noun as in remedy
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Example Sentences
Plus, a tasting of several nonalcoholic spritzes and elixirs for the sober and sober curious.
For the women behind the bar, they’re putting together tonics and elixirs with the power to heal, protect and nourish the human spirit.
Six days off before the World Series proved a much needed elixir for Freeman’s ankle, which is nowhere near fully healed but far more playable than it was in the first two rounds.
Trump cultural IBS is a real condition brought about by listening to Trump, his minions and those who wish to make money selling his snake oil elixirs at tent revivals across the nation.
For too many editors, the combination of Black criminality and exotic substances was a potent elixir, something that Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry Anslinger exploited in his openly racist public relations strategy and selective enforcement.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.