edited by


Contact and Imprint


Notes of Guidance for Authors

Example of Biographical Articel

Available Volumes

Staff and
Subject Areas

What's New

German Biography Portal / Deutsche Biographie


Further Literature about ADB & NDB

Addenda and Corrections

Digital Historical Biographical Information

Biographical Portal /

de  |  fr  |  it  |  es  |  cz  |  pl

What's New

Max Mueller's 200th Birth Anniversary

Max Mueller Bicentennial

Goethe-Institute / Max Mueller Bhavan in India, est. 1957

Friedrich Max Mueller
1823 – 1900
orientalist, philologist, and scholar

Vineet Gill: Visit to Max Mueller’s India. An India for Readers

Palash Krishna Mehrotraa: Journey in Reverse. From ‘Marg’ to ‘Bhavan’ to the Man Himself

Mriganka Mukhopadhyay: Comparative Religion in the Nineteenth Century. Max Mueller and his Contemporaries

Conversation with Angus Nicholls, Kris Manjapra, and Patricia Casey Sutcliffe

Vom Lexikon mit Goldschnitt
zum digitalen Auftritt

Der Wandel der deutschen Nationalbiographie

From dictionary with gilded edges to digital presence
The change in German national biography NDB

Veranstaltung der
Historischen Kommission bei der
Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

im Historischen Kolleg München
am 5. März 2024

Event of Historical Commission at Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
in the Historical College Munich - Institute for Advanced Study on March 5th, 2024
with review by Prof. Dr.
Hans Christof Kraus on eight decades of biographical work by the NDB
and with presentation of the new digital format NDB-online by Prof. Dr. Peter Hoeres

(Rückblick von Prof. Dr. Hans-Christof Kraus
auf acht Jahrzehnte biographische Arbeit der NDB
Präsentation des neuen digitalen Formats NDB-online
durch Prof. Dr. Peter Hoeres)

Biographical Portal was extended by personalities of
Bavarian and European history of music

The European Biographical Portal enables access to more than 200,000 scholarly biographies of persons
from all social backgrounds and covers most of the periods from German, Austrian, Swiss, Slovenian, and South-East European history.

Biographical Portal, logo

The portal now also includes about 29,000 contributions from the "Bayerisches Musiker-Lexikon Online" (BMLO Bavarian Dictionary on Musicians Online),
which is supervised by the Institute of Musicology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schick, LMU Center for Digital Humanities, Dr. Gerhard Schön,
and Musikinstrumentenmuseum at Universität Leipzig, Prof. Dr. Josef Focht

Biographical Portal:


The event has two parts: a scientific conference (23-24 November 2023) and a workshop (25 November 2023).
The entire event is an initiative of the Dictionary of Music in Switzerland (DMS),
a board of trustees of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW).

University of Bern

Please send an email to Caiti Hauck:

Conference program (PDF, 269KB)

Conference booklet (PDF, 519KB)

La Gazette Musicale
22 avril 2023


17.000 dictionary articles from 
Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB)
about important people of Bavarian history
since august 2022

in bavarikon

The Deutsche Biographie (German Biography)
as cooperative project between
Historische Kommission bei der
Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

(Historical Commission at Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)

and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library)
offers more than 50.000 biographical dictionary articles and
further information about more than 
838.000 historical persons

Andreas Felix von Oefele (1706-1780)
Martin Schrettinger (1772-1851)
Johann Andreas Schmeller (1785-1852)

Further institutions cooperating with bavarikon

a new tool for presenting and searching the
Integrated German authority file | Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)

ca. 5,8 Mio. Entries of Persons

additional search und filter options

data and links from partner applications 

integrated and structured information about every GND entry via BEACON

sorted by relevance or alphabet

knowledge graph

relations like academic degrees or titles of nobility

example: Leopold von Ranke = GND 118598279

factsheet - relations

International Women's Day

March 8, 2022

109.047 entries in Deutsche Biographie

764 with article in NDB,

531 with article in ADB

and 2 in NDB-online

Neue Deutsche Biographie -
New German Biography

NDB Volume 27 (2020): 

Vockerodt – Wettiner

Edited by Historical Commission at the
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Publisher Duncker & Humblot

ISBN 978-3-428-11208-1



The volume contains nearly 700 articles about important people and families
from the Middle Ages to contemporary history
in the German-speaking area (Sprachraum)
written by 580 scholars from various disciplines

Articles about 
Eric Voegelin,
Richard, Cosima, Wolfgang and Wieland Wagner,
Martin Waldseemüller,
Albrecht von Wallenstein,
Fritz and Ottmar Walter,
Walther von der Vogelweide,
Emil, Otto, Aby, Max, Paul, Eric, Sir Siegmund, and Otto Warburg,
Jacob Wassermann,
Alfred, Max and Marianne Weber,
Karl Maria von Weber,
August Weberbauer,
Anton von Webern,
Lazar Wechsler,
Hans-Ulrich Wehler,
Lord George Arthur Weidenfeld of Chelsea,
Karl Weierstraß,
Helene Weigel,
Kurt Weill,
Stefan Weintraub,
Victor Weisskopf,
Kurt Weitzmann,
Joseph Weizenbaum,
Carl Friedrich, Ernst and Richard von Weizsäcker,
Carl Theodor Welcker,
Egon Wellesz,
Julius Wellhausen,
Marianne von Werefkin,
Franz Werfel,
Eric Werner,

and Wettiner


Historische Kommission
bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Jahresbericht 2020
München 2021

Matthias Berg:
Die Neue Deutsche Biographie in der frühen Bundesrepublik - 
Digitale Briefedition und Monographie
p. 34-50

International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL)
Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften [DE-2963]






International conference
Encyclopedistics 2020 – achievements and challenges

des Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography | Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža
u. a. zu Biography in encyclopedias
    Conceptions of biographic encyclopedias and lexicons
    Biographies in professional, national, and general encyclopedias
    Biographies in regard to specific fields
    Problems regarding biographic research and presentation

Ágoston Zénó Bernád, Christine Gruber and Maximilian Kaiser (Edd.)

Europa baut auf Biographien

Aspekte, Bausteine, Normen und Standards für eine europäische Biographik. 

Unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Schloegl und Katalin Lejtovicz

Wien 2017

ISBN: 978-3-7003-2069-2

Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017

artículo sobreartículo sobreartículo sobreProceedings of the Second Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017

Linz, Austria, November 6-7, 2017.

Edited by

Antske FokkensSerge ter Braake, Ronald Sluijter, Paul Arthur, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-2119

Interfaces: Accessing Biographical Data and Metadata
Matthias Reinert
, Bernhard Ebneth

Martius, der bayerische Humboldt?


München, 10. April 2019
Botanisches Institut der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Begrüßung und Einführung von Prof. Dr. Susanne S. Renner (Lehrstuhl für Systematische Botanik und Mykologie
der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Direktorin des Botanischen Gartens München-Nymphenburg und
der Botanischen Staatssammlung München)

Grußwort von Generalkonsul José Mauro da Fonseca Costa Couto (Generalkonsulat von Brasilien in München)

Vortrag von Dr. Markus Wesche (ehem. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Deutsche Geschichtsquellen):

Alle Bücher im Gepäck? Martius' Vorbereitungen der Brasilienreise

Filmpremiere für München: Dokumentarfilm 

Das Siebengestirn

von Angelika Weber M.A. (Omnis Terra Media GmbH)

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jürke Grau (Vorsitzender der Gesellschaft der Freunde
des Botanischen Gartens München e.V.

Vom Amazonas zurück an die Isar - Martius in München 

Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Großer Hörsaal im Erdgeschoss des
Botanischen Instituts, Menzinger Straße 67, 80638 München

16.00 Uhr: Führung im Botanischen Garten mit Dipl.-Biol. Rita Verma

Auf den Spuren von Martius und Spix

17.00 Uhr: Führung im Herbar mit Dr. Hajo Esser (Botanische Staatssammlung München)

Pflanzenschätze von Martius und Spix


Markus Wesche
In den Palmen wirst Du auferstehen.
Durch Trockensteppe und Regenwald:
1817 trat Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
seine große Brasilienreise an.

in: Akademie Aktuell, 1.2019, Zeitschrift der
Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
, S. 42-47
seit 16.4.2019 auch online


Scientist Biographies

TU Delft, 9 March 2018

Eric Jorink (Leiden), Jan Swammerdam (naturalist, 1637-1680)
Susanna Bloem (Utrecht), Paul Theodoor Hugenholtz (psychiatrist, 1903-1987)
Danny J. Beckers (VU Amsterdam), Hans and Suzanna Freudenthal (mathematician and educator, 1905-1990 and 1908-1986)
Ab Flipse (VU Amsterdam), Jan Lever (biologist, 1922-2010)
Catarina Madruga (Universidade de Lisboa), José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage (zoologist, 1823-1907)
Ilja Nieuwland (Huygens ING / Universität Greifswald), Otto Jaekel (paleontologist and geologist, 1863-1929)
Milo van de Pol (Huygens ING / Universiteit Leiden), Philip Ernst Vegelin van Claerbergen (natuurvorser en politicus, 1613-1693)
Chaokang Tai (Amsterdam), Anton Pannekoek (astronomer and social activist, 1873-1960
Rolf ter Sluis (Groningen), Leendert Daniel Eerland (surgeon, 1897-1977)

What's New

Digital Humanities and the “Deutsche Biographie”
historical biographical information system

Matthias Reinert, Dirk Scholz

IFLA Satellite Meeting 2017 in Berlin on August 15-17

Digital Humanities
Opportunities and Risks:
Connecting Libraries and Research

Andreas DegkwitzLaurent Romary

  <> | <hal-01665508>

Biographical Portal was extended by personalities of South-East European History

The European Biographical Portal provides access to more than 160,000 scholarly biographies of persons from all
social backgrounds and covers most of the periods from German, Austrian, Swiss, Slovenian and South-East European history.
The portal now also includes about 1,500 contributions from Biographical Dictionary on the History of South-East Europe (Biographisches Lexikon zu Geschichte Südosteuropas / BioLexSOE online), which is supervised by the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, IOS) at Regensburg.

Biographie-Portal - Logo

30. August 2017, August 30th

More than 160,000 articles in nine dictionariesabout 110,000 in German language,
about 23.000 in French languageabout 23,000 in Italian language and about 5,000 in Slovenian language
Search form also in English language

Deutsche Biographie:

From a National Biography to a Historical Information System
Dirk Scholz, Bavarian State Library
Maximilian Schrott, Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Coalition for Networked Information

CNI Fall 2016 Membership Meeting
December 12-13, 2016
Washington, DC



Matthias Reinert, Maximilian Schrott, Bernhard Ebneth, Malte Rehbein et al.,
From Biographies to Data Curation - The Making of, in: BD2015. Biographical Data in a Digital World. Proceedings of the First Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 9, 2015, ed by Serge ter Braake, Antske Fokkens, Ronald Sluijter, Thierry Declerck, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-1399. urn:nbn:de:0074-1399-1, p. 13-19

Bavarian State Library - News 11/28/2016

Deutsche Biographie records over one million visitors for the first time in 2016

The Deutsche Biographie (German Biography), a service jointly offered by the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, posted the number of one million visitors for the first time in 2016.

In 2010, the Deutsche Biographie has been made available to the German-speaking world as a historical-biographical information system, enabling scholars to conduct scientific research. Offering certified facts, the data system contains at its core approximately 49,000 articles as published in the encyclopaedias "Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie" (ADB; General German Biography) and "Neue Deutsche Biographie" (NDB; New German Biography; volumes 1 to 25, A to Tecklenborg). The current state of expansion, financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation) from 2014 till 2016, provides valid information on more than 730,000 individuals.

By using authority data (Normdaten), it is now possible to access numerous more sources such as encyclopaedias, scientific sources, literature, objects/ oeuvres, and portraits directly on the Internet. Already available in the past, the numerous visual representations of sources have been massively extended. The project's organizers thus react to the current rapid increase of network analysis. In addition, the geographical functions necessary when doing map work have also been expanded (subjects such as places of birth or death, geographic data relating to individuals' activities, and burial sites can be selected and combined freely).

The project's high attractiveness is illustrated by continuously rising user numbers, with "unique visitors" having exceeded the mark of 1 million for the first time during a year in September 2016.

The current state of the project allows for further development of the Deutsche Biographie, eventually turning it into a scientific lab. The final goal is to provide future scholars with data samples from the Deutsche Biographie, enabling them to pursue their projects on an individual as well as collaborative basis. The scientific lab is currently subject of a new application for third party funds.

Deutsche Biographie:

Cooperation with

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library)

Bundesarchiv (Federal Archives)

Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

Deutsches Museum München

Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv

Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg.

Deutsches Filminstitut    -   (  

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz   -   (Kalliope)

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
(Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
  -   (Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte) - (Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen)

Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
(Saxon State and University Library Dresden)
  -   (Deutsche Fotothek) - (Digitale Sammlungen, Digital Collections)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Baden-Württemberg LEO-BW, Regional Information System for Baden-Wuerttemberg) - (Archivportal-D)

Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz   -  (Regesta Imperii) - (Forschungsstelle für Personalschriften) - (Controversia et Confessio)

Zentrum für Historische Friedensforschung an der Universität Bonn   -   (Acta Pacis Westphalicae digital

Akademie der bildenden Künste München   -   (Matrikelbücher)

Landesbibliothekszentrum Rheinland-Pfalz / Rheinische Landesbibliothek   -   (Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank / Rhineland-Palatinate Persons Database)

Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe / LWL-Institut für westfälische Regionalgeschichte   -   (Westfälische Geschichte / History of Westphalia)

Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskunde   -   (Sächsische Biografie / Saxonian Biography)

What's New

Neue Deutsche Biographie
vol. 25
(Stadion - Tecklenborg)

online since 2016, Nov. 15th

xml   -   images

What's New

Relaunch of Deutsche Biographie
(German Biography Portal)
with user interface in english language 

since 2016, June 24th

Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum / Munich Digitization Center
Digitale Sammlungen / Digital Collections

Whats' New

Qualitative linking, combined search and various visualization options -
the Deutsche Biographie has been relaunched with advanced features and new content.
See also the latest press release (in German) from Historical Commission at Bavarian Academy of Sciences
and Humanities (BAdW)
and Bavarian State Library (BSB).

Deutsche Biographie Leibniz


NDB Volume 26 (2016): Tecklenburg – Vocke

Edited by Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Publisher Duncker & Humblot

ISBN 978-3-428-11207-5

GND 1111515387


Coalition for Networked Information

CNI Fall 2016 Membership Meeting
December 12-13, 2016
Washington, DC

Deutsche Biographie
(German Biography Portal)

Networking by Authority Files
as Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)

for example

Thalhimer, William (1809-1883)

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) 1095511769

Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)

William B. Thalhimer (1888-1969)

Deutsche Biographie

Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) 117298352

Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte


Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)

CNI Fall 2015 Membership Meeting
December 14-15, 2015

Archivportal-D: The National Platform for Archival Information in Germany

Harvard Library
Germanic Research Web
Research Guide for Germanic Studies
Biographical Resources
Biographical Portal


Biographical Data Workshop:
modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives

Digital Humanities 2016

2016, July 11
th, Krakow, Poland

to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of volume one of the
Australian Dictionary of Biography

 True Biographies of Nations?
Exploring the Cultural Journeys of Dictionaries of National Biography

National Centre of Biography
Australian National University
College of Arts & Social Sciences
Canberra, 30 June - 2 July 2016



Slovenian Version of Biographical Portal
with Slovenska Biografija

Biographie-Portal - Logo

2015, Oct. 2nd

Bavarian State Library

The Munich Digitization Center

What's New

Biographie-Portal – expanded to include Slovenian biographies

The Biographie-Portal enables access to more than 160,000 scholarly biographies of persons
from all social backgrounds and nearly all periods of German, Austrian, Swiss
and Slovenian history.
The portal now also includes numerous science-based contributions from the "Slovenska biografija" (SBI), which is supervised by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


Rückert-Jahr 2016

Friedrich Rückert

Poet, Orientalist

* 16. 5. 1788 Schweinfurt        31. 1. 1866 Neuses bei Coburg

Neuses near Coburg


Kreutner, Rudolf, "Rückert, Friedrich" in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 22 (2005), S. 208-210

Boxberger, Robert, "Rückert, Friedrich" in: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie 29 (1889), S. 445-453

Rückert-Gesellschaft / Rückert-Society -
Lebensabriß Friedrich Rückerts / Sketch of Rückert's Life

Literaturportal Bayern


Bayerisches Musikerlexikon

Orden Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste

Exhibition at Stadtmuseum Erlangen
24. Juli - 26. Dezember 2016

Friedrich Rückert -
Poet, Orientalist, Familienvater

Manuscripts at Landesbibliothek Coburg

Places of Rückert's Activities




"Weltpoesie ist Weltversöhnung"
Video-Portal of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Exhibitions at Schweinfurt, Erlangen and Coburg

200th Birthday

Paul Julius Baron de Reuter

Founder of "Telegraphic Office"
(„Continental Telegraph“, „Mr. Reuter's Office“, ab 1865:
„Reuter's Telegram Comp. Ltd.“) at London

* 21.7.1816 Kassel    25.2.1899 Nizza

Sösemann, Bernd, "Reuter, Julius Baron de" in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 21 (2003), S. 471-472

Further Links

Biographical Data in a Digital World

Proceedings of the First Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 9, 2015
Edited by Serge ter Braake, Antske Fokkens, Ronald Sluijter, Thierry Declerck, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-1399

National Biographies
Jinan, CISH, 23.-29. August 2015

Europa baut auf Biographien
Wien, ÖAW, 6.-8. Oktober 2015

Wikimedia - Dynamic links to external resources

Europa baut auf Biographien

Aspekte, Bausteine, Normen und Standards
für eine europäische Biographik

Conference at Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Institut für Neuzeit- und Zeitgeschichtsforschung / Forschungsbereich Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon,
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung) with Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz and Neue Deutsche Biographie.

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Hofburg, Oratorium), Wien 1
6. - 8. Oktober 2015


Johanna Rachinger | Generaldirektorin der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Brigitte Mazohl | Präsidentin der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissen­schaften


Michael Gehler | Direktor des Instituts für Neuzeit- und Zeitgeschichtsforschung:
Europa, Europäisierung, Europäistik, europäische Integration und die Folgen für die Biographie­forschung


Paul Arthur | Sydney:
Integrating biographical data in large-scale research resources: Current and future directions

Piek Vossen | Amsterdam:
Modelling provenance and perspectives in biographical data

Block 1: Biographie gestern und heute
Chair: Ernst Bruckmüller | Wien

Hans-Christof Kraus | Passau/München:
Die Anfänge der lexikalisch-biographischen For­schung bei Herbert Schöffler

Nora Mengel | München: '
In meinem Werk ist Oesterreich' - zum Werkverständnis des Biographen Constant von Wurzbach

Marc v. Knorring | Passau:
Biographie und Vergangenheitsdeutung. Deutsche Wissenschaft­ler und Künstler nach 1918 und ihr Blick auf die Vorkriegszeit

Lars Jendral | Koblenz:
Die Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank: biographische Informa­tionen einer Regionalbibliographie

Marcus Weidner | Münster:
Regionale Biographien im Zeitalter des Internet

 Block 2: Bausteine zu einer europäischen Biographik
Chair: Michael Gehler | Hildesheim

Marcello Verga | Florenz:
From National Biographical Dictionaries to a Biographical Dictionary of Europeans: Topics for Discussion

Frank Metasch | Dresden:
Lokal – regional – national – europäisch: Wie verknüpft die euro­päische Biographik die Lebensebenen der Europäer?

Stefan Majewski | Wien:
Massendigitalisierung als Basis geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung

Ulrich Lantermann | Wettingen:
Wikipedia – eine Ergänzung der Biographien-Landschaft

Hubert Bergmann | Wien:
Ein sprachübergreifendes biographisches Lexikon als anthropony­mische Herausforderung

Thierry Declerck | Saarbrücken:
Semantische Repräsentation von biographischen Datensätzen und deren Verlinkung im Rahmen des Linked (Open) Data Frameworks

Block 3: Normen und Standards für eine europäische Biographik
Chair: Malte Rehbein | Passau

Thomas Busch | München:
Anforderungen an Normdatenbestände im Kontext der Europäisie­rung biographischer Angebote im Internet

Marten Düring | Sanem:
„Historische Netzwerkanalyse“ als Methodik
Christine Gruber – Eveline Wandl-Vogt | Wien:
– Digitale biographische Blütenlese

Bernhard Ebneth, Matthias Reinert | München:
Potentiale der Deutschen Biographie ( als historisch-biographisches Informationssystem

André Blessing Jonas Kuhn | Stuttgart:
Die Exploration größerer biographischer Textsammlungen mit computerlinguistischen Methoden

Elian Carsenat | Paris:
Exploring the onomastics of the Austrian Biographical Dictionary (ÖBL)

Block 4: Transnationale und transkulturelle soziale Gruppen
Chair: Heinz Fassmann | Wien

Marco Jorio | Bern:
Transnationale und transkulturelle Biographien in den deutschsprachigen Nationalbiographien (ÖBL, NDB, HLS, HLFL)

Robert Luft | München:
Nationale und regionale Biographien in Europa oder europäische Per­sönlichkeiten? Zu Auswahlkriterien und Darstellungen
nationaler, transnationaler und regio­naler Lexika

Frank Lothar Kroll | Chemnitz:
Europäische Herrscherbiographie – Wege zu einer neuen Dy­nastiegeschichte in komparatistischer Perspektive

Franz Adlgasser | Wien:
Der österreichische Reichsrat als mitteleuropäisches Kaleidoskop

Block 4: Fortsetzung
Chair: Hans-Christof Kraus | Passau/München

Volkhard Huth | Bensheim/Darmstadt – Dario Kampkaspar | Wolfenbüttel
Biographische Erkenntnischancen und Netzwerkstrukturen
Daniela Angetter | Wien:
Wege des sozialen Aufstiegs – Eliten im 19. Jahrhundert

Irene Nawrocka | Wien:
Österreichische ExilantInnen in Schweden
Helmut Pfanner | Lochau:
Biographik der Emigration und des Exils im 20. Jahrhundert


Biographical Data in a digital World
Mapping historical networks: Building the new Austrian Prosopographical / Biographical Information System
Textual Emigration Analysis
 im Rahmen von CLARIN-D
Deutsche Biographie

Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz | Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse | Dizionario storico della Svizzera

Neue Deutsche Biographie

c/o Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Alfons-Goppel-Str. 11 (Residenz)

D - 80539 München

Tel.: ++49-89-23031-1152

Fax: ++49-89-23031-1282


Dynamic links to external resources:

BEACON as format to exchange links

in German:


Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH)
International Commitee of Historical Sciences (ICHS)

XXIIème Congrès du CISH
JINAN (23-29 August /23-29 août 2015)

Thème spécialisé 7  /  Specialised theme 7

National Biographies

Organizer: Marcello VERGA (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
With the support of the Italian National Committee

Discussant: Stefan BERGER (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Jaime Olmedo RAMOS (Director Técnico of the Diccionario Biográfico Español in the Real Academia de la Historia):
¿Qué cosa no es un diccionario biográfico? Errores y desenfoques en su recepción

ZIGORRAGA (Universidad del País Vasco):
Why and how national biography in the XXI Century?

Marco JORIO (Chief director of the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland):
From National Biography to Transnational Biography Portal

Fulvio CONTI
(Università degli Studi di Firenze):
Un popolo di poeti, di artisti, di eroi…”. Men and women in the Italian Dictionary of Biography
Marja JALAVA (University of Helsinki):
 Reparation of Historical Injustices or Forced Integration? – The Role of Minorities in the National Biography of Finland Vol. II

C. W. (Mineke) BOSCH (University of Groningen):
Writing the national biographical dictionaries: a gender perspective

cf. Biographie-Portal / Biographical Portal  -  Neue Deutsche Biographie

Información histórico-biográfica en línea,
Creado y administrado por Bernhard Ebneth
Diccionarios nacionales e internacionales en medios electrónicos

Historisch-biographische Informationsmittel,
Erstellt und bearbeitet von Bernhard Ebneth
Nationale und internationale biographische Lexika in elektronischen Medien


Mapping historical networks:
Building the new Austrian Prosopographical/Biographical Information System (APIS)

Instituto Cervantes Munich, Alfons-Goppel-Str. 7

Matej Ďurčo (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities - OEAW)
Christine Gruber (Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon - INZ - OEAW)

2015, July 16th

APIS is a joint project of Vorgestellt wird das Projekt von:

Es sollen spezifische Abfragemöglichkeiten und Analysewerkzeuge entwickelt,
Suchergebnisse visualisierbar und Personennetzwerke, Bewegungsprofile usw. abbildbar werden.
Zentrale Forschungsfragen, die das Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung einbringt, betreffen die
geographische Rekonstruktion der Wanderungsmuster, die demographische Analyse der Elitenwanderer und die
Perspektivenwechsel von einer Mikro- auf eine Makroebene. Das Österreichische Biographische Lexikon
wird damit zu einem digitalen Werkzeug der historischen Elitenforschung ausgebaut.


Biographie-Portal - Logo

Marcello Verga,
The National Biography Dictionaries.
The International Success (and the critical issues) of a model
of writing national History (XIX-XXI century),

Proposal for XXIInd CISH Congress, in Jinan, China 23 to 29 August 2015

Marcello Verga,
The Dictionary Is Dead, Long Live the Dictionary!
Biographical Collections in National Contexts,
  Setting the Standards. Institutions, Networks and
Communities of National Historiography
ed. by Ilaria Porciani and Jo Tollebeek,
Writing the NationWriting Series. National Histographies and the
Making of Nation States in the 19th and 20th Century Europe
, Basingstoke 2012
, po. 89-104
ISBN 978-0-230-5000051

Marcello Verga,
l Dizionario è morto. Viva i dizionari!
Note per uan storia dei dizionari biografici nazionali in Europa,
in: Storica, vol. 40, 2008, pp. 7-32
ISSN 1973-2236

Call for papers

National Biographies and National Identity:
a critical approach to theory and editorial practice,
ed. by Iain McCalman, Jodi Parvey & Misty Cook
ANU Humanities Research Centre, 1996


Deutsche Biographe / German Biography Portal

"Deutsche Biographie", the historical and biographical information system for the German-speaking world, is online now with extended features.
It includes digital full texts of more than 48,000 historical and biographical articles of the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB, 1875-1912) and the Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB, since 1953).
It includes various information from other biographical dictionaries as well as different online resources such as works and portraits.

"Deutsche Biographie" is r
ealized in cooperation with Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and supported by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Bundesarchiv, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Deutsches Museum München, Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, and
Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg.

Portale biografico

Joachim Whaley, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, vol. I, Oxford 2012, p. XIV:

"The Internet has made a wealth of biographical information accessible. The standard German (Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie and Neue Deutsche Biographie), Austrian (Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon), and Swiss (Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz) biographical dictionaries are searchable via the 'biography portal' at (accessed 4 May 2011)."

NDB Volume 25: Stadion – Tecklenborg

Edited by Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Publisher Duncker & Humblot

/ Book sources

Biographie-Portal - Logo

Deutsche Version       Versión en español

Sebastian Hierl, Europe in Bits & Bytes, in:
Western European Studies Section (WESS), Newsletter,
ed. by Western European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL),
a divison of the American Library Association (ALA),
Spring 2010, Vol. 33, no. 2
, German Resources:

"The "Biographie-Portal" or “Biographical Portal”
is a cooperative project of the Bavarian State Library, the Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities,
the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Foundation Historical Dictionary of Switzerland.
As such, it would qualify as a Pan-European project, but the focus is decidedly on German-language biographical resources
and it is, therefore, listed here. In sum, the "Biographie-Portal" provides a common search interface to the following well-known resources:

  • Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) [Universal German Biography]
  • Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) [New German Biography]
  • Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 (ÖBL) [Austrian Dictionary of Biography 1815–1950]
  • Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS) [Historical Dictionary of Switzerland]

In addition to this unified portal to biographical resources, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek has completed capturing the full text of the
Allgemeinen Deutschen Biographie (ADB) / Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Biographic entries on over 46,000 personalities are now searchable in full text through the site.

Comment by International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB)

  Jura Soyfer (1912-1939), Writer
100th birthday on 8 December 2012

Jura Soyfer Society

Biographie des Monats
des Instituts Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon
und biographische Dokumentation

Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950, Bd. 12 (2005), S. 438 f.

Neue Deutsche Biographie, Bd. 24 (2010), S. 607 f.

Nachlässe in Österreich - Personenlexikon

Österreichisches Musiklexikon

Bayerisches Musikerlexikon


Philology in the Digital Age:
2011 Annual Conference and Members' Meeting of the TEI Consortium

Universität Würzburg, 10. - 16. Oktober

Matthias Reinert: Application of TEI to a biographical dictionary (
Matthias Reinert / Thomas Riechert: Mapping metadata of TEI-encoded biographies to CIDOC-CRM

.hist 2011 – Geschichte im digitalen Wandel
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 14.-15. September 2011

Matthias Reinert: Normdatenbasierte Vernetzung (in) der Neuen Deutschen Biographie
Werkstattbericht: „Vernetztes Wissen / Semantic Web“

Deutsche Biographie becomes part of the LOD cloud

Workshop on June 27th at the Historical College in Munich
The AKSW group and the group of the New German Biography at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
presented their results of the LOD2-supported PUBLINK project

Persons - Data - Repositories

Workshop: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

27.–29. September 2010

Flyer  /  Deutsche Biographie: Abstract  /  Poster

International Conference

From Reference Work to Information System


Vom Nachschlagewerk zum Informationssystem

Wissenschaftliche Qualitätssicherung und Funktionalitätserweiterung

historisch-biographischer Lexika in elektronischen Medien


Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München

and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Historisches Kolleg and und der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Munich (Bavaria)

granted by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

2010, 25./27. February

Further information Akademie Aktuell 04/2009, p. 47 and  Jahresbericht der Historischen Kommission 2008, p. 48

 Neue Deutsche Biographie & Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie

Cumulated Index

Welcome to the web-site of the Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB / New German Biography)

The full text of all articles in the first 23 volumes, covering names from "Aachen" to "Schwarz" are also freely available on-line.

The NDB is a biographical dictionary published in German language by the Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and printed by Duncker & Humblot in Berlin. The NDB is the successor to the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). The currently most recent volume is the 24th, covering names from "Schwarz" to "Stader" was published in february 2010. Since 1953 more than 21,000 biographies of families and deceased persons who have had a significant impact on developments in scholarship, arts, technology, medicine, economics, politics or social life have been published. Only persons and families with a close relation to the German language area are recorded. Each individual article is signed by its author.

All NDB articles usually contain biographical, genealogical and bibliographical information such as date and place of birth, date and place of death, parents, marriages, divorces, number of children, alternate and birth names, academic degrees, a curriculum vitae in whole sentences, a valuation of the subject's political, economic, social, scientific, technical or artistic achievements, sources and a bibliography. An index cataloguing all articles is freely available on-line.


Sarah WENZEL, Europe in Bits & Bytes, in: Western European Studies Section (WESS), Newsletter, ed. by Western European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a divison of the American Library Association (ALA), Spring 2002, Vol. 25, no. 2, German Resources.

Sebastian HIERL, Europe in Bits & Bytes, in: Western European Studies Section (WESS), Newsletter, ed. by Western European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a divison of the American Library Association (ALA), Spring 2003, Vol. 26, no. 2, German Resources.

Sebastian HIERL, Europe in Bits & Bytes, in: Western European Studies Section (WESS), Newsletter, ed. by Western European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a divison of the American Library Association (ALA), Spring 2010, Vol. 33, no. 2, German Resources

Neue Deutsche Biographie - What's new, Version Juny 2021:


(1) Aims of the NDB

(2) Secondary Literature

(3) Notes of Guidance for Authors

(4) Available Volumes

(5) Subject Areas

(6) Staff

(7) Indexes

(8) Authors

(9) Further Biographical Dictionaries

(10) Example of Biographical Articel

(11) Selected List of Biographical Collected Editions 1992 - 1997

(12) Further Links

(13) Further Digital Biographical Information

Return to NDB

Return to Historical Commission

Return to Academy

Site created:  2002, December 24th
Site last updated:  2024, January 25th

Copyright © 1998-2024  Dr.  Bernhard Ebneth, Neue Deutsche Biographie, Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

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