201.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese, lieve incisione in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ISABELLA [Croce distesa su ghirlanda di fiori] BLAGDEN/ BORN . . . DIED . . . 1873/ THY WILL BE DONE . . .[Matt. 6.10; 26.42; Luke 11.2]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Isabelle Blagden, l'Angleterre, fille de Thomas/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 622, A/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°447, Burial 28/01, Rev. Tottenham, Villa Castellani, Bellosguardo/ Times, 'American papers, please copy'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: / +/135. Blagden/ Isabella/ Tommaso/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 20 Gennaio/ 1873/ Anni 55/ 1194/ Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.173-175/ N&Q 253. Isabella Blagden, b. 30 June, 1816 ; ob. 20 Jan., 1873./ NDNB entry/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See blagdenfauveau.html, gimeld.html#gestri, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

Her Italian husband, Carlo Ernesto Susanni, had died in 1869, his magnificent tombstone given at http://www.culturaitalia.it/opencms/opencms/system/modules/com.culturaitalia_stage.liberologico/templates/viewItem.jsp?language=it&case=&id=oai%3Aartpast.org%3A0900299462-0. Her father is a medical doctor in London. A member of the family will later pioneer antisepsis in surgery.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1874. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo spezzata posta su due basamenti con lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, lastra con il nome in lettere capitali in piombo danneggiate, marmo molto sporco, basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 106. L: 72.5 P: 20; M A: 10. L: 80. P: 170.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali in piombo e numeri arabi: MARIA SUSANNI/ WIDOW OF CARLO ERNESTO SUSANNI/ YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM LISTER ESQ M.D./ BORN IN LONDON 8 DECEMBER 1806/ DIED IN FLORENCE 8 JANUARY 1874/ MARIA SUSANNI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Madam Vve Marie Susanni, Angleterre, fille de Guillaume Lister/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 461 Burial 20/01 Rev Tottenham, Piazza San Lorenzo, 6/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Susanni nata Lister/ Vedova Maria/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Gennaio/ 1874/ Anni 66/ 1240/ See Lister./ N&Q 254. Maria, widow of Carlo Ernesto Susanni, youngest d. of Wm. Lister, Esq., M.D, b. 8 Dec., 1806 : ob. 8 Jan., 1874. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B44/ 1227/
We know he is a Swiss shopkeeper, but cannot locate from which part of Switzerland he has come. His tomb's cross is modelled on that for the monument to King William Frederick of Prussa in the centre of the Cemetery, which in turn is modelled on that in the Piazza San Giovanni, with roses and lilies.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce di San Giovanni con gigli e rosa in marmo, marmo non molto sporco, basamento in marmo inciso con lettere capitali in lingua francese e numeri arabi, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 125. L: 57. P 37.; P.s. A: 5. L: 42.5 P: 40, Recinto: A: 26. L: 85. P: 198.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi [tomb/ inscription on reverse, copy monumental cross of San Giovanni/ King of Prussia]: FREDERIC BENOIT/ NE A SAINT AURIN . . .ENNEUSE [?]/ LE 27 SEPT 1817/ MORT A FLORENCE LE 9 OCT 1873/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Fredric Benoit, Suisse, negociant, fils de Jean Jacques, et de Suzanne, née Cornuz/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 108. Benoit/ Federigo/ Giovanni Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 9 Settembre/ 1873/ Anni 56/ 1227. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B45/ Space is left in the enclosure to Anna Maria (Peace) Horner's tomb for another headstone to be in Sector B, rather than A.

In the Censuses she is noted as unmarried, first living with her mother, then with her sister, in Bath. http://www.john-attfield.com/paf_tree/attfield_current/ind4528.html The father, Rev Thomas Broadhurst, founded Hackney College, a dissenters' school. A brother, a successful lawyer, emigrated to New South Wales, Australia. The Attfields, Balls, Joplings and Broadhursts (E47/ ELIZABETH (ATTFIELD BALL) JOPLING) are related. Is John Broadhurst, who now lacks a tomb, also of this cluster?

Anni 58/ 1269/ John Broadhurst, l'Angleterre, fils de Georges Broadhurst/ GL23777/1 N°470, Age 56, Rev Tottenham; Pall Mall Gazette, John Broadhurst of Foston Hall, Derbyshire (now a prison)/ Broadhurst/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Maggio/ 1874/

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1876. Ambito Toscano. Croce in marmo con bracci trifogliati, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, posta su basamento in marmo di forma quadrata, marmo non molto sporco, poggiante a sua volta su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 108. L: 45.5 P: 39.5; P.s. A: 23,5 L 50.: P: 44.5; R: A: 41. L: 88. P: 206.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ EMILY BROADHURST/ BORN AT BATH/ DIED AT FLORENCE 24 NOV 1876/ LOVED AND LAMENTED/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°493, Age 60, Rev Tottenham, via Venezia, 4/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Broadhurst/ Emilia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Novembre/ 1875/ / 1334/ N&Q 158. Emily Broadhurst, b. at Bath, ob. at Florence, 24 Nov 1876. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

For this last part of Sector B we need to walk amongst the tombs away from the official path.

This English wife of an Italian husband in Bagni di Lucca is buried here under a broken column. However there is no burial record for the two baby daughters who may be interred instead in Bagni di Lucca, with their father. Webbs see relationship to the Maquays.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano. [nella stessa tomba con la madre] Colonna spezzata in marmo, poggiante su un alto pilastro a pianta quadrata con lettere capitali in piombo in lingua italiana, non molto sporco, posto a sua volta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena e catena in ferro, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sui colonnini in pietra serena e intervento di pulitura sul marmo. [M: A: 244.5 L: 60.5 P: 60.5 ; P.s. A: 18.5 L: 74. P: 74.; R: A: 75. L: 300.5 P: 201.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa con lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: D.O.M./ CLARA ARABELLA CACCIA/ NATA BIRCH/ SPIRAVA IL 2 D'AGOSTO 1875/ DI SOLI VENTICINQUE ANNI/ COMPIANTA E DESIDERATA/ DAL CONSORTE MARIO/ DAI FIGLI PARGOLETTI/ DAI CONGIUNTI/ CHE QUI LA SPOGLIA MORTALE/ LACRIMANDO NE COMPOSERO/ FIDENTI NELLA DIVINA PROMESSA/ "IO SONO LA RESURREZIONE E/ LA VITA: CHI IN ME CREDE/ SEBBEN SIA MORTO, VIVERA'"/ GIOV. XI.25// D.O.M./ IN MEMORIA/ DI/ ALMA E MARIA/ TENERE BAMBINELLE CHE QUALI ANGIOLI/ LA MADRE LORO/ PRECORSERO/ IN/ CIELO/ "DI QUESTI TALI E' IL REGNO/ DI DIO"/MARCO.X,14// MARIA E ALMA CACCIA/ ITALY/ D.O.M./ IN MEMORIA/ DI/ ALMA E MARIA/ TENERE BAMBINELLE CHE QUALI ANGIOLI/ LA MADRE LORO/ PRECORSERO/ IN/ CIELO/ "DI QUESTI TALI E' IL REGNO/ DI DIO"/  MARCO.X,14/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23777/1 N°490, Burial 05/08, Age 26, Rev William Keir, Villa Capi Gatti Allalastra fuori Porta San Gallo; Marriage GL20776 N°167, 27/12/69, Mario Caccia to Clara Arabella Birch at HTF, bride under age but with consent of her father; Fabio Caccia's first wife, Pauline Birch (N&Q '226. Pauline. No other inscription.' Lost tomb was in same area. Is it her sister's, married to her husband's brother in a double marriage? However, there is no burial record.), his second wife, Susan Rodman Caccia; GL22910 N°53, Mario Caccia buried, Bagni di Lucca, 02/08/75/ Times, husband Mario Caccia, Lieut-Colonel of the 7th Regiment of Bersaglieri/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Caccia nei Birch [sic]/ Clara/ Mario/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Agosto/ 1875/ Anni 25/ 1325/ N&Q 159. Clara Arabella Caccia, b. Birch, ob. 3 Aug 1875, a. 25. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is from the Rumantsch-speaking region of Switzerland.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1875. Ambito toscano. Lastra incisa con croce con bracci trifogliati e lettere capitali incise in lingua italiana, lastra spezzata e sporca. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 76.5 P: 176.; P.s. A: 4. L: 72.5 P: 174.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA CARA MEMORIA/ DI/ CARLO CUONZ/ DI / FERNEZ GRIGIONE/ 1316/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cuonz/ Carlo/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 19 Maggio/ 1875/ Anni 27/ 1316. See also Kuonz. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her father Andrew Ross was the Laird. Her brother John Ross established a whiskey distillery at Balblair. The name 'Lilias' frequently recurs in the Ross family. She has been given a particularly beautiful tomb.


Croce. Scultore: Giuseppe Bondi, Signature: G.BONDI.F. Sec. XIX, post 4/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce in  marmo su base a finte rocce in marmo ricoperte di vegetazione, iscrizione in lettere capitali e corsivo e numeri arabi in piombo, marmo molto sporco, posti su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 180. L: 97. P: 62.5 ; P.s. A: 30. L: 103. P: 181.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e non, e numeri romani: ERECTED/ IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE/ OF/ LILLIAS ROSS/ DAUGHTER OF ANDREW ROSS/ BALBLAIR ROSSHIRE SCOTLAND/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ APRIL 25 1875/ 'Them also which sleep in Jesus/ will God bring with him.' [I Thessalonians 4.14]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ross/ Lillias/ Andrea/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Aprile/ 1875/ Anni 30/ 1309/ N&Q 177. Lillias, d. of Andrew Ross of Balblair, Ross-shire, Scotland, ob 25 April 1875/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

We only know of him that he is John Ashton, son of John Ashton.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 4/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce su base a finte rocce in marmo, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, lastra in pietra serena, recinto in ferro, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 106. L: 53. P: 46.;.s. A: 29/18 L: 63/86. P: 56.5/183; R/M/Ferro: A: 46. L: 86. P:143.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi. TO THE BELOVED MEMORY OF/ JOHN ASHTON/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE ON APRIL 5 1875 / IN HIS 28TH YEAR/ R.I.P./ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL Death 04/04 Burial 06/04 Rev Tottenham, Hotel de Rome/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 38. Ashton/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Aprile/ 1875/ Anni 28/ 1304/ N&Q 178. John Ashton, ob. 5 April 1875, a. 28. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is 7 and seems to have spent all his life abroad, being born at Menton, dying in Florence. A relative is Captain John Digby Wingfield Digby, of Sherborne Castle, born 1832, died 1888, listed in Peerage, with one daughter.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1874. Ambito toscano. Monogramma di Cristo 'JHS' a rilievo in lettere capitali al centro di una croce in marmo su base in marmo, iscrizione in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo, recinto in pietra serena con colonnini e finte corde in ferro, per la maggior parte mancanti. [M: A: 104. L: 65. P: 58.5 ; P.s. A: 64. L: 88. P: 181.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN LOVING MEMORY OF/ HUGH JOHN DIGBY WINGFIELD DIGBY/ BORN AT MENTON FRANCE JAN 2 1867/ DIED AT FLORENCE DEC 14 1874/ THINE IS THE POWER AND THE GLORY [Daniel 7.14; Matt.6.13]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hug John Digby Wingfield, l'Angleterre, fils de Richard/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 477 Burial 17/12 Rev Tottenham, via Luigi Alemanni, 21/ Morning Post, 'diphtheria'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Digby-Wingfield/ Ugo Giovanni/ Riccardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 7/ 1285/ See Wingfield/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
NDNB entry for Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, inventor of the clinical thermometer and model for Middlemarch's Tertius Lydgate, son of Revd. Thomas Allbutt, but with a different mother, Mary Anne Wooler, who died 1843. Was Sarah Allbutt his father's second wife? And has her stepson tried to find her grave and failing to do so ordered the second and smaller replacement stone?

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 5/1874. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo con croce, ghirlanda intorno alla traversa della croce, monogramma di Cristo JHS a rilievo, marmo sporco, posto su basamaneto in pietra serena, recinto in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 175. L: 85.5 P: 36.; P.s. A: 26. L: 87. P: 38,5 Recinto/M: A: 29 L: 88. P: 176.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF SARAH ISABELLA/ WIDOW OF THE LATE THOMAS ALLBUTT MA SOME/ TIME RECTOR OF DEBACH IN SUFFOLK ENGLAND WHO/ DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 13 1874 AFTER A SHORT ILLNESS/ HE THAT DWELLETH IN LOVE/ DWELLETH IN GOD AND GOD IN HIM [I John 4.16]/ [Also inscribed on two sides of small replacement plaque:] SARAH ISABELLA ALLBUTT/ DIED MAY 13TH 1874/ 1265/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sarah Isabela Allbutt, l'Angleterre, fille de Thomas Shelton/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 468, via Palestro, 7/ Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 18. Allbutt nata Shelton/ Vedova Sara Isabella/ di Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Maggio/ 1874/ Anni 59/ 1265 +/ NDNB and Times entries for the physician Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, son of the Rev. Thomas Allbutt, rector of Debach cum Boulge, Suffolk, was born at Dewsbury on July 20, 1836. but who has a different mother., Marianne, née Wooler/ N&Q 179. Sarah Isabella, wd. of the late Thomas Allbutt, Rector of Debach, ob. 13 May 1874/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His body has been shipped to San Remo but his tombstone remains. He is German-speaking Swiss.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Ambito toscano.Croce con bracci trifogliati e due basi in  pietra, lettere capitali incise in lingua tedesca, recinto con colonnini in marmo. [M: A: 13.6 L: 50. P: 36.; R/MF. A: 66. L: 89. P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: . . . GELIEBTEN/ GATTEN UND FATER/ JAKOB FEDERER/ . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques Federer, Suisse, fils de Henri Federer/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Federer/ Giacomo/ Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 13 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 42/ 1259/ Spedito S. Remo 27.iv.1911. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Elsewhere her name is given as Janet Cameron. Her husband travelled to India with her. Following her death he married Lilian Rogers. The family had five servants. For their only surviving son, Ewart Alan Mackintosh, killed in WWI, see John Murray, Christ Church, Oxford, April, 1918: http://beck.library.emory.edu/greatwar/poetry/mackintosh/mackintosh2005/


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 4/1874. Ambito toscano. Croce trifogliata e basamento inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, recinto con quattro colonnini in marmo scanalati, finte corde annodate in ferro battuto.  [M: A: 186.5 L: 61. P: 47.5.; R/M/ferro. A: 75. L: 84. P: 177.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF AGNES/ CAMERON WIFE OF ALEXANDER/ MACKINTOSH TEANINICH/ ROSSHIRE SCOTLAND/ BORN 28 MARCH 1844/ DIED 7TH APRIL 1874/ A MINISTERING ANGEL/ ALL HER LIFE WAS LOVE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Madame Agnes Mackintosh, l'Ecosse/ Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mackintosh nata Cameson [Cameron]/ Agnese/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 29/ 1258/ N&Q 181. Agnes Cameron, w. of Alexander Mackintosh of Teaninich, Ross, Scotland, b. 28 March,1844 ; ob. 1 Ap., 1874/ See Cameson/°=Robert Russell. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A taylor. Catherine Carswell, Lying Awake (Google Books), has information on him as a one-legged sailor and wool merchant who walked across the Alps to Florence, and whose son started the highly successful Haskard's Bank. He and his family were long-time residents in Florence, with descendants in Ireland and Australia. His grandchild F83/ WILLIAM FRANCIS RAM HASKARD is buried in Sector F. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 477.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1874. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo di forma 'ohalim' rettangolare a punta di diamante con apice longitudinale inciso in lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 52. L: 70. P: 167.; P.s. A: 40. L: 88. P: 185.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ TIMOTHY HASKARD/ FOR 30 YEARS RESIDENT IN FLORENCE./ MUCH ESTEEMED AND BELOVED BY ALL WHO KNEW HIM/ DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE 25TH MARCH 1874/ IN HIS 66TH YEAR// BLESSED ARE THE MEEK FOR THEY SHALL/ INHERIT THE EARTH/ BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL FOR THEY SHALL/OBTAIN MERCY S..MATTHEW V.5-7V/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Timoteo Haskard, l'Angleterre, fils de Thomas Haskard/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Marriage GL23773/4 N° 40 13/07/39 Timothy Haskard to Elizabeth Martin at HBM (Fox), Rev Tennant (F49); Baptisms children William Thomas GL2377 N° 63 b 01/11/43 bp 25/02/44, Rev Robbins (E101); Georgina GL23774 N° 109 b 16/02/45 bp 25/01/46 father Timothy mother Elizabeth, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Haskard/ Timoteo/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Marzo/ 1874/ Anni 66/ 1254/ N&Q 183. Timothy Haskard, 40 yrs. resident in Florence, of). 25 March, 1874, a. 66/ Webbs, materials on descendants including a marriage to Giorgio Vicino Pallavicino. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This Scottish military widow seems to have elected to live frugally in Florence. It is possible her father was an Aberdeen medical man.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo di forma rettangolare con apice longitudinale inciso in lettere capitali in lingua inglese posto su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 52. L: 70. P: 167.; P.s. A: 40. L: 88. P: 185.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: IN MEMORY/ OF/ CATHARINE STRAITH/ WIDOW OF LT COLONEL ROBERT MACDONALD/ LATE OF ST ROYAL SCOTS LATTERLY/ DIED AT FLORENCE . . . // . . . WHICH GIVE TO US . . .  BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHO FEAR THE LORD/ YEA, SAITH THE SPIRIT/ THAT THEY MAY REST FROM THEIR LABOURS AND THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM. REV. IV [4.13]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Catherine Mac-Donald, l'Ecosse, fille de Alexandre Straith/ Pall Mall Gazette, widow of Lieut-Colonel Robert MacDonald, formerly of the Royals, CB/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Macdonald nata Straith/ Vedova Caterina/ Alessandro/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 80/ 1257/ N&Q 182. Catharine Straith, wid. of Lieut.-Col. Robert Macdonald, C.B.,of 1st Royal Scots and 35th Regt,.06. 3 Ap.,1874. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Now go up towards the top to find:

See Wikipedia: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gherardo_Nerucci Gherardo Nerucci, the father of this half-English, half Italian three-year-old boy who has died of diphtheria, was a scholar and a patriot. He was friends with Domenico Comparetti (whose wife is buried in Sector C, C18/ ELENA RAFFALOVIC COMPARETTI) and Vittorio Imbriani. He, his English wife, Fanny Caroline Chambers, and their second child, are buried in the Allori Cemetery.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo a finto tronco d'albero, poggiante su base a finte rocce in marmo, non molto sporco, cippo con lettere capitali incise posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, quattro colonnini e ferro non superstiti [M: A: 122. L: 50. P: 26.; P.s. A: 24. L: 66. P: 42: Recinto: A: 25. L: 98. P: 166; Totale: A: 146. L: 93. P: 166.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua italiana incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AL FIGLIOLINO DILETTO/ CONRADO RATCLIFFE NERUCCI/ FILIPPO PRESTO RAPIDO ALLA VITA/ QUESTA MEMORIA/ POSERO LAGRIMANDO I GENITORI/ GHERARDO NERUCCI DA PISTOIAL/ E / FANNY CAROLINA CHAMBERS DA LONDRA/ NACQUE AL MONTALE IL 23 DI DI MAGGIO DEL 1872/ ET IVI MORI DI DIPTERITE IL 3 DI DI MAGGIO DEL 1875/ IL SIGNORE HA DATO IL SIGNORE HA TOLTO/ SIA BENEDETTO IL NOME DEL SIGNORE [Job 1.21]/ 1313/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 484 nr Pistoia, Burial 12/05, Rev Tottenham; Baptism G23775 N° 221 b 23/05/72 bp 16/06/72, Conrado Radcliff Stewart Ennis Romolo, father Gherardo gentleman, Villa di Malcalo nr Pistoia, mother Fanny Chambers  Rev Tottenham; sibling G23775 N° 255 Gherardo Radcliff George Martin b 19/11/77 bp 30/12/77 Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Nerucci/ Conrado Rotcliffe/ Gherardo/ Italia/ Firenze/ 3 Maggio/ 1875/ / 1313. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Kalima, born in Nubia, a black slave, was brought to Florence in 1827 when she was 14, her freedom purchased by Rosellini's uncle of the Champollion and Rosellini Expedition, who was baptised 'Nadezhda', 'Hope', in a Russian Orthodox family, and who died a lady in Florence. Her tomb with the only Orthodox cross in the cemetery, the Swiss forbidding any cross other than the plain Latin one. The Russian Orthodox cross has the third and slanting bar to signify the salvation of the Good Thief, the damnation of the Bad Thief, at the Crucifixion. The inscription in Cyrillic telling her story is near that of B32/ HIRAM POWERS, American, and part Native American, sculptor of the 'Greek Slave', and also near that of B93/ HOPE HAYWARD, 'OUR HOPE', while in Sector E we have the great statue of Hope by Odoardo Fantacchiotti, E25/ SAMUEL REGINALD ROUTH. Nadezhda exemplifies the spirit of the Cemetery, the Abolition of Slavery, the ending of young children's employment in mines and factories, the freeing of women, the freeing of nations. A very similar story is manifested with F53/ HENRIETTA MARIA HAY, whose Greek mother, Kalitza Psaraki, captured by Ottoman Turks in the Greek War of Independence, was purchased in Alexandria's slave market by the Scots Egyptologist, Robert Hay, and whom he married on Malta in 1828. Nubian Kalima's death at 38 occurs in the year of the Crystal Palace Exhibition in London, in the centre of which was Hiram Powers' 'Greek Slave'.

Rosellini and Champollion Expedition to Egypt and Nubia

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1851. Ambito toscano. Croce ortodossa in marmo, basamento in marmo inciso in cirillico, buono stato di conservazione, non molto sporco. [M: A: 155. L: 63. P: 40. ; P.s. A: L: P: Totale: A: 155. L: 63. P: 40.] Iscrizione sepoclrale in cirillico e numeri arabi: De Santis, Kalima Nadezda Epitaffio: 'Zdes' pokoitsja telo/ negritjank Kalimy/ vo Sv. Kresenii Nadezdy/ privezennoj vo Florenciju/ iz Nubii v 1827 godu/ Primi mja Gospodi/ vo Carstvie Tvoe'/Qui giace il corpo nella negretta Kalima, nel Santo/ Battesimo chiamata Nadezda (Speranza) portata a Firenze dalla Nubia nel 1827, Accoglila Signore nel Tuo Regno/ Talalay: 27.8.1851, N°464, RC/ Informazioni in cirillico/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Desantis (Speranza [=Nadezda])/ Kalinna/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 25 Agosto/ 1851/ Anni 38/ 464. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This Englishman's tomb inscription stresses his Egyptian birth and his Florentine villa, making this the Nubian/Egyptian/Florentine corner or centre of the cemetery.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1858. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini ora mancanti. [M: A: 2. L: 64. P: 137.; P.s. A: 20. L: 70. P: 144: Recinto A: 29. L: 100. P. 203. Totale: A: 29. L: 100. P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa con lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ROBERT VINCENT THURBURN/ BORN IN EGYPT ON THE 9 FEBRUARY 1813 AND/ DIED IN HIS VILLA AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 11TH OCTOBER 1858/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Vincent Thurburn, Angleterre/ Q 321 478 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 256 Burial 12/10 Rev O'Neill/ marriage G23774no102 Robert Vincent Thurburn to Vittoria Lybert at HBM (Bulwer). Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thurburn/ Roberto Vincenzo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Ottobre/ 1858/ Anni 43/ 648. Intervetno di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Intervento di consolidazione, Dumitrescu, 2018. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is French-speaking and from Geneva, her husband, George Walton, appears to be English, their son Louis being given a French name. On the back of this stone Daniel Claudiu Dumitrescu found another inscription to another Swiss wife who later has a grander tomb in Sector C, C85/ LOUISE THOMEQUEX, with her husband's. From the recycling we gather that either this family was poor or the stonemason cheated them.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1844. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata incisa con lettere capitali in lingua francese e numeri arabi poggiante su basamante in pietra serena. Consolidata da Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 7/2011, per scoprire che il retro era la lastra di Louise Thomequex, N° 123.  Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 70. P: 100. ; P.s. A: 8. L: 87. P:  119; Totale: A: 10. L: 87. P: 119.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE JENNY WALTON NEE MOREL/ CHARITABLE BONNE MERE ET TENDRE EPOUSE/ AIMEE DE TOUS CEUX QUE ON CONNUE/ CONSOLATRICE DES AFFLIGES/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE LE 14 JUIN 1844/ NEE A GENEVE LE 14 DECEMBRE 1811/ SON AFFECTIONNE EPOUX GEORGE WALTON/ ET SON FILS LOUIS POSERANT/ PAR RECONAISSANCE ET AVEC BIEN DES LARMES/ 289/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Dame Jenny Marie Walton, née Morel, Genève, agé de 34 ans/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Walton/ Giovanna/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 14 Giugno/ 1844/ / 289. Consolidazione e pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

1839-Charles Alexander Lushington m. Sarah, relict of the late William Camac, Esq., d. 1837. Is he related to Sir Henry Lushington, British Consul at Naples, who started the Cimitero Acattolico there, where Mary Somerville is buried, far from her husband E29/ WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, who is buried here, in Sector E? His Christian names have a Jacobite and Scottish ring to them though Lushingtons are generally found in Sussex and Middlesex.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1844. Ambito toscano. Lastra spezzata e interrata su sostegni in pietra. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 68. P: 136.; P.s. A: 14. L: 80. P: 160.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: IN MEMORIAM/ CAROLI ODOARDI LUSHINGTON/ ANNO AETATIS XXX/ AD MDCCCXLIV/ 276/ GL 23774 N° 59 age 30, London, Burial 20-01, Rev. Robbins (E101)/ m. Sarah Camac at All Souls, St Marylebone, London/ Morning Post, Gentlemans Magazine, giving name as Charles Alexander Lushington/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lushington/ Carlo Alessandro/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Gennaio/ 1844/ / 276/ N&Q 170. Charles Edward Lushington, ob. 1844, a. 31. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is from the Rumantsch-speaking area, he has a cafe in Florence, he is mourned by his children. See also B126/ GASPERO N. SALOMONI

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1848. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa in lingua italiana in lettere capitali, marmo sporco, presenza di crepe, posta su quattro sostegni in marmo poggianti su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: 2.A: L: 65. P: 128.; P.s. A: 19. L: 71. P: 136. Totale: A: 21. L: 71. P: 136.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali: D.O.M/ ALLA MEMORIA/ DI/ GIACOMO SALOMONIS/ LAPIDE POSERO FIGLI DOLENTISSIMI/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques Salomoni (Giacomo), Sent, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, Domicilié a Florence, Cafetier, fils de Nicolas Salomoni, et de Anne, née Salomoni, sa femme/ Q 196: 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salomoni/ Giacomo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 1 Gennaio/ 1848/ / 382/ [marginal note]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Participant in the Peninsula battles against Napoleon; Served in Peninsula September 1811 to June 1813; ADC to Major-General Ponsonby, November 1812 to May 1813; Major in 5th Dragoon Guards 8 April 1813; Lieutenant-Colonel 8 February 1816. He died at Orvieto while returning home.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1865. Ambito toscano. Tomba forma 'ohalim' orizzontale a punta di diamante in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, scolpita con croce a relievo nella parte retrostante, incisa in lettere capitali e numberi arabi, due dei quattro colonnini del recinto superstiti, ferro mancante. [P.s. A: 60. L: 178. P: 63; R: A: 66. L: 206. P: 68.5] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ COLONEL ARTHUR HELSHAM GORDON OF H.R.M'S SERVICE/ HE DIED AT ORVIETO ON THE WAY HOME 12 MAY 1865 AGED 84 YEARS// HE SERVED UNDER WELLINGTON IN THE PENINSULAR CAMPAIGNS/ COMMANDED THE 5TH OR PRINCESS CHARLOTTE OF WALES'S DRAGOON GUARDS 8 YEARS/ AND RETIRED FROM THE ARMY AS/ COLONEL IN THE GRENADIER GUARDS/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: le Colonel G. Gordon, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 287.55/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 22.40/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 358, Burial 15/10, Rev Pendleton, Colonel of 5th Dragoon Guards, at Waterloo/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gordon/ Colonn: G/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Maggio/ 1865/ Anni 84/ 908. N&Q 167, Col. Arthur Helsham Gordon of H.R.M.'s service, ob. at Orvieto 12 May 1865, a. 84. He served uder Wellington in the Peninsula campaigns, commanded the 5th Dragonn Guards, 8 yrs, and retired as Colonel in the Grenadier Guards. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See waterloo.html

Contradictions in the obituaries as to this young man's London address. While on the Web we find: 'There is still a family of Wansey, which has been settled at Warminster in Wiltshire from the reign of Henry VIII. Henry Wansey, esq. F.S.A., was a well-known antiquary of the last generation, author of a work on Stonehenge, and a coadjutor of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, who placed his name on that portion of the History of Modern Wiltshire which contains the hundred of Warminster, folio, 1831. His nephew, William Wansey, esq. (late of Arborfield, near Reading, and now of Bognor,) is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (elected in 1833), and has twice served the office of Prime Warden in the Company of Fishmongers of London'. Are these Wanseys our Wanseys?

Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1843. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata posta su uno zoccolo in marmo poggiante su due basamenti in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 148. L: 48.5 P: 48.5 ; P.s. A: 29. L: 63. P: 63; Recinto: A: 62. L: 86. P: 203; Totale: A: 197. L: 86. P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino e lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: H.S.E/ GULIELMUS WANSEY ANGLUS/ FILIUS NATI MAJOR/ GULIELMI ET MARIE WANSEY/ NATUS LONDINI// HERE ARE INTERRED THE REMAINS OF WILLIAM WANSEY JUNIOR/ OF LONDON/ ELDEST SON OF WILLIAM AND MARY WANSEY/ BORN IN LONDON 13TH OCTOBER 1811/ DIED AT FLORENCE 28TH DECEMBER 1843/ AGED 32 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 57 Burial 30/12 Rev Robbins (E101)/ Times, Bristol Mercury, Gentlemans Magazine/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wansey/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Dicembre/ 1843/ Anni 32/ 275/ N&Q 171. William, born at London 13 Oct 1811, elder s. of Wm. and Mary Wansey, ob. 28 Dec 1843, a. 32. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This Waterloo participant's uncle Bishop of London Beilby Porteous, of Scottish ancestry, was from Virginia, an Anglican divine deeply opposed to slavery: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beilby_Porteus. Edward Porteus has married an Italian wife and has only one surviving son. The tomb was badly vandalized but is now well restored and cleaned by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu and Nicolai Ovrei.


Scultore, P. Bazzanti, firma: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 9/1845. Ambito toscano. Tomba con lastra in marmo scolpita con croce a rilievo, poggiante su quattro lastre verticali in marmo, un fianco inciso con stemma e lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, ora danneggiato e discosto, le quattro lastre sono poste su basamento in pietra serena, recinto con quattro colonnini, ferro mancante. [M: A: 8. L: 120. P: 58; lastre verticali in marmo: A: 37 L.108 X 2; A: 37 L: 42 X 2; R A: 76. L: 153. P: 232.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ EDWARD PORTEUS ESQRE DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL OF ARMY HOSITALS IN H.B. MAJESTY'S SERVICE/ NEPHEW TO THE LATE RIGHT REVD RECTOR BEILBY PORTEUS/ LATE BISHOP OF LONDON DEPARTED THIS LIFE  AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 12 SEPT 1845 AGED 68 YEARS/ THIS MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY OF AN AFFECTIONATE HUSBAND A GOOD FATHER AND AN ABLE FRIEND/ IS ERECTED BY HIS DISCONSOLATE WIDOW DOMENICA AND SURVIVING ONLY SON GEORGE/ P.BAZZANTI.F/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 54: Burial 14-09, Rev F. Goddard officiates, Robbins (E101) attests; Marriage G23773/4 N° 6 04/02/34 Edward Porteus to Dominica Schirroni at HBM (Seymour), groom deputy inspector general of army hospitals, Rev Hutton/ See waterloo.html. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Porteus/ Eduoardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Settembre/ 1843/ Anni 68/ 268/ N&Q 172. Edward Porteus, Esq. Dep. Director of Army Hospitals, nephew to Right Rev Dr Beilby Porteus, Bishop of London, ob. 12 Sept 1843. Erected by his wd. and his only s. Goerge. Intervento di restauro conservativo, Alberto Casciani, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. Fondi da parte del Waterloo Committee. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.
See waterloo.html

The family were French Huguenot. Jane Bonnin writes: 'Henry Goussé Bonnin was descended from Goussé Bonnin the surgeon: http://www.bonnin.co.uk/genealogy/gousse_bonnin_surgeon.php Goussé's son Henry was a merchant in Antigua and a prominent slave trader. Henry's son (another Goussé) was sent to England to school - he went to Eton, so the family must have been doing quite well at that point. He subsequently married Dorothy Palmer, the daughter of Sir Charles Palmer Bt. He persuaded Sir Charles to give him money so that he and his partner could set up the first American porcelain factory in Philadelphia. The factory went spectacularly broke after about 18 months and Goussé returned to England, where his children were born. He and his family went to Europe, where it was cheaper to live than England. Henry Goussé was his son, born in England. I don't know much about him, other than that he married Charlotte Ede and died in Florence. William Wingfield was his son. He was born in Livorno around 1820 and seems to have had various jobs, including that of insurance agent for  British insurance company which was setting up business in Italy. He returned to live in England. He died about 1901'. The son is William Wingfield Bonnin, the widow Charlotte Ede who possibly has two relatives in the Cemetery, C48/ DENZIL EDE and E111/ CHARLES EDE, from Cornwall. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 294, 495.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1858. Ambito Toscano. Lastra con angoli curvilinei scolpita con una croce, marmo sporco, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 12. L: 66. P: 143.; P.s. A: 20. L: 74. P: 153.5 R/p.s.: A: 55. L: 102.5 P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali in piombo e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ HENRY GOUSSE BONIN/ FOR NEARLY 3O YEARS AN OFFICER/ IN H.R.M. SERVICE/ DEPUTY PERVEYOR [sic]/ BORN IN LONDON 27 JULY 1775/ DIED AT FLORENCE 18TH NOV 1858/ THIS MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY/ OF AN AFFECTIONATE HUSBAND/ A GOOD FATHER AND VALUABLE/ FRIEND IS ERECTED BY HIS WIDOW/ Henri G. Bonnin, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 632/ Q 327 343 Paoli/ Records, Gyuildhall Library, Rev O'Neill, 'decay'/ Morning Chronicle, Morning Post, late Deputy-Purveyor of HM's forces/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 152. Bonnin/ Enrico G/+/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Novembre/ 1858/ Anni 83/ 651/ N&Q 166. Henry Gousse Bonnin, 50 yrs an officer in service, deputy Purveyor, b. in London, 27 July 1775, ob. 18 Nov 1858. Erected by his widow. Webbs, marries Charlotte Ede, son William Wingfield Bonnin marries twice, (1) Frances Fisher, (2) Margaret Jane Pillans, information on spouse, children, relations with Wingfield, Broughton, Shields. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is another of the elderly Englishmen in Florence of whom little is known.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1874. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo (marmo molto sporco) incisa in lettere capitali in lingua inglese poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 15. L: 73. P: 172.; P.s. A: 19. L: 67. P: 168.; R: A: 40. L: 109. P: 200.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF JOHN WITHEM ESQ/ OF WIMBLEDON SURREY/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ ON THE 29 DAY OF MARCH 1874/ AGED 76 YEARS// 1236/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Withem, l'Angleterre, fils de Jean Withem/ Records, Guildhall Library, Rev Tottenham, viale Principessa Margherita, 82/ Pall Mall Gazette, of Pall Mall East/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wethem/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Marzo/ 1874/ Anni 76/ 1256/+ / N&Q 172, John Withem, Esq., of Wimbledon, Surrey, ob. 29 Mar 1874, a. 76. See Wethem. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He has a biography in John Marshall, Royal Naval Biography, Or Memoirs of the Services of all the Flag Officers, accessible on Google Books. Many members of his family connected with the Royal Navy. He seems never to have married.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano, lastra in marmo incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, basamento in pietra serena frammentato, in origine colonnini in pietra serena e ferro. Possibile  intervento di consolidamento su lastra e colonnini. [M: A: 2. L: 645. P: 130.; P.s. A: 19. L: 73.5 P: 142.R: A: 50. L: 102. P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ REAR ADMIRAL/ EDWARD AUGUSTUS FRANKLAND/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ 2 JANUARY 1862/ AGED 67 YEARS/ BELOVED AND REGRETTED/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Le Contre Amiral Edouard Auguste Frankland, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 585 + Paoli 40/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 304, Burial 04/01, Rev O'Neill, 'hypertrophy of heart'/ Morning Post, Nottinghamshire Guardian, second son of the late Rev R Frankland, of Somerset, by a sister of Admiral Lord Colville'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Frankland/ Edoardo Augusto/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Gennaio/ 1861/ Anni 67/ 769/ N&Q 165. Rear-Admiral Edward Augustus FRankland, ob. 2 Jan 1861, a. 67. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Anthony Denny's father-in-law, Vice Admiral Collingwood, was second-in-command at Trafalgar until Nelson's death, with whom he had the most great friendship. Nelson's letters to him always began with 'My dear Coll.' His request that his Lordship descend through his daughters, Sarah and Mary Patience, was not honoured. Sarah's husband took the name Collingwood, while Mary married Anthony Denny, dying in 1822, eleven years before him. Lord Collingwood lies beside Nelson in St Paul's Cathedral. See also D25/ HARCOURT POPHAM, Sector D. Among the lost tombs in this cemetery is that for Emma Carew, Horatia Nelson's half-sister.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F  Sec. XIX, post 10/1843. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con corona d'alloro, nastri, fiori, lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, marmo sporco, basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattrocolonnini, ferro andato perduto. Possibile intervento di ripristino su recinto e colonnini e di pulitura sul marmo. [M: A: 75.5 L: 121. P: 48.6; P.s. A: 43. L: 137.4 P: 64; Recinto: A: 77.5 L: 199.5 L: 96.7] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANTHONY DENNY ESQ OF BARNHAM WOOD/ IN THE COUNTY OF HERTS FOURTH SON OF THE/ REVD MAYNARD DENNY IN THE COUNTY OF KERRY/ IRELAND AND SON-IN-LAW TO THE LATE/ ADMIRAL LORD COLLINGWOOD OF HEATHPOOL/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 19TH OF OCTOBER 1843 IN THE 56TH YEAR OF HIS AGE/ DEEPLY REGRETTED BY HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS/ THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD [Job 1.21]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 56: Barham Woods Herts, 4th son of Rev Maynard Denny Co Kerry, Age 55, Burial 22-10, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Jacksons Oxford Journal/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Denny/ Antonio/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Ottobre/ 1843/ Anni 56/ 272/ Collingwood, Popham, Carew, cemetery's connections to Lord Nelson/ N&Q 174. Anthony Denny, Esq., of Barnham Wood, 4th s. of Rev Maynard Denny, co. Kerry, son-in-law to the late Admiral Collingwood, ob. 19 Oct 1843, a. 56/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Osnabruck is in Lower Saxony. Lacking his father's name or further information we cannot find much on him.


Lastra.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1865. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, lastra spezzata con lettere capitali incise in lingua tedesca, basamento in pietra serena, anch'esso spezzato. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura su lastra e base. [M: A: 2. L: 60. P: 121; P.s. A: 19. L: 70. P: 128.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CARL JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM/ VON GULICH AUS OSNABRUCK/ GEBOREN D. 21 OCTOBER 1788/ GESTORBEN D. 16 APRIL 1865/ 902/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Guillaume de Gélich, Osnabruck, rentier/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 200.55/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gélich von/ Guglielmo/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 6 Aprile/ 1865/ Anni 79/ 902. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is an American Civil War widow. Her father was sent by Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State, to treat with the Mikado in Japan in the steamship Susquehanna but was first delayed by diplomacy in Rio de Janiero and Zanzibar, then replaced by Admiral Perry. Her husband is listed in Lost and Wrecked Ships, 1801-1941, p. 71.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1863. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, basamento in pietra serena, intervento di restauro, 1879. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 5/2010. [M: A: 22. L: 67. P: 138.5; P.s. A: 21. L: 73.5 P:  141.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ JULIA A. STOUT/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ DEC 23 1863/ AGED 42 YEARS/ DAUGHTER OF COMMODORE J.H. AULICK/ US NAVY/ AND/ WIDOW OF LIEUTENANT EDWARD C. STOUT/ US NAVY/ A GALLANT OFFICER WHO LOST HIS LIFE/ IN THE SERVICE OF HIS COUNTRY/ TO OUR BELOVED MOTHER/ THIS TABLET/ IS RESTORED BY HER DAUGHTERS/ OCT 1879/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Julie Aulick Veuve Stout, Washington, Amérique/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stout (Aulick)/ Vedova Giulia/ / America/ Firenze/ 23 Dicembre/ 1863/ / 860/ N&Q 164. Julia A. Stout, d. of commodore J.H. Aulick, U.S. Navy, and wd of Lt Edward C. Stout, U.S. Navy, ob. 23 Dec 1863. Erected by her daughters. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Maria Stevens, spinster, aged 34, from Pistoia.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra spezzata posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 68. P: 136.; P.s. A: 10. L: 78.5 P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF MARIA STEVENS/ SPINSTER/ WHO WAS BORN IN LONDON ON THE 12TH OF APRIL 1823/ AFTER A LONG AND PAINS[sic]ULL ILLNESS/ ON THE 6TH OF DECEMBER 1842/ AGED 34 YEARS/ Obituary, The Standard, Maria, second daughter of William Stevens, Esq, of Queen street Cheapside/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stevins/ Maria / / Inghilterra/ Pistoia/ 6 Dicembre/ 1842/ Anni 34/ 252/ N&Q 175. Maria Stevens, spinster, b. in London, 12 Apr 1823, ob. 8 Dec 1842, a. 34. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This is likely the mother of the child below and who now also comes to be buried here. Joseph Ropes of Hartford, Connecticut, was a landscape artist. Notes and Queries places this tomb between Frances Trollope and Julia Stout

A child born dead to an American couple, the father an artist, from Hartford, Connecticut.
1856, 25 Juin, Un Enfant du sexe feminine née mort, fille de Joseph Ropes, de Hartford, Etat de Conecticut, Etats Unis de l'Amerique du Nord, et de Maria E. Ropes, sa femme/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 146/ Q 239: 80 Paoli.

Joseph Ropes, 'Lake Geneva'

Blocco in marmo in forma 'ohalim' a punta di diamante (molto sporco) iscrizione illeggibile salvo per 'MARC . . . WIFE OF/. . .ROPES / BORN IN . . ./ DIED IN FLORENCE . . ./ . . ./ iscrizione in lingua inglese illeggibile, posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena, le quattro colonne sono andate perdute. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 16. L: 58. P: 117.; P.s. A: 24. L: 55. P: 104. R: A: 28. L: 177. P: 86.]/ Marcia Ropes, l'Amerique, agée de 39 ans/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Francs 331.75/ Ropes/ E./ / America/ Firenze/ 17 Luglio/ 1864/ Anni 39/ 872/ +. N&Q 163. Marcia Eliz. Sewall, w. of Joseph Ropes, b. in Bath, Maine, U.S.A., 1 July 1825, ob. in Viareggio 17 July 1864/

B74/ 310/
He would be a Rumantsch-speaking Swiss pastrymaker.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1845. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata, marmo sporco, Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 67.5. P: 137.; P.s. A: 19. L: 73. P: 143.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RACC . . . SI/ LE SPOGLIE/ DI GIACOMO BISENZI/ NATO IN ZENEERSE/ MORTO IN FIRENZE LE 22 GIUGNO 1845/ IN ETA DI ANNI 67/ IL FIGLIO IN MEMORIA/ Q M O/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques Bisenzi, Zernete dans le Canton des Grisons, Pastissier/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 132. Bisenz/ Giacomo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 22 Luglio/ 1845/ / 310. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Lastra in marmo danneggiata all'angolo destro in alto (parte mancante), marmo sporco e intaccato dai licheni, iscrizione illeggibile, posta su basamento in pietra serena.
Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 13,5 L: 65.5 P: 137.5.; P.s. A: 16.5 L: 73.5 P: 142.5: ]
/ SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF / Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


B76/ 1079
This half English, half Italian youth is awarded a magnificent tomb commissioned by his father from Professor Giuseppe Lazzerini of Carrara, recently restored by Eleanora Gioventù, of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, and exhibited in the Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.


Scultura. Scultore: Giuseppe Lazzerini, Firma: INVENZIONE DEL PADRE/ E[SEGU]ITA. DA G. LAZZERINI. Sec. XIX, post 2/1870. Ambito toscano. Allegoria della Morte, scheletro in marmo con teschio bendato, con la falce recide gigli e papaveri, marmo sporco con presenza di crosta nera, posta su piedistallo inciso con l'iscrizione sepolcrale, a sua volta poggiante su basamento scolpito con una croce in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. In restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, 2009-2010. [M: A: 340. L: 90. P: 210.; P.s. A: 55. L: 90. P: 210.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lingua italiana in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AL DILIGENTE E STUDIOSO GIOVANE/ ANDREA DI MARIANO CASENTINI/ CARO A TUTTI PER DISTINTE VIRTU'/ CHE NATO IN LONDRA/ IL 14 MARZO 1853/ ERA TOLTO ANZI TEMPO ALLA VITA/ IN QUESTA CITTA'/ IL 2 FEBBRAJO 1870/ DESOLATI PADRE E FRATELLO/ QUESTA COMMEMORATIVA PIETRA/ ESPRESSIONE DI AFFETTO E DOLORE/ PIETOSAMENTE PONEVANO/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Andrea Casentini, Italia, fils de Mariano Casentini/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 443/ Freeman, 225/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Casentini/ Andrea/ Mariano/ Italia/ Firenze/ 2 Febbraio/ 1870/ Anni 17/ 1079/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, pp. 63-67/ Tesi, Eleanora Gioventù, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, 2010/ Mostra, Castel Sant'Angelo, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU.

She is probably Valdensian.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1849. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo molto sporco, presenza di crepe, lastra incisa in lettere capitali, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 69. P: 138; P.s. A: 17. L: 84. P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali: . . . GIT/ HENRIETTE MAURIN/ . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Morin, Suisse, Vevey Canton de Vaud./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Maurin/ Enrichetta/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 10 Marzo/ 1849/ / 399. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Helen Skene has never married and dies a spinster in Florence. The Webbs note that her sister, Catherine, married Dr Kissock in Edinburgh, their daughter and Helen's niece, Janet Jardine Kissock, being buried in Rome's Protestant Cemetery. The servants of Dr Kissock appear in the listings of 'Lost Tombs':
He is twelve and a half or fourteen, the son of a widow who was formerly servant to the Scottish Dr Kissock. Small wonder there is no extant tomb.
GL 23773/4 N° 46, age 12 1/2, son of widow Booth, late servant to Dr Kissock, Burial 31-01, Rev. Hutchinson/ Booth/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Gennaio/ 1836/ Anni 14/ 133/

He is from Down, Ireland.
Henri Fields, Angleterre, ancien Palfrenier/ agé de soixante-quatorze ans/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 230/ GL23777/1 N°182, age 64, Burial 13/01, Rev O'Neill; see below for marriage/ Fields/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Gennaio/ 1853/ Anni 74/ 497/

Her second husband was Irish, she a Florentine widow at her marriage to him. She is buried a pauper.
Elisabeth Fields, l'Angleterre/ Indigente/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 77.55/ GL23777/1 N°326, Burial 26/05, Rev FHS Pendleton; 2nd marriage GL23773/4 N° 22 17-11-36 Henry Fields to Elizabeth Booth at HBM, groom, Down Ireland, bride, 'widow of Florence', Rev Henry Hartopp Knapp; burial of husband 11/01/53//  Fields/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Maggio/ 1863/ Anni 80/ 832/
Earlier George Skene of Rublislaw, 1706

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 70. P: 137.5 ; P.s. A: 18.5 L: 76. P: 149.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF MISS HELEN SKENE DAUGHTER OF THE LATE GEORGE SKENE OF RUBISLAW IN SCOTLAND WHO DIED IN FLORENCE ON THE 20 DAY OF JULY 1842/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 35: called 'Ellen', Burial 22-07, Rev H. Gipps Vicar of Corbridge Northumberland/ Caledonian Mercury/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Skene/ Elena/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Luglio/ 1842/ Anni 75/ 245/ N&Q 176. Miss Helen Skene, d. of the late George Skene, of Rubislaw, Scotland, ob. 29 July 1842. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

This child has only lived two hours. The stonemason has incorrectly chiselled his initials.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1846. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo orizzontale, marmo sporco, adagiata su lastra in pietra serena, iscrizione sul basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena sporca. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 34.5 P: 75.; P.s. A: 13. L: 49. P:  86.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: WGP[Sic]WASBORN&DIEDFEB221846/ GL 23774 N° 92: William George Francklin, s of Rev William Francklin and Maria Penelope, Burial 24-02, Rev Robbins (E101); baptism, Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N°111 22/02, Rev Francklin. Private baptism by father at birth, Robbins (E101) burying him/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Franklin/ Guglielmo Giorgio/ / / Firenze/ 22 Febbraio/ 1846/ Ore 2/ 330. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.  

B80/ 849/
I noted in 'Iron Chain, Gold Ring': On 28 December 1827, the ship 'Edward' had set sail from the Port of London for the Port of New Orleans. On board were Frances Trollope, 40, Cecilia Trollope, 12, Emily Trollope, 10, Henry Trollope, 14, all English, Frances Wright, 28, American, and August Hervieu, 23, French. Frances Wright, associated with Lafayette, had invited the Trollopes to Nashoba where she had a settlement for the education of Negro slaves. Auguste Hervieu, a brilliant young artist, was the children's tutor and companion. With them also were Hester Rust and William Abbott, their servants. Often Hervieu had to sell his art to feed and house them all'. In Cincinatti she had engaged the young B32/ HIRAM POWERS to do Dante's Commedia in wax, starting his career as a sculptor. Pastore Luigi Santini wrote of her presence in Florence: 'She was the matriarch of a clan of writers; herself, two sons and two daughters-in-law. She arrived in Florence with her son Thomas Adolphus in 1843 and took up residence in Piazza Santa Croce, immediately entering into friendly relations with notables of the Court and the British community. In 1849 she moved with her son and daughter-in-law Theodosia Garrow to a little house, Villino Trollope, in Piazza Barbano (now Indipendenza). She dedicated herself to the theatre, organized Anglo-Florentine social life, and wrote prolifically, and her house became a meeting place and obligatory reference point even for such writers as Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and Thackeray. Her son's autobiography, What I Remember (London, 1887), is a splendid window on cosmopolitan and cultivated Florence'.

Auguste Hervieu                Villino Trollope             

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1863. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo incisa in lettere capitali in lingua latina e numeri arabi, marmo sporco, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini spezzati. Intervento di pulitura, Alberto Casciani/ Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010.  [M: A: 162. L: 87. P: 51.; P.s. A: 20. L: 96. P: 60; R: A: 38: 198. P: 83.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FRANCESCAE TROLLOPE/ QUOD MORTALE FUIT/ HIC IACET/ . . . / MEMORIA/ NULLUM MARMOR QUAERIT/ APUD STAPLETON/ IN AGRO SOMERSET ANGLORUM/ A.D. 1780 NATA/ FLORENTIAE/ TUMULUM A.D.1863/ NACTA EST/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Françoise Veuve Trolloope, l'Angleterre, fille de Revd. Guillaume Milton, et de Marie, née Gressley, son épouse/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 337 Burial 08/10 Age 84 Rev Pendleton/ Hampshire Advertiser, Morning Post, relict of Thomas Anthony Trollope, Esq, barrister-at-law/ Maquay Diaries, EBB Letters/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Trolloape [Trollope] nata Milton/ Vedova Francesca/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Ottobre/ 1863/ Anni 84/ 849/ On the Trollopes in Florence, see Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring, passim/ Thomas Adolphus Trollope writes the Latin of the inscriptions for his mother, his wife, his father-in-law; Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, I & II/ N&Q Francisca Trollope, b. at Stapleton, Somt, 1780, ob. 1863. (In Latin.)/ NDNB entries for Trollopes, etc/*=Dennis Looney. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta. See ironchain.html, http://www-florin.ms/gimel CBV.html#Ayres, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU.


Her tomb, its slab now broken, lies between those for Frances and Theodosia Trollope. She had already buried her father, John Brooke, in Sector A (A30
), a quarter of a century earlier. A hundred years ago, Notes and Queries were able to read that she had lived at the Casa Gandelli in the Piazza Soderini.

191. Brooke/ Giovanni / /Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 17 Ottobre/ 1852/ Anni 82/ 491/ John Brooke, Angleterre/ / GL23777/1 N°1780, Rev Gilbert/ SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOHN BROOKE OF DUBLIN/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ AT FLORENCE OCTOBER 22 1852 AGED 82/ [Scripture Text] A DAUGHTER'S LAST TRIBUTE/ 491/ F9E


Lastra in marmo spezzata, posta tra le tombe dei Trollope, marmo sporco, iscrizione illeggibile e il ' N° 1380 inciso trova questa corrispondenza nei documenti d'archivio, posta su basamento in pietra serena.
Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2.5 L: 58. P: 128.; P.s. A: 21. L: 67. P: 136.] GL23777/1, Rev Tottenham, Daughter to John Brooke, Casa Gandelli, Piazza Soderini/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 190/ Brooke/ Fanny/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Febbraio/ 1877/ Anni 77/ 1380 / [Tombstone illegible, identified only by number 1380]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Knight of the Portuguese Order of the Tower and the Sword for his participation as surgeon on the H.M.S. 'Confiance' at the capture of  Cayenne. He and Raffles visit Napoleon on St Helena. Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.146-147, describes Sir Thomas Sevestre, as an old India Army surgeon called on at the Baths of Lucca to attend a dying duellist.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/182. Ambito toscano. Lastra scolpita con croce a rilievo, iscrizione quasi illeggibile, poggiante su quattro sostegni in marmo. posti a loro volta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena e colonnini scanalati (un colonnino mancante), ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 4/18 L: 78. P: 151.; P.s. A: 13. L: 78.5 P: 151. R: A: 41. L: 144.5 P: 224.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ SIR THOMAS SE . . . BART/ WHO . . . / . . . / Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 31: Burial, 17-02, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Sevestre/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Febbraio/ 1842/ / 236/ N&Q 160. Sir Thomas (Sevestre?) Kt, ob. 15 Feb 1842. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

The matching tomb for Augustus Lester Garland, and his two sisters is at Livorno, the first photograph below kindly supplied by Matteo Giunti from the  'Old English Cemetery of Livorno'. Matteo Giunti is actively a member of the Livorno delle Nazioni Association which is trying to save it from decay and the misinterpretations of the past. One wonders, was there no one left to erect her tomb? Or, if she is buried with him, no one to request that extra information be chiseled on the marble? The same neglect is found in the case of Sophia Lagersvard (B20). We also find that where families are separated between the Cimitero 'degli Inglesi' and the Cimitero agli Allori, the tombs defy that separation, for instance the tomb of Mary Spencer Stanhope (B10) mirrors that her Pre-Raphaelite father also sculpted for himself at the Allori.

Livorno                            Florence

Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1863. Ambito toscano. Colonna poggiante su sei gradini con quattro sfere tra il primo e il secondo. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 154. L: 114. P: 114.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ LESTER BINGLEY LESTER/ THE ONLY AND MOST DEARLY BELOVED SON OF/ AUGUSTUS LESTER AND CLEMENTINA MATILDA GARLAND/ HE WAS BORN THE 24TH NOV 1832 AND DEPARTED THIS/ LIFE THE 24TH NOV 1863/ AFTER AN ILLNESS OF NEARLY TWO/ YEARS OF MUCH SUFFERING WHICH HE BORE/ WITH THE MOST EXEMPLARY PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION/ LEAVING HIS WIDOWED MOTHER IN THE MOST/ INCONSOLABLE GRIEF THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED BY HIS MOTHER WHOM HE SO TENDERLY LOVED/ WHO ATTENDED HIM DURING THE WHOLE PERIOD OF HIS/ LONG ILLNESS NEVER LEAVING HIM NIGHT OR DAY/ IT IS LIKE THE ONE SHE ERECTED IN THE OLD/ ENGLISH BURIAL GROUND AT LEGHORN TO THE/ MEMORY OF HIS BELOVED FATHER AND TWO SISTERS/ IT IS A CRUEL SEPARATION/ BUT THE LORD'S WILL BE DONE [Matt. 5.7; 26.42; Luke 11.2]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Lester Bingley Garland, l'Angleterre, fils di Auguste Garland/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 354.59/ GL23777/1 N°339, Burial 20/11, Age 30 years 11 months, Rev Pendleton; Baptism GL20990 N° 66, 19/02/33, Rev Harvey, Ripoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Garland/ Lester Bingly/ Augusto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Novembre/ 1863/ Anni 33/ 855/ Obituary, Times/ Webbs, materials for marriage of parents, baptism of siblings in Livorno. His mother dies two years later: Clémentine Mathilde Garland, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 354.59/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 368, Death 20/11, Burial 21/11, age 61, widow of Augustus Garland, Death 18/03/39, qv Rev Pierce Connolly/ Garland/ Clementina Matilde/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Novembre/ 1865/ / 928/ N&Q Lester Bingley, only s. of Augustus Lester and Clementina Matilda Garland, b. 24 May 1831, ob. 19 Nov 1865. Erected by his widowed mother. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

British Vice Consul in Florence. Elizabeth (Chapman) Proby, his wife, publishes The Dennes of Daundelyonn, London, 1859, to be found on the Web. They lose their daughter 945/ AMY ISABELLE PROBY shortly before her father's death.
She is likely buried with her father, Her Britannic Majesty's Vice Consul in Florence. She is three months old and dies shortly before he does.
Proby/ Amata Isabella/ Carlo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Luglio/ 1866/ Mesi 3/ 945/ Aimée Isabelle Proby, l'Angleterre, fille de Charles Proby, et de Elisabeth, née Chap[man?], son épouse/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 202.30.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1868. Ambito toscano. Obelisco in marmo, marmo sporco, posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena, colonnini spezzati e mancanti. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sulle colonne e pulitura sul marmo. [M: A: 127 L: 52.5 P: 52.5 ; P.s. A: 48. L: 60. P: 60.; R: A: 34. L: 152. P: 128.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN/ MEMORIAM CHARLES JOHN PROBY/ FOR SOME TIME/ H.B.M. VICE CONSUL/ IN FLORENCE/ OB. 4TH JANUARY 1868/ AET 52/ BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD/ REV. XIV. [14.13]/ THERE THE WEARY BE AT REST/ JOB III.17/ 1001/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles John Proby, l'Angleterre, fils de Revd Charles Proby/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 353.72/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Proby/ Carlo Giovanni/ Carlo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Gennaio/ 1868/ Anni 52/ 1001/ Was unpaid Vice Consul 1863-1865, officially under Macbean at Leghorn. Post abolished 1865 when Embassy moved from Turin, Florence becoming capital of Italy/ N&Q 195. Charles John Proby, for some time H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul in Florence, ob. 4 Jan., 1868, a. 52. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B85/ 904/
When an invalid child in Torquay, she had known Elizabeth Barrett, likewise a young invalid, both with tuberculosis. Pastore Luigi Santini: 'She arrived in Florence in 1845 with her father [B108/ JOSEPH GARROW, who is buried near her tomb], an able violinist, and her mother, who became friendly with their neighbours, the Trollopes, as a result of a visit by their mutual friend Charles Dickens. She married Thomas Adolphus Trollope and moved to the Piazza Barbano in 1848. She was a talented writer with a wonderful mastery of Italian and translated works by Giusti and G.B. Nicolini. A fanatic supporter of the cause of Italian independence, she published a history of the Tuscan Revolution in the Athenaeum'. Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.150-159, 166-168, & Chapter XVIII, describes her as Florence's new Corinne; pp. 171-173. Theodosia (T. Garrow on the title page) made a translation of Giovanni Batista Niccolini’s, Arnold of Brescia, a tragedy, and this was published in London in 1846, also wrote History of the Tuscan Revolution. Elizabeth Shinner (C71), her maid, is mentioned in Harriet Fisher’s will, made on 10 July 1846.  She wrote: ‘To Eliz.th.  Shinner maid servant the sum of 30£ my gold watch and whatever wearing apparel my sister Theodosia Garrow may not wish to retain’. This half-sister, C77/ HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), is buried with C71/ ELIZABETH SHINNER, their maid, in Sector C. We witness amongst many of these tombs the great affection and respect their masters and mistresses paid to servants under their roof: CHARLES CROSBIE, A20 to MARY DUVALL, A80; the friends of the late WILLIAM READER, A23 to HENRY AUSTIN, E34; FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80, THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE, B85, and HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), C77, to ELIZABETH SHINNER, C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, to ANNA ROFFY, C61SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL, E58, to JAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni to MARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2. B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN (in this sector B), cares first for motherless Pen Browning, then for Bice Trollope on the deaths of their mothers from tuberculosis. NDNB entries for Theodosia Trollope, James Archibald Stuart-Wortley, whose grandson married first Theodosia's daughter, Bice, then Millais' daughter, Caroline. See Garrow, Trollope, Shinner, Fisher entries and the Villino Trollope photograph below, on which is placed this plaque. Thomas Adolphus Trollope composes the Latin on his mother's tomb, B80/ FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, on his wife's father's, B108/ JOSEPH GARROW, and on his wife's, B85/ THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE.

Villino Trollope, Thomas, Fanny,    The day 13 April 1865/ died in this house/ Theodosia Garrovv-Trollope/ 
Bice, Theodosia                                  who wrote in English with an Italian spirit/ of the struggle and the triumph of Liberty

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 42/1865. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo, marmo inciso in lettere capitali in latino e numeri arabi, marmo sporco, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con quattro colonnini spezzati. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 166. L: 86. P: 52.; P.s. A: 20. L: 95. P: 57. R:  A: 47.  L: 191. P: 85.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THEODOSIAE TROLLOPE/ T. ADOLFI TROLLOPE CONIUGIS/ QUOD MORTALE FUIT/ HIC IACET/ OBITUM EIUS FLEVERUNT OMNES/ QUANTUM AUTEM FIERI MERUIT/ VIR EUGUI SCRIPTORES/ SCIT SOLUS/ JOSEFE GARROW ARMr FILIA/ APUD TORQEY IN AGRORUM DEVON ANGLORUM NATA/ FLORENTIAE NOMEN AGENS LUSTRUM/ AD PLURES DIVINAE . . ./ MENSES APRILES A.D. 1865/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Theodosia Trollope, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 357 Burial 15/04 Age 46 Rev Pendleton; Marriage GL23774 N° 71+170/6 N° 71 03/04/48 Thomas Adolphus Trollope to Theodosia Garrow at HBM (Hamilton) bride d of Joseph Garrow, Devon, Rev Robbins (E101); Baptism of child GL23775 N° 219/40, Beatrice Catherine Harriet 05/05/53, father Thomas Adolphus Esq, mother Theodosia, Rev O'Neill/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Trolloape [Trollope]/ Teodosia/ [Joseph Garrow]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Aprile/ 1865/ Anni 46/ 904/+/ Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.150-159, 166-168, Chapter XVIII, pp. 171-173/ N&Q 196. Theodosiae Trollope | T. Adolphi Trollope conjugis | quod mortale fuit | hicjacet. | Obitum ejus fleverunt omnes | quantum autem fieri meruit | vir eheu superstes | scit solus. | Josefi Garrow, Arm. filia | apud Torquay inagro Devon Anglorum nata | Florentiae | nonum agens lustrum | ad plures abiit j 13 die mensis Aprilis, A.D. 1865/ NDNB entries for Theodosia Trollope, James Archibald Stuart-Wortley, whose grandson married first Theodosia's daughter, Bice, then Millais' daughter, Caroline/ See Fisher, Garrow, Trollope, Shinner. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta. See Olive Baldwin and Thelma Wilson, 'Tom Trollope's Mother-in-Law', garrows.html/ TAU

B86/ 1356/
Two Greek babies who die around four years old, mourned by their aging parents.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1876. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, lastra spezzata e sporca. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 73.5 P: 45.; P.s. A: 15. L: 95. P: 56.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: 1065 1356 QUI RIPOSANO LE DUE ANGIOLETTE/ MARCELLINA E VETURIA GRECO/ CHE INNANZI AI QUATTRO ANNI/ MORIRONO/ L'UNA A 29 MAGGIO 1869/ E L'ALTRA A 20 MAGGIO 1876/ LASCIANDO A I LORO VECCHIO GENITORE/ DESOLATI I DI CHE GLI SOPRAVANZERANNO/ ED ALLA MADRE LUTTO A PIANTO/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 113/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Vota/Greco/ Voto/ Marcellina/ Antonio/ Grecia/Firenze/ 30 Ottobre/ 1869/Anni 4/1065//Greco/Vittoria/ Antonio/ / Firenze/ 21 Maggio/ 1876/ Anni 3/ 1356. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B87/ 861/
His father, Thomas Benjamin Adair, was a Major General of Royal Marines, C.B., who died 1849. He served in the ‘Alexander’ at the Nile. He was married to Sarah, the daughter of Bratton of Shrewsbury. They had 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters, of which the first son was Richard Bratton Adair, a Captain of Royal Artillery, who died in 1863. He had been married to Sophia, daughter of Steward.


 Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 12/1863. Ambito toscano. Intervento di restauro, Piero Marmi, anno 2000, lastra spezzata per la caduta di un cipresso, intervento di restauro, anno 2001, posta su basamento in pietra serena, colonnini recinto in pietra serena andati perduti. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [Dimensioni Marmo: Altezza: 46. Lunghezza: 68. Profondità: 144.; Pietra serena. A: 18. L: 72. P: 146 ; Recinto, p.s.: A: 25. L: 93. P: 186.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, piombo e ottone mancanti: IN MEMORY OF/ RICHARD BRATTON ADAIR/ LATE CAPTAIN ROYAL ARTILLERY/ HE FELL ASLEEP IN JESUS/ ON THE 27TH DEC 1863/ AGED 42/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Richard Bratton Adair, l'Angleterre/ GL23777/1 N° 341, Rev Pendleton/ Times, Richard Bratton Adair, Captain, half-pay Royal Artillery, eldest son of the late Major-General Adair, C.B., Freeman's Journal, Hampshire Telegraph, Bury & Norwich Post/ 7. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Adair/ Riccardo Bratton/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Dicembre/ 1863/ Anni 43/ 861/ N&Q 197. Richard Bratton Adair, late Captain R. British Artillery, ob. 27 Dec., 1863, a. 43. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His ships were the 'Poliphemus', the 'Terrible', and the 'Cambrian', sailing in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea during the Crimean War, and the East Indies and China Seas. His tomb by Francesco Giovanozzo, who also sculpted Elizabeth Barrett Browning's tomb from Lord Leighton's design for Count Cottrell and Robert Browning (B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING), is sculpted from a single block of marble as an anchor. Both Adair's And McCleverty's tombs were smashed by a falling cypress in 2000, then repaired.


Scultore, Francesco Giovannozzi, Firma: F.GIOVANNOZZI.F. Sec. XIX, post 3/1863. Ambito toscano. Ancora legata con finta corda a una croce con bracci trifogliati poggiante su base a finte rocce scolpite in marmo, marmo eroso, a sua volta posta su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di restauro conservativo Piero Marmi, 2000, danni causati dalla caduta di un cipresso. Intervento di  restauro,  2000, crollo nel 2010 e nuovo intervento di restauro. Intervento di restauro Alberto Casciani, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 176.5 L: 79.5 P: 73.; P.s. A: 55. L: 87.5 P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ CAPTAIN JAMES JOHNSTON M.CLEVERTY C.D./ R.N./ WHO DIED ON THE 4TH MARCH 1863/ AGED 52/ BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL/ FOR THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY [Matt. 5.7]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: James McCleverty, l'Angleterre, Capitaine de Marine, agé de 53 ans/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 321 Burial 03/03, Rev Ponton/ Inscription has him die day after burial!/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: MacCleverty/ Cap: Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Marzo/ 1863/ Anni 53/ 818/ +/ N&Q 198. Capt. James Johnston McCleverty, C.B., R.N., 06. 1 March, 1863, a. 52/ See Cleverty. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Born, baptised in St Petersburg, Russia, 21 August 1791, parents Henry Savage Yeames and Wilhelmina, married Adela Bastogi, sister of banker Pietro Bastogi, uncle to Victorian painter William Frederick Yeames, who stayed with him in Florence while studying art. Diana Webb writes: 'I was struck by the name Henry Yeames,  he died in September 1865 at Baden Baden, aged 71, and was brought to Florence for burial.  I had encountered him as a subscriber to Vieusseux and elsewhere, and wondered if there was any connection with William Frederick Yeames, painter of 'And When Did You Last See Your Father?'  This is what I found. John Lambe Yeames (1705-1787) forged a long-standing family connection with Russia, as Surveyor of the Russian Navy. His son Henry Savage became British Consul-General of the Black Sea in 1803 and died in 1819, when his son James continues the office. James was one of three sons, the others being Henry (our man, the eldest, I think) and William, who went into business trading from Russia.  In 1842 he and his family, who included William Frederick, born in Russia at the very end of 1835, went on a trip to Italy, where they stayed for a time in Florence with  William's brother Henry and his wife Adela, who lived there. This is our Henry, and Adela was none other than the sister of Pietro Bastogi, prominent banker of Livorno, who played a big part in financing the Tuscan railways, and later became Minister of Finance in the Italian government. Apparently she was quite an active society hostess. From Florence the family moved to Venice, where William senior died just a few weeks or days before his youngest child was born.  They then somehow got back to Russia but turn up later in Germany. In 1852 they again visited Henry and Adela in Florence, and this time they left young William Frederick with his uncle and aunt, to live with them while he studied art. A volume of reminiscences of him written much later by a nephew names some of the people he met while he was there - Rossini, Mary Somerville (E29), and so forth. He moved on to pursue his studies in Rome for a time and then came back to the Yeames palazzo before returning to England, where his mother, brothers and sisters now lived, -  they turn up in London in the 1851 census - although his eldest brother, Henry, continued to be a Russia merchant. So Henry Yeames looks like one of those 'British' Florentine residents who was not born in Britain, and may rarely if ever have set foot in the British Isles except as a visitor, if indeed he ever did.  ( The 'American' Horace Hall and the Catholic Francis Sloane are other examples.) And through him there is an artistic connection, with his nephew William Frederick Yeames'.

William Frederick Yeames, 'And When Did You Last See Your Father?', 1878

Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1865. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo con croce orizzontale in stile gotico poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 40. L: 67.5 P: 172.; P.s. A: 40. L: 75. P: 176.; R: A: 30. L: 106. P: 200.] HENRY YEAMES/ DIED AT B.BADEN THE 13TH SEPTEMBER 1865/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri Yearnes, l'Angleterre/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 303.35/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 365 brought from Baden Baden, Burial 25/09 Rev Pendleton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Yearnes/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Baden Baden/ 13 Settembre/ 1865/ / 923/N&Q 213. Henry Yeames, ob. at Baden-Baden, 13 Sept., 1865, a. 71. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her mother remarried the year after William Reynolds' death to the Revd Henry Greene (A51). The tomb's cross has been vandalized.

Croce in marmo spezzata, basamento e blocco in marmo con iscrizione illeggibile posta su pietra serena erosa, recinto in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di ripristino..[M: A: 80. L: 37. P: 30.; P.s. A: 18. L: 48. P: 40.; R: A: 26. L: 86. P: 184.] Marguerite Reynolds, l'Angleterre, fille de Guillaume/ G23777/1 N° 423 Burial 28/06 Age 58, Rev Tottenham, 9 Piazza dell'Independenza/ Obituary, Times, the family from Liverpool/ Reynolds/ Margherita/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Giugno/ 1870/ Anni 55/ 1098. Reynolds/ Margherita/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Giugno/ 1870/ Anni 55/ 1098/ N&Q Margaret Ann Reynolds, ob. 25 June, 1870. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B91/ 991
Fanny is the wife of Henry Gousse Bonnin's son, William Wingfield Bonnin, her sister Eliza the wife of A73/ JAMES SHIELDS. The following year William Wingfield Bonnin marries Margaret Jane Pillans in Florence.


Sarcofago. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1867. Ambito Toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con violette, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, recinto in ferro, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 74. L: 156.5 P: 70.5; P.s. A: 35. L: 153. P: 72.; R/P.s/ferro: A: 43. L: 208. P: 113.5] [Pansies] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese entro tabula incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ FANNY/ FOR UPWARDS OF XXIII THE BELOVED WIFE/ OF/ WILLIAM WINGFIELD BONNIN ESQ/ OF/ BUCKINGHAM STREET STRAND LONDON/ DIED AT FLORENCE xxxi OCTOBER MDCCCLXVII/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Fanny Bonnin, née Fischer, l'Angleterre, fille de Henri Fischer/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 2 393/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°386, Rev. Pierce Connolly; Marriage GL20990 N°50, 07/08/44, William Wingfield Bonnin to Frances Fisher, BCL, Rev. Gambier, 2nd marriage of husband, GL23871 N°88/19/115 17/02/68 William Wingfield Bonnin to Margaret Jane Pillans at BE, groom widower of London, Rev. Tottenham; marriage of sister: 02/02/52 James Shields (buried, Sector A) to Eliza Fisher at HBM (Scarlett), groom goods manager on Pistoia/Prato railroad, bride place Casa Scarlett, Rev O'Neill, relations with Wingfield, Broughton, Shields (Sector A)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 153. Bonnin nata Fischer/ Fanny/ Enrico/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Ottobre/ 1867/ Anni 48/ 991/ N&Q 225. Fanny, for 23 yrs. w. of Wm. Wingfield Bonnin, C.E., of Buckingham St., Strand, ob. 31 Oct.. 1867, a. 48/ See Digby. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B92/ 952/
She is Swedish, her father, Olof Gråberg de Hemsö, while her uncle Jacob Gråberg de Hemsö who adopted her,  is the Grand Duke's librarian at the Pitti, a member of the Accademia Italiana in Turin. Jacob married Jeanne Marie Brigitte Hugues, the daughter of a Lyons architect, the adopting mother of Aurore and sister of Sophie Hugues, who married B20/ JOHAN CLAES LAGERSVARD, explaining why these tombs are close together.


Tomba in forma di croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1866. Ambito toscano. Tomba a croce gotica orizzontale in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, incisa in lettere capitali in lingua francese e numeri arabi. [Ps. A: 35. L: 60. P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: . . . AURORE COMTESSE ECKHORECHT DURCKHEIM MONTMARTIN/ . . . MORTE A FLORENCE LE 6 NOVEMBRE 1866// ELLE N'EST PAS MORT/ ELLE . . . TOUJOURS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Eleanore Gråberg de Hemsö, [Stockholm] en Suède, rentier, fille du Chevalier Olof Gråberg de Hemsö et de Jeanne Marie, née Schinkel/ Aurora Eckhardt de Durckheim Montmartin, Suède, née Gråberg, fille de Chevalier Olaf Gråberg de Hemsö et de Jeanne Marie, née Schinkel/III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 311/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dürkheim nata Gråberg de Hemso/ Anna/ / Svezia/ Firenze/ 6 Novembre/ 1866/ Anni 49/ 952/See Gråberg de Hemsö [same death date as Eleanore Gråberg de Hemso] /Gråberg de Hemsoe/ Eleanora/ Olof/ Svezia/ Firenze/ 21 Febbraio/ 1863/ Anni 47/ 817/ Gråberg de Hemsoe (nei Dürkheim)/ Aurora/ Svezia/ Firenze/ 21 Febbraio/ 1863/ Anni 47/ 817]/°= Ivar and Kristin Håkansson . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B93/ 1260/
Hope lies near Nadezhda, the tomb of the Nubian slave, baptized with the name in Russian which means 'Hope'. The French 'fils', rather than 'fille', indicates that he is a son, not a daughter. His American parents have had to leave him here. One wonders whether his grandfather is the George Hayward, President of the Athenaeum, whose bust is at Harvard sculpted by Richard Saltonstall Greenough?


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Ambito toscano, croce in marmo con inciso 'OUR HOPE' (Nostra speranza) al centro, posta su base a finte rocce in marmo, rotolo inciso con lettere capitali in lingua inglese, poggiante a sua volta su tegole in terra cotta, recinto in pietra serena con colonnini e catene, catene danneggiate. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sul recinto ed i colonnini. [M: A: 119. L: 56. P: 42. ; P.s. A: L: P: Recinto A: 11. L: 90. P: 180. Totale: A: 129. L: 90. P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi sulla croce a rilievo: OUR HOPE/ incisa sul rotolo: HOPE HAYWARD/ DIED/ APRIL 16 1874/ AGED 3 YEARS/ 2 MONTHS, 11 DAYS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hope Hayward, l'Amerique, fils de Georges Harward/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hayward/ Hope/ Giorgio/ America/ Firenze/ 16 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 3/ 1260/ +/ N&Q 168. Hope Hayward, ob. 16 April 1874, a. 3 yrs. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B94A/ 333/
JLMaquay, Diaries 8/5/1844 'letter from  P last night. Delisser died suddenly in his carriage on Saturday night' On the Web we find 'Alexander Delisser was a surgeon in London from about 1820s to about 1836. Married Deborah Crawford in London in 1823. [His widow, now named Dora Delisser, dies 12/5/1867 in Marylebone of bronchitis and enlarged heart.] They had 9 children all baptised in London between 1824 and 1835. . . There is a strong connection to Jamaica as he seems to have studied medicine under a Dr Morales there. Dr Morales married twice, both to Delisser women. There are lots of Delissers in Jamaican records, they were mostly Jewish families. . . Alexander had been declared bankrupt around 1825 just after his marriage. He seemed to be complying with court requests so not sure if that was a reason for him to take off to Florence'. Australian descendants pieced together their story. The mother had already buried their surgeon father in Florence where he had died. Later the very promising 19-year-old son, subject to headaches, also dies and there is an inquest, his 13-year-old sister falling from a window the same day. The mother sends the bodies from their home in Marylebone (a Jamaican haunt in London, as with the Barrett Moulton Barretts) to lie with their father's remains and she also leaves a space for her own grave which she does not subsequently use. One wonders, would Elizabeth Barrett Browning, their neighbour, have known their story? Elizabeth herself almost died of grief and tuberculosis at her brother's death by drowning. Morning Post: A lone daughter survives, Agnes Isabella Elizabeth, formerly of Woburn-place, Russell Square and late of Florence, marrying at St Mary's Cheltenham, 12/2/1850. Iris Fromm, Master Mason from Bavaria, repaired this tomb.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, firma: . . . ZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 7/1845. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo sormontato da una colonna, colonna molto erosa, in cima urna, sarcofago scolpito con strumenti scientifici e una croce, iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa entro una tabula, basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa, intervento di restauro da Iris Fromm a seguito dei danni per la caduta di un cipresso, I. F., 2006. Il recinto avrebbe dovuto accogliere anche la tomba della consorte del Dr Alexander Delisser, madre di Ellis e Adelaide. [M: A: 251. L: 119. P: 119. ; P.s. A: L: 137. P: 137. Recinto L: 200. P: 200. Totale: A: 251. L: 200. P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ADELAIDE DELISSER/ WHO DIED JULY 18 1845/ AGED 13 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 67/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Delisser/ Adelaide/ / Inghilterra/ [died 18 July 1845, 1 Devonshire Street, St Marylebone]]/16 Maggio/ 1846/[14]/ 333/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ °=Jenny MacKay, Western Australia/ B94B/ DR ALEXANDER DELISSER/ ENGLAND/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ DR DELISSER/ DIED AT FLORENCE MAY THE 4 1844 AGED 48 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 67: note in pencil 'The bodies of a son and a daughter of the above Dr Delisser were brought from London and interred in the Protestant Burial Ground at Florence in the beginning of 1846 - no service was performed, G. Robbins (E101)'/ Maquay Diaries: 8 May 1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Delisser/ Alessandro/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Maggio/ 1844/ Anni 50/ 286/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. / °=Jenny MacKay, Western Australia/  [garlanded urn, column, ruined temple, cross, ourobouros, cross] B94C/ ELLIS WILLIAM DELISSER/ ENGLAND / Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELLIS WILLIAM DELISSER/ WHO DIED JULY 14 1845 AGED 19 YEARS/ Death 14 July 1845, 1 Devonshire Street, St Marylebone; Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 67, note in pencil, 'The bodies of a son and a daughter of the above Dr Delisser were brought from London and interred in the Protestant Burial Ground at Florence in the beginning of 1846 - no service was performed, G. Robbins' (E101)/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Delisser/ Ellis Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Marzo/ 1846/[19] / 332/ N&Q 239. Dr. Delisser, ob. 4 May, 1844, a. 48. Adelaide Delisser, ob. 18 July, 1845, a. 13. Ellis Wm. Delisser, ob. 14 July, 1845, a. 19/ Death Certificates of Delissers supplied by way of Australia/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ °=Jenny MacKay, Western Australia/ Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, pp. 54-62. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

B95/ 72/
His children from Prato place this gravestone in Italian over their Rumantsch-speaking father from Switzerland.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1833. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, lastra spezzata incisa con croce gigliata e lettere capitali e numeri arabi, marmo sporco. Intervento di consolidamento, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. [M: A: 2. L: 85. P: 130.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lingua italiana in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA MEMORIA/ DI/ GIOVANNI SCARTAZZONI DI CIERE/ NEI GRIGIONE/ MORTO IN PRATO LE 10 MARZO 1833/ NELL'ETA D'ANNI 43/ I FIGLI DOLENTI POSERO/ 72/ See N° 73 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Scartazzoni/ Giovanni/ / Svizzera/ Prato/ 10 Marzo/ 1833/ Anni 43/ 72. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B96/ 454/
JLMaquay, Diaries  19/4/1851 'Saturday fine day after Bank went down to Leghorn to pass Easter with William Henry found him and all the Smyths quite well Ida Macdonell's husband Kleinkauf died suddenly on Wednesday and was buried today, a large Military funeral but I did not see it.' The Scottish Consul Hugh Macdonell and the two Kleinkaufs are buried in the same iron enclosure with a space left for the daughter/wife/mother, Ida Alexandrina Macdonell Kleinkauf, Hugh MacDonell's daughter Ida having married the Austrian officer Kleinkauf and borne him a daughter, also named Ida, who died soon after birth. The tomb of the sister-in-law, B135/ LOUISE CATHERINE ADELAIDE (MACDONELL) CUMBERLAND is close by. This is during the period when the Grand Duke called in the hated Austrian army in their white uniforms to control his populace. See Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Casa Guidi Windows, Part II.  The Webbs discover that she married again, to the Spanish Ambassador at the Court of Vienna, Augusto Conte Lerdo de Tejada from Cadiz (See Spanish Wikipedia entry). Her mother continued to live at the ex-convent Annalena in via Romana.


Marriage Record sent by Francisco Conte Mac Donell

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1851. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago con lastra scolpita con croce a rilievo, incisa in lettere capitali e numeri illeggibili, poggiante su quattro sfere su basamento in marmo. Intervento conservativo sulla recinzione in ferro, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 02/2010. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 38. L: 76. P: 146; Recinto condiviso con le tombe dei MacDonell.]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kleinkauf/ Federigo Adolfo/ / Austria/ Firenze/ 16 Aprile/ 1851/ Anni 24/ 454/ / Frederick Adolph Kleinkauf/ Austria/  Austria/ Maquay Diary Apr 19 1851 'Saturday fine day after Bank went down to Leghorn to pass Easter with William Henry found him and all the Smyths quite well Ida Macdonell's husband Kleinkauf died suddenly on Wednesday and was buried today, a large Military funeral but I did not see it.'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kleinkauf/ Federigo Adolfo/ / Austria/ Firenze/ 16 Aprile/ 1851/ Anni 24/ 454/ See Ida Macdonell Kleinkauf, his wife, B97/ HUGH MACDONELL her father. IDA KLEINKAUF/ AUSTRIA/ITALIA Piedistallo per un'urna ora mancante. [M: A: 15. L: 38.5 P: 38.5.] Ida Kleinkauf, agée de six heures, fille de Frédéric Adolphe Kleinkauf, Capitaine . . . dans les armées de S.M.L. l'Empereur d'Austriche, originaire de Vienne en Autriche et de Ida Alexandrina Kleinkauf, née Macdonell/ 31/1/1850/ Webbs, materials on descendants. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B97/ 363/
JLMaquay, Diaries 5/6/1847 'Saturday  Attended the funeral of Mr Hugh MacDonell this morning at 6, fine weather and a large attendance. Bank & home for the remainder of the day.' Webbs note that he was a young Jacobite exile, who emigrated to America with his father and uncles, 1773, moving to Canada after US Independence, returning to England, 1804, becoming Consul at Algiers, 1813-1820, marrying in 1815 as second wife Ida Louise Ullic, daughter of Danish Consul. In 1816 he was arrested, tortured and enslaved by the Dey of Algiers, leading to the bombardment by Lord Exmouth, the father of A112 ADMIRAL THE HON. FLEETWOOD BROUGHTON REYNOLDS PELLEW who is buried in Sector A. Their daughter Ida married the Austrian B96/ FREDERICK ADOLPH KLEINKAUF,  an officer in the Emperor's army, during the Austrian occupation of Tuscany, their baby daughter, named Ida in turn, dying six hours after her birth. Thus the name 'Ida' is shared through three generations. Another daughter, B135/ LOUISE CATHERINE ADELAIDE (MACDONELL) CUMBERLAND, born in Algiers, buried near by, who is noted as having as parents Hugh and Ida MacDonell. While yet another daughter, Emily became the wife of the Marquis d'Aguado, one of the richest men in Spain, and was a lady in waiting to the Empress Eugenie of France. Their father bought the Oltrarno ex-convent, the Casa Annalena, and he appointed the Polish princes Poniatowski and the Marchese Luigi Torrigiani as guardians for his minor children, while his wife would marry the Duc de Talleyrand, Tallyrand's nephew, following his death.


                   His daughter, Ida MacDonell Ulrich Kleinkauf, later marries
Augusto Conte y Lerdo de Tejada.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1847. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con stemma e croce latina, inciso in lettere capitali in lingua inglese, ai quattro angoli inferiori foglie d'acanto e capsule di papavero a rilievo, poggiante su due sostegni e due basamenti in marmo, recinto in ferro con altre tombe della famiglia (nipote e genero, Kleinkauf). Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 51. L: 99. P: 133] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF HUGH MACDONELL ESQ DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 3RD JUNE 1847/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 111 HBM late consul and agent at Algiers, died Florence 03-06 in his 94th year, Burial 05-06, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 5 Jun 1847 June 5  1847/ Freeman's Journal, Caledonian Mercury, Dundee Courier, Aberdeen Journal/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: MacDonnell/ Ugo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Giugno/ 1847/ / 363/ +/ N&Q 235. Hugh Macdonnell, Esq., ob. June, 18(41?)/ Note many baptism, marriage entries of this family/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Desendant: Francisco Conte Mac Donell

B98/ 649/
'GREGORIE, Charles (or Gregory) Lt 4 Aug 1808. Captain. 72nd Highland Regiment. 15 Sep 1808. Captain 6th Dragoon Guards 10 May 1810. Captain 13th Light Dragoons 20 Jun 1811. Served in the Peninsula with 13th Light Dragoons from Sep 1811 - Jan 1814. Present at Arroyo dos Molinos, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive and Garris. Awarded the Military General Service medal for Vittoria, Nivelle and Nive. Also served at Waterloo. Left the regiment by 1818'. Waterloo Committee: Listed in Charles Dalton, Waterloo Roll Call, p. 78. Mentioned by Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, and Sophia Peabody Hawthorne, Notes in Italy, and in the Cemetery's Alphabetical Register as Major with spelling of Gregorie, the first two stating he was at Waterloo, while Nathaniel Hawthorne, Italian Notebooks, mentions this Waterloo veteran as living at Bellosquardo in the Villa Columbaia, a former convent, with his family. He was actually unmarried, living with somewhat distant relatives, the Crossmans, for which see Rev George Brickdale Crossman
B32. The tombs of B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN, B98/ MAJOR FRANCIS CHARLES GREGORIE, B99/ REVD GEORGE BRICKDALE CROSSMAN, B32/ HIRAM POWERS, B103/ ELEANOR AUGUSTA TULK, B131/ HONOURABLE FRANCES TOLLEY, as spiritualists and Swedenborgians, are clustered together near that of Nadezhda, the Nubian/ Russian former slave.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1858. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata posta su basamento in pietra serena, quattro colonnini non superstiti. Intervento di pulitura sui frammenti, Alberto Casciani, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. Fondi dal Waterloo Committee, 2010. [M: A: 2. L: 66. P: 130.; P.s. A: 16. L: 69. P: 141.5; R: L: 98 P: 228.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MA FRANCES CHARLES C. GRE . . LATE CAPTAIN 13 LIGHT DRAGOONS, DIED OCTOBER 16, 1858/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Major Charles Gregorie, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli P40/ Q 323 649 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 257, death 16/10, burial 18/10, Charles Gregoire, late capt 13th Light Dragoons, Rev O'Neill/ Maquay Diaries/ Morning Chronicle/ Son of Captain Charles Gregorie, East India Company, and Catherine Sophia Macaulay, Edinburgh, bo, 14/4/1791, bp 12/5/1791, St Mary's Marylebone. Gregorie, Charles (or Gregory) Lt 4 Aug 1808. Captain. 72nd Highland Regiment. 15 Sep 1808. Captain 6th Dragoon Guards 10 May 1810. Captain 13th Light Dragoons 20 Jun 1811. Served in the Peninsula with 13th Light Dragoons from Sep 1811 - Jan 1814. Present at Arroyo dos Molinos, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive and Garris. Awarded the Military General Service medal for Vittoria, Nivelle and Nive. Also served at Waterloo. Left the regiment by 1818/ Waterloo Committee: Listed in Charles Dalton, Waterloo Roll Call, p. 78/ Mentioned by Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, and Sophia Peabody Hawthorne, Notes in Italy, and in the Cemetery's Alphabetical Register as Major with spelling of Gregorie, the first two stating he was at Waterloo, while Nathaniel Hawthorne, Italian Notebooks, mentions this Waterloo veteran as living at Bellosguardo in the Villa Columbaia, a former convent, with his family, which he owned. Related by marriage to the Crossmans who also lived there/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gregorie [Gregory?]/ Magg. Carlo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Ottobre/ 1858/ Anni 67/ 649/ N&Q 227. Brevet-Major Charles Gregorie, late Capt. 13th Light Dragoons, ob. 16 Oct., 1858, a. 67/ Gregorie, Crossman, Powers, spiritualists, Swedenborgians, are buried together. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See waterloo.html, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU.

B99/ 532/
GenForum: 'If George Brickdale Crossman was a witness at his sister's wedding on 28 July 1803, he probably shouldn't have been, as he was only twelve years old - he matriculated at Magdalen College in 1812 at the age of twenty one, MA, ordained in 1814, according to the Clergy of the Church of England database. He succeeded his father as rector of Blagdon in Somerset in 1815 but seems to have resigned the benefice four years later. What I would really like to know about him is the name - that is, surname - of his wife Anne. They turn up living in Florence in the 1840s and 1850s - the Rev George died there on 7 February 1854. They had had two daughters, Anne and Georgina, and for years had lived at Bellosguardo overlooking Florence with a Major Charles Gregorie who was certainly some kind of relative. But was he Mrs Crossman's brother, as has been suggested by some Browning scholars? I think not, but I'd love to know what her maiden name was [it was Oakes].' JLMaquay, Diaries 28/2/1854 'Yesterday after Bank went up to the Colombaia having heard of the sudden death of poor Crossman who died sudenly between 9 and 10 a.m. Saw Georgina Baker.' Ann Crossman buys plot next to her husband but is not buried here, last recorded in Italy in subscription book at Bagni di Lucca, 1863. The tombs of B42/ ISABELLA BLAGDEN, B98/ MAJOR FRANCIS CHARLES GREGORIE, B99/ REVD GEORGE BRICKDALE CROSSMAN, B32/ HIRAM POWERS, B103/ ELEANOR AUGUSTA TULK, B131/ HONOURABLE FRANCES TOLLEY, as spiritualists and Swedenborgians, are clustered together near that of Nadezhda, the Nubian/ Russian former slave.
Christine McIver, Australia, sends the following genealogy explaining the family relationships:


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata, iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali incise, marmo sporco. Recinto in pietra serena con colonnini, ferro mancante; il recinto taglia il basamento della tomba di Florence Oldham. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 65. P: 135.5; P.s. A: 18. L: 74. P: 145. Recinto L. 99. P: 230. Totale: A: 20. L: 99. P: 230.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE REVD GEORGE BRICKDALE CROSSMAN DIED THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY 1854 AGED 62 HE IS NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH [Matt.9.24; Mark 5.29; Luke 8.52]/ 532/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: George B. Crossman, Isles Britanniques/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 575 + his widow Anne Crossman buys plot adjacent to his tomb, last recorded in Italy at Bagni di Lucca, 1863/ Q 114: 305 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23777/1 N°198 Death 27/02, Burial 01/03, late of St John's and Oflest Grove, Co Cork Ireland, Age 62, Rev Greene (A51)/ Maquay Diaries: 28 Feb 1854/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Crossman/ Giorgio B./ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Febbraio/ 1854/ Anni 63/ 532/ N&Q 228. Rev. Geo. Brickdall (C)rossman, ob. 27 Feb., 1854, a. 62/ Gregorie, Crossman, Powers, Tulk, spiritualists, Swedenborgians, are buried together. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

First generation: William Colquhoun of Garscadden married Helen Colquhoun, daughter of Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, 1st Bt. and Helen Gordon, on 2 January 1774 at New Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Second generation: Helen Colquhoun, the daughter of Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, 2nd Bt. and Mary Falconer. Third generationa: John Page Reade was born in 1806 at India. He was the son of George Reade and Elizabeth Swinton. He married Helen Colquhoun, daughter of Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, 3rd Bt. and Janet Sinclair, on 9 April 1829. He died on 28 March 1880. He lived at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk, England. Their son was James Colquhoun Revell Reade, b. 1840.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti: Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F  Sec. XIX, post 11/1852. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo, marmo non molto sporco, scolpito con globo alato e due anfore lacrimali classiche, iscrizione in lettere capitali in piombo ora mancanti e numeri arabi, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 88 L: 131.5 P: 66.5 ; P.s. A: 26.5 L: P: 143.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi in piombo SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ HELEN COLQUHOUN DAUGHTER OF THE LATE SIR JAMES COLQUHOUN OF LUSS, BART AND THE/ BELOVED WIFE OF JOHN PAGE READE ESQRE/ OF SUTTON IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK WHO/ DIED AT FLORENCE OCTOBER 17TH 1852/ "BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD"/ REV. XIV.13/Eglise Evangelique-rmée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Helene Reade née Colquhum, femme de John Page Reade, fille de Colqahun, Sutton, Comté de Suffolk, en Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 775 + Paoli 66/ Q 37: 486 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, 'Colquhoun' crossed out and 'Reade' inserted with note 'this name was made by my request and in my presence, signed, John Page Reade, Rev Gilbert/ Morning Chronicle/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Reade nata Colquhoun/ Elena/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 17 Ottobre/ 1852/ / 490/ N&Q 224. Helen, d. of the late Sir James Colquhoun, of Luss, Bt., w. of John Page Reade, Esq., of Stutton, Suff., ob. 17 Oct., 1S52/ See Colquhoun/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B101/ 319/
This English baby girl is buried beneath a tiny sarcophagus sculpted by B32/ HIRAM POWERS. So many of the children buried here, including boys, are named Florence. Although the Archives give her as English, she may be American.


 Sarcofago. Scultore: Hiram Powers, H.POWERS.F. Sec. XIX, post 1845. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago scolpito con ghirlanda sul fronte e sul tergo, lampada con manico a forma di serpente su un fianco laterale, teste di cherubini alati ai quattro angoli del coperchio, inciso in lettere capitali e minuscole e numeri arabi, poggiante su due sostegni in marmo posti su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. [M: A: 58.5 L: 86. P: 47. ; P.s. A: 28. L: 154.5 P: 111.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e non, e numeri arabi: To the Memory/ OF/ HELEN FLORENCE/ ONLY CHILD/ OF/ CHARLES OLDHAM AND HELEN HIS WIFE/ BORN AT ROME NOV 20TH 1844 DIED AT FLORENCE NOV 6 1845/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 84 Burial 08-11, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Sculptor is Hiram Powers/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Oldham/ Elena Firenze/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Novembre/ 1845/ Mesi 11/ 319/ N&Q 223. Helen Florence, only ch. of Charles and Helen Oldham, b. at Rome, 20 Nov., 1844; ob. 6 Nov., 1845/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

B102A/ 536/
JL Maquay, Diaries, note Cottrells cared for the dying Sloper, Webbs, that she is sister to Sophia Augusta (Tulk) Cottrell, daughter to Eleanor Augusta Tulk. The two Cottrell children (about whom Elizabeth Barrett Browning was so upset), are named on her tombstone and likely buried with her. Count Cottrell himself baptized Carlo Ludovico when he was dying but Rev Moloney told him this was invalid, writing the entry only in pencil.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1854. Ambito toscano. Lastra orizzontale in marmo quasi illeggibile, poggiante su quattro lastre verticali in marmo poste su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. [M: A: 20. L: 66. P: 133.; P.s. A: 14. L: 69.5 P: 137; R: A: 19. L: 176. P: 228.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ GEORGIANA CLEMENTINA/ WIFE OF THE REV JOHN SLOPER OF WESTY/ WOODHAY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE/ DIED AT FLORENCE APRIL 2 1854/ IN THE 40 YEAR OF HER AGE THIS MONUMENT IS / ERECTED BY HER ONLY SURVIVING PARENT/ IN TOKEN OF MOST AFFECTIONATE. . . TRUSTING TO BE . . ./ MERITS OF THAT SAVIOUR IN . . . / PRESENCE SHE NOW . . . EVER . . . / - / THIS MORTAL MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY [I Cor. 15.53]/ ALSO SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE TWO INFANT/ CHILDREN OF HENRY COUNT COTTRELL AND SOPHIA AUGUSTA HIS WIFE/ ELOIS ALICE ENRICA AUGUSTA DIED NOVEMBER 8 1849 AGED 16 MONTHS/ THE YOUNGER CARLO LUDOVICO DIED JUNE 18 1850 AGED 25 DAYS/ OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN [Matt. 19.24]/ 537 [Error for 536]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Clementine Sloper, Isles Britanniques/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 538/ Q 122: 273 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 201 Burial 04/04, Rev Greene (A51)/ Maquay Diaries note Cottrells cared for the dying Sloper, Webbs noting she is sister to Count Henry Cottrell, her aunt Eleanor Augusta Tulk/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Sloper/ Clementina/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Aprile/ 1854/ Anni 40/ 536/ N&Q 217. *Georgiana, w. of the Rev. John , ob. 3 Ap., 18(34?), a. 40. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B8, writes a famous poem for the burial of 'Lily' Cottrell, B102B/ ELOIS ALICE ENRICA AUGUSTA COTTRELL. She was given to understand that the younger child, B102C/ CHARLES LEWIS COTTRELL, was denied Christian burial being unbaptised, which profoundly depressed her. Robert attended the second funeral as surrogate for the child's father, Count Cottrell, who was too upset to attend. It is possible that the Rev C W Moloney objected to the Cottrells' practices of spiritualism. The Armstrong Browning Library of Baylor University donated the two plaques, one with lines from Elizabeth's poem on the burial of 'Lily' Cottrell, to the Cemetery. A collateral descendant in Australia explained that the Cottrell tombs lie next to that of (B103) Eleanor Augusta Tulk, their great aunt, and close to Elizabeth Barrett Browning's. We later discovered that they are named on the tombstone of Georgiana Sloper, their aunt and sister of their mother, Countess Cottrell. EBB's friendship with the Cottrells cooled when the Count's friend bilked Treppy out of her life's savings, driving her mad, and Robert refused to allow EBB to tell her brothers, only her sisters, of Treppy's need to have her income restored. Treppy, the family's beloved slave from Jamaica, had funded the printing of EBB's second publication, An Essay on Mind.


Iscrizione sepolcrale sulla tomba di Georgina Sloper in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALSO SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE TWO INFANT/ CHILDREN OF HENRY COUNT COTTRELL AND SOPHIA AUGUSTA HIS WIFE/ ELOIS ALICE ENRICA AUGUSTA DIED NOVEMBER 8 1849 AGED 16 MONTHS/ THE YOUNGER CARLO LUDOVICO DIED JUNE 18 1850 AGED 25 DAYS/ OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN [Matt. 19.14]/ ELOIS ALICE ENRICA AUGUSTA COTTRELL/ ENGLAND/ GL 23774 N° 141: adds name 'Augusta', Burial 10-11, aged 16 months, Rev Robbins (E101); Baptism GL23774 N° 155, Alice Enrica Augusta; siblings Henry Edward Plantagenet, b 01/08/51, bp 06/12/51, Rev O'Neill, N° 122 Violet Amy, b 15/01, bp 01/05/59, Rev O'Neill, N° 242/63 Clement bp 16/03/55 Rev O'Neill, parents, Count Henry, mother Sophia Augusta Tulk; Married 1847; Burial, Clement 18/03/55, Charles 12/06/50, Aunt Eleanor Augusta Tulk, 04/08/55, beside these children/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cottrell/ Alice Enrica/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Novembre/ 1849/ Mesi 18/ 418/ EBB writes a famous poem for the burial of 'Lily' Cottrell/ CHARLES LEWIS COTTRELL/ ITALY/ENGLAND/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 31/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 125: Carlo Lodovico died 11-06, Burial 13-06, entry by Rev C W Moloney in pencil/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cottrell/ Carlo Lodovico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Giugno/ 1850/ Giorni 21/ 430/ EBB was given to understand the child was denied Christian burial being unbaptised/ [°=Collateral descendant in Australia. While Q 175: 25 Paoli is the payment for the burial of another Cottrell foetus, 18 March 1855. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See B102/ GEORGINA (TULK) SLOPER

B103/ 570/
NDNB entry for her father, Charles Augustus Tulk, prominent Swedenborgian, who stayed with the family in Florence, was friends with the Brownings, discussing Coleridge, Blake and Beethoven with them. She is mother to Sophia Augusta (Tulk) Cottrell and to B102A/ GEORGIANA CLEMENTINA (TULK) SLOPER.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1855. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo in lettere capitali in piombo tutte mancanti, posta su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura sulla lastra, lettere in piombo mancanti sostituite, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. Fondi da parte dei discendenti. [M: A: L: P: ; P.s. A: L: P: Totale: A: L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese con lettere capitali in piombo e numeri arabi: ELEANOR AUGUSTA TULK/ AND HE, CASTING AWAY HIS GARMENT/ ROSE AND CAME TO JESUS/ S. MARK X 50/ THE LORD BLESS AND KEEP THEE/ THE LORD MAKES HIS FACE SHINE UPON THEE AND BE/ GRACIOUS UNTO THEE; THE LORD LIFT UP HIS/ COUNTENANCE UPON THEE AND GIVE THEE/ PEACE [Numbers 6.24-26]/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hélène Tulck, Iles Britaniques/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 360/ Q 188: 570 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 217 Burial 06/08, Age 50, Rev Gilbert/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tulck/ Elena Augusta/ / Inghilterra. Firenze/ 4 Agosto/ 1855/ Anni 35/ 570/ +/ Cottrell children were buried beside her;  N&Q 216. Eleanor Augusta Tulk. No date/ NDNB entry for Charles Augustus Tulk, Swedenborgian (like Gregorie, Crossman, Powers)/ See Sloper, Cottrell (B13G). Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU. Listen to https://malcolmguite.wordpress.com/2017/02/23/blake-and-coleridge-an-imagined-conversation/

We find her father subscribing to the publication of many books on architecture, but also having designs rejected.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1858. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo, lettere capitali in piombo in lingua inglese, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 05/2010. [M: A: 4.5 L: 63.5 P: 137.5; P.s. A: 14. L: 70. P: 146.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ ELIZA SECOND DAUGHTER OF THE LATE/ SIMEON THOMAS BULL/ ARCHITECT OF HOLLES STREET/ CAVENDISH SQUARE LONDON/ AND OF GORDON HOUSE/ KENTISH TOWN MIDDLESEX/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ JUNE 7TH 1858 AGED 29/ - / IN THY PRESENCE IS/ FULLNESS OF JOY;/ AT THY RIGHT HAND THERE/ ARE PLEASURES EVERMORE [Psalm 16.11]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisa Bull, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 649/ Q 311: 368 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°254 Burial 08/06 Rev O'Neill, 'peritonitis enteritis'/ Times, Morning Chronicle/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Bull/ Elisa/ [Simeon Thomas]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Giugno/ 1858/ Anni 29/ 642/ +/N&Q 215. Eliza, 2nd d. of the late Simeon Thos. Bull, architect, of Holies St., London, and of Gordon House, Kentish Town, Midd., 06. 7 June, 1858, a. 29. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B105/ 688/
His son was Sir Edmund Harry Elton, 8th Baronet (3 May 1846–17 July 1920),  an English inventor and studio potter noted for his production of Elton Ware at the Clevedon Elton Sunflower Pottery. Edmund William Elton's wife was Lucy Maria, daughter of the Revd John Morgan Rice, who had died, 16 May 1846, shortly after their son Edmund Harry's birth.


Tomba in forma di croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1859. Ambito toscano. Croce gotica molto danneggiata dalla caduta di un cipresso, intervento di restauro Piero Marmi, 2001, incisione in lingua inglese su base in marmo, recinto in pietra serena, pietra serena molto erosa, colonnini mancanti. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 158. L: 70.5 P: 21.5; P.s. A: 13. L: 192. P: 100.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ EDMUND WILLIAM ELTON/ FOURTH SON OF/ THE LATE SIR CHARLES A. ELTON BART/ BORN 14th DECEMBER 1822/ DIED AT FLORENCE 2nd DECEMBER 1859/Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Edmond Elton, l'Angleterre, fils de Sir Arthur Elton/ Q 385: 310 Paoli/ GL23777/1 N° 276, typhus, Burial 05/12, Age 37, Rev O'Neill/ Times, Edmund Wilson Elton, Esq., second surviving son of the late Sir Charles Abraham Elton, Bart., of Clevedon Court, Somerset, aged 36/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Elton/ Edmondo/ Arturo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Dicembre/ 1859/ Anni 36/ 688/ N&Q 212. Edmund Wm. Elton, 4th s. of the late Sir Charles A. Elton, Bt., b. 14 Dec., 1822; ob. 2 Dec., 1859. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B106/ 634/
An elderly gentleman dying in Florence of whom no one remembers his father's name, except that he was born in Yorkshire and then resided in London.

    Thomas Brown's tomb is to the left of the Cracklow tomb's cross and appears behind the Yelverton tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1858. Ambito Toscano. Croce in marmo con bracci trifogliati, al centro clessidra, basamento in marmo con volute, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, posto su basamento in pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di ripristino sul recinto.  [M: A: 167.5 L: 77.5 P: 37.; P.s. A: 18. L: 91.P: 54.; R: A: 23.5 L: 119. P: 178.5] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THOMAS BROWNE ESQ/ OF LONDON/ BORN AT HULL IN YORKSHIRE/ DIED AT FLORENCE 22 FEBRY 1858/ AGED 71/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°248, Rev Hall, 'congestion of lungs'/ Times, Morning Chronicle, Morning Post, formerly of Great East Cheap, London/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Browne/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Febbraio/ 1858/ Anni 71/ 634/ Thomas Brown, Angleterre/ N&Q 211. Thomas Browne, Esq., of London, b. at Hull ob. 22 Feb., 1858, a. 71. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

We know that she and her parents are from Peckham, London. Perhaps she came to Florence because of tuberculosis. Her parents placed the tombstone.

     Caroline Cracklow's tomb in the Harper's Monthly engraving.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1857. Ambito toscano. Croce con bracci trifogliati, al centro giglio spezzato, posta su una base con volute scolpite in marmo, poggiante a sua volta su base in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 150. L: 78.5 P: 40.; P.s. A: 18.5 L: 93.5 P: 65.5; R: A: 19. L: 123. P: 174.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HERE REPOSE THE REMAINS OF CAROLINE BUFFAR CRACKLOW/ THE ONLY AND BELOVED/ DAUGHTER/ OF/ DAVID AND MARY CRACKLOW/ OF PECKHAM ENGLAND/ SHE DIED 29 AUGUST 1857/ AGED 25 YEARS/  I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 695/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1, Burial, 31/08, Rev Gilbert/ Morning Chronicle, of 7 Harder's Road, Peckham, Surrey, and 11 Mincing Lane, London, of typhus and milliary fever/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Buffar (Cracklow)/ Carolina/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Agosto/ 1857/ Anni 25/ 619/ N&Q 210. Caroline Buffar Cracklow, only d. of David and Mary Ann Cracklow, of Peckham, ob. 29 Aug., 1857, a. 25/ See Buffar. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember, II.150-159: The little boy was born to the Indian Civil Servant's wife, Sultana, who was said to be an Indian princess. Joseph Garrow senior left his son Joseph £5,000, the interest to be used for his education ‘which I desire may be as good as he is capable of receiving in Europe’. He left his sister Eleanora Garrow £2,000 and a further £1,000 on condition that she ‘takes care of and attends to the education’ of his son. Eleanora certainly seems to have been Joseph’s affectionate aunt, and in her will, proved in July 1805, she left him £1,000 in 4% stock, to be given to him when he was 21. She also left £1,000 and some silver items to John Wright, her father’s nephew who was at Caius College, Cambridge, ‘in expectation he will continue as far as lies in his power to be a kind Friend to the dear Son of my late worthy Brother Joseph’. John Wright was in his early 30s and was about to take deacon’s orders. Joseph Garrow translated, The early life of Dante Alighieri, which he published with the Italian and English on facing pages. It was printed in Florence by Felix Le Monnier in 1846. Times Literary Supplement 17/5/1920, remarked 'but it is a curious footnote to the literary annals of Anglo-India which proves that the son of an Indian mother lived to translate Dante and to move in a circle where the Brownings and Landor were the greater lights'. JLMaquay, Diaries 13/11/1857 'old Garrow wretched man died on Tuesday paralytic stroke.' His daughter Theodosia (T. Garrow on the title page) made a translation of Giovanni Battista Niccolini’s, Arnold of Brescia, a tragedy, and this was published in London, also in 1846. See B85/ THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE, C77/ HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW). See also Neil Jeffares, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800, Russell1.pdf

Joseph Garrow, Joseph [or, less likely, Sir William Garrow], Eleanor

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1857. Ambito toscano. Cippo in pietra serena a sostituzione del cippo originario (non siamo a conoscenza dell'epoca), frammenti cippo originario conservati, inciso con iscrizione sepolcrale in latino in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, epitaffio di Thomas Adolphus Trollope, genero di Joseph Garrow. [M: A: 104. L: 60. P: 19.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HIC JACET IOSEPHUS GARROW/ ARMr/ DE BRADDONS IN AGRO DEVON/ APUD INDOS NATUS/ A.D. 1789/ FLORENTIAN DENATUS/ A.D. 1857/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Garrow, d'Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 685/ Q 280: 408 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°242, Burial 12/11, Rev O'Neill; marriage of child Theodosia 03/04/48 to Thomas Adolphus Trollope at HBM (Hamilton), Joseph Garrow, Harriet Fisher, Frances Trollope present, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 13 Nov 1857/ Morning Chronicle/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Garrow/ +/ Giuseppe/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Novembre/ 1867 [1857]/ Anni 67/ 624/ father of Theodosia Garrow-Trollope (12 Aprile/ 1865/ Anni 46/ 904/+/ C11E), stepfather of Harriet Theodosia Fisher (12 Novembre/ 1848/ Anni 37/ 393/ Latin epitaph written by Thomas Adolphus Trollope). See Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring, pp. 137/Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

The Honourable Henry Charles Boyle, 'Lieut. Royal Fusiliers', married Catharine-Sophronia-Jane Ede in 1841. She died 16/7/1844. She may be a member of the Cornish Ede family which settled in Florence, Sectors C and E (C48/ DENZIL EDE, E111/ CHARLES EDE), while B66/ HENRY GOUSSE BONNIN marries Charlotte Ede. Family also related to the Burtons in Sector A (A27/ WALTER BURTON, A110/ BIANCA (BURTON) BANCHINI). JLMaquay, Diaries 8/4/1846 'Mr Boyle's funeral who died on Sunday night a sad example of good talents and disposition destroyed by drink at 30.' His older brother, the Right Honourable Richard Boyle, 4th Earl of Shannon, lays his tombstone.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1846. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 67.5 P: 138.5; P.s. A: 20. L: 78. P: 147.5] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF THE HON CHARLES BOYLE/ SECOND SON OF THE LATE AND BROTHER TO THE PRESENT RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF SHANNON/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 94: Hon Henry Charles Boyle, 2nd s of late Earl of Shannon, Death 06-04, Burial 08-04, Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 8 Apr 1846/ Morning Post, noting he married the oldest daughter of James Ede, Esq./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 179. Boyle/ Enrico Carlo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Aprile/ 1846 [1836]/ Anni 30/ 334/ N&Q 200. * , brother to the Earl of Shannon/ See Ede, Sectors C, E/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Burke's Peerage: Lt.-Col. Hon. Gerald de Courcy was born after 1776. He was the son of John de Courcy, 19th Lord Kingsale and Susan Blennerhassett. He married Elizabeth Carlyon Bishop, daughter of John Bishop, on 29 January 1807. JLMaquay, Diaries 19/10/1848 'to deCourcy who appears dying made out his will and had it signed' 20/10/1848 'deCourcy died today at 11 o'clock.' 22/10/1848 'went in early to deCourcy's funeral.' Their children were Susannah de Courcy d. 9 Jan 1884, Geraldine de Courcy, Frederica Maitland de Courcy, Henrietta Jane Paulet de Courcy d. 1 Jul 1906, Colonel John Fitzroy de Courcy, 24th Lord Kingsale b. 30 Mar 1821, d. 20 Nov 1890. For a descendant's obituary, see http://www.kingsmeadschool.co.uk/decourcyobituary.htm


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1848. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo con lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, marmo sporco intaccato dai licheni, il recinto racchiude anche la tomba della consorte, colonnini in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 16. L: 64. P: 136.; P.s. A: 23.5 L: 74. P: 145. R: condiviso con la consorte] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ LIEUT. COL. GERARD COURCY/ SON OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JOHN COURCY/ . . . AND SUSANNA HIS WIFE/ DIED AT FLORENCE OCTOBER 20 1848/ -1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 125: the Hon. 4th son of John 26th Lord Kingsale, Burial 22-10, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 19 Oct 1848, 20 Oct; 22 Oct: attends on Gerard de Courcy the day before he dies to conclude his will/ Times, Morning Chronicle, Freemans Journal, etc./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Courcy/ Colonello Gerardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Ottobre/ 1848/ / 392/ Peninsula Battles, Waterloo Committee/ Burke's Peerage entry/ N&Q 201. The Hon. Lieut. -Col. Gerald de Courcy, 4th s. of the Right Hon. John de Courcy, 26th Lord Baron Kingsale, and Susannah his w., ob. 20 Oct., 1848/ Henderson/ Webbs, materials on descendants. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.
See waterloo.html

The three Kellett tombs beside the two Robley tombs, enclosed within an ornamental iron railing, back on to the tombs of B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING (designed by Lord Leighton for Robert Browning, carried out by Francesco Giovannozzi under the supervision of Count Cottrell), and B9/ FANNY WAUGH HUNT (sculpted by her husband, Holman Hunt), following her death from childbirth fever.

JLMaquay, Diaries 11/5/1853 'in the morning before breakfast George and I attended the funeral of poor young Kellett who died of consumption.' The parents' tuberculor son is buried between his mother and his father.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1853. Ambito toscano. Lastra incisa con lettere capitali e numeri arabi, croce in metallo posta su basamento in pietra serena (trafugata). Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 67. P: 140.; P.s. A: 13. L: 70. P: 145; (Recinto condiviso con la madre, Jemima Kellett, si veda sopra)] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ WILLIAM AUGUSTUS NAPIER KELLETT/ LATE LIEUTENANT 72 HIGHLANDERS/ THE BELOVED AND/ ONLY SON OF CAPTAIN NAPIER [ ] KELLETT/ OF RENFREWSHIRE SCOTLAND/ DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 8TH 18[53] / AGED 27 YEARS/ - . - / THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD [Job 1.21]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: William Napier Kellet, Angleterre, fils de Capitaine Robert Napier Kellet/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 853.4/ Q 64: 576 Paoli4 crazii/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 187, Burial 05/11, Rev O'Neill, 'consumption'/ Maquay Diaries: 11 May 1853/ Morning Chronicle, etc. lieutenant 72nd Highlanders, only son of Robert Napier Kellett, late captain 42nd Highlanders/ named after uncle Augustus Henry Kellett, who served in the Royal Navy/ Augustus Henry Kellett (1793-1828), below, was the brother of  Robert Kellet, and served in the Royal Navy/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kellet/ Guglielmo Napier/ Roberto Napier/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Maggio/ 1853/ Anni 27/ 507 / +/ N&Q 202. William Augustus Napier Kellett, late Lieut. 72nd Highlanders, only s. of Capt. M. Napier Kellett, of Renfrewshire, ob. May, 18(5)3, a. 27/ °=Peter Brunning, Cambridge, see http://www.brunning47.demon.co.uk/kellett/florence.html, Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B112/ 517/
Participant at Battle of Waterloo, well-connected Scottish relatives, but immediate family suffering from tuberculosis, only the daughter, Jemima (Hunter Kellett)  Melhado, inheriting all the wealth, surviving. JLMaquay, Diaries 6/11/1853 'I attended Captain Kellett's funeral.'


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1853. Ambito toscano. Lastra incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, croce in metallo trafugata, marmo sporco, presenza di crepe, posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 67. P: 140.; P.s. A: 13. L: 70. P: 145; Recinto condiviso con la moglie, Jemima Kellett, si veda sopra] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT/ NAPIER KELLETT LATE CAPTAIN/ ROYAL HIGHLANDERS OF RENFREWSHIRE/ SCOTLAND, NEPHEW OF SIR RICHARD/ KELLETT BART/ DIED AT FLORENCE NOVEMBER 2ND 18[53]/ AGED 56 YEARS/ - . - / REQUIESCAT IN PACE/ - . - / 517/ PRO Army Record, aged 17 when entered army, Waterloo medal/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Napier Kellett, Angleterre, Capitaine au Service de S.M. Britannique/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 815/ Q 90: 538 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 185 Burial 11/05, Rev O'Neill/ Maquay Diaries: 6 Nov 1853/ Morning Chronicle, nephew of Sir Richard Kellett, Bart./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kellet/ Cap: Roberto Napier/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Novembre/ 1853/ Anni 56/ 517/ +/ N&Q 203. Robert Napier Kellett, late Capt. Royal Highlanders, and nephew of Sir Rich. Kellett, Bt. , ob. Nov., 18(5)3, a. (?)/ Waterloo Committee/ °=Peter Brunning, Cambridge, see http://www.brunning47.demon.co.uk/kellett/florence.html. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See waterloo.html

B113/ 549/
Their descendants have visited these tombs and the Waterloo Society lists them. Jemima of a Scottish father and thus with a stronger legal backing for sexual equality than from an English father nursed her son and her husband while they were dying of tuberculosis, then died herself. She thus briefly became the legal head of their family. JLMaquay, Diaries 7/9/1854 'up early to attend funeral of Mrs Napier Kellett. Father mother and son have all died within 16 months.' Her daughter, Jemima Hunter Kellett, places her magnificent tombstone with its armorial bearings: she will marry the following year the Portuguese Jew Elias Henrriques Melhado, the son of Daniel and Judith Melhado, and whose family, like the Barretts, were also in Jamaica. There is careful documentation in the Scottish archives protecting Jemima's property against Elias, nor do we find him violating those terms. Jemima Melhado died at 75 in 1908, Elias Melhado at 91 in 1918, both in the Jamaican region of London, St Marylebone. See Peter Brunning, Cambridge, http://www.brunning47.demon.co.uk/kellett/florence.html


Photo Credit/Per gentile concessione di Peter Brunning  FERET AD ASTRA VIRTUS    


   Harper's Monthly engraving of the Kellett tombs 

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1854. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo scolpita con stemma, faci rovesciate, incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, sul tergo globo alato, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, con recinto in marmo e ferro battuto, intervento conservativo sul ferrro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 216.L: 117.P: 50.; P.s. A: 28 L: 126. P: 58.6: Recinto: A: 91. L: 309. P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa fra due faci rovesciate in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ JEMIMA ONLY DAUGHTER OF THE LATE/ JAMES HUNTER ESQ OF RENFREWSHIRE/ SCOTLAND, AND WIDOW OF/ THE LATE CAPTAIN NAPIER KELLETT/ DIED AT FLORENCE SEPTEMBER 5 1854/ AGED 50 YEARS/ - . - / I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE/ =SAITH THE LORD=HE THAT BELIEVETH IN=/ ME THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YET SHALL HE LIVE/ - . - [John 11.25] / 549/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jemmima Hunter Kellet, Iles Britaniques, Veuve de Kellet, Capitaine au service de S.M. Britanique/ Q 145: 759 Paoli/ Coat of Arms: Arms: Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent on a mount vert, a boar passant sable (for Kellett); 2nd and 3rd, argent a cross gules, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lys of the last (for Haddock). Crest: An armed arm embowed and garnished or, holding in the hand a baton of the last. Motto: Feret ad astra virtus ('Virtue carries one to the starsˆ). Creation: Bt. (UK) 6 Aug 1801./ GL23777/1 N° 207, Burial 07/09, Rev O'Neill/ Maquay Diaries: 7 Sep 1854/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Marriage G2077 N° 124 01/02/55 Elias Melhado to Jemima Hunter Kellett at HBM (Normanby), 2 Kelletts as witnesses, Rev O'Connor/ Glasgow Herald/ Morning Chronicle, Mrs Jemima Hunter, relict of Capt RJ apier Kellett, formerly of Her Majesty's 42nd Regiment of Foot, (at Waterloo)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kellet (Hunter)/ Giovanna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Settembre/ 1854/ / 549/ N&Q 204. Jemima, only d. of the late James Hunter, Esq., of Renfrewshire, and wid. of the late Capt. Napier Kellett, ob. 5 Sept., 1854, a. 50/ °=Peter Brunning, Cambridge, see peter@brunning.org.ukhttp://www.brunning47.demon.co.uk/peter.html /http://www.brunning47.demon.co.uk/kellett/floreg.html/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This particular section, and indeed centre, of Florence's Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery is dense with Pre-Raphaelitism and creative genius: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, Frederic Lord Leighton, Fanny and William Holman Hunt, John Roddam Spencer Stanhope and his daughter Mary:   

Elizabeth Carlyon Bishop, daughter of John Bishop, had married the Honourable Gerard de Courcy on 29 January 1807. He died in October 1848, leaving her a widow. Their children were Susannah de Courcy d. 9 Jan 1884, Geraldine de Courcy, Frederica Maitland de Courcy, Henrietta Jane Paulet de Courcy d. 1 Jul 1906, Colonel John Fitzroy de Courcy, 24th Lord Kingsale b. 30 Mar 1821, d. 20 Nov 1890.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1855. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo con lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, marmo molto sporco, intaccato dai licheni, il recinto racchiude anche la tomba del consorte, colonnini in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2. L: 63.5 P: 236.; P.s. A: 23. L: 74. P: 145. R: A: 7/63 L: 104.5 P: 419. (condiviso con il consorte)] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF THE HON./ ELIZABETH . . . / . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: honorable Elizabeth Carlyon de Courcy, Irelande/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 745/ Q 163: 468 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°211, Burial 17/01, age 76, Rev O'Neill/ Maquay Diaries: 17 Jan 1855, he attends her funeral/ Times, Hon. Elizabeth Carlyon de Courcy, relict of Hon. Lieut. Gerald de Courcy, son of John, 25th Lord Kingsale, Morning Chronicle, Freemans Journal, etc./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Decourcy (Carlyon)/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Gennaio/ 1855/ Anni 80/ 560/ +/  Webbs: material on relations/ Burke's Peerage entry/N&Q 209. The Hon. Elizabeth Carlyon de Courcy, d. of John Bishop, Esq., w. of the Hon. Lieut.-Col. Gerald de Courcy, ob. 15 Jan., 1855/ Henderson/ See Carlyon, Courcy, also 1828-1844/. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B115/ 423/
Her husband, Major General Sir Lorenzo Moore, served in the West Indies, Ireland, Cape of Good Hope, Madras, Zante, Sicily, duelled with and wounded Miles Stapleton for which he was imprisoned, was buried in Dresden 15 March 1837 without full military honours. Their son Jacinthius Anthony Lorenzo was buried in Livorno in 1816.

    Harper's Monthly engraving of Lady Moore's tomb

Stele. Scultore: Francesco Mattei
. Sec. XIX, post 12/1849. Firma: F.MATTEI.F Ambito toscano. Urna su stele scolpita con clessidra alata in marmo incisa in lettere capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 176.5 L: 57.5 P: 57.5; Urna: A: 46. D: 31; P.s. A: 25. L: 57.7 P: 57.7] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH/ THE RELICT OF MAJOR GENERAL/ SIR LORENZO MOORE, C.B. AND K.C.H./ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ ON THE 7 DEC 1849 AGED 70 YEARS/ HER GENTLE LIFE/ EQUALLY MARKED/ BY THE DEVOTED DISCHARGE/ OF EVERY DUTY/ AND ROUNDED BY THE MENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS / WHICH ENDEAR SOCIAL INTERCOURSE/ REPOSES IN RESIGNED TRANQUILITY/ THO FAR AWAY/ FROM THOSE NEAREST/ AND DEAREST TO HER/ WHO NOW ARE LEFT TO MOURN HER LOSS/ GL 23774 N° 144: Eliza Sophia Lady Moore, Burial 10-12, Rev Robbins (E101), the burial of their son, Jacinthius Antonio Lorenzo, 30/06/16, Livorno, is recorded in PRO RG 33/117-301, Rev Hall/ Manchester Times/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moore/ Elisa/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Dicembre/ 1849/ / 423/ N&Q 218. Elizabeth, relict of Major-General Sir Lorenzo Moore, C.B., K.C.H., ob. 7 Dec., 1849, a. 70/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

B116/ 539/
A noble Prussian officer with a grand tomb, befitting the son of a general.

In the Harper's Monthly engraving one sees the von Berg tomb behind that for Jemima Kellett

Stele. Scultore, Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 5/1854. Ambito toscano. Alta stele con croce gotica tedesca in marmo, incisa in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali e minuscole in scrittura fraktura (scrittura gotica) e numeri arabi, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 274.2 L: 62.4 P: 36. ; P.s. A: 9. L: 78.5 P: 53.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere gotiche e numeri arabi: Hier ruht in Gott/ Ferdinand Gustav/ Adolf von Berg/ Sedonde Lieutenant/ im  Königlich Preussischen/ 1 ten Garde Regiment/ zu Fuss/ Geboren zu Berlin/ am 19 ten Januar 1829/ gestorben zu Florenz/ am 22 ten Mai 1854/ . . . Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Adolphe de Berg, Berlin, Royaume de Prusse, Lieutenant dans les gardes de S.M. le Roi de Prusses, fils de general de Berg, commandant la septième brigade de cavalerie Prussienne/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 600/ Q 127: 335 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 111. Berg (De)/ Adolfo/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 22 Maggio/ 1854/ Anni 25/ 539/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

East India Company, Civil Service, Bengal. JLMaquay, Diaries 21/10/1849 'calling on poor Fombelle who is reduced to a shadow' 26/11/1849 'to attend Fombelle's funeral who died on Friday literally of old age. 87.' The tomb is sculpted with a magnificent sunburst around an ourobouros. Marriage notice of their youngest daughter Emma Frances Fombelle to Henry Templer, in Cawnpore.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 1/1865. Ambito toscano./ Sarcofago in marmo scolpito, sul tergo uroboro adagiato su raggi di sole, sul fronte crisalide, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, numeri arabi e romani, sormontata da un'urna, basamento e recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [ourobouros with sunburst]/  Iscrizione in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOHN FOMBELLE ESQ.RE/ LATE OF THE E.I. COMPANY'S BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE/ WHO AFTER HAVING FILLED THE HIGHEST JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS IN THE/ PRESIDENCY OF BENGAL, IN A MANNER TO MERIT THE HIGHEST APPROBATION OF THE/ INDIAN GOVERNMENT, AND THE LOVE AND AFFECTION OF THE NATIVE COMMUNITY,/ RETIRED FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, AFTER A SERVICE OF 34 YEARS/ HE DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT FLORENCE ON THE 24TH NOVR MDCCCXLIX/ IN HIS EIGHTY SEVENTH YEAR, DEEPLY REGRETTED/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 143: Death 26-11, Burial 26-11, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Marriage, 10/4/1809, Bengal East India Regiment/ Maquay Diaries: 21 Oct 1849; 26 Nov., numerous references to Fombelles whom he had known also in Cheltenham before they settled in Italy, attends his funeral/ The Standard, Times/ N&Q 222. John Fombelle, Esq., late of the E.I.Co.'s Bengal Civil Service, retired after a service of 34 yrs., ob. 24 Nov., 1849, a. 87/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fombelle/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Novembre/ 1849/ / 421/Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. B117B/ 894/ ELIZABETH MARGARET (CRISP) FOMBELLE/ ENGLAND/ Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 1/1865. Ambito toscano./ Sarcofago in marmo scolpito, sul tergo uroboro adagiato su raggi di sole, sul fronte crisalide, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, numeri arabi e romani, sormontata da un'urna, basamento e recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura.  [Tomba condivisa con il marito, si veda sopra.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE/ MEMORY/ OF/ ELIZABETH MARGARET FOMBELLE/ WIDOW OF THE LATE JOHN FOMBELLE ESQ/ OF THE BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE/ SHE DEPARTED THIS LIFE UPON THE VIIITH DAY OF/ JANUARY MDCCCLXV/ HER KIND HEARTED AND LOVING DISPOSITION/ ENDEARED HER TO ALL WHO KNEW HER/ ROM XII.10 [Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fombelle/ Elisabetta Margherita/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Gennaio/ 1865/ Anni 72/ 894/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisabeth Marguerite Fombelle, l'Angleterre, fille de John Fombelle/ GL23777/1 N° 351, widow, child of late Barris Crisp, Burial 10/01, age 73, Rev Pendleton/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda    

B118/ 730
NDNB entry for brother, Norman Kemp Smith, who came to teach at Princeton, their family originally from Aberdeen.

Urna su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1861. Ambito toscano. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 62/1871. Ambito toscano. Urna poggiante su pilastro a pianta quadrata, posto a sua volta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con due colonnini superstiti e ferro, ora mancante. [M: A: 110. L: 42. P: 42.; P.s. A: 54. L: 61. P: 61. R: A:  60.L: 85. P: 189.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN JAMES DUNCAN BELOVED SON OF ANDREW SMITH BORN AT BATH SOMERSETSHIRE DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 16 1861 AGED 15 THE LORD GIVETH THE LORD TAKETH AWAY, BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD [Job 1.21]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: John James Duncan, l'Angleterre, fil de Andrew Smith Duncan et de Mary Duncan/ Q 450: 896.2 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 292, Burial 19/05, John James Duncan, Rev E Chapman, 'disease of heart'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Duncan Smith/ Gian Giacomo/ Andrea/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Maggio/ 1861/ Anni 15/ 730/ N&Q 221. John James, s. of Andrew Smith Duncan, Esq., b. at Bath; ob. at Florence, 16 May, 1861, a. 15 yrs. 7 mths/ See Duncan. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B119/ 1010/
She is the daughter of Charles Hoffstetter, who is Swiss, and is married to a Heinzmann, who is Bavarian.
See C105 for [524/ VIRGINIE (HOFFSTETTER) HAUPT/ SVIZZERA/ Virginia Haupt, née Hoffstetter, femme de Theodore Haupt, originaire de Freiberg, Saxe, Ingenieur, fille de Charles Hofstetter, De Buren, Canton de Berne, en Suisse, et de Anne Amelie Meget, son epouse/ Q 99: 310 Paoli/ Haupt nata Hooffstetter/ Virginia/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 21 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 39/ 524/]


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1868. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo  scolpito con croce, patina di sporco, poggiante su basamanto in pietra serena. Recinto condiviso con le due tombe Caruel e con la tomba di Charles Hoffstetter. [M: A: 101.5 L: 51. P: 17.5 ; P.s. A: 42.5 L: 61. P: 26.5.] Iscrizione illeggibile.  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Helene Heinzmann née Hoffstetter, Suisse, fille de Charles Hoffstetter/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 258/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hooffstetter nei Heinzmann/ Elena/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 3 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 55/ 1010/ Heinzmann nata Hoofstetter/ Elena/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 3 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 55/ 1010. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Constant Theodore is the grandfather of 'ERNESTINO', his son and the baby's father, Theodore Caruel, being buried in the Allori along with the baby's mother Anne Emilie Heinzmann. Pastore Luigi Santini speaks of the Caruels as French Huguenots who served in the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1853. Ambito toscano. Cippo scolpito con tre stelle a rilievo poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, patina di sporco, iscrizione illeggibile, identificabile soltanto per il numero '502', recinto in pietra serena, colonnini e ferro, il recinto racchiude anche la tomba di Charles Hoofstetter, ecc., intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 121. L: 52. P: 8.; P.s. A: 15. L: 77. P: 144. Recinto: A: 78. L: 452.5 P: 234.] Iscrizione illeggibile: Constant Theodore Caruel/ 502/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Theodore Constant Caruel, Vienne en Dauphine, Departmente de l'Isère, en France, Rentier/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 483 + Paoli 445/ Q 57: 206 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Caruel/ Costantino Teodoro/ / Francia/ 14 Aprile/ 1853/ Anni 56/ 502/ See Caruel, also Hooffstetters, Heinzmanns in Sector D. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

See Hooffstetter (B13), also the Allori registers for Theodore Caruel and Emilie Anne Heinzmann, where they are buried side by side as husband and wife, the parents of this baby.

Obelisco. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1869. Ambito toscano.Obelisco posto su basamento in marmo a pianta quadrata, marmo sporco, poggiante a sua volta su basamento in pietra serena, pietra serena erosa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 92 L: 44. P: 44 ; P.s. A: 27. L: 52. P: 52] Entro il recinto anche le tombe di Constant Theodore Caruel e di Charles e Helene Hoffstetter)] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ERNESTINO// 4 SETTEMBRE 1869/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Constant Ernest Caruel, France, fils de Théodore Caruel et de Anne Elvire Emilie, née Heinzmann/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 121/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Caruel/ Ernesto/ Teodoro/ Francia/ Firenze/ 4 Settembre/ 1869/ Mesi 18/ 1061/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B122A&B/ 644
Samuel Lowe is the shopkeeper who has the Hon Henry Savile arrested, imprisoned, and forgiven. See Sector A, A86/ CATHERINE (PENNEFATHER) SAVILE & SON HENRY SAVILE. The Lowe grandfather  and the infant granddaughter Louisa Florence Lowe share the same tomb. The son William now has a different wife than Mary Ann Lowe.  A further Lowe family member is in Sector E, E103/ CLARA LOWE. Thus we see a rather typical Anglo-Florentine extended family household. We have planted a red rambler rose by the arch.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1877. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, marmo eroso e sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto con arco in ferro, colonnini mancanti e spezzati. Intervento conservativo sul ferro, Daniel-Claudio Dumitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 103. L: 50.5. P: 20.5; P.s. A: 15. L: 58, P: 28.; Recinto/P.s. A: 72. L. 87.5. P: 205; Recinto/ferro con arco: A: 105.5. L: 76. P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ SAMUEL LOWE/ DIED 20TH APRIL 1877/ AGED 81/ HE IS NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH [Matt. 9.24; Mark 5.39; Luke 8.52]/ - / LOUISA FLORENCE/ INFANT DAUGHTER/ OF WILLIAM AND HENRIETTA LOWE/ BORN 22 SEPTEMBER 1857/ DIED 17TH AUGUST 1858/ GL23777/1 N° 511, Burial 22/04, Rev Tottenham, Piazza Pitti, 6/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Florence Lowe, Angleterre, fille de William et Henriette Lowe/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 303/ Q 315: 58 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 255, 20/08, Rev Gilbert, 'sentition with diarrhoea'/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lowe/ Samuele/ Gio: Pietro/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Aprile/ 1877/ Anni 81/ 1391/ Same tombstone as for Louisa Florence Lowe/ Lowe/ Luisa Firenze/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Agosto/ 1858/ Mesi 11/ 644/ Webbs, material on descendants, relations/ See also Lowe E12R/N&Q 231. Samuel Lowe, ob. 20 Ap., 1877, a. 81/ N&Q 232. Louisa Florence, inf. d. of Wm. and Henrietta Lowe, b. 22 Sept., 1857; ob. 17 Aug., 1858. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Webbs have a long note on family from baptismal records.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1856. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo sbiadito, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese, posto su lastra in pietra serena. [M: A: 93. L: 70. P: 19.; P.s. A: L: 77. P: 137. Totale: A: 93. L: 77. P: 137.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE/ MEMORY/ OF/ HENRY DUNN/ WHO DIED FEBRUARY 6 1856/ AGED 34/ I WILL BLESS THY HOLY NAME/ O GOD FOREVER AND EVER [Psalm 145.2] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri Dunn, Ile Britanniques/ Rentier/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 635 + Paoli 40/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23771/1 N° 226, 'general decay', Rev O'Neill/ Morning Chronicle, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dunn/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Febbraio/ 1856/ Anni 34/ 590/ N&Q 230. Henry Dunn, ob. 6 Feb., 1856, a. 34/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Another daughter, a stepsister, by William's first wife, a thirteen-year-old girl. One wonders where Mary Ann Lowe is buried.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1855. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, lastra spezzata, marmo sporco, colonnini del recinto mancannti o spezzati. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 64. P: 135.; P.s. A: 18. L: 74. P: 145. Recinto: A: 14.5. L: 101.5 P: 238.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF JULIA ELIZA/ YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY ANN LOWE/ DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 8TH OF JUNE 1855/ AGED 13 YEARS/ BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD/ V MATTHEW 8 VERSE/ 366/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Julia Lowe, Iles Britaniques, quatorze ans, fille de Guillaume Lowe et de Marie Lowe, son épouse/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 575/ Q 182: 310 Paoli, where she is called 'Signorina Maria Lowe'/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 214 Burial 10/06, Rev Huntington, Rome/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lowe/ Giulia/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Giugno/ 1855/ Anni 14/ 566/ N&Q 229. Julia Eliza, youngest d. of William and Mary Ann Lowe, ob. 8 June, 1855, a. 13/ Webbs, descendants.  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B125/ 1279/
The father is Florentine in origin, who became Protestant, the mother American. The father's biography is given in The Ministerial Directory: Of the Ministers in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (Southern) and in the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Northern), together with a Statement of the Work of the Executive Committees and Boards of the Two Churches, 1898: ARRIGHI, Antonio, 395 Broome St., New York, N. Y.  Born, Florence, Italy; Stud. Wsl. U., O., and Dickson C; Boston T. S., Mass., 1869; Ord. '74, Rome, Italy, by Bishop M. Simpson; My. Florence, Italy, '71-79, under M. E. Ch.; Received into Italian Evl. Ch., '79; Received into Pby. of New York, '83; My. among Italians in New York City; Compiled an Italian Hymn Book, (Amer. T. S.; Price, 40 cents). The tomb shows the hand of the little child pointing heavenward, like that for B29/ EDWARD WILLIAM YOUNG.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 11/1874. Ambito toscano.
Cippo in marmo scolpito, sul fronte mano di un bimbo, motivo riecheggiato nella tomba di Young, 1877,  marmo non molto sporco, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena e ferro, colonnini spezzati dai giardinieri, 2004. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008, intervento sui colonnini, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2/2010. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 72.5 L: 47.5 P: 27.; P.s. A: 32. L: 54. P: 24. R/P.s/ferro.: A: 18. L: 86. P: 183.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: OUR LUTTIE/ SON OF/ ANTONIO AND EMMA ARRIGHI/ BORN JAN 4 1873, IN/ DELAWARE OHIO U.S.A./ DIED/ NOV 12 1874/ AT FLORENCE ITALY/ REST IN PEACE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Louis Jean Arrighi, Italia, fils de Antoine/ James Lorimer Graham, Consular Records/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 37. Arrighi/ Luigi Giovanni/ Antonio/ Italia/ Firenze/ 12 Novembre/ 1874/ Anni 2/ 1279/ N&Q 234. Luttie, s. of Antonio and Emma Arrighi, b. 4 Jan., 1873, in Delaware, Ohio ; ob. 12 Nov., 1874. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B126/ 598/
Yet another Rumantsch-speaking Salomoni from Sent who has a cafe in Florence. His sister mourns him. See also B62/ GIACOMO SALOMONI


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1856. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, lastra spezzata incisa, disegni di quadrati e triangoli, iscrizione in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2. L: 65. P: 128.; P.s. A: 12. L: 71.5 P: 136.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua italiana incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI/ RIPOSANO LE CENERI DI GASPERO N. SALOMONI B./ NATO IN SENT CANTONE DEI GRIGIONI/ IL DI 6 MARZO 1806/ MORTO A FIRENZE IL DI 29 MAGGIO 1856/ LA SORELLA UNICA EREDE/ Q.M.P./ 598/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Gaspard (Gaspero) Salomoni, Sent, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, domicilié à Florence, Cafetier, fils de Nicolas Salomoni et de Anna, née Salomoni, sa femme/ Q 236: 175 Paoli/ Q 244: 5 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salomoni/ Gaspero/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Maggio/ 1856/ Anni 40/ 598. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

JLMaquay 10/3/1846 'attended the funeral of a son of Mrs Lowe(sic).' He is only thirteen. His father 'Low, John, Esq., J.P., Spring-house, Killslrane, near Tipperary' is listed so in the 1827 Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. His grieving, widowed mother erects the tomb.


Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1843. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo posta su basamento, marmo sporco, poggiante a sua volta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 119. L: 102. P: 102. ; P.s. A: 28. L: 66. P: 66. Totale: A: 147. L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ HENRY BLACKMORE LOW/ THIRD SON OF THE LATE JOHN LOW ESQ OF/ SPRING HOUSE CO TIPPERARY IRELAND/ BORN MARCH 21 1835/ DIED AT FLORENCE MARCH 7, 1843/ THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED BY HIS AFFLICTED MOTHER/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 93: born 21-3-33 Spring House Tipperary, s of John Low of Ireland, Burial, 10.03, aged 13 years, Rev. Robbins
(E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 10 Mar 1846/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Low (Blackmon)/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Marzo/ 1846/ / 331/ N&Q 233. Henry Blackmore Low, 3rd s. of the late John Low, Esq., of Spring House, co. Tipperary, b. 21 March, 1833; ob. 7 March, 1846. Erected by his mother. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B128/ 885/
A seventeen-year old Swedish/Prussian girl.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1864. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo, al centro lettere capitali in rilievo con il nome della defunta, lettere molto indistinte, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamenti in pietra serena posti sulla parte retrostante di una lastra. [M: A: 166. L: 56. P: 43.; P.s. A: 17. L: 77. P: 175. Totale: A: 183. L: 77. P: 175.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali: HELENE . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hélène Malmros, Prusse/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Malmros/ Elena/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 18 Ottobre/ 1864/ Anni 17/ 885. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B129/ 78/
This former physician in the service of the East India Company in Bombay is perhaps joined later by his widow, Maria Celestini, she having married a second time to an Italian. 
Widow of the former physician in the East India Company in Bombay, who placed his tombstone, now the wife of Signor Francesco Celestini of Florence.
Rev Robbins
(E101)/ Puget [Pouget]/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Marzo/ 1847/ / 356/


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1833. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco intaccato dai licheni, inclinata, poggiante su base in marmo, a sua volta posta su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 19. L: 156. P: 78.; P.s. A:  L:171.  P: 93.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THIS STONE IS ERECTED TO THE SACRED MEMORY OF/ JOSEPH ANTHONY POUGET ESQ/ BORN ON . . . OF JULY . . . AT KINGS ROAD LONDON/ DIED AT FLORENCE . . . JULY 1833/ ERECTED BY A GRIEVING WIFE . . . WHO KNEW HIM . . . FOR HIS . . . MANNER OF LIFE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 8: former physician at Bombay, Burial 28-7, Rev Hutton/  See N° 79 1828-1844/ See Puget [Pouget]/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Marzo/ 1847/ / 356/ [Widow of Joseph Anthony Pouget]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Puget/ Giuseppe Antonio/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Luglio/ 1833/ Anni 73/ 78/ N&Q 236. Joseph Anthony Pouget, 30 yrs. in the E.I.Co.'s service, ob. 25 July, 1833, a. 7(7?), leaving a widow and one son/ See Celestini. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

B130/ 1280/
This three-year-old Russian girl has a pietra serena tomb whose cross has been vandalized.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1874. Ambito toscano. Croce spezzata scolpita in pietra serena a finto tronco d'albero e finte corde in pietra serena, posta su basamento con lettere incise in cirillico, recinto in pietra serena. [Ps: A: 121. L: 46. P: 55; Recinto:. A: 31. L: 95. P: 197. Totale: A: 121. L: 95. P: 197.] Iscrizione incisa in cirillico: Pavlovic Ljudmila Borisovna/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Ludmilla Poulowic, Russia, fille de Boris/ Talalay: 13(1).11.1874, di anni 3, N° 1280, RC Informazioni in cirillico/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Paulowich/ Ludomilla/ Boris/ Russia/ Firenze/ 13 Novembre/ 1874/ Anni 3/ 1280. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B131/ 522/
Husband, Major in 71st Foot 5 February 1803 (on transfer from 24th Foot); Lieutenant-Colonel in 1st West India Regiment 25 February 1808; Lieutenant-Colonel in 16th Foot 23 November 1809; commanded 16th Foot 1810 to 1815; brevet Colonel 4 June 1814; subsequently Major-General 27 May 1825; died 1837. She is sister to Charles Brodrick, 6th Viscount Midleton. From her closeness to the Crossmans and Major Gregorie she may also be Swedenborgian. JLMaquay, Diaries 12/12/1853 'to Mrs Tolleys who died at 12 o'clock' 14/12/1853 'up at 6.30 to attend Mrs Tolle's funeral which was very badly managed by the Crossmans who had taken all on themselves, no pall bearers and no attendants but Gregory Trotman [The Trotmans were a Barbadoes family, F51/ THOMAS WILLIAMS TROTMAN, M.D.] and myself. Old [Seymour Kirkup?] also came but had not been informed or invited. Rain continued all day' 27/12/1853 'a Person arrived this evening to take charge of the Misses Tolley'.


Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, P.BAZZANTI F.
Sec. XIX, post 12/1853. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo scolpita con volute e due faci rovesciate, incisa in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 152. L: 98.5 P: 27.3 ; P.s. A: 25. L: 111.5 P: 43.2 Recinto: A: 136.5 P: 81 ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ THE HONOURABLE FRANCES TOLLEY/ RELICT OF THE LATE/ MAJOR GENERAL HENRY DUNBAR TOLLEY/ G.B. BORN JANUARY 12TH 1796/ DIED DECEMBER 12TH 1853/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Francisca Tolley, Irlande/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 752.4/ Q 97: 464 Paoli 2 crazii/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 191 Burial 14/12, Rev Greene (A51). There is a daughter of Frances Tolley buried in Rome at 2 weeks old/ Maquay Diaries: 12 Dec 1853; 14 Dec; 27 Dec/ Times, Standard/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tolley/ Francesca/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 57/ 522/ N&Q 237. The Hon. Frances Tolley, relict of the late Major - General Henry Dunbar Tolley, C.B., b. 12 Jan., 1796 ; ob. 12 Dec., 1853/ Belle Arti, 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B132/ 709/
We know she is American, unmarried, and the daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Ludlow, dying at 48 in Florence.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1860. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 132. L: 61.45 P: 24.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HARRIET/ DAUGHTER OF/ CHRISTOPHER AND ELISABETH LUDLOW/ BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART/ ST MATT.V.20/ PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD/ IS THE DEATH OF HIS SAINTS/ PS CXVI.15/ BORN IN NEW YORK 1811/ DIED IN FLORENCE 1868// 709/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Ludlow, rentière, fille de Christophe Ludlow, et de Elisabeth Ludlow/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 398/ Q 422: 173 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ludlow/ Enrichetta/ Cristoforo/ America/ Firenze/ 15 Ottobre/ 1860/ Anni 48/ 709/ N&Q 238. Harriet, d. of Christopher B. and Elizabeth Ludlow, b. in New York, 1811 ; ob. 1860. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

Here we find Emily and Montague Abercromby, the children of Sir Charles and Lady Wake from Northamptonshire.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo scolpita, alpha e omega scolpiti, poggiante su sostegni in marmo posti su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con colonnini e ferro, intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 24. L: 76. P: 150.; P.s. A: 13. L: 76. P: 150. Totale: A: 45. L: 296. P: 210.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:
EMILY WAKE/ 16 YEARS OF AGE/ SHE WAS IN THE CHARM OF HER/ HOUR IN THE BLOOM OF THE DAY/ THE PATH TO COME/ IN THE SIGHT OF HER LORD/ . . . AND . . . / SHE PUT HER FAITH IN/ IN THE BLOOD OF HER MAKER . . . LED BY HIM/ CHARLES AND MARGARET WAKE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 33 d of Charles and Charlotte Wake of Northamptonshire, Age 16, Burial 03-04, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wake/ Emilia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Aprile/ 1842/ / 240/ N&Q 244. Emily Wake, ob. 1 Ap., 1842, a. 16. Erected by her parents, Charles and Charlotte Wake. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The seven-month-old son has died first, and his sixteen-year-old sister's name is also placed on his tomb. The Wake family still own Courteen Hall in Northamptonshire. http://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/en/councilservices/Community/archives/Documents/PDF%20Documents/FAMILY%20Records%20Vaux%20to%20Watts%20Russell.pdf


Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1842. Ambito toscano. / Pilastro in marmo,  urna mancante, scolpito in lettere capitali in lingua inglese su ciascun lato, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Il recinto racchiude anche la tomba di Emily Wake, ecc. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 90. L: 30. P: 30.; P.s. A: 30. L: 39. P: 39.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MONTAGU/ . . . // CHILDREN OF SIR CHARLES AND LADY WAKE OF COURTEEN HALL NORTHAMPTONSHIRE // EMILY/ . . . // COME LORD . . ./ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 28 Burial 03/01, Rev Tennant (F49); Baptism GL20990 N° 168 Montague Abercrombie Wake 17/07/41 father Charles Courteen Hall Northampton gentleman, mother Charlotte Murdoch, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wake (Abercromby)/ Montagu/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Gennaio/ 1842/ Mesi 7/ 231/ See Abercromby/ N&Q 243. Montagu, ob. I Jan., 1842, a. 8 mths. ; Emily, ob. I Ap., 1842, a. 16 ; children of Sir Charles and Lady Wake, of Courteen Hall, Northamptonshire/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B135/ 254/
She is born in Algiers, the daughter of the Consul, B97/ HUGH MACDONELL (who is also buried in this sector and who had been enslaved there, the father of Admiral Pellew, who is also buried here, rescuing the Europeans and whose arms allude to that event), and his wife Ida. Her husband is Captain on full pay of £24 in 1841, there is a mention, a decade later, of Major George Burrell Cumberland in Canada objecting to bagpipes music being played in the regiment.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra scolpita con croce, alfa e omega a rilievo, marmo sporco, lettere capitali incise in lingua inglese e numeri arabi, poggiante su sfere in marmo, posti a loro volta su lastra in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 27. L: 75.5 P: 151.5; Palle A: 6. L: 11.; M: A: 6.5 L: 82.5 P: 159.; RP.s.F: A: 38. L: 300. P: 210] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ LOUISE CATHERINE WIFE/ OF GEORGE B CUMBERLAND/ ROYAL HIGHLANDERS/ DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT FLORENCE THE 2 DEC 1863 AGED 25 YEARS [Alpha/ Omega]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: G23774no15 + 33/114no15 marriage George Burrell Cumberland to Louisa Macdonall at HBM Florence (Holland), Groom, Captain 42 Regiment Co of Kent, Bride, child of Hugh Macdonell, Rev Robbins (E101); GL 23774 N° 40: wife of Capt George B Cumberland, 42 Reg, born in Algiers, 11-03-16 d of Hugh and Ida MacDonell, died 07-12, Burial 11-12. Rev Thomas Tuam/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cumberland nata Macdonald/ Luisa/ / / Firenze/ 8 Dicembre/ 1842/ / 254/ See MacDonell/ Webbs, Hugh Macdonell Consul at Algiers 1813-1820 where he married his second wife Ida Ulich, daughter of the Danish Consul General, relations, Kleinkauf, etc./ N&Q 242. Louise Catherine Adelaide, w. of Geo. B. Cumberland, Capt. 42nd Royal Highlanders, ob. 7 Dec, 1842, a. 26/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

JLMaquay, Diaries 11/2/1837 'attended the funeral of johnstone's son at 7 o'clock.' 30/4/1844 'poor W.G. Johnstone died this morning.' 2/5/1844 'attended Johnstone's funeral this morning.' This Scottish son and father are buried together. In 1836 William Gracie Johnstone had been listed as a banker in Florence among the Land Tax Commissioners for the Stewarty of Kirkcudbright, Galloway.

Cippo. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature:
P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 2/1837// 5/1844. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito, marmo sporco, clessidra racchiusa nell'uroboro, inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con colonnini e ferro, quest'ultimo mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 159.5 L: 87.3 P: 53.2 ; P.s. A: 29.5 L: 100. P: 67.5; Recinto: A: 54 L: 205. P: 205.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ SIMON HALLIDAY JOHNSTONE/ ELDEST SON OF/ WILLIAM GRACIE JOHNSTONE OF GARROCH/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ THE 9TH FEB 1837/ 151/ GL 23773/4 N° 54: Simon Halliday Johnstone, s of William Gracie Johnstone of Garrock, banker, Burial 11-02, Rev Knapp]/ Maquay Diaries: 11 Feb 1837/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Johnstone/ Simon Haludy [Halliday]/ [William Gracie] / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 9 Febbraio/ 1837/ Anni 18/ 151/N&Q 241. Simon Halliday Johnstone, eldest s. of Wm. Gracie Johnstone, of Garrock, ob. 9 Feb., 1837/ See Haluday/ B136B/ WILLIAM GRACIE JOHNSTONE/ SCOTLAND/  [sul tergo iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi per il figlio che nella morte precede il padre Simon Halliday Johnstone.]/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ W.G. JOHNSTONE ESQ/ OF GARROCH/ IN GALLOWAYSHIRE SCOTLAND/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE 30 APRIL 1844/ AGED 50/ 245/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 66, William Gracie Johnstone of the County of Galloway, died 30th April and was buried in the Protestant burial ground at Florence the 8th May 1844 aged 50, by me George Robbins (E101), Chaplain/ Maquay Diaries: 30 Apr 1844; 2 May/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Johnstone/ Guglielmo Grazia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Aprile/ 1844/ Anni 51/ 285/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

B137/ 406/
M.H. Perceval emigrated to Canada in 1828. Her mother has given this young woman, her fifth daughter, a beautiful tomb with a dove in marble, like that in Sector D, D155/ MARY ANN (HAWKES) PHILLIPS.

Sarcofago. Sculptor, Pietro Bazzanti, Signature:
P.BAZZANTI.F, identical to Mary Ann Hawkes Phillips with dove. Sec. XIX, post 5/1849. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con una colomba, posto su sostegni a zampa di leone, poggianti su basamento in marmo, e su un basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. [M: A: 70.5 L: 114. P: 60.6 ; Recinto. A: 58. L: 229.5 P: 208.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ GERALDINE HATHORN 5TH DAUGHTER OF M.H. PERCEVAL ESQ/ SHE WAS BORN AT QUEBEC SEPT 25TH 1822 AND DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 18 1849/ AGED 26 YEARS/ THIS MONUMENT WAS ERECTED BY HER AFFECTIONATE MOTHER/ ANN MARY PERCEVAL/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 132: Geraldine Hathorn Percival, aged 26, Burial 21-05, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Percevall/ Giraldina Hawton/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Maggio/ 1849/ Anni 27/ 406/ N&Q 240. Geraldine Hathorn, 5th d. of M. H. Perceval, Esq., b. at Quebec, 25 Sept., 1822 ; ob. 15 May, 1849. Erected by her mother, Anne Mary Perceval/ See Hawton/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

As with the A60/ GYULA PULSZKY family we find a child named Garibaldi. Felice is seven, Garibaldi, two months old, Isolina, 5. Giovanni and Carolina Porcinai, their parents, must have been heart-broken at losing them in 1861 and 1862. Anna Porcinai, daughter of the great landscape architect, Pietro Porcinai, has given the cemetery a van load of lavender bushes the Roma have planted. She says her family is not related to this family.

Colonna spezzata.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1862. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo spezzata con lettere capitali incise in lingua italiana poggiante su uno zoccolo in marmo, posto a sua volta su un blocco in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. [M: A: 120. L: 43. P: 43.; P.s. A: 33. L: 51. P: 51; Recinto: A: 11 L.145. P: 157] FELICE PORCINAI/ ITALIA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FELICE/ PORCINAI/ N. IL 27 GIUGNO 1854 M. IL 26 APRILE 1861/ Q 449: 120 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Porcinai/ Felice/ Luigi/ Italia/ Firenze/ 26 Aprile/ 1861/ Anni 7/ 729/ GARIBALDO GARIBALDI PORCINAI/ ITALIA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GARIBALDO PORCINAI/ N. IL 22 LUGLIO 1862 M. IL 12 SETTEMBRE 1862/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Garibaldi Porcinai, Florence, fils de Jean Porcinai et de Caroline, née Messerri/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Porcinai/ Garibaldo Garibaldi/ Giovanni/ Italia/ Firenze/ 12 Settembre/ 1862/ Mesi 2/ 804/ ISOLINA PORCINAI/ ITALIA/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ISOLINA PORCINAI/ N. IL 5 GENNAIO 1858 M. IL 2 OTTOBRE 1862/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Isolina Porcinaji, Florence, fils de Jean Porcinaj et de Caroline, née Messerri, son épouse/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Porcinai/ Isolina/ Giovanni/ Italia/ Firenze/ 1 Ottobre/ 1862/ Anni 5/ 808. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

N&Q 226. Pauline. No other inscription. [Between Fanny Bonnin B14F and Charles Gregorie B15G. Could she be instead 'Helene'?
We have only two burials in the Cemetery of persons called 'Pauline':

Bounous/ Paolina/ Giovanni/ Italia/ Firenze/ 7 Settembre/ 1870/ Anni 29/ 1106/ Pauline Bounous, Valles Vaudoises du Piemont, fille de Jean Bounous et de Suzette, née Grass

Hilmann/ Paolina/ Abramo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 4 Aprile/ 1866/ Anni 43/ 937/ +/ Pauline Hillmann, Nordenthal près Olestre érusse, fille de Abraham Hillmann et de Henriette Emilie, née Klein


247. Anne Harris, ob. 3 Ap., 1830. See C59


Now that you have seen the tombs in Sector B you can turn to those in Sector C.

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